How will they rule ??!

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I had to stop it at the 4 minute mark because I was laughing too hard to listen. Joan Rivers had had enough! The tone of her voice was perfect disgust.

You shoulda kept going man. Literally, Obama called his "wife" Michael. Twice.

Not only that, "she" was adjusting "her" penis when walking out the door. Then you see "her" penis flop in "her" pants as "she" walks down the steps.
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Ana sounded like Ricky Ricardo when he went on one of his Spanish rants on Lucy.

Pretty sure she has a triple digit IQ, I'd say about 090. Might be a little high but I gave her extra credit for realizing she could assault that dude on camera and he couldn't do anything about it.
The guy that organized the Unite the Right Protest in Charlottsville, VA use to work for CNN. This has Soros fingerprints all over it. He is trying to take down the Unites States from the inside out with a divide and conquer campaign.


So that's not weird to anyone else? A guy who worked for CNN, was involved in the Occupy movement and had intense support for Obama, organizes Charlottesville and it becomes an indictment against conservatives? That passes the smell test to people?
You shoulda kept going man. Literally, Obama called his "wife" Michael. Twice.

Not only that, "she" was adjusting "her" penis when walking out the door. Then you see "her" penis flop in "her" pants as "she" walks down the steps.
Dang! She was hangin heavy too Those pics of her dress bulges looks like she's tucked it.


So that's not weird to anyone else? A guy who worked for CNN, was involved in the Occupy movement and had intense support for Obama, organizes Charlottesville and it becomes an indictment against conservatives? That passes the smell test to people?
Becomes more clear everyday that it was a set up to make Trump and his supporters look bad
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So that's not weird to anyone else? A guy who worked for CNN, was involved in the Occupy movement and had intense support for Obama, organizes Charlottesville and it becomes an indictment against conservatives? That passes the smell test to people?

I think the billionaire elites are thinking that it's better to have racial warfare than a class warfare.
What dumbass libs fail to realize is that there has to be a bogeyman for their platform to survive. IF, they were to wipe out the right, who would be the next target? Here's a hint to the demwits that murk up this forum, it will be you.
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What dumbass libs fail to realize is that there has to be a bogeyman for their platform to survive. IF, they were to wipe out the right, who would be the next target? Here's a hint to the demwits that murk up this forum, it will be you.

THANK YOU! I've said this forever. It's why they would fall apart if we segregated and split the country into Dem/Republican territories. Their utopia doesn't work. They need someone to steal from and someone to blame. They would eat each other when whites and Republicans aren't there.
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"Be sure to spread the message this is coming straight from the top"

Well now we wouldn't want to piss off the Antifa overlords at "the top". Is that Soros or other domestic terrorists? The DNC?

Soros was the first thing that came to my mind. I mean he is footing the bill for this terrorism.

Soros was the first thing that came to my mind. I mean he is footing the bill for this terrorism.

Have you seen these groups? Do they look like the types who are working to put food on the table and understand personal responsibility? Hell no. These are the carni freaks of liberalism.

USC students say white horse for their mascot is racist. GD WHITE PRIVILEGED HORSES.
So we should take the most extreme hypothetical you can think of, and that should be the basis for our voter laws?

First of all, there SHOULD be barriers to voting, it is a privilege, not a right, and the purpose of the barriers is to confirm the voter is the person listed on the rolls, so it prevents voter fraud. Second, the barriers are really low, they are hardly insurmountable, and the law provides for exceptions.

It's ridiculous that we can't set up some pretty low hurdles to voting meant to confirm the voter's identity without challenges from the left that those hurdles are discriminatory, and liberal judges who actually accept the argument.
I would say that the same standard used for one to register to vote should be used to allow them to vote. If you required an ID to register, require that ID to vote. If you allowed them to register without an ID
Producing an ID doesn't prevent fraud as most college students already know. Fake IDs are not difficult to obtain.
The occurrences of voter fraud in this country are exceedingly rare. Like the poll tax and literacy test that preceded them, these are just new attempts to disenfranchise the poor by adding additional barriers to their vote.
Yep. Californians and New Yorkers. "Oh, it's so expensive here and taxes are too high. Let's move to Texas and Nashville and any other decent city and then vote blue and then watch it burn" and then move on to the next place while thinking you're not the problem.

Yep. Californians and New Yorkers. "Oh, it's so expensive here and taxes are too high. Let's move to Texas and Nashville and any other decent city and then vote blue and then watch it burn" and then move on to the next place while thinking you're not the problem.

