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Hillary Clinton slammed for ‘ignorant’ statement on guns after Las Vegas shooting

FOX News

“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get,” she tweeted, adding: “Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.”

Look at this dumbass. She has no idea what she's talking about. Again.
Hillary Clinton slammed for ‘ignorant’ statement on guns after Las Vegas shooting

FOX News

“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get,” she tweeted, adding: “Our grief isn't enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.”

Look at this dumbass. She has no idea what she's talking about. Again.

I'm starting to think the Clinton's don't use guns. They're so against them I can't see them using one to murder the ridiculous amount of people who mysteriously died connected to them.

I bet they're a knife in the back type of family.
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Of course that's her husband. He looks like he does the voice-over for "It's what makes a Subaru a Subaru!"

She took his last name by the way. His hyphenated last name.
She will get hired for more money somewhere. The Yahoo guy that got caught on a hit mic saying Romney wanted black people to drown was hired by Politico within weeks.
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With that said, I find it funny that Christianity is the "bad" religion according to the media. Yes, there are hypocrites, posers and bad people who claim to be Christian, but that's not the message of the New Testament. You have to look at the core beliefs and go from there. Yet you mention Christianity and God and you're labeled a zealot.

That's why I don't get the Islam protection. The religion literally calls for lying, rape and murder yet is shielded from criticism. Not all Islamist are terrorist and go around killing people. But most moderate muslims won't condem it and some even applaud it. And if you yell Allah Akbar (or whatever) before killing people, it's not an issue. Hell, they even go as far to editing it from Allah to God in some cases. Just blows my mind.
To start, "the media" is not some monolithic being.

I've watched and listened to the media for close to 60 years, never have I heard "the media" claim that Christianity was bad. I've seen people interviewed with anti-religious feelings, I've seen plenty of people, including some on this board that think that organized religion is bad. I've also seen orders of multitude more people giving positive Christian messages.

All that said, we (the USA) are an overwhelmingly Christian nation and a far from perfect nation. I am myself a Christian and I am often saddened by the views and actions of many of my fellow citizens most of who consider themselves Christians as well. I am also saddened how often both in our current times and over our history how Christianity has been often used to justify and promote what I consider very un-Christian behaviors. The same happens and could be said within every religion. Sadly, religion (all of them) has been used to control people by governments/tribes since the beginning of time. Is it any wonder that some people become very cynical? Kind of like the BBN... we've got more jerks and assholes because we have more people. A small percentage of a bigger number is larger than a small percentage of a far smaller number.

We are more harsh on Christianity because that is what affects us most. That is where all of the power is in this nation. Like family fighting among themselves. Less than 1% of the US is Muslim so it requires that others speak up for them to prevent their rights from being trampled. We are a nation that was founded by people seeking religious freedom. Religious freedom and freedom from religion is a hallmark of our Constitution.

I know and work with Muslims, they would disagree with your sentiment about their religion. They too are saddened by those who have tried to hijack their religion for evil. Your claim that they won't condemn the terrorist is simply ignorant.

And what is with the " editing it from Allah to God..."? They are two words that mean the same thing. Refer to the same being. God is an English word. Allah is an Arabic word. If we spoke Spanish we would refer to him as Dios, Greek...Theos. What is your objection? Jesus spoke Aramaic. The Aramaic word for "God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God".
Yeah, I wondered why I didn't see that on there.

There is no solution to any of this mess. I know 24/7 media coverage sure doesn't help. It just encourages the next nut to want to be famous.

No one has a crystal ball to see future crimes. This isn't Minority Report. There's just no way to prevent this.
No doubt no matter what laws you have, a nutjob will still do nutjob things. However, I do think many of these would be stopped if gun free zones were banned.
What's ironic is if gun control was allowed in the US, there would be 10x's more shootings like this one. These people are clueless idiots.
Yeah, because that's what happens in all the countries with strict gun control laws.:uzi:
Yeah, because that's what happens in all the countries with strict gun control laws.:uzi:
Yeah, those strict gun control laws are really stopping Islamists in Europe. Theres only a mass murder almost daily over there.
To start, "the media" is not some monolithic being.

I've watched and listened to the media for close to 60 years, never have I heard "the media" claim that Christianity was bad. I've seen people interviewed with anti-religious feelings, I've seen plenty of people, including some on this board that think that organized religion is bad. I've also seen orders of multitude more people giving positive Christian messages.

All that said, we (the USA) are an overwhelmingly Christian nation and a far from perfect nation. I am myself a Christian and I am often saddened by the views and actions of many of my fellow citizens most of who consider themselves Christians as well. I am also saddened how often both in our current times and over our history how Christianity has been often used to justify and promote what I consider very un-Christian behaviors. The same happens and could be said within every religion. Sadly, religion (all of them) has been used to control people by governments/tribes since the beginning of time. Is it any wonder that some people become very cynical? Kind of like the BBN... we've got more jerks and assholes because we have more people. A small percentage of a bigger number is larger than a small percentage of a far smaller number.

