How will they rule ??!

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You should take that $1,000 you owe Brady and pay for a civics class.
The fact that bills must be passed in the legislature before going to the executive does not prevent the executive from providing directive, providing framework for legislation. In fact it is quite common for the executive to do so.
The fact that bills must be passed in the legislature before going to the executive does not prevent the executive from providing directive, providing framework for legislation. In fact it is quite common for the executive to do so.

Yep, I'd imagine Obama was in the room directing the health insurance lobbyists when they were writing Obamacare. Too bad they didn't take him up on his, "if you like your doctor you can keep it," "each family will save $2,500 per year in premiums," "No one making less than $250,000 per year will see their taxes increase," etc. ideas he had.

Honestly, what would you expect Trump to do? He's outlined his general goals for tax reform. He has the entire Democrat party, and vast majority of the Republican establishment dead set on working against. Their opposition is based entirely on a made up narrative intended to ensure a DC outsider will never try to upset the apple cart ever again.

What specifically should Trump do differently so McConnell and Ryan start actually working for the country?
Was really hoping to see us do something other than double down on Afghan

I don't support the idea of more military action there

At least they're sealing off Pakistan and trying to get India to help


I mean - why wouldn't someone wanna come in and HELP


a little confused by this right now

So now you see...pull out and then you are blamed for the aftermath. Stay and you are blamed for not getting out.
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The fact that bills must be passed in the legislature before going to the executive does not prevent the executive from providing directive, providing framework for legislation. In fact it is quite common for the executive to do so.
boy, obammer sure did....rammed through an unaffordable, untenable health care bill without even giving legislators time to read it. I guess they thought he was trustworthy.
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This. People that say they'd vote for a moderate dim might as well just say they want to give the dims control again. And this time, if the left gets control, they will move the country waaaaaaay left.

So, Mitch may be a huge disappointment but he is better than ANY dim!
You are right, I guess I'll hold my nose and vote McConell if I had to, but hope he retires.
Yep, I'd imagine Obama was in the room directing the health insurance lobbyists when they were writing Obamacare. Too bad they didn't take him up on his, "if you like your doctor you can keep it," "each family will save $2,500 per year in premiums," "No one making less than $250,000 per year will see their taxes increase," etc. ideas he had.

Honestly, what would you expect Trump to do? He's outlined his general goals for tax reform. He has the entire Democrat party, and vast majority of the Republican establishment dead set on working against. Their opposition is based entirely on a made up narrative intended to ensure a DC outsider will never try to upset the apple cart ever again.

What specifically should Trump do differently so McConnell and Ryan start actually working for the country?

You would think the republicans might have had some ideas during the past eight years on how to reform obama care so the new potus would have something to build on.
They sure bitched enough about it during that time.
You would think the republicans might have had some ideas during the past eight years on how to reform obama care so the new potus would have something to build on.
They sure bitched enough about it during that time.

You would think.

Instead they'd prefer to renege on all their campaign promises just to try and ensure the "outsider" is a failure.

The R congressional leadership is an embarrassment to the country, and hopefully the R party feels that come 2018.
You would think.

Instead they'd prefer to renege on all their campaign promises just to try and ensure the "outsider" is a failure.

The R congressional leadership is an embarrassment to the country, and hopefully the R party feels that come 2018.

Id love to see Ryan lose in the primary. Wont happen. But id love it.
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Id love to see Ryan lose in the primary. Wont happen. But id love it.

Definitely won't happen. Guy cuckolds his district by avoiding them as much as possible, then finally comes home and does a "town hall" and its with Jake Tapper and CNN.

They'll still vote for him. Same way KY will vote for McConnell until he's dead or he just chooses his replacement the people of KY will vote for.
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Still a majority white country...not shocking the party with the message white people are to blame for all the world's ills is having problems raising cash.

Oh, you mean minorities who hate whites and people who love socialism aren't rolling in the dough?

Their entire movement is based off of people like Soros controlling media and paying to create havoc.
So now you see...pull out and then you are blamed for the aftermath. Stay and you are blamed for not getting out.

