How will they rule ??!

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Didn't respond to a link on Sharia Law because I didn't see it... Add that Muslims account for < 1% of America...I'm not worried about Sharia Law in the US. Add that I'm not going to rely on a source that bills itself as "TROP is a non-partisan, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom.". Why is it I might think that their opinion just MIGHT be a bit bias?
There are zero countries that enforce Sharia Law as it is presented by this website. Not in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq outside of ISIS controlled territory or any of the other predominantly Muslim countries. Yes, it is archaic. Especially by western standards and with regards to women. But again, outside of a few enclaves the Muslim world is slowly liberalizing in those areas just as we have done here. Hell, Pakistan elected an woman Prime Minister in 1993. 24 years later and the US still hasn't done the equivalent. The 3 most populous majority Muslim nations have all elected women to their top office.

Regardless of the source, it states what's in Sharia Law. I don't see how that is debateable. You don't worry about it now, but again, look at Europe. When you're the minority, you can't cease power. Blend in, build up over time and when you're the majority you can pretty much do what you want. Maybe not in our life time, but I have kids. I worry about the future.

And here in America the only woman that has ran for president was this woman


Anyhow, you and I could disagree all day long. And that's fine. We all have different opinions. Thanks for the civil discussion.
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Sundays bloody Sundays. 2 weeks in a row. Still a month a way from Nov. 4th Bolshevik 100 year anniversary scheduled demonstrations. God help us all.

Mental health problems need to be a bigger issue but why let a good crisis go to waste?
Remember when people used to discuss their opinions rather than resort to wishing death on those that didn't agree? What a loon.
Speaks to how the left is winning the culture war. I know Trump got a lot of heat for him fighting the NFL, but he understands that we have to start fighting the culture war. It won't be pretty but it must be done.

The country dies if we let the left control the culture.
Gasolina. Finally a celeb steps up instead of hating from the sidelines.

“We Can’t Wait for Government.” Pop Star Daddy Yankee Saves Puerto Rican Food Bank and Delivers Aid

While he was touring the food bank, the director mentioned how she was desperate for diesel fuel to run the generators. She had only enough to provide electricity to the building for two more hours. Without power, 25,000 pounds of food stored in the freezers of food bank would have been at risk of going to waste.

So Daddy Yankee’s entourage made some phone calls and delivered 200 gallons of fuel, enough diesel to run the generators for another week.

“We got the diesel! We got the diesel!” the pop star proclaimed at the Food Bank. “We can’t wait for the government.”

For the record I'm not anti-2nd Amendment but it isn't the only the BoR amendment that gets threatened. The 1st, 2nd and 4th are regularly attacked. The 6th is regularly abused.

The biggest issue with the 2nd is the technological difference between firearms as they existed in the 18th century and today... and exactly what was meant by "a well regulated militia". We no longer have state militias as existed in that day. In that day when the militias were called up the "soldier" brought their own weapon. We had a tiny federal army, less than 3,000 troops. The debate is where to draw the line. We don't allow civilians to possess an RPG or many other military weapons. I'd say most think that to be a good thing.

The second amendment is to not let the govt become tyrannical over its people.

I'll take 100 mass murders a year before I'd prefer only my govt to have mass fire arms.

Your leaders are allowing Muslims to over run whole f'n countries and rape and pillage them as they take over by mass population. Those are your leaders.
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Amazing how there's just no information about this guy's beliefs.
I'm sure there is, but someone is hiding it. I don't buy this "he had no political leanings" BS. What a crock of shit.

Were marching orders handed out after Hodgkinson to hide information about leftists who commit mass murder? Something is extremely bizarre about this.

Nearly a full 24 hours has passed and we know next to nothing about his political views. When is the last time that happened after a mass shooting? I can't recall it ever going down like this
The Shooter didn’t snap, he was on a well orchestrated and planned mission.

I’d wager the guy is a far left nut job, simply by looking at his target.
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Girlfriend was registered democrat. But voted Trump. She changed her voter registration to Republican today due to the Vegas shooting. I'm staying Libertarian, but glad she changed. She wants to see Hillary shot dead between the eyes. Hates liberals.
The Shooter didn’t snap, he was on a well orchestrated and planned mission.

