How will they rule ??!

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You’ll see a lot of increased wages as the tax burden is lessened, and even though that increases the payroll tax and income taxes from original cuts.......corporations are still saving money.

That’s how bad are tax system hit the corporations.

I also expect a lot of more new business coming home over the next year.
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[laughing] Actually, I just ignored your desperation. I've beaten you into submission. You're forced to resort to fat jokes. Thanks for proving my point. You're a dimwit. The lamest of lames. Happy Holidays.

Says increasingly nervous fat man for 10th time this thread.
You’ll see a lot of increased wages as the tax burden is lessened, and even though that increases the payroll tax and income taxes from original cuts.......corporations are still saving money.

That’s how bad are tax system hit the corporations.

I also expect a lot of more new business coming home over the next year.
Hope ur rite krazy.
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Experts fear alien invasion would be more like 'Independence Day' than 'E.T.'

Retired U.S. Army major Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. and author of "Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate — America's Psychic Espionage Program," who was trained in psychic espionage — yes, the US Army had a unit devoted to teaching soldiers to use ESP to spy on foreign governments — told me there may be several possibilities for the new international openness about UFOs.

Their reasons could be calculated — and perhaps scary.

"My contacts [retired military and scientists under contract to the government] say there might be a very real threat," Smith said. "These aliens, they claim, are not necessarily like 'E.T.,' but seem more like 'Independence Day.' In other words, less friendly and less interested in our well-being. The government may be looking either to expand its base of knowledge or to prepare people for something.

"You could lobby all day and they wouldn't budge [on releasing UFO information], so the real question is 'why' they're willing to allow it now? There might be a serious concern that this thing is a real threat."
If you gave up itemized deductions and your exemptions then that credit doesn't equal $2,000 more in your pocket. Of course this administration can easily convince the math skill lacking followers that it will.
Right! I haven't been able to itemize the past couple of years myself, not enough mortgage interest anymore. The thing is, I fully expect it to be good for me and my family with stock buybacks and dividend appreciation but that doesn't mean it's better for the middle class in general. But Fifth Third Bank is a local company and if they make a difference in local wages, it's awesome! Although my wife's bank has been giving bonuses and wage increases all 4 years she's been there.
Hope ur rite krazy.

My company is discussing raises for Jan 1 after review of how the tax system changes impact them. We are private and a 3B company, and we operate very very cheap. So any financial intelligence at all tells me if we are looking at it to benefit the owners/corporate then most companies are as well.

Being in sales and commission based I was told my benefit would be 99.9% in form of profit share on top of 25% match(up to 5000). They are literally trying to find ways to shed profits going into next year.

TBH I will believe it when I see it because all of our buildings are owned and debt free and our “rent” goes up every year regardless of value or improvements, and that seems like the greedy way to reduce profits.
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We already had this discussion before. You were busted copying most of your tirades and shit from /pol/ lol.

But in all seriousness


I'm seriously concerned about your weight. How fat are you?

Co-morbidity essentially

I believe there's an intangible "happy so / peace of man ne" element to good health too

WHO Actually includes "social health" as a component as well

All kinds nds of outliers and anomalies out there too
I dont' know if this is your alt account or an admirer. considering it was lame and didn't make sense, it was probably the former.
Apparently, you are not as smart as you think you are. I am he who I have always been and not the poster you are arguing with. I was only making an observation based on your past postings and you missed the point of the post. It is OK though given your lack of the ability to understand.
The CDC of all places? If he were alive, George Carlin would have a field day with this.

Please stop spreading fake news. Also, notice how it's always some liberal rag littered with 'super secret anonymous sources' and always negative for Trump? I assure you, it's not an honest mistake, or a coincidence. It's a circle jerk of Trump hate. They are not longer objective journalists. None of them. They're political activists.

They're all ate up with TDS and play one big game of telephone. For instance, WaPo first reported the story you linked above, and without finding their own sources, or independently verifying WaPo's sources/story, Yahoo, like many others, just piggybacked off of WaPo. That's not journalism, but they don't care as long as it's bad for Trump.

Then, the next thing you know, fake news is plastered on the pages of dozens of mainstream 'news' websites, while the peons eat it up and spread it far and wide. Come correction time, it gets zero attention and the peons barely even notice, still repeating the lies as if they were facts. Mission accomplished. You've been bamboozled... again.

