How will they rule ??!

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If I'm not mistaken most very liberal European countries already don't allow an abortion after 20 weeks. Some don't after 17-18 weeks if memory serves me correct. Always thought it was sickening the US allowed it to 28 weeks. Within a matter of 4-6 weeks the fetus has a heartbeat. I'm very pro-life. And the democrats went from people saying 'legal but rare' in the 1990s to in less than 3 decades having women 'shout their abortions' at the convention as if it was a badge of honor. Truly disgusting people.
This is why you can not trust them with banning guns. Eventually, they will come for them all.
Truthfully I think the answer is society doesn't care about life anymore. Until that is fixed, events like this will continue to take place, no matter what laws there are. The guy also had bomb making material, and those are clearly illegal. A nutjob is gonna nutjob. The culture needs to reevaluate itself. This amount of hate is not good for a society.

I don't agree with the part society doesn't care about life anymore. Anytime something like this happens we find out how decent so many people are. The heroism of strangers laying over someone to cover them from the bullets, some guy with a truck rushing people to the hospital, thousands of people waiting hours in line to give blood. Naw man, there is so many decent people in this country, they just get shouted over by the worst.
I travel a lot. I've been to many different parts of the country and do you know how many BLM/Antifa rallies I've seen? Zero.

Just because they show up on TV doesn't mean it's prevalent. Those groups are a rounding error when compared to the populatin as a whole. Same with white supremacists. All over the news, nearly impossible to find in reality.
Yeah, this means that it does not have an impact on these lemmings out there.

The amount of material making fun of Kurt on social media cracks me up.
I don't agree with the part society doesn't care about life anymore. Anytime something like this happens we find out how decent so many people are. The heroism of strangers laying over someone to cover them from the bullets, some guy with a truck rushing people to the hospital, thousands of people waiting hours in line to give blood. Naw man, there is so many decent people in this country, they just get shouted over by the worst.
No doubt there are many great people. But I think its undeniable that society is filled with a lot of hate and rage, which is why we are seeing several incidents like this these days. The media plays a big role in it too, IMO. And social media. I see tons of hate on it almost every day.
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I have had my fill of how political the left has made this. People died because of a domestic terrorist. I don't care who he is affiliated with. The push by the left only confirms my belief that they do not care about the victims, only that they might get their agenda pushed because of this. Not on my watch, I am digging in. looking to buy bump fire stocks for my rifles tomorrow. Don't care what you think.
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Few things you all need to consider:
  • This is extremely rare. Stats to say mass shootings occur more frequently basically mask that there is a difference between gun fire erupting at a strip club (Little Rock shooting this year) and the more serious kind (Vegas).
  • Very few of the murders occur because of assault weapons and the majority of murders happen because of handguns
  • Suicides are always lumped into the gun death stats as a way to inflate the take that guns need to be banned. Not saying that suicide by gun isn't a problem, but it's not something that I am worried about in terms of the well-being of my family.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I believe the second amendment is about protecting us from the government. I'd like to keep assault rifles, but crack down SIGNIFICANTLY on handguns.
Going to come out in the next month or so. You heard it here first.

Home Depot did not want to get into political corporate advertising rights over something so "political".

Good move by Lowe's, IMO.
But home Depot got into the gay rights and LGBTQLMNOP crap so, I do not buy from those hypocrites. Lowes is my go to place.
You can borrow my membership card too. Maybe you and krazy can wrap each other's heads while you browse Infowars.

Well my kroger also sells tin foil, but other than a shitstorm I don't see how it helps.

ISIS is smarter than we give them credit for, but if they are operating based on the political left you must understand you'd never know.

Personally to me it doesn't take a genius with Trump in power to figure out there are a lot of white people stupid enough to go against America and become radicalized. That takes the heat off Muslims, and if they attack with a shit ton of guns they also put pressure on those that are truly against them.

Call it tin foil info wars crazy all you want, but choosing to ignore is basically the same as being stupid.
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Well my kroger also sells tin foil, but other than a shitstorm I don't see how it helps.

ISIS is smarter than we give them credit for, but if they are operating based on the political left you must understand you'd never know.

Personally to me it doesn't take a genius with Trump in power to figure out there are a lot of white people stupid enough to go against America and become radicalized. That takes the heat off Muslims, and if they attack with a shit ton of guns they also put pressure on those that are truly against them.

Call it tin foil info wars crazy all you want, be choosing to ignore is basically the same as being stupid.
It is stupid to ignore it.
I only buy from home depot because they have a silent t in their name.

