How will they rule ??!

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I would like just once to see these people be critical of any race other than whites but apparently we're not their base so it's all in on us.

No lectures to blacks about problematic and violent black culture and no nuclear family. No lectures about Islam. Just whites.
you remember when the democrat party officially gave out a statement that the were abandoning the white vote? I do
Accurate point, and i've never really thought of that. I grew up in the "sticks and stones may break my bones..." era but lot of people cannot handle bullying. Hell, it's basically a crime nowadays.

Also, drugs and these games go together like PB&J. All these damn psychotic adderal babies playing games for 18hrs. WTF.

*also online gaming sounds a lot like the The Paddock

Same here. That sticks and stones saying was in constant use. And I believe thats how most kids felt. For whatever reason today though... a lot of kids crumble into pieces over being called butt-face and need counseling.

Parents letting their children play games for an extended amount of time are crazy. We give our son 2 hours a day. After that I pull the plug. He's going to learn theres more to life than virtual reality and fantasy.
A few years back my cousin who is my age shot his own mother in the face twice killing her because she made him go back down stairs to the basement where he was living after he had come up to be with my other cousins kids to watch TV. He had turned the channel to what he wanted to watch, they complained, she came in turned it back, they argued then, he went down stairs, got his gun and came up and shot her. I found out later that he had been there living with her for a year or so after getting divorced and quitting his job. According to my other cousin, he was constantly playing these video games and reading and watching stories about witches and warlocks. Evil creeps in if you let it.

Man that's awful. I'm sorry to hear that. I'll never understand what drives someone to commit such evil.
Same here. That sticks and stones saying was in constant use. And I believe thats how most kids felt. For whatever reason today though... a lot of kids crumble into pieces over being called butt-face and need counseling.

Parents letting their children play games for an extended amount of time are crazy. We give our son 2 hours a day. After that I pull the plug. He's going to learn theres more to life than virtual reality and fantasy.

It's very weird. But it's clear that a lot of politicians are behind the "stop bullying" stuff, and it gets a lot of votes, i guess.

It's concerning for free speech reasons. Who decides what speech is "bad"?

Yea, like most everything else, moderation is key when it comes to video games.
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Same here. That sticks and stones saying was in constant use. And I believe thats how most kids felt. For whatever reason today though... a lot of kids crumble into pieces over being called butt-face and need counseling.

Parents letting their children play games for an extended amount of time are crazy. We give our son 2 hours a day. After that I pull the plug. He's going to learn theres more to life than virtual reality and fantasy.

A lot of it is lack of interaction with family. As a child my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and just about anyone else would tease the shit out of me. I'd pout early on but learned to fire back and it was ok. Didn't get in trouble, got pretty witty, then learned going in was "too far".

That shit is healthy and we do the same with our kids. The little emotion balls need it that early to learn how to handle themselves.
What you describe still exists today. People still need protection. This shooter took an elevated position firing on a gun free event.

This is basically the worst possible scenario.

No one says that nothing should be done. A large contingent says guns shouldnt be restricted, because it isnt a solution. Big difference. And theyre right.

The guns he actually used are already illegal. He knew he was to die. There exists no set of laws or rules that can prevent this.
Banning gun free zones would be a start. Almost every single mass murder in the US happens in one.
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Same here. That sticks and stones saying was in constant use. And I believe thats how most kids felt. For whatever reason today though... a lot of kids crumble into pieces over being called butt-face and need counseling.

Parents letting their children play games for an extended amount of time are crazy. We give our son 2 hours a day. After that I pull the plug. He's going to learn theres more to life than virtual reality and fantasy.

As a kid, I wasn't even allowed to play video games except on weekends and even then, all we played were sports games, TMNT, Ninja Gaiden and eventually Mortal Kombat.

I would never buy a 14 year old GTA and let him fantasize through killing prostitutes for money, killing random ppl, etc. Some of this stuff is crazy sick and I'm far from a prude.

My kids are toddlers so I haven't came to this yet but they like watching YouTube kid videos of kids playing with toys. There's a couple of channels I had to block that these two families put out which I thought was super messed up.

They're called Twin Toys and Extreme Toys. This husband and wife and their kids use nerf guns and then edit machine gun like fire to come out of them. We saw them shoot their baby like that and I was disgusted and made sure it was blocked on all of our devices. YouTube has a lot of sick stuff that is disguised as being for kids and it's not.
Banning gun free zones would be a start. Almost every single mass murder in the US happens in one.

I think there still needs to be gun free zones to an extent.

But its a perfect illustration that criminals wont let laws stop them from doing this. Therefore the "more gun control" cries are just partisan nonsense
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That's reasonable. That bump stock part they are discussing now should be outlawed.

If an automatic weapon is illegal, then says of making a weapon automatic should also be illegal.
Watched a bit of the RNC convention again today from last year. If anyone ever wanted to see the differences in parties, the RNC and DNC conventions magnified it.

Vets, Middle Class, people who loved the nation, chants of USA, traditional values, pro military, pro police, Christians, parents of fallen vets, etc.


BLM, mothers of black criminals including Michael Brown who tried to kill a cop, a midget, illegals, trans, Lena Dunham, Muslims, Pro Sharia Muslim parents of a fallen soldier and a via satellite interview of the abortion doctor in prison, which got a standing ovation, if I remember correctly.

Outside the DNC convention, there were Bernie Dems burning our flag after the DNC candidate was exposed as colluding with media and DNC.

