How will they rule ??!

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attempts to disenfranchise the poor by adding additional barriers to their vote.

You're a joke. In here acting like you know those people's struggles and barriers. Trying to speak for people that you've never met a day in your life and who are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves.

The same people you're speaking for and acting like you know what's best for them because you think they're too incompetent to get an ID have one word for bigots like you. "Ignorant".

You're a joke. In here acting like you know those people's struggles and barriers. Trying to speak for people that you've never met a day in your life and who are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves.

The same people you're speaking for and acting like you know what's best for them because you think they're too incompetent to get an ID have one word for bigots like you. "Ignorant".

The young white fools need to watch that to see that THEY are the racists. I wonder how they'd respond?
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Fuzz thinks black people don't carry IDs, don't have access to the internet, nor do they know where the DMV is.


Blacks in the South do not own cars nor do they know anyone with a car that could get them to the DMV. And most people don't realize that blacks in the South are not issued birth certificates or Social Security numbers. Most live so far out in the sticks that there is no bus service. Everybody knows that no cabbie is going to pick up a black person. And how can Hispanic citizens be expected to know how to get an ID when they don't know any English? Only 3 1/2 years until the next presidential election is just not enough time to get an ID.

Until these blatant disenfranchisement issues are cleared up we must just accept that people are who they say they are.
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These type can literally leave nothing alone. They want every tv show, movie, and game to pander exactly to what they want. They get mad of what they feel should be represented isn't. Then they get mad if you don't do it "right".

2 examples: TWD caught a lot of criticism from their gay audience for not enough gay characters (mind you the show has had at least 5 identifying gay characters). So they start giving a few gay characters more involvement in the story.
Characters die on this show all the time... it's about a zombie apocalypse. One gay character dies... they lose their minds. Apparently a lot of the gay community decided gay characters should be invincible.

I was a gamer growing up and still occasionally play if I'm a fan of a certain series. Mass Effect was a series I was into. In their latest installment nearly every character can be bisexual, they tweaked more characters to be gay after complaints there weren't enough gay options... so they took characters intended to be straight and made them bi. They also added a transgender character to the game. They received nothing but complaints because "it wasn't done right" and offended the trans community.

I say if I design a game or create a tv show, movie, whatever... ill do it how I want and what I envision. This pandering to a small percentage of the country is ridiculous.

I don't get this concept at all. How in holy hell can a video game character be gay/trans/L/B/Q or whatever else? Or even straight, for that matter...
Derp, the person who heads the foundation was the one running for president.

You seriously are f***** clueless

More #FakeNews Willy.

The head of the foundation is Bill Clinton.

Amazing that you know so much but don't really know anything.
More #FakeNews Willy.

The head of the foundation is Bill Clinton.

Amazing that you know so much but don't really know anything.

Yeah, hahahaa, Like Bill is running that show. Jesus Christ. You think Bill was the one taking those monies from terrorist countries on behalf of his wife? You are truly clueless
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Blacks in the South do not own cars nor do they know anyone with a car that could get them to the DMV. And most people don't realize that blacks in the South are not issued birth certificates or Social Security numbers. Most live so far out in the sticks that there is no bus service. Everybody knows that no cabbie is going to pick up a black person. And how can Hispanic citizens be expected to know how to get an ID when they don't know any English? Only 3 1/2 years until the next presidential election is just not enough time to get an ID.

Until these blatant disenfranchisement issues are cleared up we must just accept that people are who they say they are.
Better to let 100 non-citizens vote illegally than to deny one true citizen a vote because he has no ID.
You're a joke. In here acting like you know those people's struggles and barriers. Trying to speak for people that you've never met a day in your life and who are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves.

The same people you're speaking for and acting like you know what's best for them because you think they're too incompetent to get an ID have one word for bigots like you. "Ignorant".

Fuzz thinks blacks are too stupid to get a Photo ID Does that make a racist?
I told you this was a foreign concept to the left. This is why you can't even have a normal conversation with this group. It also explains why they love victimhood so much.


And here is saying it last year too.

I told you this was a foreign concept to the left. This is why you can't even have a normal conversation with this group. It also explains why they love victimhood so much.


And here is saying it last year too.

wtf is wrong with Peter Coffin? I swear I could break that dude's face with one punch.

"justify lower taxes" Bet he works at Starbucks for $8/hr