How will they rule ??!

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CNN claiming Russians were buying Facebook ads targeting states like Michigan.

So I gotta ask, why couldn't the Trump allies in the United States just buy the ads themselves?


I like the delusional notion that Hillary's scandals, lies, lack of accomplishments and agenda had absolutely nothing to do with her losing. It was facebook ads.


If we're going to do it might as well top the Great Wall of China. We can't let the Chinese outdo us with the centuries of advancements in construction techniques, improved materials, and better equipment we currently have available to us. I say go all Pacific Rim on them.


Just make sure there are no giant illegal aliens that can break through it.
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I would suggest you fact-check that spammed e-mail passed on by your gullible grandma before posting it and looking like a fool, but too late now.

That's already kind of the plan. Rich neighborhoods buy the candy for their locals, poor neighborhoods bus their kids in, overtake the locals, take the candy from people they openly dislike while cussing your name for having a job and a home.

Makes me so ****ing mad to have a 14-y/o grown-ass man-boy with no costume just stand there looking at me with bag open and shitty look on his face, not saying a GD word... silently demanding candy. **** off, little man.

I've grown to despise Halloween in the past 5-10 years.

Oh... so last year, we're all out in the yard and driveway giving out candy. Our elder daughter had the dog on a leash with us. SHe gets kinda funny around a lot of people (the dog, not the girl), so she was wigging out a little bit and was just barking nervously at air.

Some toothless shitstain father felt the need to explain to me how that wasn't a good dog and he wouldn't tolerate such an animal being so disrespectful. I just looked at him b/c I was so taken aback. Who says that?

My wife said to me (under her breath as he walked on), "So, were his teeth disrespectful?"
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Why I thought there was a political motivation to the shooting. The left since the election has really been immature promoting violence.. promoting hate... if it's not their way it's wrong. Hillary has been the worst loser for the presidency in modern times which is really saying something since Gore does exist. Obama, the mainstream media, Hollywood have basically declared the right is wrong and that the left can do anything they want to them. This needs to stop. The left needs to become adults or they're going to get the Civil War they ask for.
I did a big research paper on the topic of mass shootings in college to support my position that it isn't guns that's the issue. I mean, we had shooting ranges/classes at schools back in the 50s and 60s.

The reality is, mass shootings were crazy rare until the 80s/90s. What changed? Guns had always been around. Columbine really changed the game. I can't recall but there were a lot of studies done that showed how many copycats and attempted copycats that came from Columbine.

A few things changed, in my opinion. It was the 24/7 media coverage and turning a nobody into a name over night, which was actually cited by the Oregon community college shooter as an inspiration. And the fact that our source of entertainment and desensitization to violence and gore and murder is fascinating. I'm not saying everyone who plays video games is going to kill someone but for disturbed individuals, it serves as some type of sensation and fantasy.

Also, there's a staggering amount of the younger shooters that were hardcore gamers and on psych meds.

Spot on and I'll add to the young gamers portion. I think online gaming with games like GTA and Call of Duty have really contributed to disturbed individuals getting some motivation to actually do something terrible in real life. I grew up on games and played those very games when I was in middle and high school. I've never once had a thought about taking another's life.

When you play online you have people constantly call you names, racial slurs, tell you to go die, EAD, etc. For a disturbed individual that is full of rage, hearing people call you this months and years at a time has to fill you with even more hate.

Parents shouldn't allow their kids to play COD or GTA in the first place if you ask me. But if they do, they definitely shouldn't let them play online.
Dumb Question here: What stops the next administration from tearing it down, or even letting it deteriorate?
Spot on and I'll add to the young gamers portion. I think online gaming with games like GTA and Call of Duty have really contributed to disturbed individuals getting some motivation to actually do something terrible in real life. I grew up on games and played those very games when I was in middle and high school. I've never once had a thought about taking another's life.

When you play online you have people constantly call you names, racial slurs, tell you to go die, EAD, etc. For a disturbed individual that is full of rage, hearing people call you this months and years at a time has to fill you with even more hate.

Parents shouldn't allow their kids to play COD or GTA in the first place if you ask me. But if they do, they definitely shouldn't let them play online.

Accurate point, and i've never really thought of that. I grew up in the "sticks and stones may break my bones..." era but lot of people cannot handle bullying. Hell, it's basically a crime nowadays.

Also, drugs and these games go together like PB&J. All these damn psychotic adderal babies playing games for 18hrs. WTF.

*also online gaming sounds a lot like the The Paddock
Trump may win a 2nd time (or may not).. but the country seems to be in a pendulum. Dem for 8 years, Repub for the next 8. The people on the fence seem to get tired of the current administrations politics and swing the other way.

Curious what the next administration will think of the wall, or what they will plan to do with it.
Accurate point, and i've never really thought of that. I grew up in the "sticks and stones may break my bones..." era but lot of people cannot handle bullying. Hell, it's basically a crime nowadays.

Also, drugs and these games go together like PB&J. All these damn psychotic adderal babies playing games for 18hrs. WTF.

*also online gaming sounds a lot like the The Paddock
A few years back my cousin who is my age shot his own mother in the face twice killing her because she made him go back down stairs to the basement where he was living after he had come up to be with my other cousins kids to watch TV. He had turned the channel to what he wanted to watch, they complained, she came in turned it back, they argued then, he went down stairs, got his gun and came up and shot her. I found out later that he had been there living with her for a year or so after getting divorced and quitting his job. According to my other cousin, he was constantly playing these video games and reading and watching stories about witches and warlocks. Evil creeps in if you let it.
Trump may win a 2nd time (or may not).. but the country seems to be in a pendulum. Dem for 8 years, Repub for the next 8. The people on the fence seem to get tired of the current administrations politics and swing the other way.

Curious what the next administration will think of the wall, or what they will plan to do with it.

True, we've been in a 51-49 situation for a while... but IF the wall actually goes up, I don't think a Dem will find a "tear down that wall" platform to be a winner. They usually lie and make (at least) semi-Conservative promises (see 2008 CANDIDATE obuma) to get elected, then try to do a 180 when they're in office. I don't think the majority of people would want to spend the money and effort to tear it down, at that point.
Man IDK.. the divide couldn't be greater. I don't put it past one political party to spend their own money to take the other side down a few pegs.
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Man IDK.. the divide couldn't be greater. I don't put it past one political party to spend their own money to take the other side down a few pegs.

Turning the illegals into votes is part of the bread-and-butter for the Dems... so I wouldn't put it past them to try. They'll use the issue at a rally, but they won't make it their focal point in their TV/radio ads. It'll be all soft-pedal then... and if they manage to get into office, who knows?
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