How will they rule ??!

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The right needs a Zuckerberg type. I don't mean like him, but we need someone to rival him. Makes me sick how the left totally controls social media.

I'm talking beyond that.

Anti trust
Etc etc

And it's not just a boohoo claim. Huge Silicon Valley companies are basically an extension of each other and they control EVERYTHING. you wonder why our press has taken a hard left turn? It's the tech companies that own everything. They have to go.
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"Weather doesn't cause disasters"

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They were smiling and laughing about it too. Antifa are becoming what they hate and the left is supporting them.
Trump supporters are going to have to start arming themselves at these rallies, especially in a liberal shithole like Berkeley. The MSM has put a target on all of our backs.

You're just asking to get beaten if you come with nothing.
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I mean you'd have a hard time proving why I shouldn't feel endangered enough to shoot these bastards in these situations.

So much so that I think the first few will slow it all down until court cases are finished to see the outcome. If a shooter is found not guilty with no time to serve, then yea these ski masks thugs would stop.

Fast forward to 1:20... it's like watching ANTIFA today.

Those people are the biggest cowards I've witnessed in sometime. Attacking 1-2 people with a hoard of idiots. And the media applauds this. Sick.
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I mean you'd have a hard time proving why I shouldn't feel endangered enough to shoot these bastards in these situations.

So much so that I think the first few will slow it all down until court cases are finished to see the outcome. If a shooter is found not guilty with no time to serve, then yea these ski masks thugs would stop.
Beating innocent people on the street with sticks or rocks or shields can easily be considered assault with a deadly weapon. I don't know what California laws are for protecting yourself but, in many other states you can defend yourself using deadly force if you think your life is in danger. Rocks, bats. shields and other like items are deadly so, chances are, you would be justified. Zimmerman and Florida anyone?
California self-defense laws provide that you can't be found guilty of a violent crime that you committed in order to protect yourself, as long as your conduct was reasonable under the circumstances. 1

For purposes of the self-defense legal defense, “reasonable under the circumstances” means that you need to have:

  1. Reasonably believed that you were in imminent danger of being killed, injured, or touched unlawfully,
  2. Reasonably believed that you needed to use force to prevent that from happening, and
  3. Used no more force than was necessary to prevent that from happening.2
Moreover, thanks to California's so-called “stand your ground laws,” you are under no obligation to “retreat” – that is, to run away or try to escape – before you use self-defense to protect yourself. 3

Self-defense can be a useful legal defense to a number of California crimes, including:

  • Murder,
  • Assault with a deadly weapon,
  • Aggravated battery, and
  • Battery on a peace officer.

Surprising, unfortunately, if it ever went to court the moronic liberals who would be on the jury would probably screw you. know there's video footage of this but you're either too lazy to care or don't give a shit about your audience and you don't expect them to read for themselves.

Stefan is right. They will lie about something like this so why the eff would you trust them with something important?
Trump supporters are going to have to start arming themselves at these rallies, especially in a liberal shithole like Berkeley. The MSM has put a target on all of our backs.

You're just asking to get beaten if you come with nothing.

If the local police aren't allowed to contain these trash then you can bet that sooner or later there will be violent backlash.
Twitter changed Trump from trending to tRump as if that was the spelling to make it trend. know there's video footage of this but you're either too lazy to care or don't give a shit about your audience and you don't expect them to read for themselves.

Stefan is right. They will lie about something like this so why the eff would you trust them with something important?

The times has since deleted that tweet haha
This is how these Democrat run cities are allowing free speech to be suppressed. They give the police the stand down order, allowing Antifa to attack and infringe on the rights of any group from the right, not "Nazis".

The 46-year-old marched with the group from Civic Center Park, where they knocked down police barricades and essentially overtook the space, to Ohlone Park.

The Patriot Prayer rally organizers had a permit for said space. The barricades are set up for one reason -- for the safety of the rally goers by keeping counter protesters away. It's the police's job to hold that line and protect them. Instead the police are told to stand down, allowing Antifa to waltz through the barriers and attack, then the police declare the rally non peaceful and shut it down.
So the good ole boys, aka Nazis, from around the south and midwest with boats are descending upon TX to help rescue people while ANTIFA, angelic protectors of equality, are beating the shit out of everything that moves in Berkley. Good stuff the media is cramming down our throats.
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[laughing] Do your job, hold the line, protect the rally goers and there wouldn't have been a need to "rescue" the guy. They didn't rescue him, they allowed him to be attacked in the first place.

2:30 p.m. -- Peaceful demonstrators leave violent rally: Hundreds of peaceful demonstrators are leaving after far-left demonstrators overtook Sunday’s rally and it erupted into violence.

3:03 p.m.-- Joey Gibson “rescued”: Police officials said the detaining of Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson was actually a “rescue.” Gibson was placed in handcuffs after being chased, hit and pepper-sprayed by a mob of black-clad demonstrators. He was not arrested or charged.
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[laughing] Do your job, hold the line, protect the rally goers and there wouldn't have been a need to "rescue" the guy. They didn't rescue him, they allowed him to be attacked in the first place.

2:30 p.m. -- Peaceful demonstrators leave violent rally: Hundreds of peaceful demonstrators are leaving after far-left demonstrators overtook Sunday’s rally and it erupted into violence.

3:03 p.m. Joey Gibson “rescued”: Police officials said the detaining of Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson was actually a “rescue.” Gibson was placed in handcuffs after being chased, hit and pepper-sprayed by a mob of black-clad demonstrators. He was not arrested or charged.

Good heavens.

Aren't there 3 or 4 prominent conservative speakers coming there in the coming weeks? They better bring their own security. Berkeley PD has apparently joined ANTIFA.