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1 killed, 8 wounded vs 59 killed, 500+ wounded. Might that have anything to do with it?

You don't think if a "black Sudanese immigration" (who came to the US when he was 4 years old which begs the question...isn't he far more American than Sudanese?) shot up a church killing 59 and wounding 500 more that it wouldn't have spurned more talk of gun control?

I don't recall Dylan Roof's church shooting that killed 9 creating much in the way of gun control talk. The last real debate on the issue was after the Sandy Hook shootings.

I guess that depends on your definition of "real debate". To me, the president pushing for it and bringing it up qualifies.

And gun control wasn't as heavily pushed with Roof because that's when they decided to go after the confederate flag. One racist deranged fool who happened to display the confederate flag. Ever since then anything associated with the confederate flag is automatically deemed racist.
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Speaks to how the left is winning the culture war. I know Trump got a lot of heat for him fighting the NFL, but he understands that we have to start fighting the culture war. It won't be pretty but it must be done.

The country dies if we let the left control the culture.
Actually we die whenever ANYONE controls the culture.
How about allowing people to decide their culture on their own and not trying to prevent others from living how they see fit? Isn't that what freedom and liberty are about?

Forcing people to "stand for the flag" doesn't make one respect the flag. Suppressing protest doesn't change the conditions that lead to protest.
I'm sure you're all for a "culture war" as long as you think it's your culture that will prevail. I'm almost positive that if you try and force a culture upon people they will reject it and you'll lose that war. I also can't think of anything any less American than what you would term a "culture war".
The second amendment is to not let the govt become tyrannical over its people.

I'll take 100 mass murders a year before I'd prefer only my govt to have mass fire arms.

Your leaders are allowing Muslims to over run whole f'n countries and rape and pillage them as they take over by mass population. Those are your leaders.
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Actually we die whenever ANYONE controls the culture.
How about allowing people to decide their culture on their own and not trying to prevent others from living how they see fit? Isn't that what freedom and liberty are about.

This is by far the most ironic post from a liberal I've ever seen!

How about letting the people decide? We voted trump so we are trying and the left is bogging things down as are the right. So when do we get to decide our own culture?
Remove suicides and drug/gang violence, what do you get?

Edit: Nevermind, he said murders, not firearm related deaths so those statistics are irrelevant.
This is by far the most ironic post from a liberal I've ever seen!

How about letting the people decide? We voted trump so we are trying and the left is bogging things down as are the right. So when do we get to decide our own culture?
I'm sorry that you misunderstand what I was saying.

Why should ANYONE decide "my culture"?
Why should ANYONE decide "your culture"?
Why should ANYONE determine anyone else's culture?

You appear to want to force a "culture" upon others. That is wrong.
1 killed, 8 wounded vs 59 killed, 500+ wounded. Might that have anything to do with it?

You don't think if a "black Sudanese immigration" (who came to the US when he was 4 years old which begs the question...isn't he far more American than Sudanese?) shot up a church killing 59 and wounding 500 more that it wouldn't have spurned more talk of gun control?

I don't recall Dylan Roof's church shooting that killed 9 creating much in the way of gun control talk. The last real debate on the issue was after the Sandy Hook shootings.
Yeah, as for Sandy Hook, the POTUS preaching about gun control at their GD funerals when it was a parental failure of allowing a troubled child access to guns, hurt more than helped.
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They don't have nearly the black population that we have here. Take away that demographic and watch our numbers fall right in line. Oh wait, I found a country that also has a high rate of murder, here, check it out.
Ah, so it's all blackie's fault. Got'cha.

What do the US and SA have in common?
Aren't they both countries that for generations systematically oppressed black folks?
Remove suicides and drug/gang violence, what do you get?

Edit: Nevermind, he said murders, not firearm related deaths so those statistics are irrelevant.
So you just want murders...

murder rates (per 100,000 inhabitants).
United States 4.88
Belgium 1.95
Canada 1.68
Finland 1.60
France 1.58
Sweden 1.15
Denmark 0.99
Australia 0.98
Portugal 0.97
United Kingdom 0.92
Iceland 0.91
Greece 0.85
Germany 0.85
Italy 0.78
Switzerland 0.69
Spain 0.66
Ireland 0.64
Netherlands 0.61
Norway 0.56
Austria 0.51
So this may have been ISIS? Media is running with he was 16 when his father was arrested for robbing a bank/train and may have had anger issues from that.

