How will they rule ??!

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Read the thread and watch people lose their minds. You can't be critical of Jews but it's totally okay to go nuts about white people all the time. Rather interesting that criticism of whites and sensationalism about how to deal with whites doesn't register as being an issue but hey, don't be critical of Jews, Muslims, blacks or Latinos or anyone who isn't white.
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Wow. Kudos to Grassley for being honest but this is why politics suck.

When Iowa reporters asked Sen. Chuck Grassley on Wednesday about the attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, his answer was remarkable and revealing.

"You know, I could maybe give you 10 reasons why this bill shouldn't be considered," the Iowa Republican said. "But Republicans campaigned on this so often that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. That's pretty much as much of a reason as the substance of the bill."
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"You know, I could maybe give you 10 reasons why this bill shouldn't be considered," the Iowa Republican said. "But Republicans campaigned on this so often that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. That's pretty much as much of a reason as the substance of the bill."

Maybe I'm alone in my thoughts, but this, in no way shape or form, is them fulfilling a campaign promise. Which makes it even more moronic to use that as a reason to pass it.

I'd imagine there are a lot of people who feel like me.

This is far too little, far too late. They may want to get outside the beltway if they think they're going to earn favor with the people who elected them to repeal and replace by simply modifying.

Wow. Kudos to Grassley for being honest but this is why politics suck.

When Iowa reporters asked Sen. Chuck Grassley on Wednesday about the attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, his answer was remarkable and revealing.

"You know, I could maybe give you 10 reasons why this bill shouldn't be considered," the Iowa Republican said. "But Republicans campaigned on this so often that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. That's pretty much as much of a reason as the substance of the bill."
I get that its a crappy bill, but isn't a 1% improvement still an improvement?
When I posted in the topic I posted in, it hadn't been moved to the political thread. God knows I don't want to participate in this cess pool of a thread (unless I'm responding to someone who quoted me)
Meaning you read but do not want to respond. I get that, learning something is always a good thing even in a cesspool.[winking]

What's the drop date on that book? Do you have a publishing deal with a deadline or are you even shopping it yet?

BTW...I fully expect an autographed advanced copy. Address your autographed note on the inside cover to: "The chicken voices in kaizer sosay's head..."

Is that picture subliminal? I found myself staring for a fast minute before I realized I was doing it.
Faith and integrity just oozing from posts of the practicing Christian on the right.
Nothing at all to do with faith referencing your other post. The school of thought was American first ladies and you could not come up with anything worthy of the left. Once again proving your ignorance or lack of understanding of what was posted. Good job. BTW, Christians don't have to act the same, General Patton was one too. Read the bible daily. Learn something before you post, your lack of intelligence is showing.
Holy 1995, Batman!

Push to unseal the draft Whitewater indictment against Hillary Clinton gets court date.

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How dumb is this? Those stupid ads did not change anyones minds about Hillary. I use Facebook and I never saw a Hillary ad before. What a waste of money and time this is. Give it up, your side lost.

Not to go into specifics, but this is pretty darn true. Financially, the Alumni household has been treated very good this year. Has been good for many others I know as well. I would venture to guess it has been a good financial year for many on this board too.

Just imagine if the jackass republicans could do something good for once and pass tax reform that's retroactive to January 2017.

January to April 2018 would be like Christmas for a large portion of the middle class. I'd imagine the vast majority of that windfall would get put right back into the economy.

Or we can continue taxing hard working Americans to death so we can allocate the money the way the Washington elite class feels it gets the most votes.

That writer got eaten alive for sharing an article about Jews. Amazing that you're not allowed to question or be critical of certain groups but it's open season on whites.

This was the tweet and article. Not even her's.

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Not to go into specifics, but this is pretty darn true. Financially, the Alumni household has been treated very good this year. Has been good for many others I know as well. I would venture to guess it has been a good financial year for many on this board too.
Yup, I'm far from a rich guy, but financially I have done pretty well this year. Better than years past.

The economy is definitely improving, and its improving faster than I thought it would. As Bill Cosby said, imagine if Trumps tax plan is implemented. It'll be the Reagan booming economy all over again. Maybe even better.
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Yup, I'm far from a rich guy, but financially I have done pretty well this year. Better than years past.

The economy is definitely improving, and its improving faster than I thought it would. As Bill Cosby said, imagine if Trumps tax plan is implemented. It'll be the Reagan booming economy all over again. Maybe even better.

We can't hire enough people to even fill our needs - the job market has blown up this year. No question that most Americans are in a better spot than they were a year ago and confidence is very high.
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How about this? It would seem the tough talk has resulted in some tough action.

China's central bank tells banks to stop doing business with North Korea: sources

BEIJING/HONG KONG (Reuters) - China’s central bank has told banks to strictly implement United Nations sanctions against North Korea, four sources told Reuters, amid U.S. concerns that Beijing has not been tough enough over Pyongyang’s repeated nuclear tests.

Tensions between the United States and North Korea have ratcheted up after the sixth and most powerful nuclear test conducted by Pyongyang on Sept. 3 prompted the United Nations Security Council to impose further sanctions last week.

I would like to point out that I heard this on the radio today but had to search it out to find any mention of it.
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