How will they rule ??!

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Statue of Liberty needs to go. She is saluting like Hitler and has a torch ready to burn minorities. Notice she's white? That's because the Statue of Liberty is ultimate white supremacy symbol

You say jokingly but you're probably right.
Last week i made a sacarstic remark "they'll want to change the names of all our towns named for confederate leaders now."
The next day the news reported that democrats were petitioning the pentagon to change the names of all military installations named for confederates.
Two of our pacific fleet warships out of commission now because of 'accidents?'
Maybe so, but a little suspicious considering the millions of $$ worth of navigational technology guiding those bad boys.

Agree. Not a coincidence. No way 2 accidents like that so close to one another.
It's amazing how I don't recall much racial divide growing up in the 90's and early 2000's. It really didn't get bad until Obama took office... odd.

Don't get me wrong, I think the Obama administration, and the lefties funding it, were dead set on increasing the racial divide as much as possible for political gain. They did a damn good job increasing the divide. Fell short on the political gin piece as they alienated most of middle America.

But growing up in the 90's and early 2000's, off the top of my head there were the LA riots and Cincinnati riots. I was too young for each of those to pay attention to the media narrative. Obviously everyone in the media and establishment is doing everything they can to increase the racial divide at this point in time.
So Paul Ryan is going on CNN of all networks to do a "town hall." What a cocksucker.

I wonder if he'll face any questions about being a complete and utter failure. Why they failed so hard after promising repeal and replace. Why they don't have a tax reform bill already on Trump's desk.
So Paul Ryan is going on CNN of all networks to do a "town hall." What a cocksucker.

I wonder if he'll face any questions about being a complete and utter failure. Why they failed so hard after promising repeal and replace. Why they don't have a tax reform bill already on Trump's desk.

Nope. It will be all about POTUS.

No one will mention that 5 of his closest employees are Jewish and worked with him 30 years and that his pride and joy, Ivanka converted wel before he was running for president. Yeah sure. He definitey supports the kkk and nazis.

Nope, it will be all trump negative questions.
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Don't get me wrong, I think the Obama administration, and the lefties funding it, were dead set on increasing the racial divide as much as possible for political gain. They did a damn good job increasing the divide. Fell short on the political gin piece as they alienated most of middle America.

But growing up in the 90's and early 2000's, off the top of my head there were the LA riots and Cincinnati riots. I was too young for each of those to pay attention to the media narrative. Obviously everyone in the media and establishment is doing everything they can to increase the racial divide at this point in time.

I should have been more clear. It's not that these things never happened then, but not at the rate it has happened over the last 8 years. And as you said, I don't recall the media narrative either, but my dad is conservative and gets riled up watching the media. I'm going to assume the narrative wasn't anywhere near what it is today because he didn't really mention it.

Under Obama we went from racial divides obviously existing, to racial divide always being in the spot light and supported by him and the media... even lied about like Michael Brown to keep fanning the flames.
You say jokingly but you're probably right.
Last week i made a sacarstic remark "they'll want to change the names of all our towns named for confederate leaders now."
The next day the news reported that democrats were petitioning the pentagon to change the names of all military installations named for confederates.
Pentagon response in 2015:

Brig. Gen. Malcolm Frost:

"Every Army installation is named for a soldier who holds a place in our military history. Accordingly, these historic names represent individuals, not causes or ideologies,' and, 'It should be noted that the naming occurred in the spirit of reconciliation, not division."
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Pentagon response in 2015:

Brig. Gen. Malcolm Frost:

"Every Army installation is named for a soldier who holds a place in our military history. Accordingly, these historic names represent individuals, not causes or ideologies,' and, 'It should be noted that the naming occurred in the spirit of reconciliation, not division."

General Frost's explanation is very articulate and i think would also apply to monuments and statues.
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I should have been more clear. It's not that these things never happened then, but not at the rate it has happened over the last 8 years. And as you said, I don't recall the media narrative either, but my dad is conservative and gets riled up watching the media. I'm going to assume the narrative wasn't anywhere near what it is today because he didn't really mention it.

Under Obama we went from racial divides obviously existing, to racial divide always being in the spot light and supported by him and the media... even lied about like Michael Brown to keep fanning the flames.
It's all a ploy by the left...they keep minorities slaved to them. They pander to keep their vote coming but then do nothing for them.

If you break down the math on police shooting it's pretty rare to begin with (there's probably over a million police in the US, and on average there's probably a million traffic stops a day)..yet the media makes it seem like it's a regular occurence...which is the left's ultimate divide everyone and push identity politics. "You're group is oppressed, we will take care of you"
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0% chance tax reform will get done. Bank on it. No way a collection of Republican sacks of shi! will allow Trump get that achievement under his belt. Many are in bed with Democrats. They refuse to see him succeed.
I have no doubt permanent comprehensive tax reform that benefits middle America will not get done.

Will the donor class buy a tax reform package from the establishment Rs that benefits them specifically, and will the establishment Rs claim that's some sort of great victory? For sure.
Nope. It will be all about POTUS.

No one will mention that 5 of his closest employees are Jewish and worked with him 30 years and that his pride and joy, Ivanka converted wel before he was running for president. Yeah sure. He definitey supports the kkk and nazis.