I’d wager the guy is a far left nut job, simply by looking at his target.
Bingo. He shot up a place that was mostly full of Republicans. Connect the dots here.
Yet there are still far fewer murders than there are here.
They don't have nearly the black population that we have here. Take away that demographic and watch our numbers fall right in line. Oh wait, I found a country that also has a high rate of murder, here, check it out.
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Bingo. He shot up a place that was mostly full of Republicans. Connect the dots here.

This was planned well in advance, love him or hate him Jason Aldean is one of the biggest stars in Country music, that means more targets in the kill zone.
He didn’t randomly end up on the 32nd floor facing the crowd, so that means he plotted out the most effective platform to shoot from.

Most of the people in the crowd, one would think , would lean conservative, and white.
Amazing how the FBI stated there was no evidence that he was associated with any terrorists after only 12 hours, BUT, the FBI has spent a year and half investigating Trump/Russia connection and have found nothing???? WTF is that?
Today we learned you literally can't vote yourself out of government. What is the libertarian response?
"Paddock's younger brother, Eric, said he never knew the suspect to have a fascination with guns and thought he owned just a couple of handguns that he kept in a safe."

So his brother doesn't know that he owned a frigging arsenal, but we'll take his word that the shooting wasn't politically motivated? Even the fact that he had 20 guns in the room shows it was politically motivated. He martyred himself and murdered 59 people to help further the socialist cause. Probably saw himself as a hero thanks to liberal brainwashing.

If we're going to vilify hate speech, let's start with the most hateful group of all. The left. Their rhetoric led directly to this tragedy.
Amazing how the FBI stated there was no evidence that he was associated with any terrorists after only 12 hours, BUT, the FBI has spent a year and half investigating Trump/Russia connection and have found nothing???? WTF is that?

I think it's interesting that all social media of his is gone in a flash. When has that ever happened? This is covered up just like how they covered up the Pulse night club shooter's references to Islam.

The choice in victim is telling. That seems to be lost in the consistent gun grab from liberals who act like they give a shit about these people who they bash and mock all the time.

The left doesn't give a crap about what Islam is doing to the world, doesn't care what black people do to whites, if cops get killed, don't care about a child in the womb but all of a sudden break out the crocodile tears and social media virtue signaling to go for guns.
^ Basically, unless you're a communist, socialist, BLM, self-loathing white beta cuck, Antifa, Muslim, illegal, radical feminist who hates men and the west, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EVER VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS?

They are no longer wearing a mask. The left is very open about what they are. They hate western civilization, hate those who protect it, side with criminals over cops (good cops), burn our flag, protest our anthem, indoctrinate kids into hating this place, indoctrinate them and robbing them of their innocence with a focus of trans, homosexuality, sexual garbage pushed on little kids, they hate Christians yet back Islam, they are super open about hating white people now as well and they wouldn't hesitant to get rid of the 2A if they got the chance.

When someone says they're a leftist, it tells me a number of things.

A) You're pure evil
B) You're brainwashed
C) You're stupid
D) You're too scared to stand up against the left
E) A combination of these
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At this point, its a bit conclusory to accept he was the shooter. All we know for sure is he was found in the room.

One thing for sure: those were much linger shots than i initially assumed. I get he can just spray. But it takes a certain degree of skill to even do that from so far away.

No way the shooter doesnt have some decent shooting experience, imo, be it this guy or another
No, it is not true.

Because most of those videos are made by people trying to push an agenda. Ever think that they might edit out those that don't fit their narrative?

You don'? Below I posted a few below... got 100+ more if you want.

Lexington, March 2017
The Masjid Bilal Mosque received a hand-written letter postmarked from England warning that “An explosive device will be placed at your Mosque very soon.”

Owensboro, November 2016
Someone covered the mosque sign and door with paintballs. It is the second time the mosque has been vandalized this year.

Owensboro, January 2016
A person or group of people vandalized the Islamic Center of Owensboro with ketchup, but officials are not investigating it as a hate crime since the vandal(s) left no words or symbols.

