How will they rule ??!

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Turned on the game and they were showing the protest so I turned it off.

It’s Shocking How Empty The Stadium Was For Thursday Night Football

Libs swear to God it's not politically motivated just like people tuning out ESPN. But I did see one girl (black girl) try to claim this is in protest of Kaep not being signed. Haha. GTFO.

Whites are the majority of people and sports fans. You actively crap on this nation and disrespect the flag and combine that with games lasting forever and expensive, tons of players being arrested for domestic abuse and them being overpaid and showcasing their dislike of cops, Trump and whites, yeah, some people will tune out.

Although it's anecdotal, I stopped with ESPN and the NFL is 2015 and didn't watch a single game except for the Super Bowl. I had two main factors.

1.) The high amount of scumbags that are in the NFL.

2.) The obsessive coverage of the sport all yearlong.

And did you know that there's only an average of 11 minutes of actual football being played in these games?
Get that son of a bitch off that field right now...out....he is fired.

I am not a football guy. And all sports minus horse racing are getting less interesting for me. I am growing tired of being lectured by millionaire athletes about me being a racist. Athletes are pampered brats.

ESPN can EAD as well.
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Libs swear to God it's not politically motivated just like people tuning out ESPN. But I did see one girl (black girl) try to claim this is in protest of Kaep not being signed. Haha. GTFO.

Whites are the majority of people and sports fans. You actively crap on this nation and disrespect the flag and combine that with games lasting forever and expensive, tons of players being arrested for domestic abuse and them being overpaid and showcasing their dislike of cops, Trump and whites, yeah, some people will tune out.

Although it's anecdotal, I stopped with ESPN and the NFL is 2015 and didn't watch a single game except for the Super Bowl. I had two main factors.

1.) The high amount of scumbags that are in the NFL.

2.) The obsessive coverage of the sport all yearlong.

And did you know that there's only an average of 11 minutes of actual football being played in these games?

The NFL is just over saturated now. Games 3 nights a week and constant off season coverage. Couple that with the onset of fantasy sports and it's a recipe for reduced viewership and attendance.

I'm a die hard broncos fan and watch every broncos game from start to finish. Outside of that, I'm flipping between NFL red zone, golf, and NASCAR on Sundays. And Thursday is poker night.
Other than the sorry ass republicans running on repealing O care for 7 years and then can't stick a finger in their butt with both hands, I don't much care if this does fail. Then it is totally on the Dems, because it is a Democrat baby. Then primary all those spineless republicans.
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The NFL is on a fast track to imploding. And it's past due. The hands up, don't shoot, kneeling during the anthem, too many games that are horrible to watch. Time for it to go away.

That's all white noise. The owners and players are making more money than ever.

If the NFL goes down, it will be over CTE. The game has gotten way too violent. Players that big and fast aren't meant to collide like they do.
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The NFL is just over saturated now. Games 3 nights a week and constant off season coverage. Couple that with the onset of fantasy sports and it's a recipe for reduced viewership and attendance.

I'm a die hard broncos fan and watch every broncos game from start to finish. Outside of that, I'm flipping between NFL red zone, golf, and NASCAR on Sundays. And Thursday is poker night.

I completely agree, it just seems prepackaged to me.
I could watch college games all day every Saturday, because there’s passion, it’s a spectacle, each school has unique traditions.
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That's all white noise. The owners and players are making more money than ever.

If the NFL goes down, it will be over CTE. The game has gotten way too violent. Players that big and fast aren't meant to collide like they do.

If they want to truly make a stand against concussions and CTE they need to rid the NFL of performance enhancing drugs.
If a player tests positive, they need to be banished. Like you stated, players are too big and fast, not to mention the mental issues caused by heavy long term use of steroids does.
The NFL is just over saturated now. Games 3 nights a week and constant off season coverage. Couple that with the onset of fantasy sports and it's a recipe for reduced viewership and attendance.

I'm a die hard broncos fan and watch every broncos game from start to finish. Outside of that, I'm flipping between NFL red zone, golf, and NASCAR on Sundays. And Thursday is poker night.

The fantasy football, Jesus, I forgot to mention that. That was a huge turn off as well. It was so stupid. I played it until three years ago. People would not shut up about it. My own brother was talking about fantasy football on the phone to me seven years ago while his wife was in labor.

And yeah, it won't end for the next 20 years but you will see a significant drop in the NFL (doubtful it hits college as much)'s popularity. The concussion stuff isn't going away.

But it has too much overexposure and people get really turned off when one thing gets way too much attention. I call it the "Ben Affleck Effect." People didn't mind the guy until his overexposure with J-Lo and then everyone started to hate him and then came terrible movie choices.

Yes, I just used that as an example.
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The fantasy football, Jesus, I forgot to mention that. That was a huge turn off as well. It was so stupid. I played it until three years ago. People would not shut up about it. My own brother was talking about fantasy football on the phone to me seven years ago while his wife was in labor.

And yeah, it won't end for the next 20 years but you will see a significant drop in the NFL (doubtful it hits college as much)'s popularity. The concussion stuff isn't going away.

But it has too much overexposure and people get really turned off when one thing gets way too much attention. I call it the "Ben Affleck Effect." People didn't mind the guy until his overexposure with J-Lo and then everyone started to hate him and then came terrible movie choices.

Yes, I just used that as an example.

That's an interesting comparison and I like it.

Affleck rallied pretty well tough. Argo, The Town, and Gone Girl were fantastic.
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If the NFL goes down, it will be over CTE. The game has gotten way too violent. Players that big and fast aren't meant to collide like they do.