I don't understand everything that's happening there of course

I believe there's a lot of off the books money coming from the poppy fields/heroin (not to mention subjugated / poisoned off human beings all over the place) ---- that cash is probably being funneled into weapons (etc) for mercenary groups or the like

So - the ideal of approach of NOT pulling out BUT de-militarizing is maybe a little polly-anna-isa on my part

but I don't think that stops the idea from being good

China has found a way to have a peaceful commercial presence there mining copper from what I've read (don't recall details on the agreement nor scope of the effort).....and ultimately the types of men who constitute the ranks of the Taliban aren't going to welcome China any more than they would the US

Sounds A LOT like the situation in the late 70's
Locals HATED the invading and Atheistic communists
and TOLERATED the yankees since we helped them with weapons etc

but when the USSR left
and we abruptly left

it didn't take long before we were the next big devil-pants to those scruffy prayer warriors

Ideally we'd get out military out in short phases over a year or so
While negotiating agreements with the govt and local tribes to invest in mining in a way that it's somehow mutually beneficial......

but even that STILL seem like you're getting marginal returns - and people blown up every 3 or 4 weeks

As it is it SOUNDS Like we're about to try and do what Russia was doing in Syria with ISIS
While cutting off funding for Pakistan
And inviting India to help

.........guess we'll have to wait and see.......sounds like an all or noting approach for sure

what a sideways-shitshow THAT place has been

I even hated Afghanistan in Risk
Notice what the left does to you if you dare try to challenge them? They call you a racist, accuse you of being a Nazi, a rapist, go after your family, try and claim you're "crazy" (this is rich coming from the left when their mental health is in shambles).

Media is honestly nothing but character assassination.

They're going to try and remove him from office based on this IMO
I really believe that

If we started pulling politicians out because of their mental health.....then we probably should have started with the authors of TPP......not the person who killed it

It's going to be interesting to see how subtle and semi-intelligent they appear while doing this

Gonna need some "experts" to tell us what symptoms he's displaying

Throw in a merciful / spiritual angle with someone from the Brave New Vatican on there telling us how Trump's soul is sick for not welcoming the .....dawn of aquarius ....or some shit

maintain the Constant barrage of fear and continue to parade strategically placed, cross eyed / SSRI popping entertainers who patiently explain mental WELL BEING to us

Queue up Pussy Riot in some American church somewhere


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The seems as if the only way to remove a career politician by way of the voting booth is unrepentant scandal or voting record.

A few of these Rs now have a voting record that will be hard to ignore.

But if their primary challenger is an outsider, they are hamstrung by coming from business or industry.

In 1950, after all of the New Deal, we had just over 10,000 laws and regulations in our country. We have over 250,000 now. Ask a lib what would be the right number and when we can stop adding to it.

300,000/500,000/ ∞

Jesus Christ would have a hard time being compliant. Conservatives are generally law and order types and have a hard time getting behind someone who is a law breaker. We keep adding laws so that everyone is a lawbreaker outside of the ruling class.
Well for one, I don't ever see the national anthems because they're not televised. For two, I am a proud owner of a fantasy football dynasty so I like keeping up with the league.

You bozos that give one crap what a fn FREE AGENT QB does with his life are crazy. Idgas if Colin Kapernick wants to set his hair on fire and run backwards through a cornfield. Go for it, bud. Frankly, if you're going to protest, get up off your damn knee and do something. Kneeling conveys some sort of respect, imo. Not really driving your point home.

And any decline if viewership has nothing to do with fn colin kapernick. NFL has been falling a bit for at least a few years now. It's way too long, too many commercials, and the young folks don't have time for that stuff. It's growing old, and that bozo commissioner they have sucks balls.

*not to mention the PTSD/CTE stuff the media and politicians are hell bent on "fixing".
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Well for one, I don't ever see the national anthems because they're not televised. For two, I am a proud owner of a fantasy football dynasty so I like keeping up with the league.

You bozos that give one crap what a fn FREE AGENT QB does with his life are crazy. Idgas if Colin Kapernick wants to set his hair on fire and run backwards through a cornfield. Go for it, bud. Frankly, if you're going to protest, get up off your damn knee and do something. Kneeling conveys some sort of respect, imo. Not really driving your point home.

And any decline if viewership has nothing to do with fn colin kapernick. NFL has been falling a bit for at least a few years now. It's way too long, too many commercials, and the young folks don't have time for that stuff. It's growing old, and that bozo commissioner they have sucks balls.

*not to mention the PTSD/CTE stuff the media and politicians are hell bent on "fixing".

I might watch a half dozen regular season games.

It gives someone like me that is the casual fan one more reason to not tune in.

As a business, they should want to maximize viewers.

