How will they rule ??!

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Trump should end DACA. Why?

Those kids (Some are over 35 now b/c it's been going on so long.) deserve to be here (Not their faults), but what Obama did was dead wrong/extra-legal if not illegal. Net, when Trump ends DACA he should say just that - they should stay - but we need to do it legally by law, not dictator edit - which is truth. Then he can offer a law-given DACA in exchange for a) funding a border wall, and b) ending future DACA kids. If Congress/Dems don't want to go along, then non-DACA is on them, not Trump.

You can't reward them or those that put them in that situation - it just creates more people doing the same thing.
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I could be wrong, trying to find it now, but I think I read somewhere that only like 11 GOP were in favor DACA.
But muh principals -NeverTrumpGOPLosers

Funny how we were told that voting for Trump is voting against principals, from the same people who were mostly against DACA. But now they amazingly support it.

Kiss my ass, GOP.
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Needless to say, Comey, Mueller’s star witness, has zero credibility now. He's as crooked as they come.
This is true but the scary thing is that Mueller is practically BFFs with that POS. Mueller probably won't see Comey as corrupt.
This is true but the scary thing is that Mueller is practically BFFs with that POS. Mueller probably won't see Comey as corrupt.

Maybe mueller also got one of these from the clintons.
This is true but the scary thing is that Mueller is practically BFFs with that POS. Mueller probably won't see Comey as corrupt.

Actually that is a very good thing. Hopefully he will be too blind and allow him to testify as the lead witness at some point. That would be fantastic!
More mysterious ‘health attacks’ target diplomats in Cuba

Mysterious health attacks on the American diplomatic community in Cubacontinued as recently as August, the United States said Friday, despite earlier U.S. assessments that the attacks had long stopped. The U.S. increased its tally of government personnel affected to 19.

The new U.S. disclosures came the same day that the union representing American diplomats said mild traumatic brain injury was among the diagnoses given to diplomats victimized in the attacks.
Also, we all agree the deep state is using what they learned with HAARP to punish Texas for voting for Trump, give Trump something else negative to deal with, and drive up oil prices in the process, correct?

Oil prices. Infrastructure boondogles. Car inventories. Hoping Trump would make the Bush mistakes. False flags. Conspiracies. Conspiracies.

Hurricane Harvey is the latest example of covert weather warfare being waged on completely unsuspecting populations. Increasingly catastrophic climate cataclysms are being orchestrated and manipulated by an ever more desperate and aggressive global power structure. Rapidly accelerating climate and biosphere collapse is not somewhere on the horizon, it is here, now. Climate engineering is further fueling the unraveling of the remaining web of life on our once thriving planet. With undeniable facts and film footage the video below fully exposes the manipulation of Hurricane Harvey