I agree but disagree. I think CTE is hurting the game, not because it's too violent, but for the opposite reasons. It's gotten way too weak and controlling.
Football is meant to be vicious and violent. It's a hard hitting contact sport.
Many fans feel they are ruining the game with all the new rules, penalties, player ejections etc... The league is allowing politically correct culture to make it soft.
I agree but disagree. I think CTE is hurting the game, not because it's too violent, but for the opposite reasons. It's gotten way too weak and controlling.
Football is meant to be vicious and violent. It's a hard hitting contact sport.
Many fans feel they are ruining the game with all the new rules, penalties, player ejections etc... The league is allowing politically correct culture to make it soft.

Yeah - it's a double edged sword Moe. You let them play like they did 30 years ago and people would be dying on the field. Linebackers are the size D linemen used to be, safeties are the size LB used to be, etc. The collisions are devastating.
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If the NFL cares the fields would get wider by 5 yds on each sideline. The rectangle they play in now, because of the training involved, is much smaller than the 50's and 60's......players were twice as violent back then too.

That's the fix make it to where there isn't time to become a missile into another person because your speed and launch point are within range.
Yeah - it's a double edged sword Moe. You let them play like they did 30 years ago and people would be dying on the field. Linebackers are the size D linemen used to be, safeties are the size LB used to be, etc. The collisions are devastating.

I agree and believe me, I don't want to see players dying on the field or years later, for that matter; but, just like anything in life worth doing, the risk/reward factor should matter, though. These are grown men. They know exactly what they are signing up for and are getting paid crazy amounts of money to do it.

They want to make multi millions playing a game that they love? Well, there are huge responsibilities that sometimes come with serious consequences. Their choice. No one is forcing them, but if they do choose to take those risks, they are rewarded handsomely.
I agree and believe me, I don't want to see players dying on the field or years later, for that matter; but, just like anything in life worth doing, the risk/reward factor should matter, though. These are grown men. They know exactly what they are signing up for and are getting paid crazy amounts of money to do it.

They want to make multi millions playing a game that they love? Well, there are huge responsibilities that sometimes come with serious consequences. Their choice. No one is forcing them, but if they do choose to take those risks, they are rewarded handsomely.


I'll gladly take the risks. But when I was 20, I hadn't yet identified as a black man so I was too slow. Now I'm just too old.

Many professions have huge risk. You don't see underwater welders getting paid 20 mil per year and the danger level is ten fold. Alaskan crab fisherman? Where's the liberal outrage? How many gave up eating crab?
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If the NFL cares the fields would get wider by 5 yds on each sideline. The rectangle they play in now, because of the training involved, is much smaller than the 50's and 60's......players were twice as violent back then too.

That's the fix make it to where there isn't time to become a missile into another person because your speed and launch point are within range.

This is something I hadn't considered and you're right. Players cover way more ground way more quickly than they used to.
All three of them? Won't move the needle.

It will take 30 years to cycle through this generation of career politicians. We'll all be dead before anything actually changes.

Sad but true. We'll never get enough non politicians to truly drain the swamp.
That's an interesting comparison and I like it.

Affleck rallied pretty well tough. Argo, The Town, and Gone Girl were fantastic.

Gone Baby Gone as well. I've always liked the guy but that was when ppl turned on him. Same thing as the media focusing on Brett Favre all the time. People got sick of him.
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Is he though?

Because of a redneck football take? Really!

He was dead wrong in this case, and if you disagree start watching the game nonstop on sundays then watch the coverage all week, and all off season.

It's gotten awful, and they have tried to cover up CTE for years! And I could go on and on about how they are treating their retirees etc etc.

It's a joke honestly and the more truth that comes out the better. Clean that shit up or let it die too.
take a good look at how Facebook and the German Police Powers are coordination all that Democracy Protection these days........

German arrested for Facebook Posts ....his attack against Democracy was being Undemocratic enough to mention that Muslims aligned with Hitler's Germany during WW2

I mean ---- this is the same Facebook right?
Same Owner / CEO / Head Fuktwit or whatever right?

Democracy is an active / attention demanding system --- agree?
I mean -Democracy requires citizen participation so that informed voices can be heard and elected officials can be held accountable......

So lots of organization / communication and consistent EFFORT are required

So - because Comrade Zuckfuk - is such a NURTURER of Democracy he's also trolling out his best imitation of Fahrenheit 451's home based / wall sized viewers for entertainment / alternate reality -

"Staring at a Blank Wall; is going to be a thing"......America's most rusted CHAMPION of Democracy ...!!!........give it up for Markie Molotov Zuckerberg

When little Patron Saint of Free Speech heard about these mass raids/arrests of people in Germany because of ... bad words said on the internet,.....J almost recall him saying something about it

2 links showing 36 Germans arrested for saying bad things on the social inter webs....raided at home for added drams.....

Friends ^^ THAT ^^ almost looks like a trial run to me.....

Or maybe the police were just coming to take them to the Democracy club?
McCain probably isn't running for re election so he knows he can stick a knife into Trump and twist it with no repercussions.

Hes one of the most bitter human beings on the planet. He can't retire or die soon enough for me. If that makes me a terrible person, oh well. McCain is much more terrible than I am.

Screw that guy.

McCain expresses concern over the strain that started to be placed on "The New World Order"

I can't remember how concerned he was about order in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt........, probably just AS concerned about it I suppose