Southerners view Yankees two ways:

Yankee- comes south to visit, then goes back north.

DAMN Yankee comes South and stays.
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I will work my ass off to make sure these SOBs never get my kids. Psychopaths.

School gives transgender lesson to 5-year-olds, refuses to give details to parents

ROCKLIN, California, August 24, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Tensions continue to rise in a Sacramento suburb over a boy who “transitioned” to a girl at Rocklin Academy Gateway kindergarten last June during a lesson that some parents say left their five-year-olds traumatized.

Angry parents flooded the Rocklin Academy School Board meeting Monday to protest that they weren’t forewarned the boy was transitioning to a girl or that the kindergarten class would be taught about transgenderism, reported CBS.

Parents were notified only a week later and told only “that two books had been read, not that there was a transgender student in the class,” according to a parent statement provided to LifeSiteNews by Greg Burt of the California Family Council.

But kindergarten teacher Kaelin Swaney defended her actions at the board meeting.

“I’m so proud of my students. It was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation,” she said, according to CBS.

Teacher, board won’t tell parents what happened
But the teacher has refused to disclose to parents what happened during the lesson, according to the parent’s statement. Instead, she told the parent to “ask our student.”

The school board has taken the same line, says Karen England, executive director of Capitol Hill Resources, a pro-family public policy group.

Board staff “are refusing and they refused even afterwards to answer parents’ questions and have referred the parents to their children who were in their class, to the five-year-olds, as to what happened,” she told LifeSiteNews.

Because of state regulations governing open meetings, the board couldn’t legally address the issue Monday night because it wasn’t on the agenda, England told LifeSiteNews. The teacher and parents spoke during the general comments section.

Board accusing parents of inaccuracies
The board is now saying that parents’ accounts of what happened on the second-to-last day before summer break are inaccurate.

In a Tuesday email to parents, Rocklin Academy superintendent Robin Stout disputes the “timeline of events” but adds: “Because of our obligation to protect student confidentiality and safety, we are not at liberty to correct every detail.”

Stout states no “transition ceremony took place” but the “gender transition of the student had occurred before the day the book was read.”

LifeSiteNews contacted Stout and Rocklin Gateway School but did not hear back.

According to the parent’s statement, one-third of the class (seven students) said the teacher read one book in the beginning of the day and another at the end. (The two books pro-transgender books were “I am Jazz” and “The Red Crayon” and target four to eight year olds.) Somewhere in between, “the child changed his clothes from boy clothes to girl clothes.”

“All of the students knew that the child now had a girl brain in a boy body and that he had a new name that the students were to call him,” the parent stated. “Because of this we are assuming that there was some sort of presentation.”

At the next day’s graduation ceremony, the teacher introduced the student by “his girl name” and “all of the students knew he was now a girl and that he had to be called by his new girl name,” the parent stated.

“The school did not refute this happened until a week ago,” she wrote. “They are now disputing the sequence of events but not that the events did not take place.”

Parent getting hate mail; school fears lawsuits
That parent is also getting hate mail among the responses to a petition she has launched, Burt said. “People are afraid to talk about this issue.”

Parents fear not only the backlash but lawsuits, noted England. “I’m getting a letter from a legal group that lets them know that no, you can’t get sued for telling the truth.”

Schools also “are scared to death” they’ll be sued or charged with discrimination, Burt said.

He blames California’s lawmakers for this.

Indeed, Stout has stated the board didn’t have to tell parents in advance because gender issues don’t fall under sex education and aren’t subject to the state’s opt-out and parental consent laws.

California law also bans discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression.

A July 31 school board presentation stated a child has a “right” to self-identity and anyone who intentionally does not use a student’s preferred pronouns could be guilty of “gender identity harassment.”

More transgender laws coming
California’s senate is now poised to pass SB-179, which will create a “third” gender for birth certificates and driver’s licences, Burt said.

“This particular bill allows a parent to change the gender of their children, no questions asked, no doctor’s note required,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Plus there’s no age limit, so a parent can change the sex on their two-year-old’s birth certificate by simply filling out a form if they wanted.”

Added Burt: “So what’s a school do if a boy comes in and it says legally on his birth certificate that he’s a girl and he’s obviously not a girl?”

The California senate is also considering Bill 219, which will jail people for up to a year for not using the pronouns of choice for patients in long-term care facilities. The bill mandates such facilities place men claiming to be women in rooms with women.

Parents and faith leaders must fight back
The kindergarten blowup in Rocklin is the inevitable result of such legislation, Burt says.

