How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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There's no way that's real. And I deplore Antifa.

This one has to be.


I notice fuzz has not addressed this. Probably because it shits all over him.

He has moved on to defending the Clinton Foundation.

But you have to admit that the Clinton Foundation is a thing of beauty. It one-ups Costanza's Human Fund by actually doing something charitable with 10% of the donations.

What a shake down racket, but hey you write it off as a charitable contribution instead of a political contribution.

Snopes has some interesting theories as to why donations are off this year.

It's not because she has no influence to peddle. Its because Trump tarnished her brand.

Trumps fault.
And you are blind and inconsistent. You claimed "Dems were squealing"...I replied with 44 states are not cooperating. It's obviously not just "Dems".

I can't speak for a Texas judge but I'm sure in Texas with a high Hispanic population and blacks, disproportionately poor are more harshly hit. In most cases if I want an ID I have to produce a birth certificate. There are a lot of people who have never seen their birth certificate which means they would have to have the know-how and resources to obtain one. If they were children of migrant workers they might not know in what state they were born to ever start that search. If they are homeless they may not have a post box or address to which they could receive that ID. I realize that it is hard for you to understand but there are people with barriers.
So we should take the most extreme hypothetical you can think of, and that should be the basis for our voter laws?

First of all, there SHOULD be barriers to voting, it is a privilege, not a right, and the purpose of the barriers is to confirm the voter is the person listed on the rolls, so it prevents voter fraud. Second, the barriers are really low, they are hardly insurmountable, and the law provides for exceptions.

It's ridiculous that we can't set up some pretty low hurdles to voting meant to confirm the voter's identity without challenges from the left that those hurdles are discriminatory, and liberal judges who actually accept the argument.
Hell she didn't win by the damn rules of the game. There is no greater sign of stupidity than the more votes crap.


The stupid hurts for multiple reasons.

1. We already know the rules of the game. It has been like this forever. You strategize based on the rules of the game. You campaign based off of this.

2. Electoral college means a lot of Republicans in places like California don't even bother going out because their vote doesn't mean anything.

We had 51 separate elections. One of the best examples I can give of the concept of the electoral college for a clueless liberal is using the World Series.

The rules of the game are who wins four individual games. It doesn't matter if one game, you outscored a team by 11 runs. You still have to win three more games. It's based on four wins; not overall runs. Libs can't understand this.
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How did i miss this Ky news? It happened in 2015. Thats why.

So a 3 yr old can be racist? Haha

Fuzz/RQ says yes.

Isnt that the same judgein louisville that was nearly removed from office for refusing to seat a jury on numerous criminal cases; on the sole basis he wasnt satisfied with the racial make up?
I'm gonna go ahead and predict the MSMs Trump coverage of his response to hurricane Harvey.

You know they are readying the talking points of how Trump failed (even BEFORE it makes landfall). It is supposed to hit tomorrow night, so get ready for the "Blame Trump" nonsense to hit the MSM first thing Saturday morning, no matter how good Trumps response will be.

You can take this to the bank and cash that motherf****r.

In fact, salon is already setting this narritive up a full day before it makes landfull. Unbelievable how anti American these people are.
Isnt that the same judgein louisville that was nearly removed from office for refusing to seat a jury on numerous criminal cases; on the sole basis he wasnt satisfied with the racial make up?

I dunno man. I wouldn't be surprised. He's about as racist as they anyone in the KKK
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If you mfers link one more Salon or Vanity Fair "article" that doesn't involve titties or something...:uzi:
Why/how do you even find these things.
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And fn govt is trying to sneak into the ISP business. Lexington is having a "public meeting" right now about Spectrum/TWC. I can't recall a public meeting about anything. But our stupid asses are fed up with TV, damnit!!

Dems have been trying to push Hundreds of thousands of miles of govt funded fiber cable for a few plus years now. It hasn't worked. The project which was passed and set in motion years ago has been grossly behind schedule and over budget. Like they completed 500 miles and it cost 100million+ more than budget. They won't talk about this. They will however talk about homeowners paying extra property tax to help lay cable.

They will also talk about how we *need* to move the most important democratic process known as voting to the internet, while also talking about how our election was just compromised by those GD Russians on that GD internet!

That bs will happen eventually. Govt will move to the e-world where rules and money are totally not real.
I'm not sure which Fuzz post today was the dumbest.

Saying executive orders are not law has to rank in the top 3 dumbest things said in this thread.

And the Clinton Foundation posts? My god. I won't even pretend to understand that stupidity.
I literally laughed out loud when I read the Clinton Foundation post.

That's HOF level trolling.
I like that people are forced to resign from a job if they said something about Michelle Obama's appearance yet that lady from Missouri said she hopes Trump gets assassinated and nothing happens.

Apparently it's so offensive to suggest a guy with a Kenyan father who also grew up overseas and has a very hidden past, might not actually be from the U.S. but hoping and calling for someone's murder receives no outrage.

It's just incredible to see the fake outrage of the left and what they're okay with.

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