Lexington, November 2015
A man sent an email to the Islamic Center of Lexington threatening to kill everyone inside.

Mayfield, August 2010
The Board of Zoning Adjustments denied a permit for local Muslims to worship in a rented storefront, reversing the board's unanimous decision weeks earlier to grant the same permit.

Florence, June 2010
Opponents of a proposed mosque have distributed fliers urging neighbors to "to stop the takeover of our country," and have set up a website alleging that the mosque is "the first phase of a Master Plan."

Columbus, September 2017
A group demonstrated outside a local mosque with signs like “Homos and Muslims go to hell.”

West Chester, June 2017
The Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati received a package containing white powder and a threatening note. The powder turned out not to be hazardous.

West Chester Township, March 2017
Someone reportedly left a bomb threat on a mosque’s answering machine.

Columbus, February 2017
Surveillance video caught a man vandalizing a mosque with anti-Muslim graffiti such as “Allah is a fraud.”

Cleveland, November 2016
The Islamic Center of Cleveland, and mosques throughout the country, received a letter signed from “Americans for a Better Way,” saying that Trump will “cleanse America” and do to Muslims “what Hitler did to the Jews.”

West Chester Township, June 2016
Police say a man impersonating a police officer barged into a mosque during prayers and shouted “Jesus is Lord.”

Toledo, OH, September 2012
A gasoline fire on the main floor of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo was ruled to be arson.

Columbus, December 2010
A Muslim woman was threatened and sprayed with pepper spray outside of an Islamic Center.

Dayton, September 2008
A ten-year-old girl was sprayed in the face with a chemical while attending Ramadan services.

Sugarcreek Township, January 2008
Opponents of a proposed mosque declared, “We just feel that Christianity is right and that Islam is wrong. Therefore, we take a stand to see (a mosque) not in our community.” The zoning board of appeals rejected plans for the mosque in January 2008, but approved a scaled back version in September 2008, despite vocal opposition.

Cincinnati, December 2005
Two pipe bombs were detonated outside of a local mosque.

Lol, did you read those? Paintballs, ketchup, notes from england. I'm guessing no, you didn't read it.
At this point, its a bit conclusory to accept he was the shooter. All we know for sure is he was found in the room.

One thing for sure: those were much linger shots than i initially assumed. I get he can just spray. But it takes a certain degree of skill to even do that from so far away.

No way the shooter doesnt have some decent shooting experience, imo, be it this guy or another
Assuming he was shooting 55grain .223 cal, the drop is about 32 inches at 400 yards. You don't have to be much of a marksman to hit a crowd of 22,000 with those numbers.
Lol, did you read those? Paintballs, ketchup, notes from england. I'm guessing no, you didn't read it.

Oh no not ketchup! Not paintballs!

And in the meantime Muslims are killing scores across Western Europe. Raping untold thousands. And pouring across borders because people like "Fuzz" would be petrified at calling them invaders lest he be termed Islamophobic.
So this may have been ISIS? Media is running with he was 16 when his father was arrested for robbing a bank/train and may have had anger issues from that.

Seriously, I'm dead serious.
Assuming he was shooting 55grain .223 cal, the drop is about 32 inches at 400 yards. You don't have to be much of a marksman to hit a crowd of 22,000 with those numbers.

Yes thats why i mentioned the spray. But the choice of weapons, the tactical location/point of attack, the reported tripods, the ammonium nitrate - it all tells me the shooter (be it him or someone else) was much more experienced with guns and killing devices than what we are told about this guy.

Someone that snapped doesnt kill like this. Theyd be in the crowd and open up fire
Oh no not ketchup! Not paintballs!

And in the meantime Muslims are killing scores across Western Europe. Raping untold thousands. And pouring across borders because people like "Fuzz" would be petrified at calling them invaders lest he be termed Islamophobic.

I thought this was a terrible story and then I read that horrific ketchup incident that Fuzz included in his list and then he threatened to shame our ignorance with another 100 more stories...I don't think I could handle it to find out someone in Toledo may have taped some bacon to a mosque door.