How will they rule ??!

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Maybe it doesn't get through to him through the thick Washington bubble, but he sure as shit isn't going to have a shot at the White House when he's a direct cause of an unsuccessful Trump administration.

Establishment Rs are going to get clobbered come 2018. If not in the primaries, there'll be Ds standing by and no R voters will come out.
There will be a lot of people getting primaried in 2018 I bet.
Speaking of statues.

Houston man charged with planning to blow up Confederate statue.

HOUSTON - A 25-year-old Houston man is in federal custody on charges he planned to blow up a Confederate statue in Hermann Park.

Andrew Schneck is charged with attempting to maliciously damage or destroy property receiving federal financial assistance, Acting U.S. Attorney Abe Martinez said.

A Houston park ranger saw Schneck kneeling among the bushes in front of the General Dowling Monument, according to investigators. They say he was holding two small boxes that contained a timer, duct tape, wires and other items. ....

Not surprised. Been saying for a while that the left would end up tying to bomb something one day, though I didn't expect it to be a statue. A lot more of this craziness to come.
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Two of our pacific fleet warships out of commission now because of 'accidents?'
Maybe so, but a little suspicious considering the millions of $$ worth of navigational technology guiding those bad boys.
Lowest bidder.
everything about the political climate we're in right now - the Republicans owning the House, Senate and WH, and unforgiving unrelenting torrent of bad news about Trump - should result in a historic loss in the midterms for the Rs. But the Dems are trying their very best to squander all that. The Repubs should hope that Tim Kaine makes this a national rallying cry, and shouts it at every opportunity.

Good grief, there are some really tone deaf people out there.....
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If there is a decent Democrat running, I will vote for them over any Repub that is not supporting Trump.
I'm to the point that I don't care if they are a dem or Repub. If they agree with me on the social issues, I'll vote for them. Trump has successfully made me forget party affiliation.
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I'm to the point that I don't care if they are a dem or Repub. If they agree with me on the social issues, I'll vote for them. Trump has successfully made me forget party affiliation.

I have been a non-affliated registered for years.
@JohnKBA should get a kick out of this one.

"Terrorism, Terrorism, Terrorism"
Human beings have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of suffering from a terror attack.

Yet there is currently a 100% chance that Social Security runs out of money in 2034.

Only one of these manages to find its way into the news.
They've been telling us it's running out of money as long as I can remember. And I'm old.

And why is SS always running out but welfare and foreign aid never do??
It's going to be interesting to watch liberals on trumps plan if it's to pull out of Afghanistan. You know because they were against the war (in hindsight) when Bush went, were completely silent when Obama continued the war for 8 years adding troops and dropping 20,000 bombs in 2016. My guess is they will go to their only go to....idenity politics. My guess is they will try to now all of a sudden tie it to "those that just can't help it" and need us in the middle east.
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