How will they rule ??!

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[laughing] And now for the liberal fake news propaganda. This is a headline from the LA Times.

'Joey Gibson, organizer of Saturday's canceled rally, arrested after running at police'

No mention that the police allowed Antifa through the barricades to attack him, that he was running to (not at) the police for protection because a mob of thugs were chasing him, or that he was actually "rescued", not arrested.
Hitler convinced people that Jews weren't human and advocated to murder them.

We now have a group of people who are now saying it's okay to attack Trump supporters and media and politicians endorse it. They're saying we are all "Nazis" and it's okay to "punch a Nazi."

Anyone see the history of this thinking and where it could lead if the left goes unchecked?

Hoping these mother effers try this on someone with a concealed carry.
Well I doubt I'll ever be in a position to shoot one, but it wouldn't bother me a damn bit to be the first to get that ball rolling!

I guess when I started some shit but ran inside as a kid and my dad sent me to take my whoopin it got the ANTIFA mentality out of me, I don't really know, but that little bastards ever give me reason and I'd be more than happy to send them on home.
Hitler convinced people that Jews weren't human and advocated to murder them.

We now have a group of people who are now saying it's okay to attack Trump supporters and media and politicians endorse it. They're saying we are all "Nazis" and it's okay to "punch a Nazi."

Anyone see the history of this thinking and where it could lead if the left goes unchecked?

Hoping these mother effers try this on someone with a concealed carry.
They need to be rounded up and tossed into prison, along with their funders. Before they destroy America.
I remember Obama saying how America needs a civilian police force.

Well, it happened. He was talking about a group like ANTIFA.
He was talking about a group like the Hitler youth. They realized it was moving too fast. They had everyone they thought they needed to accomplish it with the bitch Hillary.

Calmer heads prevailed.
So the punk antifa who hit the black trump supporter had a whopping 500 dollar bond.

He has yet to be able to post it and is still In jail.

That's because his father, the person who has paid for every article of clothing he's ever worn, every morsel of food he's ever eaten, every roof he's ever slept under, every car he's ever driven, told him not to go there and be a dumbass. Now daddy is letting him sit where he belongs.

Calmer heads are prevailing.
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White Christmas the song, the movie and the phrase will be next to get the ax as being insensitive?

It's amazing Fox sports can still say Washington Redskins.

Seems like that would be a bigger issue than Robert Lee. Nope. Not enough votes from natvie Americans.

**** you libtarded fool that buys this media and anti American BS.

Nope talking about you OP.
Antifa are nothing but modern Brownshirts. Almost eerily the same tactics. ( but ironically in support of communism).

At this point you're nothing but a fool if you think they'll go away when the next Democrat becomes POTUS. They have cover from media and from democratically controlled big cities and universities. Free speech as we knew it is gone forever. It stands to reason that the Bill of Rights goes after that.

If you observed this going on in another country you'd call it what it is, a low grade civil war.
Antifa are nothing but modern Brownshirts. Almost eerily the same tactics. ( but ironically in support of communism).

At this point you're nothing but a fool if you think they'll go away when the next Democrat becomes POTUS. They have cover from media and from democratically controlled big cities and universities. Free speech as we knew it is gone forever. It stands to reason that the Bill of Rights goes after that.

If you observed this going on in another country you'd call it what it is, a low grade civil war.

Read some leftists' take on Antifa via Twitter. Scary stuff. They make excuses, claim victim status and claim the alt right has been heinous and claim delusional BS like claiming they split an innocent bystander's head. They're referring to the black guy who went there with a weapon and as hitting people and got it right back.
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Trump expected to lift ban on military gear to local police forces

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to lift a controversial ban on the transfer of some surplus military equipment to police departments whose battlefield-style response to rioting in a St. Louis suburb three years ago prompted a halt to the program.

On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is scheduled to address the annual meeting of the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation's largest police union, and he may outline the program changes there.

The FOP and some other law enforcement groups have long been pressing for a reversal of the Obama administration policy, arguing that access to such equipment was needed, especially in cash-strapped communities, to better respond to local unrest.

Local access to the high-powered gear was put on national display in 2014 in Ferguson, Mo., where armored vehicles and heavily-armed police clashed with protesters for days following the police shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old black man by a white officer.

The deployment of such equipment, President Obama argued at the time, cast the police as an "occupying force,'' deepening a divide between law enforcement and a wary community.
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Berkeley Police Chief After Latest Riots: We Need to Discuss “Providing Space” for Antifa

Chief Greenwald: And the question has to be does it make sense to get into a major use of force over a grassy area. The need to separate, very much managed. It’s a little early, we will take a look at what happened today but it doesn’t make sense to fight over something where the conditions have changed. The need for separation simply didn’t exist. And we’ll review the operation and once again learn from what we did. And that’s pretty much all I have to say for you now.

CBS 5 Reporter: This is not the first time that minimizing injuries has taken precedent over trying to control the situation… In February UC Berkeley police stood back when self-proclaimed anarchists attacked the student union to stop right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking and about $100,000 of damage as the police stood by. In both cases it was felt that trying to stop the take-overs would escalate the conflict and at the same time endanger to peaceful protesters who were caught in the mix.

Chief Greenwald: And as far as I am concerned there are some deep discussions that need to happen within our community about providing space for antifa and some of the folks we saw here today.
Berkeley Police Chief After Latest Riots: We Need to Discuss “Providing Space” for Antifa

Chief Greenwald: And the question has to be does it make sense to get into a major use of force over a grassy area. The need to separate, very much managed. It’s a little early, we will take a look at what happened today but it doesn’t make sense to fight over something where the conditions have changed. The need for separation simply didn’t exist. And we’ll review the operation and once again learn from what we did. And that’s pretty much all I have to say for you now.

CBS 5 Reporter: This is not the first time that minimizing injuries has taken precedent over trying to control the situation… In February UC Berkeley police stood back when self-proclaimed anarchists attacked the student union to stop right-wing speaker Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking and about $100,000 of damage as the police stood by. In both cases it was felt that trying to stop the take-overs would escalate the conflict and at the same time endanger to peaceful protesters who were caught in the mix.

Chief Greenwald: And as far as I am concerned there are some deep discussions that need to happen within our community about providing space for antifa and some of the folks we saw here today.
Great idea! Keep those psychos away from everybody else.