two white women murdered that day—meh
RCP's averages by state have flipped EV count back to Trump, 281-257, by now rating PA & GA for The Donald. Of course MTG & her crew could shutdown government & affect that. She needs to be hit upside the head with a 2x4.
I don't know why Georgia is even bothering to practice and game plan against UK. Kirby could name the score for that game. Yikes.Trump gonna thump flip flop, like Georgia is gonna thump the cats Saturday
He must have consulted with Biden on how to put together a top notch border security planNew border controls will initially last for six months
What's Going On in SpringfieldYes it's a good distraction from the reality that a town of 60k now has 20k Haitian immigrants severely draining their social services
No repercussions. They've gotten by with everything. Ever plot, ever lie, ever deception. They're embolden now and will not stop. They're no long just interested in power the Dems want absolute power.
Isn't that the much better story? The pet eating story appeals to the loons and the racists, but turns off reasonable people (I know there are not many in this thread). A story about the effects of our recent immigration policy, though, has widespread appeal. And its a real issue that Harris would struggle to answer.
LOL the dems are now saying Trump is too old and incompetent. Did you know he had to be helped off stage and mumbles his words?I suspect this is true of most, if not all, genuinely intelligent people on the left. Any intellectual honesty or integrity leads one inescapably to the conclusion that DJT will be much better for the country than the continuation of this incompetent and corrupt chitshow.
So what other things am I hearing about Donald Trump that are actually not true, right?For pretty much my entire life, the wages of workers were stagnant. Corporate profits were going up, and the size of the government was going up. There was a four-year period when workers' wages outpaced the size of government and corporate profits. It's the four years that Donald Trump was President. And I think that we have to, like, give some credit to where it's due. The policies actually work.If you go into the presidency, saying, I don't think Donald Trump's going to be a good president, and then, lo and behold, he's the best president, at least in a generation, it's like, Okay, time to change my mind, admit to myself, but also to all the people who listen to me, I was wrong about Donald Trump. He was a hell of a good president.I think that what doesn't make sense is the idea that Trump is more motivated by grievance than he is by the public interest. He's actually much more motivated by the public interest. That's the truth."
Are you suggesting that the Haitians, who just recently were all over all media for cannibal.gangs in port-au-prince, and that 40% practice voodoo, don't sacrifice and eat animals?
I don't mean just pigs and goats either.
Come on, man!
So y’all ready to say I’m right now about Dems absorbing the defense and business communities since Trump’s Reps kicked them out? It’s almost like I proactively predict these things years in advance because I know what’s going on. As opposed to just reacting to the events of each passing day on instinct like the reactionaries around here. Go make some cat memes, more your speed.
Aww crap where is Sambo?
Did he put me on ignore because I kept pointing out his raging case of TDS?
LOL the dems are now say Trump is too old and incompetent. Did you know he had to be helped off stage and mumbles his words?
The ONLY time my president had to be helped off stage was due to THEIR failed assassination attempt, and his words could not be more clear!
There are many ways they lie, many layers to their duplicity. There are the gaslighters, and the gaslit.
Haiti has been a staggering tragedy since forever. Don't go there. Recently, there have been a couple of thousand deaths due to gang violence.Are you suggesting that the Haitians, who just recently were all over all media for cannibal.gangs in port-au-prince, and that 40% practice voodoo, don't sacrifice and eat animals?
I don't mean just pigs and goats either.
Come on, man!
Isn't that the much better story? The pet eating story appeals to the loons and the racists, but turns off reasonable people (I know there are not many in this thread). A story about the effects of our recent immigration policy, though, has widespread appeal. And its a real issue that Harris would struggle to answer.
Haiti has been a staggering tragedy since forever. Don't go there. Recently, there have been a couple of thousand deaths due to gang violence.
There is a civil war in Sudan. Millions displaced. More then 20,000 killed. Or more.
Since there hadn't been enough bloodshed in the world, Putin reignited Russian dreams of empire and invaded Ukraine. 15000 deaths. 500,000 casualties. That kind of dwarfs the situation in Haiti.
Do you think that someone could snap their fingers and the evil in the world would end?
Yeah, must just be racism; rank racism rearing it's ugly head again! That's it.
‘They’re in the park grabbing up ducks’
The craze began with an August meeting of the Springfield City Commission, where a 28-year-old man claimed — without evidence — that Haitian migrants were beheading ducks at local parks and taking them home to eat.
“They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by they neck and cutting they head off and walking up with them and eating them,” the man said, imploring the commission to rein in the migrants.
Yeah, no one besides Dion saw the democrats as the party of the MIC, big pharma, big censorship, etc. the past few years. Great insight. Can’t believe no one else pointed that out.
For 18 months, I supplied IT support at a local receiving and shipping warehouse. Only building maintenance, supervisors and management were locals. All warehouse labor were immigrants sponsored by Catholic Charities. The warehouse was shut down almost a year ago.Personally the big story to me is illegal aliens being imported in for the specific purpose of taking American jobs at a rate of 80%. Good factory jobs that are not even advertised to Americans.
Kinda like it's a shithole country.Haiti has been a staggering tragedy since forever. Don't go there. Recently, there have been a couple of thousand deaths due to gang violence.
There is a civil war in Sudan. Millions displaced. More then 20,000 killed. Or more.
Since there hadn't been enough bloodshed in the world, Putin reignited Russian dreams of empire and invaded Ukraine. 15000 deaths. 500,000 casualties. That kind of dwarfs the situation in Haiti.
Do you think that someone could snap their fingers and the evil in the world would end?
Hey, duck is a tasty bird, but There's a time and place here. I've told many a duck my exgf was feeding that she's just fattening you up for me, but I never actually followed through, lol.
Too bad they are on Tuesday nights (tonight)...would be hilarious if Trump showed up.
Aww crap where is Sambo?
Did he put me on ignore because I kept pointing out his raging case of TDS?
Never had it, and a very good chance I never will. My menu road is very narrow at best. I jokingly tell my wife all the time, let's raise our on beef and pork, only to get a very snappy quick reply, "we don't need them as pet's". She is very right, no way could I slaughter something to eat or catch a fish to eat. Reckon I would have starved to death if I lived in the old days or raised on a farm. I know that sounds effed up but that's just me.
I think we all wish we lived in a world we could discuss immigration policy reasonably.
But we don’t.
So the meme wars continue.
Same bullshit with “tax cuts for the rich.” Some of us would love to discuss actual tax policy, but that’s not the world we live in.
she won’t be allowed to fail. all the lib women and soybois will have nothing but 😍😍 in their eyes for her no matter how she debates.
she’s going to remain strong with her base just as trump will with his.
can’t see tonight moving the needle much for either.
I guess my perspective comes from the fact that there are tons of Haitians here in South Florida so I don’t think of them as subhuman.