How will they rule ??!

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The left still hasn't figured out why Trump holds ralleyes like the one Tuesday.

He announced Monday that we were sending troops into Afghanistan, and they were being unleashed from having to ask D.C. For permission to engage. Before the media can hammer him for it, he cuts a world class promo on the media putting them on their heels. With their feelings hurt they completely forget about Afghanistan, that's why he does what he did Tuesday. So he can get the shit done that needs doing.
He has singlehandedly handed the media their asses, and they are losing their minds.

Wait til Ginsberg or Kennedy leave the Supreme Court.
The left still hasn't figured out why Trump holds ralleyes like the one Tuesday.

He announced Monday that we were sending troops into Afghanistan, and they were being unleashed from having to ask D.C. For permission to engage. Before the media can hammer him for it, he cuts a world class promo on the media putting them on their heels. With their feelings hurt they completely forget about Afghanistan, that's why he does what he did Tuesday. So he can get the shit done that needs doing.
He has singlehandedly handed the media their asses, and they are losing their minds.

Wait til Ginsberg or Kennedy leave the Supreme Court.
Trump is absolutely brilliant when it comes to handling the MSM. He is always 5 steps ahead of them and it drives them absolutely crazy. We may never see another President as good at it as Trump is.

The MSM is a cat and Trump is flashing a laser on the wall, and the MSM runs to the laser every single time.

Better enjoy the hell out of this presidency while you can, folks. We will never see another one again like Trump.
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Charles would say to me his words of how proud he is to be a black man. I would tell him that is all the reason I need to respect him, as I am just like him, proud to be a white man. But then Charles would say to me he can not respect me, as my ability to also be naturally proud of what I naturally am is immoral - interferes with his comfort zone, and denies any necessary shame that would allow his people to heal. To this I would say to him, the only shame I possess is the embarrassment from thinking you may have actually believed we are equal.
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I had a 4 year old notice I had a face. He then asked me what my favorite color is and what branch of government I find the most interesting and why? We then discussed capitalism, socialism, and communism and all the pros and cons of each. From there we debated a straight democracy and republic and why it's vital to know the difference, all over a cup of coffee... well, coffee for me. He had a juice box and a cookie.

Oh, and he pointed out Trump has weird hair and Obama has big ears. Then he took a nap with his blankey.
I wonder if the same guy owned Amazon and Fox News, and Obama was still POTUS, if the FTC would have let this Whole Foods deal go through.
The level of cuck here and virtue signaling is hilarious. What must it be like to be such a self loathing pussy liberal?

You'd be amazed at how many young people apparently have become conservatives because of Gamer Gate. Can't tell you how many times I've read that.

The left pushed too hard and went too far. A functioning brain can see how crazy they are.
Its hilarious. We KNOW, for a fact:

1) The dnc at a meeting with major donors had on their agenda a plan to begin identity politics in an attempt to secure votes.

2) Podesta said in an email that anytime one is losing a debate on an issue, to declare the other party hitler as an emergency tactic.

Anyone supporting this nonsense is literally a puppet of their dnc overlords. Congrats on not having functional individualist thought.
I used to feel really sorry for refugees from the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America. I still do for those who legitimately want to escape and make a better life in America and Europe. The problem is that too many of them just want to move here for the goodies and not contribute to and intentionally harm our culture. The legit refugees need to hold the others accountable.
I used to feel really sorry for refugees from the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America. I still do for those who legitimately want to escape and make a better life in America and Europe. The problem is that too many of them just want to move here for the goodies and not contribute to and intentionally harm our culture. The legit refugees need to hold the others accountable.

Most of them want to leave the shithole from where they are from and turn into the shithole from where they just left.
What the hell is Gamer Gate?

Basically SJWs and feminists taking on video games. Anna Sarkeesian and Zoe Quin were at the forefront, bitching about how women are portrayed as sexy in video games and not enough fat women and how it plays to male fantasies and Zoe, who apparently slept her way into the industry, had a relationship with a "journalist" and he'd collude to write her BS. Essentially it was a bunch of nerds and 4chan/reddit types taking on feminist nuts/SJWs as they tried to bully that industry.

This nerd goes into more depth.



Multi-colored hair girl upset about women being designed as sexy in video games and seeks to take on the patriarchy, pushing nerds to the right.

