How will they rule ??!

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There is nothing compassionate about wasting John Q Taxpayer's money on illegal immigrants that hate Americans.

Exactly. Perhaps show some compassion to those of us that have to pay taxes to support us. those of us that were fortunate enough to be born here or went through all of the legal processes to get here.
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This isn't good. I was hoping the dems wouldn't get on board with calling these guys out until after the next election. Would have been so easy to run on.

They'll just rear up under another name, like the muslim terrorists do.
Pretty crazy how underreported this story is. Menendez may have committed bribery plus had sex with underaged prostitutes. MSM nearly silent on it.

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Not sure ANTIFA will just go away even with some democrats and people in the MSM denouncing them. If anything it'll probably make them angrier. Besides, their funding ain't going away anytime soon.

The reality for the democrats is that ANTIFA will be a huge albatross around their necks in 2018, and probably 2020 too.
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Here's something I found while researching. I'd like @CastleRubric to take a gander or tell me his thoughts because of him being a fantastic historian.

The "Hooton Plan"
During World War II, Hooton proposed to eradicate the German people by infiltrating them slowly with masses of non-European male immigrants, thereby breed "war strains" out of them.

“Re-education will be compulsory for young and old alike, and must not be restricted to the classroom.
We should employ the great power of conviction that goes with dramatic presentation in its service – movies can be used to greatest effect here.

Well worth the read especially understanding the context of today and how everything is going. I know it's forbidden. to dare question any of this stuff especially given that anyone who is critical of this group gets shamed but tell me there isn't anything to this type of stuff.

I'd never heard of it - but read through a bit of what you posted and will read more later

We know eugenics was openly en vogue in the USA and England in the 20's (Sanger, Huxley and many others)

We know that Hitler's Germany was a lot more complicated than most history repeats to us :
a) the swastika wasn't their symbol - it was borrowed
b) Same for the 'hitler salute'
c) their contemporaries who performed the same horrors - but at an exponentially higher rate - are forgotten to history and not deemed relevant enough to focus on ---
d) their notions of racial superiority weren't even self developed -- their convictions rest as much on FRENCH AND AMERICAN writings / philosophers ---- as anything Teutonic or Nordic (although the latter were present of course)

race and racial superiority and dominate were strong themes with intellectual elites of not just the the 20-30's but also back to the 19th century where we learn that French and American writers helped inspire the Nazi zeal of one race uber alles

Faith and religious institutions were seen as a means to strengthen State control

The supreme irony is that Nazi ideas about some being unfit to live
and the untermensch (inferior) need to make room for the dominant (Lebenstraum / Living Space) --- are all alive and well in Europe today

Dutch euthanasia laws on "suffering through living" and having a mindset that it's ok for children who are depressed to be included in the acceptable range of state sponsored eugenics

ideas based on population control that place the "Environment" as the driver behind not just limiting population (SOME) growth - but also culling where needed

Marxist ideology overlaps well with the Nazi (Labor / Workers Party) one at times doesn't it?
Not sure ANTIFA will just go away even with some democrats and people in the MSM denouncing them. If anything it'll probably make them angrier. Besides, their funding ain't going away anytime soon.

The reality for the democrats is that ANTIFA will be a huge albatross around their necks in 2018, and probably 2020 too.

Also - they'll thrive and ebb along with the funding behind them

Is the media asking about HOW they're funded at all?

Are they asking that question

They all seem pretty young and well organized -- and very --- MOBILE

We know BLM and others have/had Soros money
Then get off your ass and fix it you stupid jackass.

Really is mindboggling this guy thinks he has a shot in 2020, and thinks opposing Trump at every turn is actually going to help his chances.

"President (Barack) Obama does not have the authority to do what he did ... we've made that very clear," Ryan said in the radio interview. "Having said all of that, there are people who are in limbo. These are kids who know no other country, who were brought here by their parents and don't know another home. And so I really do believe there that there needs to be a legislative solution."

Get the **** out of here you clown. Stop talking out both sides of your crooked mouth.

If it's Unconstitutional, the kids are in more of a limbo for a longer period of time waiting for the courts to decide. If you want amnesty, pass it you jackass. Don't rely on Trump to do some shit you claim is unconstitutional simply to take the heat off your lazy establishment ass.
Then get off your ass and fix it you stupid jackass.

