How will they rule ??!

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Because he upsets the apple cart for the reasons you listed.

If he isn’t made to look like a monster, the Dems are in trouble. They’ve counted on emotion and symbolism for the last 20 years to be elected.

The Harvey Weinstein situation perfectly represents the Dem leadership.
It’s wealthy people with a guilty conscience, to make up for it they throw money and entitlements to less fortunate. They aren’t worried about actually helping those people, it just makes them feel better.

Weinstein had no desire to stop his behavior, he could pay money to keep groups happy.
The state of the hierarchy of the left is absolutely ridiculous, pisses me off.
Watching the MSM almost in complete cover up mode on Weinstein, makes it easy to see who was getting paid off. Really is incredible how the MSM and Hollywood kept it quiet for over 20 years. I wonder what other secrets are being kept quiet? I doubt Weinstein is the only one doing shit like that.
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I think the only thing that prevents that would be if he dies - which isn't far fetched considering his age and the fact that he eats like a trash disposal. Other than that he will cruise to another win in 2020.

Even before he won the presidency, I read Ed Klein's book 'Guilty as Sin' in reference to corrupt Hillary and he flew with Trump for one interview on his private plane.

Said Trump would just eat cheeseburgers and watch the news. Then had like a legal pad and a sharpie and would scribble down some notes for a speech and then just wing it.

I think that's great. [laughing]
Even before he won the presidency, I read Ed Klein's book 'Guilty as Sin' in reference to corrupt Hillary and he flew with Trump for one interview on his private plane.

Said Trump would just eat cheeseburgers and watch the news. Then had like a legal pad and a sharpie and would scribble down some notes for a speech and then just wing it.

I think that's great. [laughing]

That sounds about right. Hahaha.
BULLSHIT you bastards! There absolutely is an apparent motive to the Vegas shooting. The son of a bitch is a mentally touched liberal. He acted out the feeling that most of the lib dickheads have...KILL WHITEY!!

I want someone to take a .50 cal twin mount on the back of a Ford F250 to the next bunch of dumbass negroes that think they have the right to block the road and spout shit about rights that they have no understanding of. Hopefully the requisite ******s will be there with them and get dropped as well.

White people were targeted. White people who understand that men have dicks and women do not have dicks. If you have to insult me to patronize these leaches, then I want you exterminated. You serve NO useful purpose. Parasite. You exist off the fruit of my labor and then have the bad taste to complain about it. It's not my fault you are inferior. Bring yourself up instead of trying to bring me down.
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