How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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And NO, you f(cking idiots that think that I'M the one who dropped a dime on Jason...I had him on ignore for over a year prior to that. I had no idea what he said or to whom. With your limited intelligence, I guess I was the easy target. LEK the liar is gone, maybe he is the one. Z is gone, maybe he is the one. Maybe it was someone NONE of us know.

It wasn't me bitches. I wouldn't expend the time on that piece of shit to do it.

Interesting that he didn't tell you that he had been fired from a previous job for the same basic thing. Didn't know that did you? dumbasses. People talk on the internet. I hear things, things that are provable. If any cocksucker, such as @Kooky Kats or @Rupp'sRunt or @TheySoSensitive or @Tskware wants to pursue it further, I'm sure we can. Bring it on assholes.
**** you and have a nice day
Hey, you know if Goodell wasn't a POS, this could have been resolved a year ago rather easily.

Don't bring the players out and keep them in the locker room while the national anthem is being played. They didn't do it and now it has become this Black Lives Matter bullshit.
Can see it coming a mile away. Mob mentality.
They're not quite there...yet. Right now they're in the normalize phase. Hundreds of bots tweeting about how kneeling is more respectful, we do it when we pray, other countries kneel, blah, blah... Seems to be coming, though.
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Ridiculed and mocked by the cultural elite yet is warmly embraced by the vast majority of the American public. The media took a guy that was hated by the majority of people outside the state of Florida and turned him into a sympathetic figure. Anecdotally I know I disliked the guy but now that I know who he is and what he stands for I think he's great for the face of college football.

In today's society, we will compromise our convictions to embrace the fad of the day and prefer to be liked by all than to stand on principle. I've told my kids a thousand times over I'd rather go to my grave being called a bad name but nobody will ever get the chance to label me a moral coward. Treat people with dignity and respect but never allow yourself to be bullied into a point of view that violates your core convictions. That more than anything is the fight that's occurring before our very eyes and the President, warts and all, has my backing on this one!

I admire Tebow because the dude walks the walk. He backs it up. The media would love to nail him on something or some failure. They'd love for him to sleep with someone or do something bad but it has been a decade and they still can't do anything.
I bet the NFL will end up going back to not letting the players onto the field during the anthem. They almost have to unless they want to lose their entire audience. If they were smart they would vote on that rule tomorrow. Not a perfect solution, but probably the best one they could do.

Here is the problem though, at this point they are not doing it to disrespect the flag but they can't see it that way that is does in fact send that statement.

They also can't realize that there are 100 different/better ways to send the message they are trying to send.

And kudos to the one Steeler that came out to salute the flag, I mean that's balls to tell the other 63 players sorry guys but your poosay and I'm damn proud of my country.

I can certainly respect the guys that lock arms, and that's fine but please do not insult my intelligence by explaining your stupidity for these other exhibitions.
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I don't give a shit what Lebron James thinks about the weather, I sure as shit don't care about his politics. I appreciate the LJ is a good basketball player and probably one of the best. That's it though. That's where it ends.

No one in sports can tell me anything to change my mind about politics. No one in politics can tell me anything that will change my mind about politics. I see what's going on and I make up my mind based on that.

I like Bill Cosby but I think he's wrong sometimes. I like Warrior but I think he's wrong sometimes. I like Willy but I think... well...I like Willy.

JohnKBA was vilified when he first showed his hoser ass here. He's a smart dude though and evidently self aware. He has seen the light.

He was able to extrapolate the facts and ascertain that liberalism is indeed a self defeating disease.

What does all that mean? Let me know, I'm drunk as hell.
Yeah, sometimes I say things just to piss people off right or wrong.. Yes, I fish and that is called baiting. If they are dumb enough to bite....oh well. Yesterday I caught 7 large mouth bass (real ones), sometimes I catch even larger mouth ones on here.:cop:
yeah and his base is dwindling. Most un-American, me first President I hope we ever see. About to get us into war with North Korea and probably Iran soon after that. If Obama had said half the things Trump has said about people you all would be rioting in the streets. I'll never forget how un Presidential you thought he was for going on the View. But all the hatred Trump spews is just fine. All the golf he plays is just fine. All the corruption by his administration is just fine. All the bigotry is just fine.

He has no respect for American ideals or morals but you keep acting like he does. First President elected by Russia but somehow we're supposed to think he's as American as apple pie. GTFO. Republicans have zero morals left. Party full of hate and racists. I'm looking through these comments just shaking my hide at the blatant racists hiding behind these keyboards. But hey, that's his base.
Ah, same ole Cardkilla, spouting out same old crap without facts or proof.
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The left is all in on the anti-American stuff. I've seen leftist say there's no way to not be political in sports (BS. Only black athletes do this so you will never see it in NHL and rarely in MLB).

I'be seen the left say if you're gonna remove politics from sports you have to remove the anthem and military and advertisement for the military. Unreal. So pro America (the effing country in which you live) and honoring the military who does the dirty work so you can be a useless POS spewing leftist garbage is "too political."