How will they rule ??!

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Don't be skeer'd. Nothing to see if innocent.

No one is scared, and regardless if there's nothing to see, it's still investigation creep and an abuse of power. Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russia election meddling, not every itch he gets up his ass.

It's written in the special counsel order handed down by the DAG. The parameters are specific and very clear. Nowhere in the order does it say investigate anything and everything, trying to find any reason for impeachment.

Only a moron would fail to see that this isn't an investigation into Russian election meddling, it's an investigation in search of a crime, to oust a democratically elected president.

*Edited to correct ADA to DAG*
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No one is scared, and regardless if there's nothing to see, it's still investigation creep and an abuse of power. Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russia election meddling, not every itch he gets up his ass.

It's written in the special counsel order handed down by the ADA. The parameters are specific and very clear. Nowhere in the order does it say investigate anything and everything, trying to find any reason for impeachment.

Only a moron would fail to see that this isn't an investigation into Russian election meddling, it's an investigation in search of a crime, to oust a democraticlly elected president.

If Trump is such a bad dude can't he just get Putin to order some of his thugs to make this Mueller problem "go away".
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The guy on the left is the one who got his head smashed back and the media tried to make him seem like a victim.
A victim he was not. Full video of the fight and the moments leading up to it. He and his buddies stalked the "Nazis" for blocks, cursing them, throwing things at them, hitting them with sticks, daring them to do something.

When the "Nazis" ignored them, kept walking and didn't react violently, the BLM thugs took it upon themselves to throw the first punch. At that point, the "Nazis" were defending themselves.This dude got exactly what he asked for, and deserved every bit of it.

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Read this hit piece on MSN...

"Texas Republicans Helped Chemical Plant That Exploded Lobby Against Safety Rules"

sounds pretty bad, right? The new rules were a knee jerk reaction to the chemical plant explosion in Texas in 2015 that killed 12 people. Turns out the explosion was deliberate, not an accident.

Anyway, here is the correction at the bottom of the story...

UPDATED, 4:13pm ET: Arkema originally reported that there were two explosions at its Crosby facility. Law enforcement authorities have since said there were no explosions. The company's CEO has said that there is "noxious" smoke coming from the facility. This story has been updated throughout.
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Read this hit piece on MSN...

"Texas Republicans Helped Chemical Plant That Exploded Lobby Against Safety Rules"

sounds pretty bad, right? The new rules were a knee jerk reaction to the chemical plant explosion in Texas in 2015 that killed 12 people. Turns out the explosion was deliberate, not an accident.

Anyway, here is the correction at the bottom of the story...

UPDATED, 4:13pm ET: Arkema originally reported that there were two explosions at its Crosby facility. Law enforcement authorities have since said there were no explosions. The company's CEO has said that there is "noxious" smoke coming from the facility. This story has been updated throughout.
Was there another story to bold print saying we're sorry for screwing up the report?
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Was there another story to bold print saying we're sorry for screwing up the report?
Nope. The headline was the story they wanted you to see. The bulk of piece was telling who got how much money from the chemical companies, many of which are, gasp, foreign owned!
Nope. The headline was the story they wanted you to see. The bulk of piece was telling who got how much money from the chemical companies, many of which are, gasp, foreign owned!
Yep. Over and over again, it is their M.O. Preach bullshit lies, let the low-information, useful idiots perpetuate the lie into perceived truth... KNOWING full well no one will ever read or retweet the inevitable retraction.
Trump has until the 5th to make a decision on DACA. What most don't know, and what the media won't tell them, is that decision has already been made for him. Of course, the media will hide the facts and use it to their advantage, painting him as some kind of racist monster, but the fact of the matter is, he doesn't have a choice.

There are 10 states threatening that if he doesn't end it on the 5th, then they will sue the government. Bottom line, DACA is unconstitutional in every way. There's not any amount of protesters or a liberal judge out there that can save it. They might be able to slow up the process like the travel ban, but as soon as it hits the Supreme Court, it's done.
Anyone know the status of trump's first travel ban that was halted by a judge?
Trump has until the 5th to make a decision on DACA. What most don't know is that decision has already been made for him. Of course, he'll be painted as some kind of monster in the media, but he doesn't have a choice in the matter.