They don't want my business.
I might watch a half dozen regular season games.

It gives someone like me that is the casual fan one more reason to not tune in.

As a business, they should want to maximize viewers.

They don't want my business.

I will watch the playoffs, that's it.
I find it humorous/sad/ironic that players in a league making millions of dollars protests the song that honors the people who fought to preserve a country where anyone of any race, color, creed, religious belief can do something as awesome as make millions of dollars playing a game.

You wanna impress me? You want to do something that might actually make a difference? Use that celebrity status to do something useful. Take some time in the offseason to mobilize a front that addresses the inner city problems. Protest the 50-60 year domination of D policies in the major cities where minorities continue to kill one another and the violence and poverty has been perpetuated and escalated during that same time frame.

I understand what they are trying to do. And I respect their right to do it. I just don't think they are really getting anything done.
What a shock, lib/dims refuse to condemn antifa violence

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was quick to condemn the white supremacists involved in the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, but they voted down a proposal to also condemn violence from the the far-left group Antifa.

In a vote to include Antifa in the official commission statement, four Democratic commissioners voted "no." The Republican who proposed it, Gail Heriot, and the Republican who seconded the proposal, Peter Kirsanow, were the only two who voted "yes."
These NFL guys are the typical useful idiots that the left uses and takes advantage of so well. I doubt if any of them can give a logical, thought-out, reasonable, non-talking points-babble argument why they're kneeling in the first place.

And I am all for them exercising their 1A right to freedom of speech to do it, but as with any action, they must face its consequence.

What a shock, lib/dims refuse to condemn antifa violence

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights was quick to condemn the white supremacists involved in the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, but they voted down a proposal to also condemn violence from the the far-left group Antifa.

In a vote to include Antifa in the official commission statement, four Democratic commissioners voted "no." The Republican who proposed it, Gail Heriot, and the Republican who seconded the proposal, Peter Kirsanow, were the only two who voted "yes."

Antifa and BLM are funded by their puppet master Soros. Of course they're not going to condemn it.

You have to be ignorant or blind to not see what they're trying to do through advertising and entertainment. It's not an accident. It's about as blatant as possible.

Interracial mixing directed at whites
Every TV show has a gay character
TV commercials aim to make white people appear stupid, weak or lame

I walked down the mall a couple of weeks ago and looked at the signage in the store windows as I passed by and nearly all of them only featured minorities. The only one that included a white person on it was a little white girl in a big "diversity" collage of children of every race.

If someone thought television reflected reality, they'd believe that 50 percent of the country was gay or black.
These NFL guys are the typical useful idiots that the left uses and takes advantage of so well. I doubt if any of them can give a logical, thought-out, reasonable, non-talking points-babble argument why they're kneeling in the first place.

And I am all for them exercising their 1A right to freedom of speech to do it, but as with any action, they must face its consequence.


I can't imagine an employer allowing political protests on company time.
Gutless nfl.
Notice what the left does to you if you dare try to challenge them? They call you a racist, accuse you of being a Nazi, a rapist, go after your family, try and claim you're "crazy" (this is rich coming from the left when their mental health is in shambles).

Media is honestly nothing but character assassination.
The left is a bunch of dangerous, vicious, hate mongers. I mean right wing groups when they go into a town to protest they carry their torches, signs, and they let their voices be heard. And when they leave after a few days you would never know that they had been there... Contrast that with the lunatic left when they protest. They break windows, loot stores, burn buildings, turn cars over, & crap all over the public sidewalks. They're like a bunch of uncivilized, savages. And the media tries to convince us that right wing groups are a danger to our country.
Yep, I'd imagine Obama was in the room directing the health insurance lobbyists when they were writing Obamacare. Too bad they didn't take him up on his, "if you like your doctor you can keep it," "each family will save $2,500 per year in premiums," "No one making less than $250,000 per year will see their taxes increase," etc. ideas he had.

Honestly, what would you expect Trump to do? He's outlined his general goals for tax reform. He has the entire Democrat party, and vast majority of the Republican establishment dead set on working against. Their opposition is based entirely on a made up narrative intended to ensure a DC outsider will never try to upset the apple cart ever again.

What specifically should Trump do differently so McConnell and Ryan start actually working for the country?

Trump did run on an "I'm the only one who can fix things" platform.

Part of running a government is the ability to influence senators and congressmen. Clearly Trump overestimated his ability to do this.