Seriously, I'm dead serious.
I'm starting to wonder if he did have ties to ISIS in some way. He was a millionaire, I'm sure he could have been sending them money. Terrorism is the only thing that makes sense, IMO. Isis has called for attacks in Vegas several times before I believe.
Ah, so it's all blackie's fault. Got'cha.

What do the US and SA have in common?
Aren't they both countries that for generations systematically oppressed black folks?

And we wonder why wounds can't heal? People that are dead now made slaves of people that are dead now. Segregation ended (and has started up again by minority request in some places) but anytime black violence/crime gets pointed out it is justified by pointing to slavery or 50+ years ago.

Last I checked here we have affirmative action, scholarship for minorities, and turn a blind eye to anything that may show facts that support minorities commit more crime (not releasing subway surveillance footage because the cameras are racist; not keeping up with gangs because there aren't enough exclusive white gangs).

But the elephant in the room is black on black crime. Please explain how people who never experienced slavery or real systematic oppression is in any way linked to slavery or systematic oppression.

I'm sure you'll cite the source and say you don't buy it or it's biased. But Wikipedia... college professors don't accept that as a resource.
Anyone who wants to compare gun violence in the US to other countries, you better damn well show the population sizes of blacks in those countries vs ours and show the gun crime in our nation from blacks compared to whites.

Also show the legal and illegal aspects of these guns. Stop grouping it all together. Cause I assure you black gang members in Chicago aren't using legally obtained weapons.
And gun control wasn't as heavily pushed with Roof because that's when they decided to go after the confederate flag. One racist deranged fool who happened to display the confederate flag. Ever since then anything associated with the confederate flag is automatically deemed racist.

Pretty sure the confederate flag was seen as a symbol of racism to a significant percentage of the population before 2015.
And we wonder why wounds can't heal? People that are dead now made slaves of people that are dead now. Segregation ended (and has started up again by minority request in some places) but anytime black violence/crime gets pointed out it is justified by pointing to slavery or 50+ years ago.

Last I checked here we have affirmative action, scholarship for minorities, and turn a blind eye to anything that may show facts that support minorities commit more crime (not releasing subway surveillance footage because the cameras are racist; not keeping up with gangs because there aren't enough exclusive white gangs).

But the elephant in the room is black on black crime. Please explain how people who never experienced slavery or real systematic oppression is in any way linked to slavery or systematic oppression.

I'm sure you'll cite the source and say you don't buy it or it's biased. But Wikipedia... college professors don't accept that as a resource.
The overwhelming black-on-black crime issue is drug related. Why do so many young black men feel they must turn to drugs and gangs to "make it"?

Our criminal justice system is also IMO largely responsible. We call our prisons "correctional institutions" yet there is very little in the way of corrections going on. We lock people up, treat them like animals and then wonder why they act like animals when they are released. Over half the people that go to prison and are released return to prison. Do you think that the fact that we have privatized many of our prisons has anything to do with it? What incentive does CCA have to do anything that may cut down on the inmate population?

While forced segregation ended 50 years ago many schools and neighborhoods are as segregated as ever. Back in 2003 I had taken a job in Birmingham and was looking for a home. My wife and I called a "top producing" real estate agent who had been recommended to help us find a home. We were looking in the Mountain Brook area and had spotted a home that looked interesting. We asked the agent about the home and were told..."Blacks live there, you don't want to move in after blacks". Both my and my wife's jaws hit the floor.
By a lot of people? Sure. But where was the media outcry before that moment?

Depends on the media you follow. I agree with you that the majority of the media swayed the focus of its viewers to follow their agenda regarding the Roof story. They do it all the time to take focus of anything that doesn't fit the narrative. But the confederate flag has been one of the definitive symbols of racism to many in our country for a long time. It's an unnecessary accessory to a percentage of southerners who seem to be holding on to it for spite. (At least let's hope that is the reason)
The overwhelming black-on-black crime issue is drug related. Why do so many young black men feel they must turn to drugs and gangs to "make it"?