Sneaky mofos.
You missed the point, they did not want to get in on it because they did not want to become political. Too late for that. They are already in that arena with their support of the LGNYLMNOP group. Showing simply that they are a liberal company who only cares for the leftist agenda. Don't buy from them Used to but, not any more. Stopped buying from Starbucks, used to but their leftist agenda lost my business. Following the point yet? Do you need me to explain it to you.?
That was the saddest thing I have read in a while.

I don't own any guns. Doubt I ever will. I think there are parts of the country so dangerous it shouldn't just be a right but probably a necessity to own a firearm. Even some guy whose family lives on the outskirts of some little, lazy town knows it would take the police a long time to get to him and wants a firearm in the home, especially when he is away on business for his wife to have for protection. I think that family has a right to have guns.

But when the ink on the constitution had yet to dry, those men were living in an age when if a madmen walked into a tavern or church or schoolroom with an intent to kill or maim, the guns and weapons and ammunition at his disposal were so quaint compared to today it seems barely more dangerous than a slingshot. He walks into the tavern back then fires a single shot and then has to reload giving everybody ample time to run out the back door, tackle him, or yes return fire. With today's weapons, most at the tavern or classroom could be dead before you could blink your eye. And if I'm not mistaken most people didn't even die from the gunshot itself back then, it was the subsequent infection that got them.

I think there are steps we could take to begin to mitigate the carnage. We are too awash with weapons that seem more suitable for the soldier than the citizen to stop things like this from happening again anytime soon. But I think we should try. I think the amount of weaponry this shooter built up for himself is ridiculous in a civilized society. I don't have all the answers. I don't want anybodies shotgun or pistol taken away (although 30 round clips seem excessive) but I gotta admit it for John Q Public to be able to buy enough weaponry to kill a small town and do it in a matter of minutes seems crazy to me we allow that. There is an area between the NRA and people that want to confiscate all guns and most Americans are in that area and most want a little more common sense just to see if it helps.

What you describe still exists today. People still need protection. This shooter took an elevated position firing on a gun free event.

This is basically the worst possible scenario.

No one says that nothing should be done. A large contingent says guns shouldnt be restricted, because it isnt a solution. Big difference. And theyre right.

The guns he actually used are already illegal. He knew he was to die. There exists no set of laws or rules that can prevent this.
You missed the point, they did not want to get in on it because they did not want to become political. Too late for that. They are already in that arena with their support of the LGNYLMNOP group. Showing simply that they are a liberal company who only cares for the leftist agenda. Don't buy from them Used to but, not any more. Stopped buying from Starbucks, used to but their leftist agenda lost my business. Following the point yet? Do you need me to explain it to you.?

You have your reasons. Why can't you respect mine?
The fact he had half of those in his hotel room, and I’m guessing most, if not all were rifles doesn’t seem like a guy that was planning on being alone.

That was kind of interesting to me as well. Why so many guns? I can understand five or six... then again, the dude was a wacko so perhaps he was trying to figure out the right ones to use.
And this is the shooter's room. I didn't make the notes.

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Because criminals are always ahead of the system.

Assuming he was radicalized, and again on this point prove me wrong, his goal was to off a certain target and get a narrative pushed.

I'm sure some Muslims are sitting around a campfire on a mountain and are thinking...........f'n white people are nuts. Why didn't we think of this shit earlier before the planes, trucks, knives and suicide bombs.
I don't agree with the part society doesn't care about life anymore. Anytime something like this happens we find out how decent so many people are. The heroism of strangers laying over someone to cover them from the bullets, some guy with a truck rushing people to the hospital, thousands of people waiting hours in line to give blood. Naw man, there is so many decent people in this country, they just get shouted over by the worst.

I did a big research paper on the topic of mass shootings in college to support my position that it isn't guns that's the issue. I mean, we had shooting ranges/classes at schools back in the 50s and 60s.

The reality is, mass shootings were crazy rare until the 80s/90s. What changed? Guns had always been around. Columbine really changed the game. I can't recall but there were a lot of studies done that showed how many copycats and attempted copycats that came from Columbine.

A few things changed, in my opinion. It was the 24/7 media coverage and turning a nobody into a name over night, which was actually cited by the Oregon community college shooter as an inspiration. And the fact that our source of entertainment and desensitization to violence and gore and murder continue to find new levels. I'm not saying everyone who plays video games is going to kill someone but for disturbed individuals, it serves as some type of sensation and fantasy.

Also, there's a staggering amount of the younger shooters that were hardcore gamers and on psych meds.
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