How will they rule ??!

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Damn it. I started a thread asking if people thought antifa would really start trouble in November and how you would defend yourself. For some reason it was deleted. If the mods are going to delete a thread, at least have the courage to message the person that started the tread and tell them why.
I never watched the traditional late night shows much. Would on occasion or would catch a funny video on youtube like fallon's hashtags or when conan had bill burr on, but man everybody thinks they are so damn important now they gotta be political activists. For the most part viewers want to get away from that. However politically minded you are, you have your time you think about that either in reading articles or watching certain programs and most people when they leave their 'political time' want to think about anything but politics.

Hell, I remember when ESPN was nothing more then sportscasters trying to be funny or establish catchphrases, now way too much of their content is liberal justice nonsense.

Going back to the liberal comedians, I know how bad they hate trump but damn find some restraint. The irony is the people who say Trump is unwise, has no restraint and is vulgar...attack him with some of the most over the top vulgar commentary we have ever seen or listened to. When Colbert said on a show that Trump's mouth was Putin's cock holster it was pathetic and I actually felt sorry for Colbert that his hatred had diminished him to that...Carson and Letterman and Leno made political jokes, but their focus for a show was the comedy not political rants and commentary and they didn't debase themselves in vulgarity.

Kimmel can be really funny. I thought his white house correspondents dinner speech while obama was president was one of the best performances by a comedian ever done at that venue...the reason he was funny at that event was his goal was to be funny, but now he is just an annoying activist. Some article mentioned recently that he and Schumer's office had been in contact on healthcare talking points...Trump has completely unhinged these people.

Comedians often have tons of issues. They have a lot of self loathing, depression, addiction problems, etc. Most of these guys are not scholars or successful businessmen nor do a lot of them even have a college degree. When your business plan is to tell jokes in bars in hopes of someone paying you more down the road, should you really be knocking people like Trump as "stupid?"
Damn it. I started a thread asking if people thought antifa would really start trouble in November and how you would defend yourself. For some reason it was deleted. If the mods are going to delete a thread, at least have the courage to message the person that started the tread and tell them why.

One mod deleted my post on Jewish propaganda pre WW2 and how they use mass immigration on the west. There's only two mods that I know patrol this thread.
Damn it. I started a thread asking if people thought antifa would really start trouble in November and how you would defend yourself. For some reason it was deleted. If the mods are going to delete a thread, at least have the courage to message the person that started the tread and tell them why.
They've been around a while and know when a thread is going to turn into an absolute shit show very quickly. They let enough of them stand.

I'll defend myself if something happens close enough to me that makes me feel unsafe. I won't get in my car and drive to Louisville to fight with idiots in the street though.
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They've been around a while and know when a thread is going to turn into an absolute shit show very quickly. They let enough of them stand.

I'll defend myself if something happens close enough to me that makes me feel unsafe. I won't get in my car and drive to Louisville to fight with idiots in the street though.
Me either. But they were talking about going into neighborhoods and I was asking about them coming down your cul de sac? And start attacking people or even just property? Would you shoot to protect your house?
The guy was as Christian as most of the Islamic terrorist are Muslim...or as most Americans are Christian. That is, if they had to check a box to identify their religion, that is the religion they would check. They aren't regularly in a church or Mosque, they don't tithe, they aren't active with any congregation performing regular community service. Holy days are more about a day off of work than whatever that holy day represents.

What in the ever loving hell are you talking about. Most ISIS members are radicalized in a fricken mosque. My god, you'e not even trying anymore.

It's been settled fuzz/rq is not only a welching racist. He' also a troll.
The guy was as Christian as most of the Islamic terrorist are Muslim...or as most Americans are Christian. That is, if they had to check a box to identify their religion, that is the religion they would check. They aren't regularly in a church or Mosque, they don't tithe, they aren't active with any congregation performing regular community service. Holy days are more about a day off of work than whatever that holy day represents.

But thanks for the observation and once again proving the point that anytime anyone points out something that goes against the façade that most of the right-wing lives under that the first reaction is to call them far-left or in this case "full-bore moonbat".
I guess you've not noticed from the time the shooting occurred an effort by some of the right-wing to find some way to tie this guy to ISIS or Islamic terrorist.

My guess is that you only read the headlines and never read the story. It's a short one so here it goes...

"The killer was a white guy, a Christian by birth if not belief. He was not radical, just a crazed man given the means by the gun lobby to terrorize innocent concertgoers in Las Vegas on Sunday night, shooting to death 59 of them. Stephen C. Paddock was, by all accounts so far, an ordinary American. That is what most terrifies the right.

And so, some on the far right have convinced themselves that Paddock could not be what he seems, what the authorities say he is. They say facts—alternative facts, perhaps—will inevitably reveal the truth, even as mainstream media outlets do everything they can to skewer that reality, so as not to offend the sensibilities of coastal elites.

