How will they rule ??!

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I just get a kick out of the group of people who wants us to give up guns.

"White ppl, the world will be better off when you're gone."

- Give us your guns

"We want unvetted migration from Muslims and Mexico."
- Give us your guns

"Antifa only fights fascist. Punch a Nazi."
- Give us your guns
So if we find the right bar, we can move the goal posts. Nice job at finding a specific window of time where we can get the per capita figures to work in your favor....yet still there are many more countries with lower numbers than higher.

How about we aggregate the Permissive vs the Restrictive and see where things fall? I mean when a nation of 5 million has one event in 50 years does a measure that happens to pick out the one 4 year period when that even happened give an accurate measure?

Lucky for you I've done that math.
From the countries you listed the Permissive nations had 284 rampage killings and a total pop of 326 million. That works out to .87 per million. (Note: the rate given in your chart for the US is wrong... should be .88 not .72. Do the math.)

The countries you list as Restrictive had 165 rampage killings and a total population of 293 million. Or .56 per million.

Thanks for making my point.

I'll spell it out for you: we rank "well" behind Norway, Finland, Slovakia, Israel, and Switzerland in mass murders per capita.

I guess asking you to comprehend a simple chart is too much.

Sigh... more proof that we don't all learn at the same rate.
I know two brothers that I do business with that immigrated from Syria back in the early nineties.

They say "BigBlueDaaveeed, why does this country have homosexuals? We do not have homosexuals in Syria."
Except they all like to buggar little boys.
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This guy moving 100k doesn't seem that outrageous, tbh.
Yeah but he did this a week before the shooting. There must be some reason for it. But like you said, who knows? There's a ton of questions being left unanswered and its very bizarre.

There are some major things not being told to the public, IMO.
Why would one man holed up in a hotel room think he would need 23 weapons? Maybe he was expecting more people to show up?
Good point. That's a hell of a lot of guns for one man to have in a hotel room. Maybe there's a cell involved? Could explain why some things aren't being released to the public. I just hope we find out the truth soon, there is something extremely fishy about all of this. Clearly there are some big details not being told yet.
Judging by his comments here, it does sound like they think someone else (or others) were involved.

At this point I'll consider him ISIS, and I'm serious.

On a lighter note, if Trump does ban white people from traveling here does that ruin the media's white supremacist go-to? I'd do it.
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So this guy had 10 bags of luggage, installed cameras to film himself (possibly live streaming it?)and to watch for police. I'm convinced that there must have been some help, maybe from the hotel staff?

Theres no way in hell he did this all by himself without someone else helping, or without someone noticing.
He'd been there more than a few days. Article said he brought weapons in 10 briefcases. Probably didn't look too suspicious.
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He'd been there more than a few days. Article said he brought weapons in 10 briefcases. Probably didn't look too suspicious.

How many of us have ever had anyone look at our luggage? I've never had anyone think twice about me bringing in bags from the car even in multiple trips. You know how busy a hotel casino is? No one would notice and there's no way to monitor that.
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Mandalay Bay has 4300 rooms. He could have brought in damn near anything to his room and no one would have noticed. I've worked at hotels from 100 to 350 rooms. Unless you are causing a MAJOR distraction, nobody cares.
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I saw Alex Jones showed a supposed pic of the shooter's dead body on his twitter. Looks legit to me.