How will they rule ??!

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Oh, idk. I read she actually went to Tokyo, but they did think Philippines. And he apparently sent money there before, so it wasn't just a one time thing.

I also think a lot of things I read or heard are fake. It is odd we don't know much about this dude other than he was pretty rich.
Mash, she had been in the Philippines for a couple of weeks at the time of the shooting. The mentions of Tokyo were reporting her whereabouts the day following making her way back home. Not too many non-stop flights from the Philippines to the US.
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I really doubt it. That concert was probably 80%+ Republicans there. If a conservative were to shoot something up(they don't anyway), I doubt it would be a concert where most people that were attending were conservatives.
It only goes to show that the left is crazy. You would have to be to support that ideology right?
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I think I read that he tried to do the same thing at a Chance the Rapper concert last week but couldn't get the room he wanted?
Adam Housley mentioned this and I found it interesting that he said the shooter intentional switched to this wkd bc of the target base.

Housley is a good reporter - found it interesting that he went that far, maybe he let some inside info slip.
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Someone really needs to tell Jimmy Kimmel that nobody gives a shit about his political opinions.

A week ago he was a health care expert, now hes a gun expert. Wow, how did the US ever evolve without Jimmy Kimmels expert knowledge on everything?

Can't wait to see what he will be an expert on next week.
Someone really needs to tell Jimmy Kimmel that nobody gives a shit about his political opinions.

A week ago he was a health care expert, now hes a gun expert. Wow, how did the US ever evolve without Jimmy Kimmels expert knowledge on everything?

Can't wait to see what he will be an expert on next week.

When, in reality, all hes an expert on is girls jumping on trampolines
The fact that we haven't been told yet what's on that note means it must have something very damning on it, IMO.
Or has nothing on it.

Having seen the same picture as everyone else it isn't even evident that there is anything written, period. Most every hotel room I've ever stayed in have notepads for their guests.

As sad as this situation is, it is equal parts funny/sad with all of the goofball conspiracies being thrown out.

People blaming the press for lack of info...if he was a conservative it would be all over the news...blah, blah, blah. So we're to believe that the police/FBI are protecting liberals? Only liberal media people are allowed at the police briefings... 2nd shooters, ISIS gun runner, was killed by others who did the shooting and escaped before the police arrived.... you name it, it's been speculated.

SAIP but this morning on the drive to work had rented rooms overlooking another outdoor music event. That event was being headlined by Chance the Rapper.

In what universe is this not considered racist? Listen to the whole 2:20 for context. Physically looking around and seeing white men is a problem? Describes one side as just seeing literally gray and white and on the other side seeing Blues and yellows and blah blah blah.

Listen to all of it. Hmm, I wonder why the folks in Ohio and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and the Middle America people think Dems don't give a damn about them?

You have to be a total cuck to be a white guy and vote Democrat nowadays.
Careful what you post you may end up higher on their list.

The Police Are Using Computer Algorithms to Tell if You’re a Threat
Can a computer predict violence? In Chicago, Illinois, an algorithm rates every person arrested with a numerical threat score from 1 to 500-plus. The process has been going on for four years, and almost 400,000 Chicago citizens now have an official police risk score. This algorithm — still secret and publicly unaccountable — shapes policing strategy, the use of force, and threatens to alter suspicion on the streets. It is also the future of big data policing in America — and depending on how you see it, either an innovative approach to violence reduction or a terrifying example of data-driven social control.
Or has nothing on it.
If there is nothing on it, why don't they just tell us that?

Besides, most mass killers leave manifestos/notes, there's probably a good chance that something is on that note.
FBI are protecting liberals?
Yeah, they would never do that *cough Hillary cough*
He decided not to do it because of the target, as pointed out above.
Adam Housley mentioned this and I found it interesting that he said the shooter intentional switched to this wkd bc of the target base.

Housley is a good reporter - found it interesting that he went that far, maybe he let some inside info slip.
Nobody knows why he did this but we somehow know that he intentionally switched targets because of the base... right.

So he originally didn't know who would be at a Chance the Rapper concert?
Perhaps when he saw that the Lord would be there he was thinking that the Son of God would surely bring the conservative crowd. But then he found out it was Lorde, not the Lord.[winking]
A lot of it is lack of interaction with family. As a child my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and just about anyone else would tease the shit out of me. I'd pout early on but learned to fire back and it was ok. Didn't get in trouble, got pretty witty, then learned going in was "too far".

That shit is healthy and we do the same with our kids. The little emotion balls need it that early to learn how to handle themselves.

Benghazi was years ago. Wtf has been going on.

Anybody involved in our judicial system can EAD.

My town had a meth head kill a cop like 2-3 years, that mfer has not even been tried yet. Total waste of space and money.
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Nobody knows why he did this but we somehow know that he intentionally switched targets because of the base... right.

