How will they rule ??!

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In other words, I can't refute his argument so I'm going to call names and go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the original point.

Let me make it real easy for your small brain to understand. Passing stricter gun laws won't stop everyone who wants to be a mass murderer but it will make it harder for them to do so and it could stop some from getting the weaponry needed to kill and injure hundreds of people.

A border wall won't stop people who are determined to come in but it would make it harder for them to do so and deter many others. The argument by the right is that a border wall will stop illegal immigration. It will not.

100% determent is not the requirement for passing any laws.

Also not in the constitution is that the 2nd amendment is an absolute right that can't be regulated in any way whatsoever.

Mass killings went up after the expiration of the assault weapons ban. Regulating assault weapons and magazine size saves lives. I'm shocked since lives are sooo important to the right that they are against saving lives.
Isn't this the first mass shooting with assault weapons?
Dude, I didn't coin the phrase. A rose is a rose regardless what we call it.
I can google "Trickle down" and get 1000s of hits, many of them from Forbes, Wall Street Journal and dozens if not hundreds of other newspapers and business journals.

William Jennings Bryan first made reference to the idea when he said; "There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it."

The phrase "trickle down" was originally coined by Will Rogers. It was revived by GHW Bush during the 1980 GOP primary campaign. You know, I know and most everyone alive knows to what the term refers.

There is no requirement that a theory appear in an academic reference to exist. And it is dishonest to claim that a theory doesn't exist if the same ideas are represented under different synonyms. The fact that anyone can refer to "Trickle down theory" and you know exactly what is meant proves that it does indeed exist.
You didn't coin it nor do you understand it. You want to tax us into prosperity and that makes you a fool. Along with other things of course.
In other words, I can't refute his argument so I'm going to call names and go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the original point.

Let me make it real easy for your small brain to understand. Passing stricter gun laws won't stop everyone who wants to be a mass murderer but it will make it harder for them to do so and it could stop some from getting the weaponry needed to kill and injure hundreds of people.

A border wall won't stop people who are determined to come in but it would make it harder for them to do so and deter many others. The argument by the right is that a border wall will stop illegal immigration. It will not.

100% determent is not the requirement for passing any laws.

Also not in the constitution is that the 2nd amendment is an absolute right that can't be regulated in any way whatsoever.

Mass killings went up after the expiration of the assault weapons ban. Regulating assault weapons and magazine size saves lives. I'm shocked since lives are sooo important to the right that they are against saving lives.
In other words, I can't refute his argument so I'm going to call names and go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the original point.

Let me make it real easy for your small brain to understand. Passing stricter gun laws won't stop everyone who wants to be a mass murderer but it will make it harder for them to do so and it could stop some from getting the weaponry needed to kill and injure hundreds of people.

A border wall won't stop people who are determined to come in but it would make it harder for them to do so and deter many others. The argument by the right is that a border wall will stop illegal immigration. It will not.

100% determent is not the requirement for passing any laws.

Also not in the constitution is that the 2nd amendment is an absolute right that can't be regulated in any way whatsoever.

Mass killings went up after the expiration of the assault weapons ban. Regulating assault weapons and magazine size saves lives. I'm shocked since lives are sooo important to the right that they are against saving lives.

It's very tough to refute very stupid arguments. So yeah, I'll give you that.

What law changes would you propose that would have stopped this guy? (And no, I don't accept the notion his weapons injured hundreds of people unless you give me proof - people could have been trampled like a Who concert)

I've repeatedly said (search the thread) the wall is a symbolic waste of money. So comparing that to him laws is appropriate, albeit probably not the response you're looking to get from me.

You can take my guns from my cold dead hands. Yeah, there's a constitutional test for when rights can be infringed. I think it's some sort of balance, although I'm far removed from Con Law. If it were up to me, all Americans would have the same access to weaponry as our military. If you have the disposable income for an F-16, have at it.

I'll need a citatiom for your last paragraph if you're saying lifting any sort of ban caused anything.
You didn't coin it nor do you understand it. You want to tax us into prosperity and that makes you a fool. Along with other things of course.
I support the same tax policy as Warren Buffet and you think that makes me a fool.

I think we all know the real fool here and it ain't me.
The plot was busted in the summer of 2016. Could be coincidence, could be something to it. Car bombings and shooting up concert venues could have been attack methods called for online...which would make one wonder whether Paddock was involved online.
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Thwarted Isis attack in New York had same plan as Paddock. Coincidence?
Since I've not seen a lot on this more current thwarted attack I just googled "thwarted ISIS attack new York" and there are stories from 2015, 2016 and 2017 that all appear pretty similar. Plans on attacking New Years Eve, music and sports venue crowds.
Seems as if it was today. 1 American, 1 Canadian and 1 Phillipino.

It was breaking news on CNN then they went back to Trumps "you'll see" comments
The plot was busted in the summer of 2016. Could be coincidence, could be something to it. Car bombings and shooting up concert venues could have been attack methods called for online...which would make one wonder whether Paddock was involved online.

Creepy. A dude in Philippines was helping fund it.

I'm woke now. This was over a year ago.

When paddock bought all his guns.
Ha, it's really weird CNN broke it as Breaking news when it was last year. Extremely odd to me with all that's going on.
Creepy. A dude in Philippines was helping fund it.

I'm woke now. This was over a year ago.

When paddock bought all his guns.

Some news that I heard through the day was that the FBI jumped in right away to take over the investigation. Andrew McCabe and his DC cronies leaving the Vegas FBI guys and the local PD pissed off.

3 Charged in Alleged ISIS-Inspired Plot to Target New York Concerts, Landmarks, Subways: Feds

Russell Salic, a 37-year-old Philippines citizen

Salic, who allegedly wired money to the U.S. to fund the attack, was arrested in his home country.
Holy cow he's dumb AND racist.

Biden has always been dumb but got a pass. Palin got taken to the shed for anything she said even if it wasn't dumb. They attributed Tina Fey's sketch to actual Palin quotes. They mocked her when you actually can see Russia from a part of Alaska. Biden, on the other hand, said tons of dumb stuff and is the creepy old guy and never gets bashed.
Went down to the West Side Nut Club Fall Festival this evening.

Water-filled barricades and fire engines blocking both ends of the street, LEOs aplenty and openly strapped with AR's, assault Hummers and officers on rooftops. Evansville is not ****ing around.

I was impressed.

damn. my kid is with my mom for the weekend. they have been there all afternoon and night tonight. glad securtiy is what it is, just sad we are at this point.
You know what would be great? The left has written their typical garbage about white men and guns but what happens if it turns out to be a hardcore leftist? What's the narrative then after digging themselves into such a dramatic issue?

And if white guys and guns suck so bad then why is it Middle America and conservative areas aren't even close to the violent crime that Dem cities produce?
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Great example of race-on-the-brain so many have. I mean how can shoe laces in a package be construed as a noose without a lot of leaps thought? It's a shame so many let this thought pattern dominate their lives.

"they found “the object was a packaged leather shoelace and not a noose,” MSU spokesman Jason Cody said in a news release, adding that the shoelaces “are packaged in a way that someone could perceive them to look similar to a noose.”

Really, they could look like a noose? Thin little shoe laces? In a package? GMAB.

"MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon released a statement Wednesday morning saying she was “distressed” after finding out “a student reported a noose was hung outside of her room.” Simon commended the student’s “courage” for reporting the “racial incident” and put out a clear message"

She should be fired.