How will they rule ??!

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I get what you're saying. But ending the individual and business mandates removes the foundation of Obamacare and and it's requirement and shifts it to the states to experiment and implement their own rules. I don't think anyone said it's perfect, but it's far better than what we have now. Changes can be made after the 2018 elections.
This. I kind of like the bill, at least what we know of it so far.

Getting rid of the mandates alone is the biggest thing that needs to happen, and I think letting the states decide on how to handle it is a fine approach. And I say this as a guy who hates Graham 99% of the time. But I think we could do far worse than this bill.
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Do you guys really think we went from "repeal and replace" being dead, to a Repbulican establishment favorite of the Democrats introducing a "repeal and replace" bill to revive it from the dead while everyone was content moving to tax reform, and that's going to be good for America?

Remember, the R establishment hates Trump more than the Ds. They know exactly what they're doing, and will happily sell out America to preserve the R to D to R to D power swing into perpetuity.

The media ignores the rate hikes now under Obamacare. The day the Rs pass the modification, the media will yell nonstop about rate hikes (that would have happened anyway) but blame it all on Trump and to a lesser extent the Rs. But Republicans know the two party system will prevail as long as they have the money and donors.
From the "Winners and Losers" department.

Prosecutors say Texas lawmaker spent $51K on online psychic.

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - A Texas lawmaker spent more than $51,000 on an online psychic, appeared for work at the Capitol apparently impaired by medication and hid a cellphone from investigators, prosecutors said in a court filing this week.

Rep. Dawnna Dukes (D-Austin) is due to face misdemeanor corruption charges at an Oct. 16 trial. She is accused of giving a taxpayer-funded raise to a legislative aide to cover gas money for shuttling her daughter back and forth from school.

You can't make this stuff up.
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Can't wait to see the media call Trump's plan to cut taxes and help the middle class as a "a tax cut for the rich." That's what always comes from the group who loves to tax the shit out of you to give to the government and their lazy-ass base.
Let's be honest, if Japan, China and Russia combined forces against America and Kim Jung Un called us to help we would gladly accept his help.

Again with healthcare? Idiots..........Rand is the only person smart enough to leave it where it is because you can't f'n fix it.

Christ people!
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Let's be honest, if Japan, China and Russia combined forces against America and Kim Jung Un called us to help we would gladly accept his help.

Nothing in that hypothetical would ever happened. And if Japan, China and Russia joined forces against the US we sure as shit wouldn't be offered, and definitely wouldn't accept "help" from NK.
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Don't kid yourself. Name one "ally" that wasn't an enemy at some point or vice versa.
Can't wait to see the media call Trump's plan to cut taxes and help the middle class as a "a tax cut for the rich." That's what always comes from the group who loves to tax the shit out of you to give to the government and their lazy-ass base.
If Trump or any other republican were to propose a bill to remove a nickle a gallon from the federal gas tax. Democrats would call that a tax cut for the rich.
Yeah, you're probably right. If World War III starts, we'd accept help from the little fat boy who's been threatening to eliminate the United States as long as he's been able to talk, and who has a miniscule fraction of the military power of the US. Yeah, we'd definitely accept his help, and not just continue using his next door for help neighbor.
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Isn't it funny that the whole world their hates us, but we are still heavily involved in everything they do?

Get out of there.
The left is filled with total pussies. Watching them side with North Korea and getting mad at Trump and not wanting to anger fatty just shows they're just cucks used to Obama's roll over and let tyrants and radicals become empowered.

They're only tough on the Internet and in mobs like antifa.

And if there's something that benefits this nation or is in this nation's best interest, you can bet the left will be against it.
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I agree with everything you said.

However, I think we have two wildly different views on what happens in those 2018 elections.

Obamacare will fail soon. Republicans don't have to remove the foundation for that to happen. All they're doing now is ensuring they get 100% credit for the inevitable failure. Can you imagine how insurance companies are going to act once they have the media on their side clamoring about how bad the Republican "repeal and replace" (although it neither repeals nor replaces) hurts the country? Kim Jong Un couldn't fire a rocket that will climb as quickly as premiums.

They didn't repeal Obamacare like they promised. Leaving a giant government program in place, but modifying it a bit so Washington is handing money to states with strings is not repeal and replace. It's modify in place.

The Republicans are going to get their clocks cleaned come 2018 if they pass this (I really don't give a shit regardless as they've shown how effective they are at passing policy that benefits America). The establishment will either way. But there will be no convincing any Republicans to come out to vote.

You make good points. However, I think the fallout for the Republicans will be far greater from their base if NOTHING is done versus removing the mandate and implementing a less-than-perfect bill. Think about all of the Conservatives that stayed home in 2012 and costed Mitt Romney the election, it's almost a legitimate comparison.

If, as you say, Obamacare collapses (and it will), the move to single-payer may have greater momentum if the mandate is still intact as the left will feel emboldened. The propagandist media are going to side with the Democrats and insurance companies regardless of what the Republicans do or don't do, so whether they do nothing or attempt to do something, the whining, smears, and lies leading up to the '18 election will continue regardless. I don't give a shit about the establishment or the Republican Party, I give a shit about states's rights and saving the country from nationalized health care.
Kudos to Rand Paul for opposing the bill, consistent with his principles.

John McCain can **** himself right in the head tumor. Ironically, I think his attempts to harm Trump are going to make people move further from the establishment.
Remember, Obama Unconstitutionally modified Obamacare to delay the negative impacts and collapse past as many elections as possible.

That's the only reason its lasted this long. It needs to be fully enforced.


Trump needs to repeal the entire thing by executive order, and let the Court explain to us in writing why that's unconstitutional. And how Obama's actions to modify Obamacare were also Unconstitutional. Then send everyone a bill for what they would have paid had the law been enforced as written.
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