So he originally didn't know who would be at a Chance the Rapper concert?
Perhaps when he saw that the Lord would be there he was thinking that the Son of God would surely bring the conservative crowd. But then he found out it was Lorde, not the Lord.[winking]
Take it up with Housley, a reporter with a diverse background and no reason to make shit up. His take on the switch of weekends is as verified as the shooter actually having tried to book another room for the Lorde and Chance concert.
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Take it up with Housley, a reporter with a diverse background and no reason to make shit up. His take on the switch of weekends is as verified as the shooter actually having tried to book another room for the Lorde and Chance concert.
He didn't "try", he did book rooms.

"Stephen Paddock rented multiple condos overlooking the annual Life Is Beautiful Festival, which this year was headlined by Lorde and Chance the Rapper, said the source, who is not directly involved in the investigation but has been briefed on its progress."
He didn't "try", he did book rooms.

"Stephen Paddock rented multiple condos overlooking the annual Life Is Beautiful Festival, which this year was headlined by Lorde and Chance the Rapper, said the source, who is not directly involved in the investigation but has been briefed on its progress."
Said a source not involved in the investigation.

Yes, possible and even Lombardo didn't knock that report down...but also possible Housleys comment is accurate - not sure why it offended you so much that he mentioned the shooter went with country festival for target base...almost like you are rooting for the shooter to fit a certain demo.................
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Said a source not involved in the investigation.

Yes, possible and even Lombardo didn't knock that report down...but also possible Housleys comment is accurate - not sure why it offended you so much that he mentioned the shooter went with country festival for target base...almost like you are rooting for the shooter to fit a certain demo.................
Fuzz is holding out for that .00000000000000000001% chance that the shooter wasn't a lib.
The girlfriends attorney says that she did not know he was planning an attack.

BS. Why did she leave the country a few weeks ago then? I just don't buy it.
Well since everybody in here is a conspiracy theorist let's go ahead and throw some fuel on the fire.

Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot As Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada

In spite of these CIA “headwinds” against the truth, though, this report says, the SVR can report with a high level of certainty that between the years of 1986-1988, Stephen Paddock was employed as a arms smuggling pilot in the CIA’sOperation Cyclone” programme to arm and finance the Jihadi warriors, mujahedeen, in Afghanistan, with flights based from Pakistan—with Paddock being paid through an American defense company named AlliedSignal—a company that is now owned by Honeywell, but who, in 1982, became embroiled in the Martin Marietta “war”—with Martin Marietta eventually merging, in 1995, with Lockheed to become the United State’s largest defense company named Lockheed-Martin—and whose only statement on these facts states: “Stephen Paddock worked for a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin from 1985 until 1988. We’re cooperating with authorities to answer questions they may have about Mr. Paddock and his time with the company.”

As with other known CIA covert operatives, too, this report details, Stephen Paddock was continuously paid through US government entities such as the Internal Revenue Service and US Postal Service in order to maintain his “deep cover” status—and that generously allowed him to purchase properties in Texas worth over $6 million, and to maintain his private plane there too.

Stephen Paddock’sdeep cover” activities in Nevada, this report further details, are being described by the MOSSAD as his working with an FBI informant named Marilou Danley who was tasked by this American intelligence agency to report on Russian mafia persons living in Las Vegas—and who is now reported to be back in the United States under the protection of the FBI.

Among the covert “actions” performed by Stephen Paddock for the CIA while in Nevada, this report continues, was his brokering a deal with the Russian mafia to obtain a computer malware programme this criminal organization created—and that once obtained by the CIA, allowed them create their “Grasshopper” spying programme that allows its users to detect if a target device is running a specific version of Microsoft Windows, or if an antivirus programme is running.

The importance of the Russian mafia in understanding this “Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre, this report details, is that over the past decade they have flooded into Las Vegas in massive numbers—but not from Russia, but from Israel—where, since at least 1998, they have taken over the Israeli underworld.

Careful what you post you may end up higher on their list.

The Police Are Using Computer Algorithms to Tell if You’re a Threat
Can a computer predict violence? In Chicago, Illinois, an algorithm rates every person arrested with a numerical threat score from 1 to 500-plus. The process has been going on for four years, and almost 400,000 Chicago citizens now have an official police risk score. This algorithm — still secret and publicly unaccountable — shapes policing strategy, the use of force, and threatens to alter suspicion on the streets. It is also the future of big data policing in America — and depending on how you see it, either an innovative approach to violence reduction or a terrifying example of data-driven social control.

^'Minority Report' policing
Take it up with Housley, a reporter with a diverse background and no reason to make shit up. His take on the switch of weekends is as verified as the shooter actually having tried to book another room for the Lorde and Chance concert.

Maybe some clarification for the conspiracy theorist in here.

WARNING: This report contains graphic photograph of dead shooter Stephen Paddock

Most troubling about the CIA flight that left the US Air Base in the Negev Dessert, is that its destination was the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada—and that was originally due to arrive there between 22-23 September—but due to its “maintenance issues”, didn’t arrive until a week later on 29 September.

