How will they rule ??!

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I certainly doubt anyone is stupid enough to harass the daughter of an incredibly powerful man and Barrack Obama.

Just purposefully ignorant. When you look at the media and politicians, the Dems are universally in lockstep. Out of ~250 dems in congress did even one break from the establishment and back sanders? No newspapers did. There were many Reps in conservative media and congress that did not back and still criticize DT. There so many examples but I am tired and you are a DNC whore sooo

This. Both parties have agendas but dems are driven by their agenda above all else. Hell, if you look over the years it's always republicans crossing the aisle to work with/appease democrats. Obamacare would be gone if republicans operated like democrats.
I don't think anyone is angry at Kimmel because of the shooting. They just think he's ignorant and uses his platform to advocate his political views.
my favorite was when all the videos of planned parenthood selling baby parts came out and jimmy started crying like a little phaggot about Cecil the lion. What a phony. I bet we could make tons of medical advancements if we dissected his kid
Yeah, I thought the article was reaching quite a bit. Just because a similar type of substance was found in NYC, doesn't mean it had anything to do with Paddock.
Sometimes they point these things out because there were online pushes by terror networks to use certain methods/mixes...or maybe they are saying he saw those rpts and tried a copycat formula.

He is starting to sound like a guy that would've loved to be the leading mastermind a terror cell, had he any social skills to pull in followers is doubtful...his cause is also a mystery.
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The pussy hat guy sure resembles him, at the least. Hard to 100% tell that is him even zoomed in, but it does look like him.

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Hahaha, does anyone really celebrate Columbus day?

I used to celebrate it when it was negotiated into the contract as a paid holiday with the company i worked for.
Unfortunately, three years later it was negotiated out of the new contract.
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Since we can't prevent people from getting over the border if they really want to, we obviously don't need a wall. This is the right's gun restriction argument in a nutshell. Matter of fact, since criminals do things anyways, we shouldn't even have laws. The brilliance of the right shining through again!
Since we can't prevent people from getting over the border if they really want to, we obviously don't need a wall. This is the right's gun restriction argument in a nutshell. Matter of fact, since criminals do things anyways, we shouldn't even have laws. The brilliance of the right shining through again!

Since we can't prevent people from getting over the border if they really want to, we obviously don't need a wall. This is the right's gun restriction argument in a nutshell. Matter of fact, since criminals do things anyways, we shouldn't even have laws. The brilliance of the right shining through again!

Constitution peruse it.
Cardkilla is mentally retarded.

To this point in my life I haven't seen the Constitutional Amendment that allows Mexicans to invade the US. Cardkilla may be right and it might be there, but I haven't seen it.

Furthermore there are gun laws set in place. It's not like you can legally purchase fully automatic weapons and RPGs.

We have laws in place and when they are broken the people that commit the crimes are punished. If you illegally own a gun and are found out, there are punishments. You shoot someone outside of self defense, there are punishments.

And the flip side to cardkillas argument never gets answered. What if people start using vehicles more frequently to kill people. Do we outlaw or make it nearly impossible to own a vehicle? If a person does obtain a RPG and kills several in a crowd... what's to blame then? It's a tired and played out argument. Anything can be a weapon.
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Lol, this guy is such a clown.

I never watched the traditional late night shows much. Would on occasion or would catch a funny video on youtube like fallon's hashtags or when conan had bill burr on, but man everybody thinks they are so damn important now they gotta be political activists. For the most part viewers want to get away from that. However politically minded you are, you have your time you think about that either in reading articles or watching certain programs and most people when they leave their 'political time' want to think about anything but politics.

Hell, I remember when ESPN was nothing more then sportscasters trying to be funny or establish catchphrases, now way too much of their content is liberal justice nonsense.

Going back to the liberal comedians, I know how bad they hate trump but damn find some restraint. The irony is the people who say Trump is unwise, has no restraint and is vulgar...attack him with some of the most over the top vulgar commentary we have ever seen or listened to. When Colbert said on a show that Trump's mouth was Putin's cock holster it was pathetic and I actually felt sorry for Colbert that his hatred had diminished him to that...Carson and Letterman and Leno made political jokes, but their focus for a show was the comedy not political rants and commentary and they didn't debase themselves in vulgarity.

Kimmel can be really funny. I thought his white house correspondents dinner speech while obama was president was one of the best performances by a comedian ever done at that venue...the reason he was funny at that event was his goal was to be funny, but now he is just an annoying activist. Some article mentioned recently that he and Schumer's office had been in contact on healthcare talking points...Trump has completely unhinged these people.
I'm a tad skeptical that this shooter was a Christian. In any event, when did Newsweek drop the center-left façade and go full-bore moonbat, right out in the open? This is the type of click bait foolishness that one expects from HuffPost or Salon.

The guy was as Christian as most of the Islamic terrorist are Muslim...or as most Americans are Christian. That is, if they had to check a box to identify their religion, that is the religion they would check. They aren't regularly in a church or Mosque, they don't tithe, they aren't active with any congregation performing regular community service. Holy days are more about a day off of work than whatever that holy day represents.

But thanks for the observation and once again proving the point that anytime anyone points out something that goes against the façade that most of the right-wing lives under that the first reaction is to call them far-left or in this case "full-bore moonbat".
I guess you've not noticed from the time the shooting occurred an effort by some of the right-wing to find some way to tie this guy to ISIS or Islamic terrorist.

My guess is that you only read the headlines and never read the story. It's a short one so here it goes...

"The killer was a white guy, a Christian by birth if not belief. He was not radical, just a crazed man given the means by the gun lobby to terrorize innocent concertgoers in Las Vegas on Sunday night, shooting to death 59 of them. Stephen C. Paddock was, by all accounts so far, an ordinary American. That is what most terrifies the right.

And so, some on the far right have convinced themselves that Paddock could not be what he seems, what the authorities say he is. They say facts—alternative facts, perhaps—will inevitably reveal the truth, even as mainstream media outlets do everything they can to skewer that reality, so as not to offend the sensibilities of coastal elites.

This is how America grieves and mourns in 2017"

What it is here that you find as "moonbat" is beyond me. It's a very accurate observation. No more, no less.