How will they rule ??!

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It was the same venue Fuzz, the layout and security would be the same, or fairly close.

Definitely not the same venues.
The venue he didn't shoot is in downtown LV, the other is on the strip. They are about 7-8 miles apart.

I'm guessing the guy spent quite a bit of time in Vegas.
Sure enough.
He considered himself a professional gambler, the room he did the shooting from was comped from all the gambling he did...
Definitely not the same venues.
The venue he didn't shoot is in downtown LV, the other is on the strip. They are about 7-8 miles apart.

Sure enough.
He considered himself a professional gambler, the room he did the shooting from was comped from all the gambling he did...

You are right, I was under the assumption both festivals were at the same location.
I'm clearly not an expert on suicides but I think the suicidal person is going to find an easier way than breaking structural glass and then crawling out that hole. It does not break easily. There are lots of high places from which one could jump in Vegas. Hell, just gain access to the roof. That will set off an alarm but is easy. Beside, chances are that the jumper would be on the ground before you ever summons anyone to the room to stop the suicide.

You are probably right, but it caught me as a surprise really at first and I'll dig in. Fear of looking stupid is no issue here.
I thought this was common knowledge too but if you want the evidence here ya go.

NFL players’ union teamed up with George Soros to fund leftist advocacy groups

Even before its feud over the national anthem with President Trump, the NFL Players Association wasn’t on the same political team as many of its fans, judging from its contributions to leftist advocacy groups.

Tax documents released by 2ndVote show the NFLPA donated $5,000 in 2015 to the Center for Community Change Action, a group active in the anti-Trump resistance and bankrolled by a host of liberal foundations, including top Democratic donor George Soros’s Foundation for Open Society.

A member of the AFL-CIO, the NFLPA also contributed in 2013 and 2015 to Working America, the AFL-CIO’s community affiliate, which Open Secrets said spent $1 million in 2016 to defeat Mr. Trump.

Working America has since mobilized against the Republican tax-cut framework, denouncing it as the “Trump tax scam.”

The NFLPA contributed $5,000 in 2014 to Jobs with Justice, another pro-union group backed by Mr. Soros, and $5,000 in 2013 to the progressive Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.

Stupid feminists. Sure would like to see a man vs woman war. Let's see who's all bad ass now? These loud mouthed ditzes would get pummeled. I bet you I'd kill 15 broads within 5 minutes.

Men would win that war in 3 hours nationwide. Then we would all turn gay.

That's the way the world will end
No, those that surrender must get in smoking hot shape and become love slaves to me.
Trump is Hitler, but we must get rid of the second amendment - liberals. So dumb that they contradict their own stupid thinking.
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Sounds like extreme conservatism.

I don't know... generally when I make a comment like this I'm referring to the individuals that make up congress.

With that said, how many democrats have differing opinions? They all seem to think nearly identical. No one thinks at all different. Take the latest tragedy. Every democrat I've heard talk has said the same "enough is enough" line in their speech.

Now mind you I can't stand many of GOP establishment either... but you at least see some diversity in thoughts about issues. Weird. The side all about diversity isn't very diverse when it comes to having an individual thought!
Sounds like extreme conservatism.
Bullshit. There's tons of diversity of thought among conservatives. Hell, its proven daily in this very thread.

Its the leftists that constantly engage in group think. Heaven forbid someone dares to have a different opinion from a leftist.

Ask college campuses if leftists don't engage in group think. If you dare to have a different opinion, they'll riot and shut you down.
There is just about a chance of anything at this point.

I must admit, I'm obsessed with this thing and hope they let me know something soon, very soon.

I got shit to do and the list grows everyday as I find myself reading stupid shit just to be reading and considering everything that is possible.
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Bullshit. There's tons of diversity of thought among conservatives. Hell, its proven daily in this very thread.

Its the leftists that constantly engage in group think. Heaven forbid someone dares to have a different opinion from a leftist.

Ask college campuses if leftists don't engage in group think. If you dare to have a different opinion, they'll riot and shut you down.
And there's tons of diversity of thought among liberals too.

What you don't seem to grasp is that it's pretty evident by the fact that most elections on the national level are 50/50 +/- < 10. 70% of the people are somewhere in the middle.

righties don't engage in groupthink?
Rush Limbaugh and his "ditto-heads"??
Mark Lavin, Sean Hannity... God forbid a right wing talking head not toe the conservative line... Why the need and why is there even an audience for conservative talk if it isn't groupthink?

Yeah... how many college campuses have been rioted and shut down?
You hear about a few controversial speakers being pulled here and don't hear about the hundreds of others that speak covering an entire spectrum of political thought.
Thanks for proving that you never spent any time on any college campus.

Let's go drive around the campus in Lexington and see if there are more Trump or Hillary and/or Bernie bumper stickers. Hell, Patrick Towles was a pretty outspoken conservative during his time at UK. Never heard of anyone trying to shut him down.

I've got quite a few friends who consider themselves left of center. I know one person who would probably truly fit your definition of a "leftist".
@fuzz77, assuming you are a white male, at what point do you realize this party you blindly follow doesn't even want you. you are everything the new liberal party hates. yet you are loyal to no end to a group that considers you the enemy. so you are either a cuck that thinks whiteness is everything that is wrong with the world, or you are an idiot that can't see forest for the trees that is the democrat party. they hate you, berate you, shame you and you support them and their agenda of ridding the world of whiteness.
Was there no press conference today? Surely his girlfriend had something of use, or maybe his mother?

It's amazing when I actually want news, fake news, false news, lies, just about anything the MSM heads back to Russia!

F Russia! Talk about this crazy MoFo 24/7 please!
This Harvey Weinstein shit is pretty hilarious (not what he did, but watching leftists eating their own)
Are they eating him? I guess somewhat but saw where some were calling it "complicated".

Most interesting thing to me is seeing hollywood folks saying it was well known in the industry. That means the media had also known for a long time.

Wow. Not shocking.

Feel bad for Ashley Judd. She's been through some stuff seems like.

"Weinstein told the paper that he was taking a leave of absence from his company in order to focus, in part, on his political goals. "I am going to need a place to channel that anger so I've decided that I'm going to give the NRA my full attention," Weinstein wrote in a statement to the paper."

Lmaoooooo. Talk about delusional. He said this after this sexual assault stuff came out?

Look at Trump working. Making Hollywood great again!
And there's tons of diversity of thought among liberals too.

What you don't seem to grasp is that it's pretty evident by the fact that most elections on the national level are 50/50 +/- < 10. 70% of the people are somewhere in the middle.

righties don't engage in groupthink?

Just purposefully ignorant. When you look at the media and politicians, the Dems are universally in lockstep. Out of ~250 dems in congress did even one break from the establishment and back sanders? No newspapers did. There were many Reps in conservative media and congress that did not back and still criticize DT. There so many examples but I am tired and you are a DNC whore sooo
I'm a tad skeptical that this shooter was a Christian. In any event, when did Newsweek drop the center-left façade and go full-bore moonbat, right out in the open? This is the type of click bait foolishness that one expects from HuffPost or Salon.
Jesus does not tell us to commit mass murder.