How will they rule ??!

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And in this specific case, did the hotel not say they were alerted by the smoke alarm from firing his AR?

Hillary woke up and started attacking the NRA as if the individual pulling the trigger was a victim of the NRA. Of course that's right on par after a tragic event involving firearms.
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And in this specific case, did the hotel not say they were alerted by the smoke alarm from firing his AR?

Hillary woke up and started attacking the NRA as if the individual pulling the trigger was a victim of the NRA. Of course that's right on par after a tragic event involving firearms.

She continues to show her stupidity and wonders why she lost
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I'm sure there is, but someone is hiding it. I don't buy this "he had no political leanings" BS. What a crock of shit.

Were marching orders handed out after Hodgkinson to hide information about leftists who commit mass murder? Something is extremely bizarre about this.

Nearly a full 24 hours has passed and we know next to nothing about his political views. When is the last time that happened after a mass shooting? I can't recall it ever going down like this

That can only mean that he is a Liberal and the media is hiding it. How much did they talk about the shooting of republicans at the baseball field?
Yes thats why i mentioned the spray. But the choice of weapons, the tactical location/point of attack, the reported tripods, the ammonium nitrate - it all tells me the shooter (be it him or someone else) was much more experienced with guns and killing devices than what we are told about this guy.

Someone that snapped doesnt kill like this. Theyd be in the crowd and open up fire

So, it has been confirmed that the auto fire was from a modified AR?

That's interesting and all kinds of scary.
So, it has been confirmed that the auto fire was from a modified AR?

That's interesting and all kinds of scary.

Has it? I mustve missed that. Just that it was 2 fully automatic weapons. Early reports said tripods for both. But its been quite since initial reports
Has it? I mustve missed that. Just that it was 2 fully automatic weapons. Early reports said tripods for both. But its been quite since initial reports
No? I have no idea, I was just asking. I missed a lot yesterday and the comments on the last 2 pages of this thread made it seem like this info was known. I see know it was just examples. My fault.
I haven't really gone out of my way to know what's going on, but we know for a fact this guy was the only shooter? He had 23 damn guns up there. What in the world.

CBS radio said authorities have his gf and computers, and motive will likely be known.

He also had two planes? Rich as hell wasn't he. Maybe he ran guns for Hillary.
I haven't really gone out of my way to know what's going on, but we know for a fact this guy was the only shooter? He had 23 damn guns up there. What in the world.

CBS radio said authorities have his gf and computers, and motive will likely be known.

He also had two planes? Rich as hell wasn't he. Maybe he ran guns for Hillary.

Them not having a pic of this guy more recent than 2014 is telling.
TV ratings though...
NFL gear, fantasy football (less players less advertising) tv viewership cancelling direct tv packages. There's no way to spin this that it is not going to have anything but a negative effect. It's impossible. Add to that pussification of the game , less workhorse running backs (b/c of pansy rules in the passing game) ... Also it's almost a guarantee that the games last great player is going to retire after this year (Tom Brady)

There will not be many more elite running backs which imo made fantasy football great (m.faulk, e.smith, e.james,, Thurman Thomas, Shaun Alexander, Curtis Martin.. The days of 30 or 40 carries is over. RBBC was a scary term back when I played...

I may be generationally out of touch but the lack of those players took a lot of fun out of football... Add to that the good boy image players have to maintain and you have ray rice scenarios or soon to be zeke Elliot... The league has been ruined, the political protests is just icing on the cake of the death of the NFL.

As with anything this is just the opinion of an ordinary joe
Cute cartoon, but fans ain't doing shit. stadiums still packed.

Their ratings are getting jacked. I posted that very stupid people will continue thinking everything is ok because fans show up. Those tickets were already bought and paid for so it will take until next year to see anything in the stands.

The ratings are tanking and that's all you can gauge right now. The owners are still "united" meanwhile less people are kneeling, lol.

That was a quick and cute little protest.
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Their ratings are getting jacked. I posted that very stupid people will continue thinking everything is ok because fans show up. Those tickets were already bought and paid for so it will take until next year to see anything in the stands.

The ratings are tanking and that's all you can gauge right now. The owners are still "united" meanwhile less people are kneeling, lol.

That was a quick and cute little protest.

What is really, really offensive to me is when these asshats do their little anti stars and stripes skit in another country.
I'm more of a casual fan, and I wouldn't be caught dead sitting in an NFL stadium with the fans who sit in an NFL stadium. Just not a demographic of people I enjoy being around.

I'd imagine the tens of thousands that go to the stadiums every Sunday aren't going to be significantly impacted by the kneeling bullshit.

I on the other hand would prefer to recover from a hangover/sleep on my couch with the NFL as background noise, or something else if I have to hear them continuously talk about politics.
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imo the damage is done. THis isn't a labor problem like baseball , this is a spit in the face of people who really love their communities and country. That is probably a hard concept for minorities and liberals to embrace since they detest this country.

Here's hoping it has lasting and painful consequence$ to the nfl.
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Isn't it interesting there were no gun control calls after a black sudanese immigration shot up a church a week ago? Why is that?
1 killed, 8 wounded vs 59 killed, 500+ wounded. Might that have anything to do with it?

You don't think if a "black Sudanese immigration" (who came to the US when he was 4 years old which begs the question...isn't he far more American than Sudanese?) shot up a church killing 59 and wounding 500 more that it wouldn't have spurned more talk of gun control?

I don't recall Dylan Roof's church shooting that killed 9 creating much in the way of gun control talk. The last real debate on the issue was after the Sandy Hook shootings.