We are more harsh on Christianity because that is what affects us most. That is where all of the power is in this nation. Like family fighting among themselves. Less than 1% of the US is Muslim so it requires that others speak up for them to prevent their rights from being trampled. We are a nation that was founded by people seeking religious freedom. Religious freedom and freedom from religion is a hallmark of our Constitution.

I know and work with Muslims, they would disagree with your sentiment about their religion. They too are saddened by those who have tried to hijack their religion for evil. Your claim that they won't condemn the terrorist is simply ignorant.

And what is with the " editing it from Allah to God..."? They are two words that mean the same thing. Refer to the same being. God is an English word. Allah is an Arabic word. If we spoke Spanish we would refer to him as Dios, Greek...Theos. What is your objection? Jesus spoke Aramaic. The Aramaic word for "God" in the language of Assyrian Christians is ʼĔlāhā, or Alaha. Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God".

I can agree with parts of your post. Sure every religion gets used. It is sad. Those that are sincere in their faith are saddened to see it. I've said for years a lot of those republicans running for office claiming to be Christian do so just to get votes. Those that do sicken me.

That said, reread my post. At what point did I say all moderate muslims applaud the acts of terrorism? Or that all muslims won't condem it? I said most and some. And that's true. I've seen countless videos of muslims asked to condem it and they said they would not. Look it up. But I guess the examples I've seen are trumped by the few you work with? Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorist are Muslims.

Changing Allah to God when being used by the media or reporting it to the public is much different than translating it from Arabic to English. When the Muslim shot up the bar in Florida he yelled "Allah Akbar". This was then officially recorded as he yelled "Praise God". Sure... that's what it translates to but you're ignorant or blind if you can't see the agenda behind it. Why change exactly what he said?

You're right. They do have the freedom of religion. Who tramples on it exactly? I don't see protesters outside of mosques here. A lot of people spend their time making sure Islam isn't to blame for anything. Speaking of freedom or religion... They can turn down homosexuals at their bakery because it's against their religion with little to no uproar from the media

But if a Christian baker turns down a cake because of his belief he's ran out of business. There's a clear double standard.

Now take a look around the world. Germany, France, Sweden, etc. The Islam religion doesn't coexist with anything. Certainly not our Constitution. Speaking of our Constitution, let's compare it with Sharia Law:

You want these courts in America? Listen, I know not all muslims are bad people. And honestly I feel sorry for those that grow up and are taught to hate. It's not their fault and I pray they get out of it somehow. But if you can honestly look around the world and say nothing to see here and it's all blown out of proportion... you're delusional.
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If we're taking away Constitutional rights from people to stop suicides and crimes that occur predominantly in poor minority areas, why don't we focus on taking rights away from the mentally handicapped or poor minorities?

Why does it have to be the 2nd Amendment that's always threatened. Can't we shit on other Amendments if targeting those Amendments results in less collateral damage to the rights of law abiding citizens?

I just don't understand why it's so acceptable to attack the 2nd Amendment. Let's just lock up demographics of people like the progressive heroes FDR and Woodrow Wilson did.
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I said most and some. And that's true
No, it is not true.
I've seen countless videos of muslims asked to condem it and they said they would not.
Because most of those videos are made by people trying to push an agenda. Ever think that they might edit out those that don't fit their narrative?

I don't see protesters outside of mosques here.
You don'? Below I posted a few below... got 100+ more if you want.

Lexington, March 2017
The Masjid Bilal Mosque received a hand-written letter postmarked from England warning that “An explosive device will be placed at your Mosque very soon.”

Owensboro, November 2016
Someone covered the mosque sign and door with paintballs. It is the second time the mosque has been vandalized this year.

Owensboro, January 2016
A person or group of people vandalized the Islamic Center of Owensboro with ketchup, but officials are not investigating it as a hate crime since the vandal(s) left no words or symbols.

Lexington, November 2015
A man sent an email to the Islamic Center of Lexington threatening to kill everyone inside.

Mayfield, August 2010
The Board of Zoning Adjustments denied a permit for local Muslims to worship in a rented storefront, reversing the board's unanimous decision weeks earlier to grant the same permit.

Florence, June 2010
Opponents of a proposed mosque have distributed fliers urging neighbors to "to stop the takeover of our country," and have set up a website alleging that the mosque is "the first phase of a Master Plan."

Columbus, September 2017
A group demonstrated outside a local mosque with signs like “Homos and Muslims go to hell.”