Really is mindboggling this guy thinks he has a shot in 2020, and thinks opposing Trump at every turn is actually going to help his chances.

"President (Barack) Obama does not have the authority to do what he did ... we've made that very clear," Ryan said in the radio interview. "Having said all of that, there are people who are in limbo. These are kids who know no other country, who were brought here by their parents and don't know another home. And so I really do believe there that there needs to be a legislative solution."

Get the **** out of here you clown. Stop talking out both sides of your crooked mouth.

If it's Unconstitutional, the kids are in more of a limbo for a longer period of time waiting for the courts to decide. If you want amnesty, pass it you jackass. Don't rely on Trump to do some shit you claim is unconstitutional simply to take the heat off your lazy establishment ass.
I hate Paul Ryan. He is the worst. He goes against Trump every chance he gets.
I really wish Trump would just come out guns blazing and rip Paul Ryan for being a lazy do nothing establishment piece of shit dead set on stopping Trump from accomplishing anything that was promised on the campaign trail.

It's not like that's going to hurt his chances of getting any legislation passed. Tax reform is dead in the water. Thanks GOP.
The MSM knows how they're funded but they will never ever expose Soros.

soros funded the heavy artillery for Antifa

I really wish Trump would just come out guns blazing and rip Paul Ryan for being a lazy do nothing establishment piece of shit dead set on stopping Trump from accomplishing anything that was promised on the campaign trail.

It's not like that's going to hurt his chances of getting any legislation passed. Tax reform is dead in the water. Thanks GOP.

Love or hate Trump, but he's the only person in Washington that has enough balls to say what he thinks.

Ryan and other officials haven't realized that's why Trump was elected, we are tired politicians that simply ride the fence. Say what they need to say for reelection, then hop right back on the fence after Election Day.
Sickening watching the GOP talking about saving 'dreamers' while failing to repeal Obamacare.

These people are the worst. Awful.
I could be wrong, trying to find it now, but I think I read somewhere that only like 11 GOP were in favor DACA.
3) He can show a whole lot of compassion, give full amnesty to current law abiding, contributing (school/work) DACA recipients, then completely end the program going forward.
The issue isn't entering the US illegally. It's being here illegally. Net, if they are still here after "amnesty", they are still continuing to violate the laws. If amnesty was effective, surely Obama would have done it.
I see three ways Trump can go about personally ending it.

1) He can flat out say that he's ending it, period, and anyone in the country under DACA loses their amnesty immediately and are subject to deportation.

2) DACA status has to be renewed every two years, so there's a way to show a little compassion. He can end it, but allow people to keep their status/amnesty until their days/weeks/months/years expire, slowing phasing it out over the next two years.

3) He can show a whole lot of compassion, give full amnesty to current law abiding, contributing (school/work) DACA recipients, then completely end the program going forward.
Trump should end DACA. Why?

Those kids (Some are over 35 now b/c it's been going on so long.) deserve to be here (Not their faults), but what Obama did was dead wrong/extra-legal if not illegal. Net, when Trump ends DACA he should say just that - they should stay - but we need to do it legally by law, not dictator edit - which is truth. Then he can offer a law-given DACA in exchange for a) funding a border wall, and b) ending future DACA kids. If Congress/Dems don't want to go along, then non-DACA is on them, not Trump.
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So, basically, people on the right got tired of Antifa's bs, reacted to constantly being attacked, and began fighting back.

“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” said one senior law enforcement official tracking domestic extremists in a state that has become a front line in clashes between the groups. “These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the shit out of people. … They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”

Almost immediately, the right-wing targets of the antifa attacks began fighting back, bringing more and larger weapons and launching unprovoked attacks of their own, the documents and interviews show.

There's also this. How many times does Trump have to say something, get reemed for it in media, and by loudmouth who are clueless to facts and have no clue what he actually knows, only to be proven right a couple weeks later?

After President Donald Trump’s election in November, the antifa activists locked onto another target — his supporters who support crackdowns on immigrants and Muslims and to protest efforts to remove symbols of the Confederacy.

Those reports appear to bolster Trump’s insistence that extremists on the left bore some blame for the clashes in Charlottesville and represent a “problem” nationally.
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