There Is No Ban on Words at the CDC

On Friday, the Washington Post reported that the Trump administration had banned certain scientific words from use at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to an unnamed, outraged CDC source, higher-ups instructed staffers to avoid seven phrases in budget documents: vulnerable, entitlement, diversity, transgender, fetus, evidence-based, and science-based.

In the days since, editorials have likened this to censorship in China, Cuba, and Belarus; to Polish laws prohibiting certain language to describe the Holocaust; and to the totalitarian regime described in 1984.* Follow-up reports said the “irrational and very dangerous” policy on budget language might put “millions of lives in danger” with its “an astonishing attack on reality-based medical treatment.”

But if reality is indeed in danger here, it’s not because of Donald Trump. The story of the language rules at CDC has quickly broken free of underlying facts. Despite what you may have heard, the alleged “ban” of seven words does not reveal a secret “War on Science” carried out by thought police in Washington; nor is it some evil plot to “enforce a political and ideological agenda,” as the Washington Posteditorial board suggested.

A more sober measure of this soggy crumb of news—one that’s, well, evidence-based rather than reflexive—suggests it should be understood as a byproduct of the Trump administration’s much-less-secret war on science funding. It appears that it is an attempt by bureaucrats to save their favorite projects from unforgiving budget cuts.

Revealed: Bogus 'Trump Banned Words at the CDC' Story Was Rooted in Suggested Guidelines From Liberal Bureaucrats

If you're just joining this flap, here's a short recap: Late last week, it was reported that Trump administration officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had sought to "ban" words they deemed to be controversial, including "transgender" and "fetus." This sparked an immediate outcry, as Orwellian censorship rarely plays well with the American people. The Trump-hostile media were in full throat, pounding the table against this anti-science outrage. The original story ("forbidden words") appeared in the Washington Post, then spread like wildfire.

Prominent Democrats and leftists quickly piled on, and just a few hours ago, the Baltimore Sun promulgated the story in an op/ed. As someone who co-authored an entire book arguing against the stifling of political speech, the initial details of this contretemps, as originally reported, were concerning to me.

Many conservatives were rightly aghast when the Obama administration insisted upon euphemisms (overseas contigency operations, workplace violence, etc) and censorship ("Islam" and "jihad") to airbrush national conversations about serious issues. It seemed to me that if the Trump administration were doing something similar here, we should push back.

Additionally, the New York Times quoted administration sources who debunked the "ban" claim, explaining that the new guidelines were merely (non-mandatroy) suggestions about how to present topics in budget-related documents, notscientific or medical content. In other words, the justifications for media hyperventilation over alleged Trump-imposed authoritarian word purges were slowly falling apart. But it gets even worse. Writing at National Review, former Bush administration official Yuval Levin did some digging and has now revealed the perfect punchline for this sadly-typical episode of journalistic laziness and confirmation bias. The anti-Trump narrative was "too good to check," then disintegrated completely when someone finally bothered to check.

The "banned" words were never banned, and were dreamed up as part of a list of suggested guidelines for budget documents by career (non-Trump-appointed) bureaucrats who were trying to avoid 'triggering' Congressional Republicans through the inclusion of those terms. So this entire freakout was based on comprehensively fake news -- yet it's virtually guaranteed that multiple days of dramatic news stories and breathless social media posts left a widespread and false impression on millions of news consumers. Many Americans do not trust the press for precisely this reason, and Trump-hostile journalists keep soiling their own reputations by reporting and repeating overwrought or totally inaccurate stories that happen to align with their pre-existing biases.
Please stop spreading fake news. Also, notice how it's always some liberal rag littered with 'super secret anonymous sources' and always negative for Trump? I assure you, it's not an honest mistake, or a coincidence. It's a circle jerk of Trump hate. They are not longer objective journalists. None of them. They're political activists.

They're all ate up with TDS and play one big game of telephone. For instance, WaPo first reported the story you linked above, and without finding their own sources, or independently verifying WaPo's sources/story, Yahoo, like many others, just piggybacked off of WaPo. That's not journalism, but they don't care as long as it's bad for Trump.

Then, the next thing you know, fake news is plastered on the pages of dozens of mainstream 'news' websites, while the peons eat it up and spread it far and wide. Come correction time, it gets zero attention and the peons barely even notice, still repeating the lies as if they were facts. Mission accomplished. You've been bamboozled... again.