Country vs globalism.
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As a kid, I wasn't even allowed to play video games except on weekends and even then, all we played were sports games, TMNT, Ninja Gaiden and eventually Mortal Kombat.

I would never buy a 14 year old GTA and let him fantasize through killing prostitutes for money, killing random ppl, etc. Some of this stuff is crazy sick and I'm far from a prude.

My kids are toddlers so I haven't came to this yet but they like watching YouTube kid videos of kids playing with toys. There's a couple of channels I had to block that these two families put out which I thought was super messed up.

They're called Twin Toys and Extreme Toys. This husband and wife and their kids use nerf guns and then edit machine gun like fire to come out of them. We saw them shoot their baby like that and I was disgusted and made sure it was blocked on all of our devices. YouTube has a lot of sick stuff that is disguised as being for kids and it's not.

Letting a kid play a 2D side scrolling shooter back in 1994 was a lot different than an open world ultra realistic game where you can kill anyone you please. I would have to question any parent that lets their kid/teen play GTA.

YouTube is awful without adult supervision, even with a filter on.

My three year old daughter loves watching the same videos your kids are watching. Both kids enjoy the just dance dance alongs. But if you keep clicking "recommended" or whatever is next, it'll eventually end up on some weird or disturbing video.
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A lot of it is lack of interaction with family. As a child my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and just about anyone else would tease the shit out of me. I'd pout early on but learned to fire back and it was ok. Didn't get in trouble, got pretty witty, then learned going in was "too far".

That shit is healthy and we do the same with our kids. The little emotion balls need it that early to learn how to handle themselves.

Very good point. And it can be hard to balance for a lot of people. My stepson goes to school in the morning. I go to work at 1. My wife is working and going to college. By the time I get home he is in bed and that's the way it is 5 days a week. On 3/4 weekends he's at his dads. Just sucks trying to provide, doing something to provide a better life and have time left over in the day.
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When a Dem claims they want to talk about "reasonable" gun control, pardon me for being a little suspicious of a group who funds riots and defends Antifa and sides with Islam and seems to hate whites and want to disarm us.
When a Dem claims they want to talk about "reasonable" gun control, pardon me for being a little suspicious of a group who funds riots and defends Antifa and sides with Islam and seems to hate whites and want to disarm us.

There can be no "reasonable" talk from either side when it comes to hot button issues. Should those bump slide stocks or whatever they're called be legal? Eff no. But if we talk about restricting or eliminating those, to the gun nuts it's just the beginning of a slippery slope that ends with Obama taking all our guns.

Same thing with abortion - I'm pro choice and think 20 weeks is more than enough time for a woman to make a decision. You get to the abortion nuts though, and it's just a slippery slope that results in Pence overturning Roe v Wade.

This is why I generally hate people :)
There can be no "reasonable" talk from either side when it comes to hot button issues. Should those bump slide stocks or whatever they're called be legal? Eff no. But if we talk about restricting or eliminating those, to the gun nuts it's just the beginning of a slippery slope that ends with Obama taking all our guns.

Same thing with abortion - I'm pro choice and think 20 weeks is more than enough time for a woman to make a decision. You get to the abortion nuts though, and it's just a slippery slope that results in Pence overturning Roe v Wade.

This is why I generally hate people :)

You said it. You're pro-choice and I'm pro-life. I feel the minute a baby is conceived, it's a life. That's what it's going to grow into. Others disagree and that's their opinion. But I feel like you and I can agree that if not done by 20 weeks it becomes criminal is a nice compromise. It gives everyone some say in the matter.

But extremist come out of the wood work and start playing tug-O-words with it and won't be happy until it's illegal or until you can abort the child at zero hour.
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You said it. You're pro-choice and I'm pro-life. I feel the minute a baby is conceived, it's a life. That's what it's going to grow into. Others disagree and that's their opinion. But I feel like you and I can agree that if not done by 20 weeks it becomes criminal is a nice compromise. It gives everyone some say in the matter.

But extremist come out of the wood work and start playing tug-O-words with it and won't be happy until it's illegal or until you can abort the child at zero hour.

JStaff thanks for the civility on this. It's a tough subject. Cheers to you sir.
JStaff thanks for the civility on this. It's a tough subject. Cheers to you sir.

Thanks. I realize it's nearly impossible to be anything other than for or against it... like most political issues that are brought up.

But we can at least remain civil about it. Otherwise we start breeding fascists and those that want us dead because we disagree... which is about the apex of stupid.
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Why I thought there was a political motivation to the shooting. The left since the election has really been immature promoting violence.. promoting hate... if it's not their way it's wrong. Hillary has been the worst loser for the presidency in modern times which is really saying something since Gore does exist. Obama, the mainstream media, Hollywood have basically declared the right is wrong and that the left can do anything they want to them. This needs to stop. The left needs to become adults or they're going to get the Civil War they ask for.
Hell the MSM openly praises left wing violence. Remember them comparing ANTIFA to WW2 heroes? They are promoting this crap. I agree that it was politically motivated for the same reasons you say.
I really hope this is not anything to do with conservatives
I really doubt it. That concert was probably 80%+ Republicans there. If a conservative were to shoot something up(they don't anyway), I doubt it would be a concert where most people that were attending were conservatives.
I think I read that he tried to do the same thing at a Chance the Rapper concert last week but couldn't get the room he wanted?