How will they rule ??!

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I beg any socialist to point to a successful socialist country please!

"That's not real socialism. This is how it really works."

My favorite one they do is point to Scandinavian countries as a way it will work. Never mind all of them combined come out to about the size of Texas, they ignore about a thousand different factors.

But you know what's funny about the left? They tell you how awesome multiculturaism is yet always point to nations that are more white when discussing how they want to be and they only threaten to move to more white areas.

You'll never see a leftist say they're moving to an Arab or African country or to a place like Mexico.
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Trump, at Joint Base Andrews leaving DC for Christmas, gets off of M1 to board AF1, surprisingly goes off course and walks over to shake hands and/or takes selfies with of every single one of the service personal, and their children, that came out to watch him leave.

Honestly I wasn’t too sure about him being our president, I simply didn’t want Hillary. I was a little worried about him. Now I realize that he just gets it.
The UN placed Saudi Arabia on the council that address Women's Rights

What has the UN EVER DONE that made the world a better place?

I KNOW they're involved in a lot of stuff and I formally studied their reform efforts in the early 2009's as my undergraduate 'capstone project' ..... but I honestly can't think of any meaningful accomplishments they can claim

The Korean War?
THAT sucked

They were essentially inert throughout the Cold War and unable to influence the WARSAW/NATO partitioned planet

they kicked off a "United Religions initiative" in the mid 90's but that's not led to anything tangible (although I believe you're going to see that effort return soon)

They've tried multiple global taxation schemes (omni tax, tariffs on international flights etc) .... they've tried to prevent hostilities ,,,,their Peacekeepers were caught raping refugees in Africa

They wanted to 'democratize' the security council and get rid of the veto power of "the Big 5" but that didn't go anywhere (this is becoming an issue again if you notice)

and now were talking about them DEPLOYING into Chicago
(some reports are suggesting hardware is already showing up)

& I TRULY hope they do .....

But you have the answer as to how to make something work that has never worked before?

One of the first problems you run into when you try to talk about Socialism is ..... HOW DO YOU DEFINE IT?

I go by what their founding fathers SAID it was

It's a TEMPORARY evolutionary state that is designed to lead to Communism

It's more than just an economic arrangement too - it comes with Marx's "Dialectical Materialism" as the foundation that informs their convictions and actions

In ir's original form Socialism is part and parcel with Atheism and the acknowledgement that morals and any sense of right/wrong no longer exist

Engels was very clear about the need to destroy the traditional family
And both agreed that violent conflict with opposition was unavoidable (and even necessary)

And there's where the Shitstorm starts to form

Solzhenitsyn talked about how westerners who admire Socialism and Communism are like children playing with fire who have NO IDEA that it can burn

If you read "A Warning to the West" you'll see where he implored the US and Britain to watch out for how the Communists will change their tone and talk about peace / cooperation etc

But their goals of world domination have never changed

Ending US sovereignty and the role of the Dollar as world reserve currency is their main near term goal IMO
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"That's not real socialism. This is how it really works."

My favorite one they do is point to Scandinavian countries as a way it will work. Never mind all of them combined come out to about the size of Texas, they ignore about a thousand different factors.

But you know what's funny about the left? They tell you how awesome multiculturaism is yet always point to nations that are more white when discussing how they want to be and they only threaten to move to more white areas.

You'll never see a leftist say they're moving to an Arab or African country or to a place like Mexico.

If anyone tells you that sexual distinctions aren't real or necessary
Then they must also agree that a man can smack the snot out of a woman who initiatives violence

Because -- there's suddenly no reason that THATS a bad thing

"That's not real socialism. This is how it really works."

My favorite one they do is point to Scandinavian countries as a way it will work. Never mind all of them combined come out to about the size of Texas, they ignore about a thousand different factors.

But you know what's funny about the left? They tell you how awesome multiculturaism is yet always point to nations that are more white when discussing how they want to be and they only threaten to move to more white areas.

You'll never see a leftist say they're moving to an Arab or African country or to a place like Mexico.

Also - people rarely factor in the artificial economic environment for "Western Socialist" in the Cold War

their defense budgets were much lower than they would have to have been to resist the USSR

because we paid for it and stood ready at the Fulda Gap etc etc etc
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"Coming next fall, Princess Tiffany who was Prince Todd before her transition, faces insurmountable odds in her quest to overcome ignorance and change the hate-filled hearts of her people..."

So this has been a great week for Trump. Hope he shuts it down for the holidays. Just post a Merry Christmas tweet and don't give the media anything else to talk about. Eff em. Go out on 2017 on a high note.

Let the Obama stuff get hammered by Fox and company.

Speaking of that, earlier today, Twitter took this off the trending list but made #AddTrumpRuinanXMass song (just about as juvenile as possible).

94k mentions and counting and falls off the list? K.
Honestly I wasn’t too sure about him being our president, I simply didn’t want Hillary. I was a little worried about him. Now I realize that he just gets it.

Stuff like this is what the Dems don't get. Obama didn't get it. Hillary.. forget about it. She had pure disdain for the serving men.
He keeps doing stuff like this, appreciating the lil guy and he'll win again..

Had the mother wanted to kill this child just before birth, Dems would've cheered it. But now it's important because maybe they can score some political points.

Also, I'm guessing these SAME people are still fuming over Elian Gonzalez......

That's what kills me. I can tolerate their positions since I actually agree with some of those. It's the hypocrisy I can't stand.