How will they rule ??!

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It is how she made that $29 million. Tax payer money manipulated in a way that politicians wind up with it. Why do you think they (the left) is so upset. Now they are going to have to steal from some place else.
Biggest reason these old farts stay in Congress sooo loonnggg. I’m looking at you too Mitch
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I saw a supposed conservative blogger, Jennifer Rubin, from WaPo, scoffing at $75 meaning anything to people saving.

What a huge disconnect these people from the coasts have to normal people. That $75 would pay my cell phone bill or for Internet and one of my utility bills.
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It is how she made that $29 million. Tax payer money manipulated in a way that politicians wind up with it. Why do you think they (the left) is so upset. Now they are going to have to steal from some place else.

So when she says theft, she’s techincally not lying. People are “stealing” money from her that she stole from them to begin with.

I saw a supposed conservative blogger, Jennifer Rubin, from WaPo, scoffing at $75 meaning anything to people saving.

What a huge disconnect these people from the coast have to normal people. That $75 would pay my cell phone bill or for Internet and one of my utility bills.

Exactly. It must be nice to be in a position where $75 is something to scoff at. I’d be happy to get $20 more than I am now. That’s a full tank of gas I didn’t have last year.

EDIT: on top of that, if you have children how can you spin that one? I have 2 kids. I get an extra $2,000 I didn’t receive last year. That will go along way.
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Regardless of the amount saved under the new tax bill, the question becomes: who would I rather have the savings, the gov't or myself?

BTW, if you answer anything other than "myself", then you're an idiot.
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Fun Soviet Union propaganda that amuses me. Crush faith in God, separate families and influence through work and government schools so that only the government is your god. Hmm, who does that sound like?


And who is it that always hates capitalism? If only we got rid of capitalism, everything would be great.




But hey, there's no Democrats that are Communists...not at all. Why would you think that?
Frankly, couldn't stand Trump in Summer of '16 & as a person, still can't. Dropped membership in Pub Party when he was nominated. Never could support HRC & planned to write-in. In last days b4 election, finally decided I had to do anything I could to stop HRC, thinking it was futile, & voted for DT. Man, am I ever glad I did. But still think he's a prick.
Never met a "centrist" or "independent" that wasn't actually a leftist. Never.

I’m one. I’m independent but get mistaken for a republican all the time. I’ve said many times I’m no fan of the GOP, but hard left liberals are clearly batshit crazy.

And I did vote for Trump because I saw he was going to put America first. And he wasn’t a career politician. A lot of people say that’s bad... but not me.
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The president had declared a State of Emergency as of yesterday

You should read some of the text in the letter -

I THINK this is about unleashing the DOJ and other entities against those who are "team NWO"

I HOPE they go after Obama for interfering with US policy while on foreign soil (France recently where he publicly denounced a lack of leadership in the US)

Thereby be some other stuff related to money going to known Arabia terror groups as well....

Hillarynsupposedly receiving "return fire" as well?

Well have to wait and see but once signed into such a state the executive branch can suspend the
Constitution / declare martial law etc

Or -- they can use the procedural declaration to justify emergency funds and perhaps redirect our vast defense sipply chain where needed --

There's a damn metric ton of executive orders on the books that span multiple Presidents outlining more specific powers

(Seizure personal vehicles - commandeering public and private communion systems
- militarization of all ports - assigning authoritu to the. POSTAL SYSTEM to "register" all citizens- lots more

Hopefully we're not heading that way

Simultaneous reports of us military preparing a limited but preemtive strike on North Koreas nuke capabilities -

Theoretically it could be done
I'd bet my stratocaster that we'd be using asymmetrical weapons in the process
Lol at Trump's tweet. Leakin James Comey. I'd rather him stay off Twitter unless it's a very focused controlled message, but I do enjoy the comedic value of his nicknames
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The president had declared a State of Emergency as of yesterday

You should read some of the text in the letter -

I THINK this is about unleashing the DOJ and other entities against those who are "team NWO"

I HOPE they go after Obama for interfering with US policy while on foreign soil (France recently where he publicly denounced a lack of leadership in the US)

Thereby be some other stuff related to money going to known Arabia terror groups as well....

Hillarynsupposedly receiving "return fire" as well?

Well have to wait and see but once signed into such a state the executive branch can suspend the
Constitution / declare martial law etc

Or -- they can use the procedural declaration to justify emergency funds and perhaps redirect our vast defense sipply chain where needed --

There's a damn metric ton of executive orders on the books that span multiple Presidents outlining more specific powers

(Seizure personal vehicles - commandeering public and private communion systems
- militarization of all ports - assigning authoritu to the. POSTAL SYSTEM to "register" all citizens- lots more

Hopefully we're not heading that way

Simultaneous reports of us military preparing a limited but preemtive strike on North Koreas nuke capabilities -

Theoretically it could be done
I'd bet my stratocaster that we'd be using asymmetrical weapons in the process

Is he bringing in Hogan to take on Hall and Nash? He better be damn sure HH can be trusted.
Joy Villa is being exposed as a fraud. That's nice. It was pointed out that she was a Scientologist but more and more of her past tweets and pics have come out.

She took advantage of a growing movement to get her name out there. Plenty of douchebags do the same- Mile Cernovich is another who is an opportunist.
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Not sure what to make about the drone pic's of UN vehicles appearing in Maryland (and possibly Chicago)

That's ripple that used to run through the alt-media landscape somewhat regularly

and I think we may have routine agreements in some places to help with maintenance on some of that stuff so there can be other reasons why that stuff was spotted

NYC deploying massive security teams / resources though

NATO continues to garrison and maneuver around various points of Russia's border (including US personnel in places like Poland, Denmark and Norway last time I checked)

The #'s are inconsequential though

There are something like 300 marines training in Norway
One of their flag officers makes a public comment about "a war coming" and how that 300 # can suddenly be 3000 overnight

3000 Marines?
A few squadrons of F 16's and Naval presence in the Black Sea
We're now shipping tactical weaponry into Ukraine as well

But all that points to one of 3 possible things IMO

1) our defense intel anticipates a limited conflict with Russia - likely isolated to Ukraine ,,,,,, otherwise you'd be seeing "OH SHIT" deployments and reservists being called up etc......

2) we expect a conflict but have no intention of keeping it symmetrical / conventional

3) We're posturing (and perhaps drumming up defense dollars)

I was deeply opposed to Obama's deployment to the Russian borders and I'm equally opposed *and perplexed* by the Trump admin maintaining that stance

If you live near a military base - watch for changes to their posted THREATCON levels (Alpha is the lowest Charlie can mean attack anticipated and Delta means attack is imminent or actually underway)

-- they may call it FPCON now and not THREATCON -- either way -- it's a way of reporting changes to local military security posture and procedures

I wish I still had a good way to know if the DEFCON level was changing
That's a big indicator

5 is peace
1 is imminent war (and likely nuclear)

Highest we've EVER been was "2" during the Cuban Missile Crisis
(9.11 attacks took us to DEFCON 3)
I read the Stars and Stripes a lot when I was stationed overseas -- even got a few opinion pieces in there

I keep them in my online 'matrix' these days as well

You can sometimes pick up little details by reading the appropriate theater (Euro / Pac) for that mag

Recent article about the Ft Hood armor that deployed was interesting - making lots of noise right up near the DMZ as well


watch for unusual events in NK
Earthquakes -- power outages -- student like events

China continues to position themselves militarily in the S/C/S
Japan looking at creating new military strike 'capabilities' in the Pacific

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