This is how America grieves and mourns in 2017"

What it is here that you find as "moonbat" is beyond me. It's a very accurate observation. No more, no less.

are you able to drive a car? cause if someone with so few functioning brain cells can move about throughout society than we are all screwed. please tell me you are a basement dweller who never leaves home, even if you are lying, just tell me that so I fell better.

almost none of these white shooters turn out to have the slightest Christian motive, delusional or otherwise...a study of their lives, they have no religion or religious inclinations at all. On the contrary, to study Islamic terrorism is to find again and again their family or friends saying they weren't particularly religious and then they started going to some mosque constantly.

Your comment that the Islamic terrorists aren't regularly in Mosque is willfully ignorant of what we have learned of so many terrorists. Bin Laden went to strip clubs and partied as a young man...his killing started when he became a devout Muslim. But if you would pick up a book instead of watching MSNBC or following the next Keith Olbermann tweet you would know Islam's prophet himself was a violent man with multiple wives, I think one as young as 12. Paddock or the Newtown shooter or the columbine guys never utter any distinctly christian remark and we often find they deplored religion...but so many muslims commit a terrorist attack or acid attack or assault or rape and we have evidence or witnesses that say they yelled "allahu akbar".

I hope you are a troll, if so I have begrudging respect to your commitment to antagonize people with asinine remarks.
And people say Trump is bad on twitter.

Nice dog whistle to more of your supporters, Bernie. Maybe it'll turn out that Paddock was one of your supporters.

Weinstein now blaming "shadowy right wing organizations"

He's throwing stuff, seeing if anything will stick to the wall. Definitely getting pointers from Clinton's "bimbo eruptions" Spin Team. He and Bill must have a non-refundable deposit on a VIP Room, somewhere.
Me either. But they were talking about going into neighborhoods and I was asking about them coming down your cul de sac? And start attacking people or even just property? Would you shoot to protect your house?
Oh yeah. I would shoot early and often. If people come down my cul de sac then they would probably be out of towners. People who live around here know some of us who live here and this is not where they would bring their fight.
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@fuzz77, assuming you are a white male, at what point do you realize this party you blindly follow doesn't even want you. you are everything the new liberal party hates. yet you are loyal to no end to a group that considers you the enemy. so you are either a cuck that thinks whiteness is everything that is wrong with the world, or you are an idiot that can't see forest for the trees that is the democrat party. they hate you, berate you, shame you and you support them and their agenda of ridding the world of whiteness.
I'm loyal to no end but I've voted against the Democratic candidate in probably 30% of the elections in which I have voted. I blindly follow no one. There are many issues with which I disagree with Democrats, there are more issues with which I disagree with Republicans.

Years ago Republicans used to talk about reducing/eliminating the national debt. I supported them in that effort. They no longer seem concerned. They only want to talk about tax cuts yet the benefits of those cuts continue to be tilted to the top 1%. Since Reagan (who I voted for) started this trend of "trickle-down" we have watched the middle class shrink and the wealthy only become more wealthy. And somehow the GOP hood-winks it's followers into thinking that a tax paid by only by the top 0.2% is bad. Got to support that generational wealth!

1996-1999 I lived down on the US-Mexican border and crossed the border each day to work. I arrived at the border with a pretty hard-line stance against illegal immigration. Then I got to know the people, saw how many were forced to live in dirt floor shacks that most of us wouldn't let our dogs enter. I saw how hard they worked for the $10/day they were being paid. I learned that some of them had been trying for over 20 years to legally immigrate with no luck. If I was asked once, I was asked 500 times in 3 years if I could help get someone a green card. If they were a developer, an accountant or otherwise had a college education those green cards were easy to get. But for the poor factory workers, impossible.
I came to understand that they were doing exactly what I would have done if the Grace of God had put me in their shoes. I'll not be a part of any movement that tries to vilify these people.

I believe that basic healthcare is a right and that nobody should be denied needed care. I've extensively traveled Europe and Canada. I've had occasion to use their health facilities. My wife fell and broke an arm when we were in Scotland and received top-notch care. On the flip side I bought my home at a foreclosure sale. Learned that the former owner was forced to file bankruptcy because their child was diagnosed with Leukemia shortly after he had left his job to start a business and had not yet acquired health insurance. The cost of the treatments sunk him financially.

I'm pro-choice but have no problem with limits like only in the first 20 weeks.

I think we need major reform in our judicial system. I think that the current protests have legitimate gripes but I also think that there is lots of blame to share and that all sides share it. Both sides need to acknowledge their share of that blame and work together to make things better.