Our criminal justice system is also IMO largely responsible. We call our prisons "correctional institutions" yet there is very little in the way of corrections going on. We lock people up, treat them like animals and then wonder why they act like animals when they are released. Over half the people that go to prison and are released return to prison. Do you think that the fact that we have privatized many of our prisons has anything to do with it? What incentive does CCA have to do anything that may cut down on the inmate population?

While forced segregation ended 50 years ago many schools and neighborhoods are as segregated as ever. Back in 2003 I had taken a job in Birmingham and was looking for a home. My wife and I called a "top producing" real estate agent who had been recommended to help us find a home. We were looking in the Mountain Brook area and had spotted a home that looked interesting. We asked the agent about the home and were told..."Blacks live there, you don't want to move in after blacks". Both my and my wife's jaws hit the floor.

Sure some fall through cracks and feel like they have to. It would help these days if more than 27% of black children had a father figure around.

But for some people they turn to drugs because they do them, enjoy them and can make a ton of money off of them. I know several people who deal in drugs, I'm sure we all did growing up. There were whites, blacks, Hispanics. Poor, rich, and middle income kids.

For those put in the horrible neighborhoods... democrats made it that way. They tell them that they need them. That they'll fight for them. All they do is give them just enough benefits to get by on and no hope of bettering themselves. Perhaps they should reduce the benefits and help these people find a steady job? But then they wouldn't solely rely on them would they? This is where the "drugs to get by" crowd comes in.

And I don't think anyone would deny racism exists. That agent you talked to sounds like a real moron. But individual people will continue to be racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Sadly that's the way it is. You just can't let it be systematic and must try to weed out those that are the above that are within the system.
Longer this goes without a motive the harder it is to believe the guy was not some political wacko. The government/authorities may be scared as to the shi!storm it would create and are hiding it. I cannot remember another time when the media and authorities had not already uncovered a vault full of info on a shooter by now.

If this guy truly was radicalized by ISIS then its a whole new ballgame in the fight against terror.

How do you fight against old, white, rich folks now being radicalized?
The overwhelming black-on-black crime issue is drug related. Why do so many young black men feel they must turn to drugs and gangs to "make it"?

Our criminal justice system is also IMO largely responsible. We call our prisons "correctional institutions" yet there is very little in the way of corrections going on. We lock people up, treat them like animals and then wonder why they act like animals when they are released. Over half the people that go to prison and are released return to prison. Do you think that the fact that we have privatized many of our prisons has anything to do with it? What incentive does CCA have to do anything that may cut down on the inmate population?

While forced segregation ended 50 years ago many schools and neighborhoods are as segregated as ever. Back in 2003 I had taken a job in Birmingham and was looking for a home. My wife and I called a "top producing" real estate agent who had been recommended to help us find a home. We were looking in the Mountain Brook area and had spotted a home that looked interesting. We asked the agent about the home and were told..."Blacks live there, you don't want to move in after blacks". Both my and my wife's jaws hit the floor.

So it's societies fault that blacks turn to crime to make it? Couldn't be their upbringing, or lack of parenting, Its societies falt.

So you think the privatization of jails has led to released convicts going back to crime?

At some point the individual has to be held accountable for their very own actions. Blaming it on everyone else is only going to prolong the problem, and there is a very serious problem with crime in black communities.
The overwhelming black-on-black crime issue is drug related. Why do so many young black men feel they must turn to drugs and gangs to "make it"?

Our criminal justice system is also IMO largely responsible. We call our prisons "correctional institutions" yet there is very little in the way of corrections going on. We lock people up, treat them like animals and then wonder why they act like animals when they are released. Over half the people that go to prison and are released return to prison. Do you think that the fact that we have privatized many of our prisons has anything to do with it? What incentive does CCA have to do anything that may cut down on the inmate population?

While forced segregation ended 50 years ago many schools and neighborhoods are as segregated as ever. Back in 2003 I had taken a job in Birmingham and was looking for a home. My wife and I called a "top producing" real estate agent who had been recommended to help us find a home. We were looking in the Mountain Brook area and had spotted a home that looked interesting. We asked the agent about the home and were told..."Blacks live there, you don't want to move in after blacks". Both my and my wife's jaws hit the floor.

