How will they rule ??!

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This is the real danger, and it goes ignored by those on the left. Like every other logical thought

Called that weeks ago. Dont need sources. Actions speak volumes. Easy to see
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This is the real danger, and it goes ignored by those on the left. Like every other logical thought

Called that weeks ago. Dont need sources. Actions speak volumes. Easy to see
Yup. Hes been doing a lot of openly anti Trump things recently.

I hope he does it though. He needs a good embarrassment. The GOP base mostly hates him, even many never trumpers hate him. Hes delusional if he thinks he could win.
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No black/Arab/Latino person should have any say on European culture or artifacts. Absolutely none.

It amazes me what people are allowing to happen to European nations. Why do you think they were beautiful and appealing? No one wants that to look like an African or Arab country. You can always count on non-European cultures to look like absolute dog crap. Why would anyone want that or want these people?
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He would get smoked so bad.

How does one become this clueless? How is one not aware that people absolutely hate you especially, ESPECIALLY conservatives. He got smoked as the VP candidate.

Why do they think a guy who didn't serve on politics whatsoever, became president? We hate people like Paul Ryan. Absolutey detest him.

He would get embarrassed so badly and then will find out what happens when you go against the Dem machine. Be prepared to get called racist and Nazi and have some sexual abuse accusations. McCain was dumb enough to think he was safe. Wrong.
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Romney and Ryan didn't even win Ryan's home state Wisconsin in 2012. What is this guy thinking?

The GOP establishment is so clueless. They're just like the Dems. Has it occurred to them why Trump beat 16 career GOP politicians? Has it occurred to them that we hate McCain, Rommey and Ryan? Why the hell would we vote for a guy trying to ruin an agenda we voted for in Trump? I would never vote for someone who was pro open borders. NEVER!
Yup. Hes been doing a lot of openly anti Trump things recently.

I hope he does it though. He needs a good embarrassment. The GOP base mostly hates him, even many never trumpers hate him. Hes delusional if he thinks he could win.

Totally agree. But if it comes to that itll mean trumps term was sabotaged and squandered.

We need him to come on board. Then run in 24 if he wants
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Wonder how many will die in Houston because their idiot democrat mayor told people to not evacuate.

They'll just blame it on Trump.

Why did he say that?

I like that it's "racist" despite these black guys having generations of wealth despite not even being intelligent (Floyd). We love sports but isn't it absurd that these people are so wealthy? We pay millions upon millions for guys putting a ball through a hoop, to run into each other and to beat each other up. It's bizarre.

Def a sign of civilization gone F'D.

The amount of money we spend on entertainment and bs in general is's also exactly why we are America. Cut all out all the excessive crap and our government would ultimately suffer.
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You know there are some sick SOBs out there hoping for the absolute worst in Houston right now to pin it all on Trump.

Liberals always politicize tragedies, its sickening.

It looks like there will be a massive amount of dead people there but leftists will use all of those dead bodies to score political points. They'll try to manufacture this into Trumps katrina.
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Twitter is working with Trump troll William LeGate to dox Trump supporters and conservative accounts, posting numbers and addresses and everything.

He's the douche who creates bots to spam Trump. Twitter doesn't do shit to this guy yet they will suspend conservatives over anything.

It's this pepperoni nipple douche.

Twitter is working with Trump troll William LeGate to dox Trump supporters and conservative accounts, posting numbers and addresses and everything.

He's the douche who creates bots to spam Trump. Twitter doesn't do shit to this guy yet they will suspend conservatives over anything.

It's this pepperoni nipple douche.

I hate that guy. Got into an argument with him one time. He blocked me. A total POS.

Hes a leftist nazi. He doesn't believe in free speech
I like that it's "racist" despite these black guys having generations of wealth despite not even being intelligent (Floyd). We love sports but isn't it absurd that these people are so wealthy? We pay millions upon millions for guys putting a ball through a hoop, to run into each other and to beat each other up. It's bizarre.
No, what is bizarre is people actually thinking that racism is why he can't get a job on a team. I mean come on, it's not like there are any people of color playing on any sports team anywhere in this country.[eyeroll]

Any one of you out there that actually believes this is either really, really dumb or, was brought forward to this time frame from the distant past.

Well, there is one other reason, you don't really believe it, you're just as hateful as the racist you supposedly despise and are trying to start a fight you know will bring this country to its knees. Word of advice, if you lefties are living a good life now, don't start a fight with the right because, your life "WILL" get considerably worse, guaranteed.
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You get paid by the hour? Lulz.

Unless you're in high school, in which case I take that back.

C"mon now. A lot of people you depend on are hourly workers. Policemen, nurses, master mechanics etc etc

Our government would be A LOT better if these pos career politicians would be paid by the hour.

Don't revert back to your pre epiphany lib ways.
Will someone please help me find out how to contact Yahoo and get them to stop sending me bullshit political stuff I don't believe or care about?

I can't find a dam email address or phone number.
I'm so sick of these nerds, Dorks and ugly mother touchers.

You wouldn't find one single TEN in the entire group. It's absurd, we are letting a bunch of talentless ugly dorks cause such destruction.
Interesting that tweets like the ones Keith olbermann has sent out recently have absolutely zero consequences.

Wish someone with some deep pockets would take the fight to them.
Interesting that tweets like the ones Keith olbermann has sent out recently have absolutely zero consequences.

Wish someone with some deep pockets would take the fight to them.
The right needs a Zuckerberg type. I don't mean like him, but we need someone to rival him. Makes me sick how the left totally controls social media.
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I think it's rather incredible how a few people with lots of money can completely transform a culture and a nation.

If you have the money, you can buy politicians to pass or deny legislation. You can buy media and give fringe activists big platforms. You can buy entertainment and create a group who only hires people just like them and flood the nation with sick stuff to be normalized and push propaganda 24/7.

Your Silicon Valley lackeys can further control what media is promoted and censored and allowed to be seen.

You can make sure academia is flooded with radicals and make the market say, "You must go to these institutions in order to get x job."

To me, it shows you have to be incredibly strong-minded to make it out of this without being brainwashed.

You also wonder what happened to make the last 10 years to make such a far-left transformation for our society. I think it's media/social media.

You know how hard it is to get a job as a conservative in any of these industries? You wanna talk about systematic oppression of a group? These industries are dominated by the left and they won't allow that to change.

Your post makes me think of the hollywood left- wing nut jobs and how different movie stars were during ww2.
If we had a ww2 repeat how many hollywood stars would volunteer to serve in the military?

I found this website that lists some of the movie stars who served during ww2:

Left off the list was robert ryan who enlisted in the marine corps soon after signing a guaranteed contract with rko studios, per wikipedia. he was a drill instructor at camp pendleton and a usmc boxer, and was married in 1939 to a quaker for 33 years until her death.