West Chester, June 2017
The Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati received a package containing white powder and a threatening note. The powder turned out not to be hazardous.

West Chester Township, March 2017
Someone reportedly left a bomb threat on a mosque’s answering machine.

Columbus, February 2017
Surveillance video caught a man vandalizing a mosque with anti-Muslim graffiti such as “Allah is a fraud.”

Cleveland, November 2016
The Islamic Center of Cleveland, and mosques throughout the country, received a letter signed from “Americans for a Better Way,” saying that Trump will “cleanse America” and do to Muslims “what Hitler did to the Jews.”

West Chester Township, June 2016
Police say a man impersonating a police officer barged into a mosque during prayers and shouted “Jesus is Lord.”

Toledo, OH, September 2012
A gasoline fire on the main floor of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo was ruled to be arson.

Columbus, December 2010
A Muslim woman was threatened and sprayed with pepper spray outside of an Islamic Center.

Dayton, September 2008
A ten-year-old girl was sprayed in the face with a chemical while attending Ramadan services.

Sugarcreek Township, January 2008
Opponents of a proposed mosque declared, “We just feel that Christianity is right and that Islam is wrong. Therefore, we take a stand to see (a mosque) not in our community.” The zoning board of appeals rejected plans for the mosque in January 2008, but approved a scaled back version in September 2008, despite vocal opposition.

Cincinnati, December 2005
Two pipe bombs were detonated outside of a local mosque.
Most of those murders take place in gun free zones or democrat controlled major cities.
Claiming that there are any gun free zones in the US is laughable when one only needs to travel 10 minutes in any direction to find and legally purchase firearms.
If we're taking away Constitutional rights from people to stop suicides and crimes that occur predominantly in poor minority areas, why don't we focus on taking rights away from the mentally handicapped or poor minorities?

Why does it have to be the 2nd Amendment that's always threatened. Can't we shit on other Amendments if targeting those Amendments results in less collateral damage to the rights of law abiding citizens?

I just don't understand why it's so acceptable to attack the 2nd Amendment. Let's just lock up demographics of people like the progressive heroes FDR and Woodrow Wilson did.

For the record I'm not anti-2nd Amendment but it isn't the only the BoR amendment that gets threatened. The 1st, 2nd and 4th are regularly attacked. The 6th is regularly abused.

The biggest issue with the 2nd is the technological difference between firearms as they existed in the 18th century and today... and exactly what was meant by "a well regulated militia". We no longer have state militias as existed in that day. In that day when the militias were called up the "soldier" brought their own weapon. We had a tiny federal army, less than 3,000 troops. The debate is where to draw the line. We don't allow civilians to possess an RPG or many other military weapons. I'd say most think that to be a good thing.
Claiming that there are any gun free zones in the US is laughable when one only needs to travel 10 minutes in any direction to find and legally purchase firearms.
One of your dumber posts fuzz. Congrats. There are many gun free zones in America, and most mass killings happen in them.
No, it is not true

Great retort. You've convinced me.

Because most of those videos are made by people trying to push an agenda. Ever think that they might edit out those that don't fit their narrative?

Fair enough. But could the opposite be possible? Videos preaching peace and acceptance to push an agenda? Speaking of narrative, the US media says hello.

So you have some idiots out there, not unified like ISIS mind you, that did some incredibly horrible things to people that didn't deserve. It clearly happens. You've proven your point. Now go look at Europe, acid attack capital of the world. Go watch videos of what goes on in the streets. Or are they all paid actors and that these videos are all agenda driven too?

I couldn't help but notice you didn't respond to the above link concerning Sharia Law :popcorn:
No, it is not true.

Because most of those videos are made by people trying to push an agenda. Ever think that they might edit out those that don't fit their narrative?

You don'? Below I posted a few below... got 100+ more if you want.

Lexington, March 2017
The Masjid Bilal Mosque received a hand-written letter postmarked from England warning that “An explosive device will be placed at your Mosque very soon.”

Owensboro, November 2016
Someone covered the mosque sign and door with paintballs. It is the second time the mosque has been vandalized this year.

Owensboro, January 2016
A person or group of people vandalized the Islamic Center of Owensboro with ketchup, but officials are not investigating it as a hate crime since the vandal(s) left no words or symbols.

Lexington, November 2015
A man sent an email to the Islamic Center of Lexington threatening to kill everyone inside.

Mayfield, August 2010
The Board of Zoning Adjustments denied a permit for local Muslims to worship in a rented storefront, reversing the board's unanimous decision weeks earlier to grant the same permit.

Florence, June 2010
Opponents of a proposed mosque have distributed fliers urging neighbors to "to stop the takeover of our country," and have set up a website alleging that the mosque is "the first phase of a Master Plan."

Columbus, September 2017
A group demonstrated outside a local mosque with signs like “Homos and Muslims go to hell.”

