How will they rule ??!

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I love that Trump is not letting it go on the NFL.

He is using Saul Alinsky tactics against the left. They are to stupid to see that Trump is baiting them. The NFL will either change, or proceed to hang itself. Either way, Trump wins this battle.

It's going to take more than this for people to stop watching and stop showing up.

The NFL really needs to change period. Players have gotten away with be rotten individuals for years, and it isn't all of them but there is enough that clearly something should happen.

They also need to figure something out for the CTE stuff that is scary stuff.

As far as the politics, he knows if he gets them to bury themselves it's just more people drawing in on him come 2020.
I love that Trump is not letting it go on the NFL.

He is using Saul Alinsky tactics against the left. They are to stupid to see that Trump is baiting them. The NFL will either change, or proceed to hang itself. Either way, Trump wins this battle.

This will blow over like everything always does. I watched a couple of games today and the crowds were insane. Clearly nobody left after the huge numbers of players who knelt or sat today.

The vast majority of people don't mix politics and sports. You don't see people boycotting UK because Calipari is a democrat and friend of the Clintons. Same with the NFL. If a few people give up their season tickets, there will be someone right behind them waiting to buy them.
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The timing of this seems convenient. Sort of like it was planned. Then he shoots himself. Crazy huh.
Trump travel ban expires Sunday; new restrictions expected
The current ban bars citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who lack a "credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States" from entering the U.S.

He didn’t kill himself

Apparently Trump was onto something by having them on the list.
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This will blow over like everything always does. I watched a couple of games today and the crowds were insane. Clearly nobody left after the huge numbers of players who knelt or sat today.

The vast majority of people don't mix politics and sports. You don't see people boycotting UK because Calipari is a democrat and friend of the Clintons. Same with the NFL. If a few people give up their season tickets, there will be someone right behind them waiting to buy them.

Don't fall for a microwave society tactic. Just because this started this weekend season tickets are sold, and most of the people who can afford the nfl games work and most likely overheard the BS but didn't pay attention to it.

This stuff bleeds into mid season or the playoffs and I guarantee you sales will be down next year.
He didn’t kill himself

Apparently Trump was onto something by having them on the list.

Didn't say he did. I said he shot himself which was reported in the articles.

According to a report from ABC, the gunman “began indiscriminately shooting” after entering the church. He was confronted by a church usher and eventually shot himself during the struggle.
Didn't say he did. I said he shot himself which was reported in the articles.

According to a report from ABC, the gunman “began indiscriminately shooting” after entering the church. He was confronted by a church usher and eventually shot himself during the struggle.

Sure seemed as if you were you implying it, considering how you stated it seemed convenienent
Sure seemed as if you were you implying it, considering how you stated it seemed convenienent

Let me make it clear so no implications are misunderstood. I think it could've been a false flag. Just another divide and conquer tactic. What better way to throw more flames on the political divide than another shooting? Other than another knucklehead athlete kneeling?
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Color me surprised. I've read a story from The New York Post and WaPost and nothing said of his race
Good Lord y’all just can’t wait to try and justify your racist attitudes. I live in Nashville and the story of the shooting has been on the news, special reports during time outs of the games. They showed the entire statement made by the metro police dept and absolutely no information was given about any of the victims or the shooter other than their gender and medical condition and said that the identities would be withheld until they had the opportunity to talk with everyone and bring formal charges. It wasn’t until hours later that any details were released.

FYI the shooter has been in this country since 1996 and had attended the church where the shooting occurred. There is absolutely no indication that he is Muslim.
Let me make it clear so no implications are misunderstood. I think it could of been a false flag. Just another divide and conquer tactic. What better way to throw more flames on the political divide than another shooting? Other than another knucklehead athlete kneeling?

Wait, what? You think this guy killed a person simply because it was convenient timing?
Good Lord y’all just can’t wait to try and justify your racist attitudes. I live in Nashville and the story of the shooting has been on the news, special reports during time outs of the games. They showed the entire statement made by the metro police dept and absolutely no information was given about any of the victims or the shooter other than their gender and medical condition and said that the identities would be withheld until they had the opportunity to talk with everyone and bring formal charges. It wasn’t until hours later that any details were released.

FYI the shooter has been in this country since 1996 and had attended the church where the shooting occurred. There is absolutely no indication that he is Muslim.

Our Racist attitudes?

I think Tomlin/Steelers got it right, though. Just keep their asses in the locker room and put a stop to the nonsense.

Those like Villanueva who want to go stand/salute can go do so. The rest can stay behind the scenes and not be given a platform to protest/kneel while on the job.

His post game was telling, too. Said his team will not be divided by kneeling/standing and that he refuses to let them be drug into the bullshit.
The left is all in on the anti-American stuff. I've seen leftist say there's no way to not be political in sports (BS. Only black athletes do this so you will never see it in NHL and rarely in MLB).

I'be seen the left say if you're gonna remove politics from sports you have to remove the anthem and military and advertisement for the military. Unreal. So pro America (the effing country in which you live) and honoring the military who does the dirty work so you can be a useless POS spewing leftist garbage is "too political."
How is taking a knee dishonoring the military? Many, many veterans have come out in support of their right to I don't know, take advantage of the first amendment rights that the military protects. Dishonoring the military would be trying to shut these people up. You guys take up for the bigots and racists right to 'express themselves' but not these players. Why is that? You take up for people displaying a confederate flag and honoring traitors who fought against this country. Is that not disrespectful to the flag and the military?

More outrage over this than the killing of protestors by white supremacists. Or Russia hacking our democracy or the President's campaign working with Russia to influence the election. Nope, it's guys kneeling for the national anthem. That's the trigger for Republican snowflakes.
Let me make it clear so no implications are misunderstood. I think it could've been a false flag. Just another divide and conquer tactic. What better way to throw more flames on the political divide than another shooting? Other than another knucklehead athlete kneeling?

I think you are too wedded to this 'divide and conquer tactic' view point to see clearly, it makes you overly conspiratorial and prone to utter nonsense.
Here is the problem though, at this point they are not doing it to disrespect the flag.

The problem is, they don't even know why they're doing it. It's politically correct, virtue signaling, faux victim culture run amok.

Their narrative continues to change. First it was police brutality. Then, they tried to broaden it to injustice/inequality. Now, it's because Trump 'attacked their first amendment'.

Bottom line is, it doesn't matter. They want to play the victim and are seeking attention for it. At this point, they'll kneel for any and every preconceived feeling.
Good Lord y’all just can’t wait to try and justify your racist attitudes. I live in Nashville and the story of the shooting has been on the news, special reports during time outs of the games. They showed the entire statement made by the metro police dept and absolutely no information was given about any of the victims or the shooter other than their gender and medical condition and said that the identities would be withheld until they had the opportunity to talk with everyone and bring formal charges. It wasn’t until hours later that any details were released.

FYI the shooter has been in this country since 1996 and had attended the church where the shooting occurred. There is absolutely no indication that he is Muslim.

Far from a racist. Just telling everyone how those specific sites handled it. If you seriously want to pretend that certain websites and media don't have headlines that read "White man shoots..." or "white gunman..." versus "the gunman..." or "the suspect..." then your level of delusion is unmatched.
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The problem is, they don't even know why they're doing it. It's politically correct, virtue signaling, faux victim culture run amok.

Their narrative continues to change. First it was police brutality. Then, they tried to broaden it to injustice/inequality. Now, it's because Trump 'attacked their first amendment'.

Bottom line is, it doesn't matter. They want to play the victim and are seeking attention for it. At this point, they'll kneel for any and every preconceived feeling.

Ding ding ding!
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