A good point and an interesting story. A good illustration as to how government involvement cant modify certain aspects of human nature. In general, people prefer to live amongst their own race. Its just that way. Its been that way since the beginning.

Government should absolutely prevent discrimination. But not involved in articifial segregation. Let people decide.
Depends on the media you follow. I agree with you that the majority of the media swayed the focus of its viewers to follow their agenda regarding the Roof story. They do it all the time to take focus of anything that doesn't fit the narrative. But the confederate flag has been one of the definitive symbols of racism to many in our country for a long time. It's an unnecessary accessory to a percentage of southerners who seem to be holding on to it for spite. (At least let's hope that is the reason)

I can agree with this. It has been to many and I can see why. But I don't think you should be vilified just for having this flag on display. If it offends you, wear a shirt with that flag and a mark through it. That'd be just fine too.
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How many of you have seen idiotic libs using Australia as an example of gun control working? Haha

First off, the population size of the United States vs Australia is like 323 million compared to 23 million people. We also have way more blacks than they do, which accounts for a huge amount of our gun crime.

Same morons will use Denmark as an example of free college and then forget that Denmark is only a population size of 5 million people and taxed to death.

Gun-free zones at schools don't work
Gun control didn't stop the Charlie Hebdo attacks
Gun control didn't stop the Paris attacks in 2015
Strict gun laws didn't stop San Bernardino
Strict gun laws don't work in Chicago.

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Anyone who wants to compare gun violence in the US to other countries, you better damn well show the population sizes of blacks in those countries vs ours and show the gun crime in our nation from blacks compared to whites.

Also show the legal and illegal aspects of these guns. Stop grouping it all together. Cause I assure you black gang members in Chicago aren't using legally obtained weapons.

This is a good point. The sheer number of guns in the US also plays a part. I lived in Canada for 21 years and never saw a handgun that wasn't strapped to a cop's hip. We had rifles and shotguns for hunting but never considered them as protection either from intruders or our own government. The culture here is simply different and nothing will ever change that.
Longer this goes without a motive the harder it is to believe the guy was not some political wacko. The government/authorities may be scared as to the shi!storm it would create and are hiding it. I cannot remember another time when the media and authorities had not already uncovered a vault full of info on a shooter by now.

If this guy truly was radicalized by ISIS then its a whole new ballgame in the fight against terror.

How do you fight against old, white, rich folks now being radicalized?
I Don't think it was ISIS traied but he may want to identify with some cause other than just random violence. Those are mostly drivers and bomb detonators.

I think this guy was individually enraged at something that we can't possibly identify with. And I think he was very organized and a pretty talented indidual at tasks he undertakes in life. I know I couldn't pull this off, I'd screw up the date or forget to put a screw in the bipod of the machine gun or some shit.
A good point and an interesting story. A good illustration as to how government involvement cant modify certain aspects of human nature. In general, people prefer to live amongst their own race. Its just that way. Its been that way since the beginning.

Government should absolutely prevent discrimination. But not involved in articifial segregation. Let people decide.

That's why television is so ridiculous. It's not common for a group of friends to have multiple people of a different ethnicity in one group. There's not a lot of interracial marriages despite what media portrays.

It's why when you go to school/college, you'll see blacks hanging with blacks, Asians hanging with Asians, etc. Hell, it's why we have things like Koreatown/Chinatown, Little Mexico, etc.

The melting pot stuff is a myth. it's just a bunch of different pots separated. In reality, it creates huge division and makes it easier for a government to rule you when you're not united.

We now have so many people in this nation who don't give a damn about our country and treat it like a shark feasting off a whale carcass.

You were saying?
So if we find the right bar, we can move the goal posts. Nice job at finding a specific window of time where we can get the per capita figures to work in your favor....yet still there are many more countries with lower numbers than higher.

How about we aggregate the Permissive vs the Restrictive and see where things fall? I mean when a nation of 5 million has one event in 50 years does a measure that happens to pick out the one 4 year period when that even happened give an accurate measure?