Just another example of why myself & others have such contempt for liberals in our country. Just like on homosexual marriage, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was opposed to it when the polls showed that the majority of Americans were opposed to it. And then when the polls changed and it showed that the majority of Americans was in favor of homosexual marriage... Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. Obama, Clinton and other phony liberals came out in favor of it. Is there any wonder why the democrat party is going the way of the dinosaur.
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Just another example of why myself & others have such contempt for liberals in our country. Just like on homosexual marriage, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton was opposed to it when the polls showed that the majority of Americans were opposed to it. And then when the polls changed and it showed that the majority of Americans was in favor of homosexual marriage... Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. Obama, Clinton and other phony liberals came out in favor of it. Is there any wonder why the democrat party is going the way of the dinosaur.

Obama is married to a man.

Obama called him Michael on two different occassions

Basically SJWs and feminists taking on video games. Anna Sarkeesian and Zoe Quin were at the forefront, bitching about how women are portrayed as sexy in video games and not enough fat women and how it plays to male fantasies and Zoe, who apparently slept her way into the industry, had a relationship with a "journalist" and he'd collude to write her BS. Essentially it was a bunch of nerds and 4chan/reddit types taking on feminist nuts/SJWs as they tried to bully that industry.

This nerd goes into more depth.



Multi-colored hair girl upset about women being designed as sexy in video games and seeks to take on the patriarchy, pushing nerds to the right.

These type can literally leave nothing alone. They want every tv show, movie, and game to pander exactly to what they want. They get mad of what they feel should be represented isn't. Then they get mad if you don't do it "right".

2 examples: TWD caught a lot of criticism from their gay audience for not enough gay characters (mind you the show has had at least 5 identifying gay characters). So they start giving a few gay characters more involvement in the story.
Characters die on this show all the time... it's about a zombie apocalypse. One gay character dies... they lose their minds. Apparently a lot of the gay community decided gay characters should be invincible.

I was a gamer growing up and still occasionally play if I'm a fan of a certain series. Mass Effect was a series I was into. In their latest installment nearly every character can be bisexual, they tweaked more characters to be gay after complaints there weren't enough gay options... so they took characters intended to be straight and made them bi. They also added a transgender character to the game. They received nothing but complaints because "it wasn't done right" and offended the trans community.

I say if I design a game or create a tv show, movie, whatever... ill do it how I want and what I envision. This pandering to a small percentage of the country is ridiculous.
These type can literally leave nothing alone. They want every tv show, movie, and game to pander exactly to what they want. They get mad of what they feel should be represented isn't. Then they get mad if you don't do it "right".

2 examples: TWD caught a lot of criticism from their gay audience for not enough gay characters (mind you the show has had at least 5 identifying gay characters). So they start giving a few gay characters more involvement in the story.
Characters die on this show all the time... it's about a zombie apocalypse. One gay character dies... they lose their minds. Apparently a lot of the gay community decided gay characters should be invincible.

I was a gamer growing up and still occasionally play if I'm a fan of a certain series. Mass Effect was a series I was into. In their latest installment nearly every character can be bisexual, they tweaked more characters to be gay after complaints there weren't enough gay options... so they took characters intended to be straight and made them bi. They also added a transgender character to the game. They received nothing but complaints because "it wasn't done right" and offended the trans community.

I say if I design a game or create a tv show, movie, whatever... ill do it how I want and what I envision. This pandering to a small percentage of the country is ridiculous.

It doesn't stop there either. In college, In one of my classes, the topic of a GLAAD study where like 18 percent of films had gay characters was brought up on a class message board. Apparently that was too low despite these people only making up three percent. THREE PERCENT.

But it didn't stop there. The gay kid in class was upset that there's not enough HIV positive characters.


Makes you wonder how many of our older favorite shows would've been ruined like this. I caught That 70s Show on Netflix not too long ago and realized that if this show was made today, all of these kids would've been gay or black or trans or Latino or Muslim.
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The liberals in the US are doing the same thing. Screwing up their state and then moving to spread their disease to another.

Yep. Californians and New Yorkers. "Oh, it's so expensive here and taxes are too high. Let's move to Texas and Nashville and any other decent city and then vote blue and then watch it burn" and then move on to the next place while thinking you're not the problem.
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