The critical significance of this CIA flight being delayed for a week, this report says, is that it coincides with the actions of Stephen Paddock too—and who was preparing to carry out his “Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre last week upon the Life Is Beautiful Festival headlined by Lorde and Chance the Rapper—and as evidenced by his renting multiple condos from the Ogden 21-story luxury building overlooking this venue, and exactly as he had done a week later at the Mandalay Hotel.
Tony Shaffer just said on Fox his sources are telling him this was politically motivated but they are investigating some things before it goes public. Evidence of motive on videos they have reviewed.
Plenty of headlines to bury by all the distractions. Probably another Woman March right around the corner. Grab your hats.


The FBI has confirmed it is reviewing the recommendations of two congressional committees to investigate evidence of Planned Parenthood’s trade of the body parts of unborn children.

WND reported in May that leaders of several advocacy groups representing millions of Americans had written to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and then-acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe seeking an investigation, based on evidence from an independent undercover probe, into “paid fetal tissue transfers involving Planned Parenthood.”

“The facts uncovered raise a reasonable suspicion that these organizations, and/or individuals employed by them, may have engaged in a conspiracy to violate the fetal tissue law,” the letter said.

Now, the FBI’s assistant director of the Office of Congressional Affairs, Gregory Brower, has replied to the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Grassley, informing him the FBI received the committee’s criminal referrals of Planned Parenthood and is reviewing its recommendations, according to the nonprofit legal group Liberty Counsel.

Tony Shaffer just said on Fox his sources are telling him this was politically motivated but they are investigating some things before it goes public. Evidence of motive on videos they have reviewed.
Explains Trumps comment on it earlier today. He was targeting Trump supporters/Republicans.

I wonder if any of the videos they have looked at were a livestream of the shooting? If it were livestreamed, that means someone has that video. Imagine that's being looked into.
Well since everybody in here is a conspiracy theorist let's go ahead and throw some fuel on the fire.

Russia Identifies Las Vegas Shooter As CIA Arms Pilot As Israel Probes Stolen Weapons Flight To Nevada

In spite of these CIA “headwinds” against the truth, though, this report says, the SVR can report with a high level of certainty that between the years of 1986-1988, Stephen Paddock was employed as a arms smuggling pilot in the CIA’sOperation Cyclone” programme to arm and finance the Jihadi warriors, mujahedeen, in Afghanistan, with flights based from Pakistan—with Paddock being paid through an American defense company named AlliedSignal—a company that is now owned by Honeywell, but who, in 1982, became embroiled in the Martin Marietta “war”—with Martin Marietta eventually merging, in 1995, with Lockheed to become the United State’s largest defense company named Lockheed-Martin—and whose only statement on these facts states: “Stephen Paddock worked for a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin from 1985 until 1988. We’re cooperating with authorities to answer questions they may have about Mr. Paddock and his time with the company.”

As with other known CIA covert operatives, too, this report details, Stephen Paddock was continuously paid through US government entities such as the Internal Revenue Service and US Postal Service in order to maintain his “deep cover” status—and that generously allowed him to purchase properties in Texas worth over $6 million, and to maintain his private plane there too.

Stephen Paddock’sdeep cover” activities in Nevada, this report further details, are being described by the MOSSAD as his working with an FBI informant named Marilou Danley who was tasked by this American intelligence agency to report on Russian mafia persons living in Las Vegas—and who is now reported to be back in the United States under the protection of the FBI.

Among the covert “actions” performed by Stephen Paddock for the CIA while in Nevada, this report continues, was his brokering a deal with the Russian mafia to obtain a computer malware programme this criminal organization created—and that once obtained by the CIA, allowed them create their “Grasshopper” spying programme that allows its users to detect if a target device is running a specific version of Microsoft Windows, or if an antivirus programme is running.

The importance of the Russian mafia in understanding this “Pyramid Sacrifice” massacre, this report details, is that over the past decade they have flooded into Las Vegas in massive numbers—but not from Russia, but from Israel—where, since at least 1998, they have taken over the Israeli underworld.

I fn knew it! Ha!
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I thought this was common knowledge but here ya go with the evidence.

Soros, Kellogg, Ford: Donor List Of Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Group Revealed

So what did CCCA spend all that money on? Well, if you guessed Black Lives Matter and "Sanctuary Campus" anti-Trump protests then you're absolutely correct.

The Emergent Fund gives grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 and has provided financing to Black Lives Matter; the Center for Media Justice, which was created to "organize the most under-represented communities in a national movement for media rights"; the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative; and United We Dream, the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the United States.

The Center for Community Change later joined United We Dream for nationwide immigration protests leading up to Trump's inauguration. United We Dream was additionally behind "sanctuary campus" anti-Trump protests across the country to protect undocumented students.