There Is No Ban on Words at the CDC

On Friday, the Washington Post reported that the Trump administration had banned certain scientific words from use at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to an unnamed, outraged CDC source, higher-ups instructed staffers to avoid seven phrases in budget documents: vulnerable, entitlement, diversity, transgender, fetus, evidence-based, and science-based.

In the days since, editorials have likened this to censorship in China, Cuba, and Belarus; to Polish laws prohibiting certain language to describe the Holocaust; and to the totalitarian regime described in 1984.* Follow-up reports said the “irrational and very dangerous” policy on budget language might put “millions of lives in danger” with its “an astonishing attack on reality-based medical treatment.”

But if reality is indeed in danger here, it’s not because of Donald Trump. The story of the language rules at CDC has quickly broken free of underlying facts. Despite what you may have heard, the alleged “ban” of seven words does not reveal a secret “War on Science” carried out by thought police in Washington; nor is it some evil plot to “enforce a political and ideological agenda,” as the Washington Posteditorial board suggested.

A more sober measure of this soggy crumb of news—one that’s, well, evidence-based rather than reflexive—suggests it should be understood as a byproduct of the Trump administration’s much-less-secret war on science funding. It appears that it is an attempt by bureaucrats to save their favorite projects from unforgiving budget cuts.

Revealed: Bogus 'Trump Banned Words at the CDC' Story Was Rooted in Suggested Guidelines From Liberal Bureaucrats

If you're just joining this flap, here's a short recap: Late last week, it was reported that Trump administration officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) had sought to "ban" words they deemed to be controversial, including "transgender" and "fetus." This sparked an immediate outcry, as Orwellian censorship rarely plays well with the American people. The Trump-hostile media were in full throat, pounding the table against this anti-science outrage. The original story ("forbidden words") appeared in the Washington Post, then spread like wildfire.

Prominent Democrats and leftists quickly piled on, and just a few hours ago, the Baltimore Sun promulgated the story in an op/ed. As someone who co-authored an entire book arguing against the stifling of political speech, the initial details of this contretemps, as originally reported, were concerning to me.

Many conservatives were rightly aghast when the Obama administration insisted upon euphemisms (overseas contigency operations, workplace violence, etc) and censorship ("Islam" and "jihad") to airbrush national conversations about serious issues. It seemed to me that if the Trump administration were doing something similar here, we should push back.

Additionally, the New York Times quoted administration sources who debunked the "ban" claim, explaining that the new guidelines were merely (non-mandatroy) suggestions about how to present topics in budget-related documents, notscientific or medical content. In other words, the justifications for media hyperventilation over alleged Trump-imposed authoritarian word purges were slowly falling apart. But it gets even worse. Writing at National Review, former Bush administration official Yuval Levin did some digging and has now revealed the perfect punchline for this sadly-typical episode of journalistic laziness and confirmation bias. The anti-Trump narrative was "too good to check," then disintegrated completely when someone finally bothered to check.

The "banned" words were never banned, and were dreamed up as part of a list of suggested guidelines for budget documents by career (non-Trump-appointed) bureaucrats who were trying to avoid 'triggering' Congressional Republicans through the inclusion of those terms. So this entire freakout was based on comprehensively fake news -- yet it's virtually guaranteed that multiple days of dramatic news stories and breathless social media posts left a widespread and false impression on millions of news consumers. Many Americans do not trust the press for precisely this reason, and Trump-hostile journalists keep soiling their own reputations by reporting and repeating overwrought or totally inaccurate stories that happen to align with their pre-existing biases.

Liberals can't think for themselves and they are the least informed people in this country.

Despite their rampant narcissism and inflated sense of higher education, they are the dumbest bastards on this planet
Right! I haven't been able to itemize the past couple of years myself, not enough mortgage interest anymore. The thing is, I fully expect it to be good for me and my family with stock buybacks and dividend appreciation but that doesn't mean it's better for the middle class in general. But Fifth Third Bank is a local company and if they make a difference in local wages, it's awesome! Although my wife's bank has been giving bonuses and wage increases all 4 years she's been there.

Have you actually run the numbers or does the media just have you convinced you won't benefit personally from the tax cuts?