How will they rule ??!

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Family of shooter says he had no political ties. That something just happened and he snapped.

Bullshit. You don't have the preplanning and the setup of this douche if you just snapped.

Anyone heard from Card killa, keyser, bigGaySean?
I'm going to wait until more information comes out. The venue chosen seems to indicate motive but I don't know so I'll refrain from saying anything regarding the killer and his background other then the fact that he's an evil piece of scum who is rotting in hell.

What's so depressing is these people losing their lives when they were just trying to enjoy themselves. People lost sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers because of this man.

You simply can't go anywhere without this being a possibility. Us and our families and friends can be victims of this any time we go to eat, go outside, go to a movie, go to school, go to work, go to church. There's just so much evil in this world.

I have to take a break from media. Seeing this type of tragedy and our media all the time affects you.

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I'm going to wait until more information comes out. The venue chosen seems to indicate motive but I don't know so I'll refrain from saying anything regarding the killer and his background other then the fact that he's an evil piece of scum who is rotting in hell.

What's so depressing is these people losing their lives when they were just trying to enjoy themselves. People lost sons, daughters, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers because of this man.

You simply can't go anywhere without this being a possibility. Us and our families and friends can be victims of this any time we go to eat, go outside, go to a movie, go to school, go to work, go to church. There's just so much evil in this world.

I have to take a break from media. Seeing this type of tragedy and our media all the time affects you.

The biggest threat to these idiots wishing death on people is someone disagreeing with them. They'd rather see people dead than have them not agree with them. These people are a disease and belong on an island where they all can agree with each other all day.
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The biggest threat to these idiots wishing death on people is someone disagreeing with them. They'd rather see people dead than have them not agree with them. These people are a disease and belong on an island where they all can agree with each other all day.
that's when libs will be happy. When the opposition to them is dead. People keep trying to appease the left but they will push and take until you are dead. They don't want compromise they want you to cease to live.

I won't buy guns , but I am definitely going to be shopping ninja gear. Mess with me and you will get a throwing star to the neck. Or maybe I will nun chuck you in the melon. It's your choice libs.

.dude's last name is paddock. You KNOW the FBI googled paddock and probably saw this site and clicked it. Watch out
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What is most likely to happen next? Islamic terror attack or BLM terror attack? I know these 2 groups do not like to lose the headlines so I'd expect in the next week to see something by one of those groups.
well his brother should definitely be investigated. All communications all electronic communications social media. No religious beliefs I believe that which means he was probably anti religion.

Hashtags and memorials are not going to stop the killing. A physical show of force by law abiding Americans against political and state figures who spout revolutionary anti American rhetoric need to be delt with.

On a side n note so happy the FBI is really doing hard work protecting us from paying basketball players $100000. Three years it's going to really make us safer. Thanks FBI that's the top priority obviously
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That crap shouldn't even be repeated. They had nothing to do with this.
Well, they look towards these accounts after every large loss of life event - they don't claim every one, so they have to take it seriously when they do claim it.

I mean - some guy didn't just snap for absolutely no reason. It's newsworthy true or false. False and it shows they are desperate and losing ground in their own battle.
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Well, they look towards these accounts after every large loss of life event - they don't claim every one, so they have to take it seriously when they do claim it.

I mean - some guy didn't just snap for absolutely no reason.
He didn't "snap". He planned out his attack with great detail. He didn't know the exact identity of his prey, but he knew the group.
He didn't "snap". He planned out his attack with great detail. He didn't know the exact identity of his prey, but he knew the group.
Well no shit it was planned in great detail...I would consider somebody planning an attack such as this at some point snapped, but that's just me.
Well, they look towards these accounts after every large loss of life event - they don't claim every one, so they have to take it seriously when they do claim it.

I mean - some guy didn't just snap for absolutely no reason. It's newsworthy true or false. False and it shows they are desperate and losing ground in their own battle.

This incident appears to have been premeditated well in advance. According to some reports, shooter even had cameras warning him of pending closure by law enforcement authorities.
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Well no shit it was planned in great detail...I would consider somebody planning an attack such as this at some point snapped, but that's just me.
Being brainwashed by the leftist media for years does not constitute "snapped" to me. In my opinion, snapped denotes an immediate decision.
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beast mode does not conform. I love the fact that he is so genuine and does not engage in group think.
I really think we are at the point in this country where God needs to be vigorously embraced. Can you imagine if once a week there was a discussion about all these emotions that mankind has and people understood that EVERYONE has these feelings, YOU are not alone; and there is a way to deal with it.

God made us in His image to love the way He loves us and we must do things to show God's glory. And we will always fall short b/c as humans we are EXTREMELY flawed. Every one of us. But each and every one of us has the spirit of God in us. Coupled with the sinful nature of man it is a soul.
Corny? yes Cheesy ok? But 50 ****ing people just got butchered today. I'd say we need to do something drastic in AMerica b/c it is really hurting. The answer btw is not to trust people, the answer is to trust God.

My point is we are not alone, we are here not to satisfy our sinful desires/lusts or be self righteous. Just be still and love like God loves his creation which is us
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I really think we are at the point in this country where God needs to be vigorously embraced. Can you imagine if once a week there was a discussion about all these emotions that mankind has and people understood that EVERYONE has these feelings and there is a way to deal with it. People are not alone , God made us in His image to love the way He loves us. Corny? yes Cheesy ok? But 50 ****ing people just got butchered today. I'd say we need to do something drastic in AMerica b/c it is really hurting. The answer btw is not to trust people, the answer is to trust God.

If we all followed Jesus' example and did what He said, none of this would be happening. Jesus preached to love everyone, including your enemies... There would be no enemies if we were able to do this though. I believe that's what we would be able to do in a perfect world... but this world is far from perfect, as are all of us.

I'm a believer and do/think plenty I probably shouldn't.... Just as everyone else does. Difference is most of us don't end up killing people, molesting children, etc. God gives us free will and as long as He does, things like this will happen.

With that said, I find it funny that Christianity is the "bad" religion according to the media. Yes, there are hypocrites, posers and bad people who claim to be Christian, but that's not the message of the New Testament. You have to look at the core beliefs and go from there. Yet you mention Christianity and God and you're labeled a zealot.

That's why I don't get the Islam protection. The religion literally calls for lying, rape and murder yet is shielded from criticism. Not all Islamist are terrorist and go around killing people. But most moderate muslims won't condem it and some even applaud it. And if you yell Allah Akbar (or whatever) before killing people, it's not an issue. Hell, they even go as far to editing it from Allah to God in some cases. Just blows my mind.