Lastly, my uncle was a 25 year vet (1943-1968) having served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. One thing he told me that has always stuck with me. He said; "Be wary of those who wrap themselves in the flag and/or religion. They are trying to hide their real agenda.". He told me this back in the early 70's during the Vietnam war protests when people were questioning the protestors patriotism.

I don't accept your assessment. And even if I did, if I believed that "the left" hated me, why should I support those with who I have less in common other than for my white maleness?
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The pussy hat guy sure resembles him, at the least. Hard to 100% tell that is him even zoomed in, but it does look like him.

Looks like Larry Vaught to me.
I'm loyal to no end but I've voted against the Democratic candidate in probably 30% of the elections in which I have voted. I blindly follow no one. There are many issues with which I disagree with Democrats, there are more issues with which I disagree with Republicans.

Years ago Republicans used to talk about reducing/eliminating the national debt. I supported them in that effort. They no longer seem concerned. They only want to talk about tax cuts yet the benefits of those cuts continue to be tilted to the top 1%. Since Reagan (who I voted for) started this trend of "trickle-down" we have watched the middle class shrink and the wealthy only become more wealthy. And somehow the GOP hood-winks it's followers into thinking that a tax paid by only by the top 0.2% is bad. Got to support that generational wealth!

1996-1999 I lived down on the US-Mexican border and crossed the border each day to work. I arrived at the border with a pretty hard-line stance against illegal immigration. Then I got to know the people, saw how many were forced to live in dirt floor shacks that most of us wouldn't let our dogs enter. I saw how hard they worked for the $10/day they were being paid. I learned that some of them had been trying for over 20 years to legally immigrate with no luck. If I was asked once, I was asked 500 times in 3 years if I could help get someone a green card. If they were a developer, an accountant or otherwise had a college education those green cards were easy to get. But for the poor factory workers, impossible.
I came to understand that they were doing exactly what I would have done if the Grace of God had put me in their shoes. I'll not be a part of any movement that tries to vilify these people.

I believe that basic healthcare is a right and that nobody should be denied needed care. I've extensively traveled Europe and Canada. I've had occasion to use their health facilities. My wife fell and broke an arm when we were in Scotland and received top-notch care. On the flip side I bought my home at a foreclosure sale. Learned that the former owner was forced to file bankruptcy because their child was diagnosed with Leukemia shortly after he had left his job to start a business and had not yet acquired health insurance. The cost of the treatments sunk him financially.

I'm pro-choice but have no problem with limits like only in the first 20 weeks.

I think we need major reform in our judicial system. I think that the current protests have legitimate gripes but I also think that there is lots of blame to share and that all sides share it. Both sides need to acknowledge their share of that blame and work together to make things better.

Lastly, my uncle was a 25 year vet (1943-1968) having served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. One thing he told me that has always stuck with me. He said; "Be wary of those who wrap themselves in the flag and/or religion. They are trying to hide their real agenda.". He told me this back in the early 70's during the Vietnam war protests when people were questioning the protestors patriotism.

I don't accept your assessment. And even if I did, if I believed that "the left" hated me, why should I support those with who I have less in common other than for my white maleness?
GD lies about affiliation followed by GD made up personal stories.
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Damn it. I started a thread asking if people thought antifa would really start trouble in November and how you would defend yourself. For some reason it was deleted. If the mods are going to delete a thread, at least have the courage to message the person that started the tread and tell them why.

Well the answer is that they'll make sure to intimidate and threaten everyone they can. The Brownshirt playbook will continue.
The guy was as Christian as most of the Islamic terrorist are Muslim...or as most Americans are Christian. That is, if they had to check a box to identify their religion, that is the religion they would check. They aren't regularly in a church or Mosque, they don't tithe, they aren't active with any congregation performing regular community service. Holy days are more about a day off of work than whatever that holy day represents.

But thanks for the observation and once again proving the point that anytime anyone points out something that goes against the façade that most of the right-wing lives under that the first reaction is to call them far-left or in this case "full-bore moonbat".
I guess you've not noticed from the time the shooting occurred an effort by some of the right-wing to find some way to tie this guy to ISIS or Islamic terrorist.

My guess is that you only read the headlines and never read the story. It's a short one so here it goes...

"The killer was a white guy, a Christian by birth if not belief. He was not radical, just a crazed man given the means by the gun lobby to terrorize innocent concertgoers in Las Vegas on Sunday night, shooting to death 59 of them. Stephen C. Paddock was, by all accounts so far, an ordinary American. That is what most terrifies the right.

And so, some on the far right have convinced themselves that Paddock could not be what he seems, what the authorities say he is. They say facts—alternative facts, perhaps—will inevitably reveal the truth, even as mainstream media outlets do everything they can to skewer that reality, so as not to offend the sensibilities of coastal elites.

This is how America grieves and mourns in 2017"

What it is here that you find as "moonbat" is beyond me. It's a very accurate observation. No more, no less.