West Chester, June 2017
The Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati received a package containing white powder and a threatening note. The powder turned out not to be hazardous.

West Chester Township, March 2017
Someone reportedly left a bomb threat on a mosque’s answering machine.

Columbus, February 2017
Surveillance video caught a man vandalizing a mosque with anti-Muslim graffiti such as “Allah is a fraud.”

Cleveland, November 2016
The Islamic Center of Cleveland, and mosques throughout the country, received a letter signed from “Americans for a Better Way,” saying that Trump will “cleanse America” and do to Muslims “what Hitler did to the Jews.”

West Chester Township, June 2016
Police say a man impersonating a police officer barged into a mosque during prayers and shouted “Jesus is Lord.”

Toledo, OH, September 2012
A gasoline fire on the main floor of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo was ruled to be arson.

Columbus, December 2010
A Muslim woman was threatened and sprayed with pepper spray outside of an Islamic Center.

Dayton, September 2008
A ten-year-old girl was sprayed in the face with a chemical while attending Ramadan services.

Sugarcreek Township, January 2008
Opponents of a proposed mosque declared, “We just feel that Christianity is right and that Islam is wrong. Therefore, we take a stand to see (a mosque) not in our community.” The zoning board of appeals rejected plans for the mosque in January 2008, but approved a scaled back version in September 2008, despite vocal opposition.

Cincinnati, December 2005
Two pipe bombs were detonated outside of a local mosque.

I don’t know about the rest, but the one in Mayfield is complete BS.
It was solely to garner attention.
The city went out of their way to appease the Somalis. They mosque was on the court square, they argued that since churches around the square could use courthouse parking, they should as well. The issue was church is in service when the courthouse is closed, the mosque would be in service during courthouse operating hours.
They got the attention they wanted, the city caved and the Somalis then didn’t even worship there.
A local girl was attacked a short time later by one of them, and all the Somalis left.
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Claiming that there are any gun free zones in the US is laughable when one only needs to travel 10 minutes in any direction to find and legally purchase firearms.

That's a great point. Similar to the point that making guns illegal won't stop criminals from obtaining them somehow.
One of your dumber posts fuzz. Congrats. There are many gun free zones in America, and most mass killings happen in them.

Oh he actually makes a good point for not banning the 2nd amendment. There are places deemed gun free zones. These places do indeed have no legal guns.

But, if a person wants to get a gun they'll find a way... gun free zone or not. And if we ever scrap a person's right to carry, making the US a gun free zone, all they'll be doing is giving the advantage to criminals, murderers, etc.
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I am not sure they will let the public in on anything if they find it either.
Maybe so but you and I both know it would be widespread news 24/7 everywhere by now if he was a Trump supporter or even just a regular Republican.

I mean the POS shot up a country music concert, not exactly a place where there will be a bunch of liberals attending. Hes another Hodgkinson, even worse truthfully.
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Great retort. You've convinced me.

Fair enough. But could the opposite be possible? Videos preaching peace and acceptance to push an agenda? Speaking of narrative, the US media says hello.

So you have some idiots out there, not unified like ISIS mind you, that did some incredibly horrible things to people that didn't deserve. It clearly happens. You've proven your point. Now go look at Europe, acid attack capital of the world. Go watch videos of what goes on in the streets. Or are they all paid actors and that these videos are all agenda driven too?

I couldn't help but notice you didn't respond to the above link concerning Sharia Law :popcorn:
Didn't respond to a link on Sharia Law because I didn't see it... Add that Muslims account for < 1% of America...I'm not worried about Sharia Law in the US. Add that I'm not going to rely on a source that bills itself as "TROP is a non-partisan, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom.". Why is it I might think that their opinion just MIGHT be a bit bias?
There are zero countries that enforce Sharia Law as it is presented by this website. Not in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq outside of ISIS controlled territory or any of the other predominantly Muslim countries. Yes, it is archaic. Especially by western standards and with regards to women. But again, outside of a few enclaves the Muslim world is slowly liberalizing in those areas just as we have done here. Hell, Pakistan elected an woman Prime Minister in 1993. 24 years later and the US still hasn't done the equivalent. The 3 most populous majority Muslim nations have all elected women to their top office.
That's a great point. Similar to the point that making guns illegal won't stop criminals from obtaining them somehow.
Seeing that we have more firearms in this country than people it would take several decades for most any kind of gun control reform to bear fruit.
I really don't know why anyone needs an automatic weapon. That said, if they were outlawed, I'm sure Mexican cartels will be more than happy to build and smuggle them across the border.

This tragedy was carried out with an AR that was turned into a fully automatic weapon. Could have been a recoil gadget a buddy of mine bought that basically pulls the trigger for you.