Lucky for you I've done that math.
From the countries you listed the Permissive nations had 284 rampage killings and a total pop of 326 million. That works out to .87 per million. (Note: the rate given in your chart for the US is wrong... should be .88 not .72. Do the math.)

The countries you list as Restrictive had 165 rampage killings and a total population of 293 million. Or .56 per million.

Thanks for making my point.
She will get hired for more money somewhere. .

She knew what she was doing, couldn't have not... a lawyer is a trained debater who if nothing else understands the power of precise vocabulary and the consequences of argument.
Longer this goes without a motive the harder it is to believe the guy was not some political wacko. The government/authorities may be scared as to the shi!storm it would create and are hiding it. I cannot remember another time when the media and authorities had not already uncovered a vault full of info on a shooter by now.

If this guy truly was radicalized by ISIS then its a whole new ballgame in the fight against terror.

How do you fight against old, white, rich folks now being radicalized?
Usually the people that have perpetrated such crimes have been active on social media and leave clues that are easily uncovered. This guy evidently didn't have a FB, Twitter or other social media accounts. Didn't write letters to his newspaper, put bumper stickers on his cars.

He was a regular in Vegas and in the casinos. Maybe he WAS rich but lost it or was losing it. Mental illness? Alzheimer's? My dad died from Alzheimer's and did some "crazy" things in the early days before we knew what was wrong.

But yeah...if he was radicalized by ISIS...

So you just want murders...

murder rates (per 100,000 inhabitants).
United States 4.88
Belgium 1.95
Canada 1.68
Finland 1.60
France 1.58
Sweden 1.15
Denmark 0.99
Australia 0.98
Portugal 0.97
United Kingdom 0.92
Iceland 0.91
Greece 0.85
Germany 0.85
Italy 0.78
Switzerland 0.69
Spain 0.66
Ireland 0.64
Netherlands 0.61
Norway 0.56
Austria 0.51

LMAO at Fuzzynuts comparing our murder and gun related deaths and rates to the whitest countries in the world. you just kind of proved a lot of points that have been made on here time and time again. yet you called those points racist when worded differently.

when the full story comes out and this nut job in Vegas is proven to be a liberal hack who felt he was doing the work of Antifa and so on, how is the media going to spin it? this is going to turn out to be no different than the nut who tried to shoot up the congress baseball game, except this nut had a much better plan.
I'm sorry that you misunderstand what I was saying.

Why should ANYONE decide "my culture"?
Why should ANYONE decide "your culture"?
Why should ANYONE determine anyone else's culture?

You appear to want to force a "culture" upon others. That is wrong.

A culture like destroying historical statues?

A culture forcing illegals down our throats?

A culture allowing as many Muslims as possible in our country?

A culture allowing people to become the laziest generation ever with unlimited handouts?

You mean those culture? No sir that's your party.
The melting pot stuff is a myth. it's just a bunch of different pots separated. In reality, it creates huge division and makes it easier for a government to rule you when you're not united.

So says the biggest racist on this board.
Tell me sleaze...has the government made you dislike blacks so much or did you get that way on your own?

Dude, you need to look around and take notice of how many bi-racial kids are out there and the number of bi-racial couples. No idea where you live, perhaps it's lily white there but you've obviously not spent too much time on a high school or college campus recently.
Culture is a key point actually. Those countries above are (or were) culturally homogenous and most of them still have a variety of differences to ours.

Where they are not, say Switzerland for example is a combination of French, German and Italian cultures, there is a VERY STRONG Swiss identity.

Here, proud to be an American is a subject open to debate.
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Longer this goes without a motive the harder it is to believe the guy was not some political wacko. The government/authorities may be scared as to the shi!storm it would create and are hiding it. I cannot remember another time when the media and authorities had not already uncovered a vault full of info on a shooter by now.

If this guy truly was radicalized by ISIS then its a whole new ballgame in the fight against terror.

How do you fight against old, white, rich folks now being radicalized?

Ban them from the country is my guess!

If London just kept the acid away from the Muslims they wouldn't have the problem...or even better, imagine if they didn't have any Muslims they wouldn't be the acid attack capital of the world.

None of this can bother Fuzz though, he read about a BLT and a hot dog with 3 mustard packages being left within a mile radius of some guy's house named Abdul-Hamid.