How will they rule ??!

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I'm not playing both sides. In the article Karl himself said some people will tell him to stick to Sports which I was just agreeing with him. Karl has the right to his opinion. YOU have a right to YOUR Opinion. The Neo-Nazi's,KKK,Muslim Brotherhood, and Black Lives Matter have the right to their opinion. A right to PEACEFULLY March without their safety being threatened in this country. You might not like it,but that is what makes AMERICA so GREAT.
It's truly frightening how badly the leftists in this country want to eliminate free speech, whether through violence or otherwise. Don't like a statue? TEAR IT DOWN! It's sick and deranged. The party has been hijacked by extremists and the dim leadership is so desperate for a win they've endorsed these nazi-like tactics.

Good little totalitarian lapdogs they are.

Let's hope Trump gets to appoint 3 more supreme court justices and a F-Ton of Federal Judges the next 7 1/2 years.

The radical Left wants freedom loving patriots under their bootheel. God bless the 2nd Amendment.
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Todays knee slapping liberal msm circle jerk on social media:

Trump says Finland Russia have gotten along for a century. Yet the msm gleefully repeatedly pointed out that Russia invaded them in 1939.

78 years ago.

This is the subject of unfathomable numbers of tweets and retweets tonight.

Of course this all came from a press conference where msm asked questions of both trump and the russian representative that were akin to a grade schooler urging on a playground fight.

Please name some republicans worthy of your high and mighty respect.

Big Jeb! Fan?

Any so-called "conservative" who can't see Trump for the breath of fresh air he is, compared to numbnuts like Paul Ryan, is a jackass and not a conservative at all.

Modern conservatism is about borders, culture, and the preservation of the ideals that this country was founded on and make it great. No other asshat repukes have given anything but lip service to those 3 things in DECADES before Trump.

Wake the hell up and get over your righteous indignation like it fvcking really matters.

The Left is LITERALLY trying to deconstruct this country and people (alleged conservatives) are worrying about and pissing themselves over fake news "MUH RACISM"...

BTW: Anarco-Commie Antifa Scum is JUST as bad as the kkk. Stop letting the Leftist media and RINO cucks push the fake narrative. (Actually they're worse because the modern kkk just marches around, they don't go around looking to lynch people like the Antifa Scum.)

And Gary Cohn is a globalist elite scumbag more concerned with showing out for his Hampton friends than MAGA.:)

When you stop being afraid of the left calling you names, they have nothing. Republican politicians are just total cowards.
Todays knee slapping liberal msm circle jerk on social media:

Trump says Finland Russia have gotten along for a century. Yet the msm gleefully repeatedly pointed out that Russia invaded them in 1939.

78 years ago.

This is the subject of unfathomable numbers of tweets and retweets tonight.

Of course this all came from a press conference where msm asked questions of both trump and the russian representative that were akin to a grade schooler urging on a playground fight.

Correct. Agreed. MSM = a bunch of F-Tards.

There was indeed the 3 month Winter War 1939-1940. I wonder if the same MSM also pointed out Finland invaded Russia a scant 15 months later, while allied with the Germans, following Operation Barbarosa?

Finland and Russia (USSR) have signed numerous treaties over the years. Ties are relatively close. The country held off on EU membership until 1995 probably due to pressure from Ivan. To this day, Finland has abstained from NATO membership.

President Trump is right. MSM is a gang of whiny twats.

By the way, I'll soon own a very small parcel of land in Lapland in northern Finland (1075 sq feet). Need to get my ass over there. Drink some beer. Check out the beautiful babes.

Who wouldn't want to live near so much multicultural enrichment?
Security cameras are racist. The white man has strategically placed them so that they only capture images of black people looting EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. there is the slightest opportunity.

Money really does grow on trees. Your JOB is your money tree, but, you have to actually go there to pick the fruit. The people in that video have not advanced beyond the hunter-gatherer stage of societal development and feel it is ok to hunt and gather someone else's fruit.
Todays knee slapping liberal msm circle jerk on social media:

Trump says Finland Russia have gotten along for a century. Yet the msm gleefully repeatedly pointed out that Russia invaded them in 1939.

78 years ago.

This is the subject of unfathomable numbers of tweets and retweets tonight.

Of course this all came from a press conference where msm asked questions of both trump and the russian representative that were akin to a grade schooler urging on a playground fight.

Trump is held to a higher standard because he's white. They tripped over their collective dicks to explain why Barry thought there were 57 states, or why a US Congressman would think Guam would capsize if we put too many troops on one side.
Hahaha, until the media created the neo nazi panic there was absolutely no problem until Charlottesville. Then boom. Neo nazis everywhere
Well, the Russia story fizzled out, since it was a fake story anyway, so the media had to find another new fake story, only this one may lead to more violence. Once they go too far and the majority of decent people in this country goes postal on the left, media, and ANTIFA, there will be carnage. Another civil war is not too far away, unless the media stops stirring one up.
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Well, the Russia story fizzled out, since it was a fake story anyway, so the media had to find another new fake story, only this one may lead to more violence. Once they go too far and the majority of decent people in this country goes postal on the left, media, and ANTIFA, there will be carnage. Another civil war is not too far away, unless the media stops stirring one up.

That has been the plan since at least the deplorables statement last year. They want to draw out and antagonize the worst people(anyone they can find to wave a Nazi flag) and then attach them to Trump.

The next step is to shame you into not aligning Trump.

This doesn't have to work with everyone, just 5-10% of the electorate to flip this.

That's the plan, but the irony of this is that they have to have Antifa to pull it off and the Dems have fully embraced them.

Now that they are inseparable, Antifa are portrayed as heroes.

These fools are constructing the racist environment they profess to hate.

If you take any random 9-y/o little white boy, watching the majority of the free world attack him and his family for absolutely no fault of his own, what do you think that boy will grow up to be?

These folks don't want equality. They want free shit and blood to cover their own failures in life.
Well, the Russia story fizzled out, since it was a fake story anyway, so the media had to find another new fake story, only this one may lead to more violence. Once they go too far and the majority of decent people in this country goes postal on the left, media, and ANTIFA, there will be carnage. Another civil war is not too far away, unless the media stops stirring one up.
Once Antifa starts becoming more unpopular due to their violence the pivot back to Russia will pick up.

Communism has killed tens of millions, would like to see a group pop up that beats the shit out of anyone looking communist.
You show me that article will be allowed about any other race. You show me anyone who would still have a career after saying this about anyone that wasn't white?

Trump was demonized for saying Mexico brings rapists and drug dealers. Why is that wrong but this is okay?

Because they are hypocrites with an agenda. They are against anything that is majority or are for anything that pushes an agenda against it.

Majority of people in the country are white. Against them.

Majority of those that identify with a religion are Christian. Against them.

Majority are for free speech and understand the difference between a right and an entitlement. They are against them.

Majority are straight. Look for them to start a campaign smearing people for being straight if it comes to it.

To put it in sports terms, majority in the state are Kentucky fans. They'd be for Louisville.
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