There are 10 states threatening that if he doesn't end it on the 5th, then they will sue the government. Bottom line, DACA is unconstitutional in every way. There's not any amount of protesters or a liberal judge out there that can save it. They might be able to slow up the process like the travel ban, but as soon as it hits the Supreme Court, it's done.

If that's what states are threatening, I'd prefer Trump leaves it in place and lets them go through with it. Would love to get some precedent to limit EO powers since no one would challenge Obama.

Although, maybe we should wait until RBG's corpse has decayed enough they can no longer roll her out there in makeup and a robe before we go taking our chance on getting a Constitutional ruling. A hot button political issue like immigration will surely result in some legislating from SCOTUS.
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Criticizing Pro-Antifa Professor
by ASSOCIATED PRESS HANOVER, N.H. — Dartmouth College's president is defending himself to faculty after he characterized a professor's televised comments as "supporting violent protest."

President Philip Hanlon said Thursday he made the August 21 statement after a surge of reaction from students, families, alumni and others who interpreted professor Mark Bray's remarks as supporting violent protest and believed Bray was speaking for the Ivy League school.

Hanlon was criticized in a letter by more than 100 faculty members for his statement after Bray appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" to explain the anti-fascism movement.

He should tell them to STFU and go teach their classes. ganners gonna ganner tho.
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If that's what states are threatening, I'd prefer Trump leaves it in place and lets them go through with it.

This is what I was thinking. Takes the blame off of Trump. But, if he decides to reinstate it on the fifth, then he'll also be expected/pressured to fight for it once it goes to court; or, at least pretend like it. That could put him at odds with some of his base because they'll be rooting against him, hoping he loses the court battle.
This is what I was thinking. Takes the blame off of Trump. But, if he decides to reinstate it on the fifth, then he'll also be expected/pressured to fight for it once it goes to court; or, at least pretend like it. That could put him at odds with some of his base because they'll be rooting against him, hoping he loses the court battle.

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I see three ways Trump can go about personally ending it.

1) He can flat out say that he's ending it, period, and anyone in the country under DACA loses their amnesty immediately and are subject to deportation.

2) DACA status has to be renewed every two years, so there's a way to show a little compassion. He can end it, but allow people to keep their status/amnesty until their days/weeks/months/years expire, slowing phasing it out over the next two years.

3) He can show a whole lot of compassion, give full amnesty to current law abiding, contributing (school/work) DACA recipients, then completely end the program going forward.
Don't be skeer'd. Nothing to see if innocent.
Oh come on James. Even you have to know by now that this is nothing but a witch hunt. Obama had Trump illegally wiretapped for months on end and found nothing. No telling the amount of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on this.
Oh come on James. Even you have to know by now that this is nothing but a witch hunt. Obama had Trump illegally wiretapped for months on end and found nothing. No telling the amount of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on this.
Jameslee doesn't care. He'd let Obama spend $1 trillion dollars in U.S tax payer money just to find out that Trump didn't pay for a cup of coffee from a Russian coffee stand

One of the biggest frauds of the last 50 years.

Hilarious they're all condemning them now. Just a couple weeks ago they were praising them, comparing them to WW2 heroes. Doesn't matter what they say going forward, they'll never live that down.

Yep marching orders were issued to lefty operatives. They all turned on a dime. The antifa support must not be polling well. Its the only reason dems do anything.

Anyone think the labor force participation rate is over the next four years will look anything like what's below?


*insert 45 irrelevant rathole questions*

Anyone know the status of trump's first travel ban that was halted by a judge?

Saw yesterday by one outlet it was "resolved" whatever that means.

My guess is it means the challengers dismissed their case.
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If that's what states are threatening, I'd prefer Trump leaves it in place and lets them go through with it. Would love to get some precedent to limit EO powers since no one would challenge Obama.

Although, maybe we should wait until RBG's corpse has decayed enough they can no longer roll her out there in makeup and a robe before we go taking our chance on getting a Constitutional ruling. A hot button political issue like immigration will surely result in some legislating from SCOTUS.
For those old enough to remember: The RBG death watch reminds me a little of the Generalissimo Franco death watch in Spain in the 70's: every week SNL would report "he's still dead... but doing much better"...
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