The California Family Council is “pleading with parents and religious leaders speak out publicly regarding their opposition to laws that promote transgenderism and to call and personally meet with their legislators,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Way too many people who disapprove of these government policies have been silent about their opposition. And policy makers have interpreted this silence as approval of the direction they have been going. That has to stop,” added Burt.

“This isn’t going away,” England told LifeSiteNews. “The school is digging in. … It’s erupting.”

So Russia didn't hack the election?

You leftists can't have it both ways. Either fraud is rare or muh putin decided the election.
You are really dense or willfully ignorant. Which is it?

First of all, if you are hacking votes then you simply change votes that have been casts. Identifying who voted wouldn't get you any closer to resolving that type of fraud.

Second,I don't think that anyone credible has claimed that votes were changed. The concern is more about the dissemination of information used to influence votes. Isn't it interesting that only DNC emails were hacked?

And before the election wasn't Trump talking about voting being rigged? Was he just creating an excuse had he lost the election?
You are really dense or willfully ignorant. Which is it?

First of all, if you are hacking votes then you simply change votes that have been casts. Identifying who voted wouldn't get you any closer to resolving that type of fraud.

Second,I don't think that anyone credible has claimed that votes were changed. The concern is more about the dissemination of information used to influence votes. Isn't it interesting that only DNC emails were hacked?

And before the election wasn't Trump talking about voting being rigged? Was he just creating an excuse had he lost the election?

My god I'm not sure how you made it this far in life.

You wonder why only the emails from the DNC?

Umm, ask Seth Rich. Oh wait. You can't because f**** Hillary had his ass killed.

You truly are stupid
I will work my ass off to make sure these SOBs never get my kids. Psychopaths.

School gives transgender lesson to 5-year-olds, refuses to give details to parents

ROCKLIN, California, August 24, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Tensions continue to rise in a Sacramento suburb over a boy who “transitioned” to a girl at Rocklin Academy Gateway kindergarten last June during a lesson that some parents say left their five-year-olds traumatized.

Angry parents flooded the Rocklin Academy School Board meeting Monday to protest that they weren’t forewarned the boy was transitioning to a girl or that the kindergarten class would be taught about transgenderism, reported CBS.

Parents were notified only a week later and told only “that two books had been read, not that there was a transgender student in the class,” according to a parent statement provided to LifeSiteNews by Greg Burt of the California Family Council.

But kindergarten teacher Kaelin Swaney defended her actions at the board meeting.

“I’m so proud of my students. It was never my intent to harm any students but to help them through a difficult situation,” she said, according to CBS.

Teacher, board won’t tell parents what happened

But the teacher has refused to disclose to parents what happened during the lesson, according to the parent’s statement. Instead, she told the parent to “ask our student.”

The school board has taken the same line, says Karen England, executive director of Capitol Hill Resources, a pro-family public policy group.

Board staff “are refusing and they refused even afterwards to answer parents’ questions and have referred the parents to their children who were in their class, to the five-year-olds, as to what happened,” she told LifeSiteNews.

Because of state regulations governing open meetings, the board couldn’t legally address the issue Monday night because it wasn’t on the agenda, England told LifeSiteNews. The teacher and parents spoke during the general comments section.

Board accusing parents of inaccuracies

The board is now saying that parents’ accounts of what happened on the second-to-last day before summer break are inaccurate.

In a Tuesday email to parents, Rocklin Academy superintendent Robin Stout disputes the “timeline of events” but adds: “Because of our obligation to protect student confidentiality and safety, we are not at liberty to correct every detail.”

Stout states no “transition ceremony took place” but the “gender transition of the student had occurred before the day the book was read.”

LifeSiteNews contacted Stout and Rocklin Gateway School but did not hear back.

According to the parent’s statement, one-third of the class (seven students) said the teacher read one book in the beginning of the day and another at the end. (The two books pro-transgender books were “I am Jazz” and “The Red Crayon” and target four to eight year olds.) Somewhere in between, “the child changed his clothes from boy clothes to girl clothes.”

“All of the students knew that the child now had a girl brain in a boy body and that he had a new name that the students were to call him,” the parent stated. “Because of this we are assuming that there was some sort of presentation.”

At the next day’s graduation ceremony, the teacher introduced the student by “his girl name” and “all of the students knew he was now a girl and that he had to be called by his new girl name,” the parent stated.

“The school did not refute this happened until a week ago,” she wrote. “They are now disputing the sequence of events but not that the events did not take place.”

