How will they rule ??!

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Exclusive: Trump vents in Oval Office, "I want tariffs. Bring me some tariffs!"

The scene: The Oval Office, during Gen. Kelly's first week as Chief of Staff. Kelly convened a meeting to discuss the administration's plans to investigate China for stealing American intellectual property and technology. Kelly stood beside Trump, behind the Resolute desk. In front of the desk were U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, senior trade adviser Peter Navarro, top economic adviser Gary Cohn, and Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Trump, addressing Kelly, said, "John, you haven't been in a trade discussion before, so I want to share with you my views. For the last six months, this same group of geniuses comes in here all the time and I tell them, 'Tariffs. I want tariffs.' And what do they do? They bring me IP."

"China is laughing at us," Trump added. "Laughing."

Kelly responded: "Yes sir, I understand, you want tariffs."

Gary Cohn, who opposes tariffs and the protectionist trade measures pushed by the Bannonites, had his shoulders slumped and was clearly appalled by the situation.

Staff secretary Rob Porter, who is a key mediator in such meetings, said to the president: "Sir, do you not want to sign this?" He was referring to Trump's memo prodding Lighthizer to investigate China — which may lead to tariffs against Beijing.

Trump replied: "No, I'll sign it, but it's not what I've asked for the last six months." He turned to Kelly: "So, John, I want you to know, this is my view. I want tariffs. And I want someone to bring me some tariffs."

Kelly replied: "Yes sir, understood sir, I have it."

Trump made sure the meeting ended with no confusion as to what he wanted.

"John, let me tell you why they didn't bring me any tariffs," he said. "I know there are some people in the room right now that are upset. I know there are some globalists in the room right now. And they don't want them, John, they don't want the tariffs. But I'm telling you, I want tariffs."

Kelly broke up the meeting and said the group would work things out and reconvene at the appropriate time.
Do they have the capability?

Who cares! Let anyone else take the first action. I don't mind being big brother and bringing the knockout blow and telling countries not to F with our friends.

But damn it I'm sick of throwing the first punch while our friends sit in the corner crying.

Either get new better friends, or let them pussies be grabbed!
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Who cares! Let anyone else take the first action. I don't mind being big brother and bringing the knockout blow and telling countries not to F with our friends.

But damn it I'm sick of throwing the first punch while our friends sit in the corner crying.

Either get new better friends, or let them pussies be grabbed!
i pretty much agree, but NK is really threatening us, not Japan.
Gorka parting shots.

Gorka largely echoed his sentiments from a letter to Trump on Friday, in which he wrote that staffers who "most embodied and represented the policies that will 'Make America Great Again,' have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months."

"I realized I work for Steve Bannon, he's gone and the wrong people are at the helm of policy issues," Gorka said. "We will right that ship from the outside but for the time being the best I can do is to be effective as a private citizen."
China is using NK as an instigator.

They can see the Marxists raising hell across the Country, and realize that a large portion of them would not support Trump under ANY circumstance.

This and if you can't see it then your not looking.
Lakewood Church was formerly The Summit, home of the Houston Rockets for 28 years. Many concerts held there during that time.

Ouch, looks like he may get bit in the ass over this deal.

He should get his ass kicked for it.

I guarantee there's small churches all over Houston providing shelter , food and water.
The difference is they are actually churches, while Joel Osteen is running a multimillion Dollar business.
Care to do some research before you post? There have been on again/off again peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban for a decade.
And what are the fruits of those talks? There has been war in Afghanistan almost continuously since 1978.

Today the Taliban isn't the only player and few of the players are centrally controlled. One tribe may agree to terms but another won't. A group may agree but members of the group don't they go their own way. That is the history of the land and region. If they aren't fighting us or the Russians, they're fighting each other.
I bet there are a bunch of trump supporters looting.

So typical.

Of course this group would rob someone in a hurricane and during flooding.

I love that whites are always bashed in the media and everyone is gold to be afraid of white supremacy or whatever and no one says anything about this.

You show me a white conservative culture, which are supposedly "nazis"and you compare it to liberals and all of this "diversity" and you show me who's more civilized.
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He didn't denounce the KKK, Nazi's, and white supremacists when he first had the opportunity. Then when he did, he didn't seem happy about doing it. Then he went back and defended his original comments, multiple times.

Both democrats and republicans were unhappy with what he said. It was bipartisan because the way that he did it was wrong, and people on both sides could see it.

I'm a conservative as well, and although I would never vote for Hillary, I sure didn't throw away my morals by voting for that disaster of a man.

If Trump supporters could simply acknowledge when he does something wrong, we could have a discourse. But astonishingly, I never see anyone from his MAGA base do that.

Awesome that Gary Cohn stood up to Trump about his Charlottesville comments and has let it be known in the media as well. THAT'S ALL MANY OF US ARE LOOKING FOR: just admit when he screws up.

And whether you like or dislike Mitch McConnell, picking a fight with the majority senate leader is really, REALLY poor leadership. I could go on, but what's the point? It's one thing to say, "Well, he will at least appoint some conservative judges." It is something else entirely to put your faith in that man.
Please name some republicans worthy of your high and mighty respect.

Big Jeb! Fan?

Any so-called "conservative" who can't see Trump for the breath of fresh air he is, compared to numbnuts like Paul Ryan, is a jackass and not a conservative at all.

Modern conservatism is about borders, culture, and the preservation of the ideals that this country was founded on and make it great. No other asshat repukes have given anything but lip service to those 3 things in DECADES before Trump.

Wake the hell up and get over your righteous indignation like it fvcking really matters.

The Left is LITERALLY trying to deconstruct this country and people (alleged conservatives) are worrying about and pissing themselves over fake news "MUH RACISM"...

BTW: Anarco-Commie Antifa Scum is JUST as bad as the kkk. Stop letting the Leftist media and RINO cucks push the fake narrative. (Actually they're worse because the modern kkk just marches around, they don't go around looking to lynch people like the Antifa Scum.)

And Gary Cohn is a globalist elite scumbag more concerned with showing out for his Hampton friends than MAGA.:)
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