This may be your worst post ever. The first sentence alone is one of the biggest lies I've ever seen.
started this trend of "trickle-down" we have watched the middle class shrink and the wealthy only become more wealthy.

If trickle up is what we should strive for, Haiti would be our model.

When I grew up in the seventies/eighties, my parents would take me to tour mansions left over from the roaring twenties. Oh, the opulence.

There are neighborhood after neighborhood of homes the size of the mansions I toured as a child to the point of being called McMansions for being so common.

JHC, the rich are getting richer... until they have to pay a doctor bill and lose their home to Fuzz.
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Fuzz won' pay his get to a charity and steals homes from leukemia suffering children.

For thw first time Hes right, he has A LOT more in common with the dems
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If trickle up is what we should strive for, Haiti would be our model.

When I grew up in the seventies/eighties, my parents would take me to tour mansions left over from the roaring twenties. Oh, the opulence.

There are neighborhood after neighborhood of homes the size of the mansions I toured as a child to the point of being called McMansions for being so common.

JHC, the rich are getting richer... until they have to pay a doctor bill and lose their home to Fuzz.
or Venezuela
Its really amusing watching the left trash the NRA, even though it is responsible for nearly zero violence, while at the same time giving Planned Parenthood a total pass.

The NRA couldn't kill as many as PP has, even if they wanted too.
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Regarding the "trickle" bs...the DC area is booming and now the wealthiest metro area by some definitions. 3000+ page bills have passed leading to droves of consultants and lawyers to decipher them. How much of our taxes are trickling back out? Virginia is now a lean blue state as a result now, btw.
Years ago Republicans used to talk about reducing/eliminating the national debt. I supported them in that effort. They no longer seem concerned. They only want to talk about tax cuts yet the benefits of those cuts continue to be tilted to the top 1%. Since Reagan (who I voted for) started this trend of "trickle-down" we have watched the middle class shrink and the wealthy only become more wealthy. And somehow the GOP hood-winks it's followers into thinking that a tax paid by only by the top 0.2% is bad. Got to support that generational wealth!

Read this fuzz.

There is no such thing as trickle down theory. Do you understand how to achieve generational wealth? Spend less than you make. That's it. Simple. You don't achieve it by paying someone $15/hr to flip burgers because that person is going to waste that money just like he always does and will still live paycheck to paycheck.

The left wants to legislate away their stupidity and place the blame for it on someone else. That game won't last, it is not self sustaining.
Bergdahl goes awol
We lose soldiers trying to find him
We exchange 5 Taliban terrorists to get him back
Obama says he "Served admirably"
Bergdahl pleads guilty to desertions and misbehavior before the enemy

prolly need a centrist like fuzz to explain the reasoning here
Cardkilla is mentally retarded.

To this point in my life I haven't seen the Constitutional Amendment that allows Mexicans to invade the US. Cardkilla may be right and it might be there, but I haven't seen it.
In other words, I can't refute his argument so I'm going to call names and go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the original point.

Let me make it real easy for your small brain to understand. Passing stricter gun laws won't stop everyone who wants to be a mass murderer but it will make it harder for them to do so and it could stop some from getting the weaponry needed to kill and injure hundreds of people.

A border wall won't stop people who are determined to come in but it would make it harder for them to do so and deter many others. The argument by the right is that a border wall will stop illegal immigration. It will not.

100% determent is not the requirement for passing any laws.

Also not in the constitution is that the 2nd amendment is an absolute right that can't be regulated in any way whatsoever.

Mass killings went up after the expiration of the assault weapons ban. Regulating assault weapons and magazine size saves lives. I'm shocked since lives are sooo important to the right that they are against saving lives.
Read this fuzz.

There is no such thing as trickle down theory. Do you understand how to achieve generational wealth? Spend less than you make. That's it. Simple. You don't achieve it by paying someone $15/hr to flip burgers because that person is going to waste that money just like he always does and will still live paycheck to paycheck.

The left wants to legislate away their stupidity and place the blame for it on someone else. That game won't last, it is not self sustaining.

Dude, I didn't coin the phrase. A rose is a rose regardless what we call it.
I can google "Trickle down" and get 1000s of hits, many of them from Forbes, Wall Street Journal and dozens if not hundreds of other newspapers and business journals.

William Jennings Bryan first made reference to the idea when he said; "There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it."

The phrase "trickle down" was originally coined by Will Rogers. It was revived by GHW Bush during the 1980 GOP primary campaign. You know, I know and most everyone alive knows to what the term refers.

There is no requirement that a theory appear in an academic reference to exist. And it is dishonest to claim that a theory doesn't exist if the same ideas are represented under different synonyms. The fact that anyone can refer to "Trickle down theory" and you know exactly what is meant proves that it does indeed exist.