Parent getting hate mail; school fears lawsuits

That parent is also getting hate mail among the responses to a petition she has launched, Burt said. “People are afraid to talk about this issue.”

Parents fear not only the backlash but lawsuits, noted England. “I’m getting a letter from a legal group that lets them know that no, you can’t get sued for telling the truth.”

Schools also “are scared to death” they’ll be sued or charged with discrimination, Burt said.

He blames California’s lawmakers for this.

Indeed, Stout has stated the board didn’t have to tell parents in advance because gender issues don’t fall under sex education and aren’t subject to the state’s opt-out and parental consent laws.

California law also bans discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression.

A July 31 school board presentation stated a child has a “right” to self-identity and anyone who intentionally does not use a student’s preferred pronouns could be guilty of “gender identity harassment.”

More transgender laws coming

California’s senate is now poised to pass SB-179, which will create a “third” gender for birth certificates and driver’s licences, Burt said.

“This particular bill allows a parent to change the gender of their children, no questions asked, no doctor’s note required,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Plus there’s no age limit, so a parent can change the sex on their two-year-old’s birth certificate by simply filling out a form if they wanted.”

Added Burt: “So what’s a school do if a boy comes in and it says legally on his birth certificate that he’s a girl and he’s obviously not a girl?”

The California senate is also considering Bill 219, which will jail people for up to a year for not using the pronouns of choice for patients in long-term care facilities. The bill mandates such facilities place men claiming to be women in rooms with women.

Parents and faith leaders must fight back

The kindergarten blowup in Rocklin is the inevitable result of such legislation, Burt says.

The California Family Council is “pleading with parents and religious leaders speak out publicly regarding their opposition to laws that promote transgenderism and to call and personally meet with their legislators,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Way too many people who disapprove of these government policies have been silent about their opposition. And policy makers have interpreted this silence as approval of the direction they have been going. That has to stop,” added Burt.

“This isn’t going away,” England told LifeSiteNews. “The school is digging in. … It’s erupting.”

If I ever find out about this going on at my child's school, they're gone. This crap is ridiculous.

I work maintenance at an elementary school here in Kentucky. I haven't heard anything like this going on there yet... thank God.
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My god I'm not sure how you made it this far in life.

You wonder why only the emails from the DNC?

Umm, ask Seth Rich. Oh wait. You can't because f**** Hillary had his ass killed.

You truly are stupid

I don't know how many times ignorant libs are going to keep saying this. How do you think internal leaks work? Oh, you were hacked? Really? Is that why you refuse to turn over the server?

And what do you think you're going to find on the RNC side? Trying to sabotage Trump to help Jeb, Rubio and Cruz? And how big of a media presence do you think conservatives have in media? We have one network and it's not even fully right. We don't have social media networks at all. That's all run by liberals.
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I don't know how many times ignorant libs are going to keep saying this. How do you think internal leaks work? Oh, you were hacked? Really? Is that why you refuse to turn over the server?

And what do you think you're going to find on the RNC side? Trying to sabotage Trump to help Jeb, Rubio and Cruz? And how big of a media presence do you think conservatives have in media? We have one network and it's not even fully right. We don't have social media networks at all. That's all run by liberals.

Absolutely. Ignorant libs and their stupid takes and opinions. Most stupid people on this planet.
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I would say that the same standard used for one to register to vote should be used to allow them to vote. If you required an ID to register, require that ID to vote. If you allowed them to register without an ID
Producing an ID doesn't prevent fraud as most college students already know. Fake IDs are not difficult to obtain.
The occurrences of voter fraud in this country are exceedingly rare. Like the poll tax and literacy test that preceded them, these are just new attempts to disenfranchise the poor by adding additional barriers to their vote.
Bullsh@t. Voter ID is not disenfranchising anyone. Can't afford an Id then one should be provided free of charge by the State. ID's are required by most things we do everyday and you are against an individual havingi to show and ID to vote?
Bullsh@t. Voter ID is not disenfranchising anyone. Can't afford an Id then one should be provided free of charge by the State. ID's are required by most things we do everyday and you are against an individual havingi to show and ID to vote?

How can one even be a functioning adult with no ID? You can't get a legal job, can't drive, can't rent a hotel or an apartment, can't buy alcohol or cigs, can't fly, etc. HOW THE HELL ARE YOU INCAPABLE OF GETTING AN I.D.? If a 16-year old kid can do it then why can't they? Then explain how other minorities are able to obtain IDs?