How will they rule ??!

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Ridiculous. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the KKK are a problem, and Trump has encouraged and empowered them. That is the problem . . . and if you don't see that, you're part of the problem.

Give details about how Trump "encouraged and empowered" neo nazis. Lets see if you can back up this bold statement.

My opinion if Nazis are marching in the streets of America everyone is justified to arm up and go fight them.

No place for it.

No. No place for neo nazis but also no place for violence. Wrong doesnt cancel wrong.

If you dont like the show, turn the channel. Dont break the tv. Pretty basic concept.
I am a conservative.

Trump is linked to neo-nazis. They gloat that they helped him get elected. They celebrated his initial comments because he didn't condemn them and said that both sides were to blame.

1) i highly doubt youre conservative

2) congrats on the logic of a 9 year old. Trump is racis because a racist voted for him? Lmao.

3) saying both sides are wrong is condemning.


They are both douchebags, doesn't have anything to do with America...but to the white liberal its always America's fault

Ole Seth doesnt realize it, but his tweet is an incredible contradiction.

If racism was the problem, floyd wouldnt be making a giant payday.


Also, remember when all the talking heads thought it perfectly fine that teams didnt sign tebow due to media distractions? Now a 180. Of course
Did ukalum1992 (no effing way are you a conservative) really say that neo nazis brag about helping him get elected? What? As if those people are viewed in a positive light and make up a decent proportion.

You know who helped get Trump elected? The crazy ass left, their supporters, Obama, the corrupt leftist media and wait for it...people who are sick of the left's BS and simply wanted job growth and not another politician and didnt want our borders to be flooded with Muslims and illegals.

The left's lack of self awareness shows they should be put in an insane asylum. I guess you don't think you're a giant POS when you have your ego and views stoked and affirmed by media and Hollywood 100 percent of the time.
Lots of people have crappy opinions that no one should respect. What people have a right to is to have any opinion they choose and to express it. I don't have to respect it.

No one has a right to be respected. They have to earn that. What they do have a right to is to be treated with respect.
I've learned that when a person says he deserves your respect, he usually has not done anything to earn it.

Hey Paul, we condemn you for sucking at your job.

I think it has become very clear that we were effed in 2008 and 2012 regardless of outcome and of course, two cowardly RINOs in McCain and Romney were all Obama had to beat. Of course he destroyed them both.

By the way, the lack of awareness from the GOP and people who prefered candidates like this, should never be taken seriously again. After Bush and how bad things are, you trot out a 72-year old man who's thirty years older than the Democrat candidate? In 2012, we got the most stereotypical GOP candidate possible and the anti religious thing played to the max.

There's hardly any difference between Obama, McCain and Rommey especially today. We were better off with Obama winning because it gave us Trump and complete control of everything else cause that sure as hell wasn't happening with the other two.
More like me? A white conservative who has never voted for a democrat in his life?

There very well may be.

Regardless, none of that changes the fact that trump is a disaster.

Watching you all on the left in the media and on the streets have a total freakout over Trump's agenda speaks volumes about you. It says everything.

We finally have a guy not controlled by lobbyists and DC and their mouthpiece media can't handle that.

We have someone who isn't PC and afraid to offend the SJW nut jobs and actually has business sense for job growth and doesn't try to regulate everything.

We have a guy who puts this nation first and actually cares to protect our borders, understands Islam is dangerous and doesn't bow down to it.

And we have a guy who doesn't bash whites or cops and is pro military.

These are all things that most of your base is against. Watching you all try to take down our culture, our history and the future of our nation has been sickening and you all have made it very evident that you all are don't have this nation's best interests.

Oh, and #NeverTrump "conservatives" amaze me. What's your damn end game, genius? I dont believe you're conservative but I'll pretend you are. What exactly are you and your type in and out of DC hoping to accomplish by trying to derail Trump and align with Democrats? You know the DNC wouldn't hesitate to portray you as a racist, sexist Nazi and you're assuring Republicans never run anything again and accomplish nada.
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The left is against voter ID and looking at the voter rolls. Think about that. The same sacks of garbage who claim Russia "hacked" the election and wanted a recount in states Trump won, don't want the voter rolls looked at.

Same group is against vetting areas from terrorist hot spots. They also harbor illegals who commit serious crimes.

They're against protecting the border, they want to shut down speech they disagree with, they remove statues and vandalize, they assault those who disagree with them, they obviously have serious hatred toward whites.

You're not the good guys, you Che-shirt wearing nuts.
BTW, UKalum, you linked an article that you said proved Trump was racist - an article that listed about a dozen acts that you said was proof.

I read the article and you're an idiot. There's absolutely no proof in there that he's a racist. It doesn't surprise me though that you think he's racist based on that article because, again, you're a complete idiot.
What really gets me concerning the far left and their wannabe dictators in DC is a lot of them will tell you that you have no idea what a minority has been or goes through... but isn't that kind of racist to assume because one is a minority they've had a bad life? Just because they're a minority they can't survive without the government's help? Just because they're a minority they can't find the DMV?

Can't everyone see how the left puts everyone in a group? There is no individual left. You're not a black woman. You're a minority. You're not a white man. You're a white supremacist neo-nazi. You're not a gay man. You're grouped with transexuals and gender identifiers. They tell everyone what they are and where they belong. And if you don't agree with them then you're automatically labeled racist, sexist, bigot, etc.

They are paving the way for individualism to no longer exist. And their supporters can't see it because they are bribed with free phones, cheap rent and in some extreme cases money to entice violence. Or they are brainwashed and shamed so they have to stand up to "white supremacy".

I'm no Bible thumper, but The Bible warns of an NWO forming. I believe it's closer than we know.
I think it's rather incredible how a few people with lots of money can completely transform a culture and a nation.

If you have the money, you can buy politicians to pass or deny legislation. You can buy media and give fringe activists big platforms. You can buy entertainment and create a group who only hires people just like them and flood the nation with sick stuff to be normalized and push propaganda 24/7.

Your Silicon Valley lackeys can further control what media is promoted and censored and allowed to be seen.

You can make sure academia is flooded with radicals and make the market say, "You must go to these institutions in order to get x job."

To me, it shows you have to be incredibly strong-minded to make it out of this without being brainwashed.

You also wonder what happened to make the last 10 years to make such a far-left transformation for our society. I think it's media/social media.

You know how hard it is to get a job as a conservative in any of these industries? You wanna talk about systematic oppression of a group? These industries are dominated by the left and they won't allow that to change.
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But Kap cant get a spot because racism...

I like that it's "racist" despite these black guys having generations of wealth despite not even being intelligent (Floyd). We love sports but isn't it absurd that these people are so wealthy? We pay millions upon millions for guys putting a ball through a hoop, to run into each other and to beat each other up. It's bizarre.
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I like that it's "racist" despite these black guys having generations of wealth despite not even being intelligent (Floyd). We love sports but isn't it absurd that these people are so wealthy? We pay millions upon millions for guys putting a ball through a hoop, to run into each other and to beat each other up. It's bizarre.
I don't hear these guys complain about racism too much, but if black athletes would give all of their money to poor black families, I might listen more.
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I don't hear these guys complain about racism too much, but if black athletes would give all of their money to poor black families, I might listen more.

I also find it interesting that these guys never move near black neighborhoods. Ice Cube tried it once I think and kept getting robbed.
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Where can I write a check to help pay for the wall and how much can I contribute? Gladly my friend. A wall to help regulate illegal immigrants? Absolutely. Now that's a tax I can get behind. I might even pull extra hours at work to help do my part.

You get paid by the hour? Lulz.

Unless you're in high school, in which case I take that back.
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