Nope, it will be all trump negative questions.
Donald Trump has been a public figure for 30+ years. And never not 1 time did anyone ever accuse him of being a racist.... Until, surprise, surprise, surprise. Until he got the republican nomination for President. That's when the liberal race baiters started their garbage. Anything to divide the country, and secure the black vote. How much longer will blacks fall for this?
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Just heard on CBS radio, that the secret service can no longer afford to protect Trump and his family. How come this has never been an issue befo re?
Donald Trump has been a public figure for 30+ years. And never not 1 time did anyone ever accuse him of being a racist.... Until, surprise, surprise, surprise. Until he got the republican nomination for President. That's when the liberal race baiters started their garbage. Anything to divide the country, and secure the black vote. How much longer will blacks fall for this?

If I had to guess I'd say probably as long as you vote Republican thinking they have your best interest in mind because after all, they say they do!

Just heard on CBS radio, that the secret service can no longer afford to protect Trump and his family. How come this has never been an issue befo re?
Had no problem with the SS expense of going on all the lavish trips and daily golf outings with the Obamas....
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So, that's an excuse?

I can be Pres and I can have security... provided idiots everywhere like me? Sounds like a hell of a way to entice great minds to be POTUS...

Well the higher up your enemies are the more security it takes to keep you safe........also they are trying to say he is overcharging the govt for their stay in his hotels.

But yea, most of the time the presidency is kind of a popularity contest and seeing the reports of 30% approval ratings combined with the news the president can't be protected and guess what?!? A lot of people will be against him for this.

It's a weird play to tie him somewhere.
Had no problem with the SS expense of going on all the lavish trips and daily golf outings with the Obamas....

According to other figures obtained by Judicial Watch over the past three years, Obama Hawaii Christmas vacations have cost taxpayers $15,540,515.10 in transportation expenses alone. This includes outbound and return flight expenses in 2012 totaling $4,086,355.20. (The Secret Service provided documents for Obama’s Christmas 2012 trip to Honolulu. The grand total is $654,599.40 including $409,225.78 in hotels.) Flight expenses for the Obamas’ Christmas vacations to Hawaii cost taxpayers $7,781,361.30.

And the Christmas 2014 flight expense of $3,672,798.60. The average American family spent $4,580 on Christmas in 2014.
Well the higher up your enemies are the more security it takes to keep you safe........also they are trying to say he is overcharging the govt for their stay in his hotels.

But yea, most of the time the presidency is kind of a popularity contest and seeing the reports of 30% approval ratings combined with the news the president can't be protected and guess what?!? A lot of people will be against him for this.

It's a weird play to tie him somewhere.
I don't give a good ****. That is twisted and biased logic at very best.
He is the HIGHEST DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED OFFICIAL in the entire GD world. If SS men are okay with serving for him, which, by all reports, they are, you find the GD money. No excuses.

Funny how the gubment runs out of keep DJT safe money, but free hormone therapy and sex change money for soldiers seemed to be neverending.
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According to other figures obtained by Judicial Watch over the past three years, Obama Hawaii Christmas vacations have cost taxpayers $15,540,515.10 in transportation expenses alone. This includes outbound and return flight expenses in 2012 totaling $4,086,355.20. (The Secret Service provided documents for Obama’s Christmas 2012 trip to Honolulu. The grand total is $654,599.40 including $409,225.78 in hotels.) Flight expenses for the Obamas’ Christmas vacations to Hawaii cost taxpayers $7,781,361.30.

And the Christmas 2014 flight expense of $3,672,798.60. The average American family spent $4,580 on Christmas in 2014.
I thought Obama was expensive because of all of millions of white supremacists that were trying to kill the black president.
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So Paul Ryan is going on CNN of all networks to do a "town hall." What a cocksucker.

I wonder if he'll face any questions about being a complete and utter failure. Why they failed so hard after promising repeal and replace. Why they don't have a tax reform bill already on Trump's desk.

Said it for months - his only interest is a potus run. He doesnt get that with a successful trump admin.

Ryan needs to be ousted from leadership immediately.
Said it for months - his only interest is a potus run. He doesnt get that with a successful trump admin.

Ryan needs to be ousted from leadership immediately.

Maybe it doesn't get through to him through the thick Washington bubble, but he sure as shit isn't going to have a shot at the White House when he's a direct cause of an unsuccessful Trump administration.

Establishment Rs are going to get clobbered come 2018. If not in the primaries, there'll be Ds standing by and no R voters will come out.
Said it for months - his only interest is a potus run. He doesnt get that with a successful trump admin.

Ryan needs to be ousted from leadership immediately.

Ryan has zero chance at such a thing. He is hated by conservatives. He's a slimeball. He's yet another example that if Democrats are okay with you, then you're a POS. It didn't set off any red flags to people that Dems were okay with the push for Ryan to be speaker?

He's the epitome of a RINO.
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All about marketing. When you have media to be there to spin your BS, you can get away with it.

You're not pro life and anti-murder, you're "anti choice" and you hate women.They pulled the same crap with the religious freedom act. It wasn't giving people the ability to not violate their conscience without going out of business, no. It was called "anti LGBT."

Our media is a giant PR department for Democrats.
Speaking of statues.

Houston man charged with planning to blow up Confederate statue.

HOUSTON - A 25-year-old Houston man is in federal custody on charges he planned to blow up a Confederate statue in Hermann Park.

Andrew Schneck is charged with attempting to maliciously damage or destroy property receiving federal financial assistance, Acting U.S. Attorney Abe Martinez said.

A Houston park ranger saw Schneck kneeling among the bushes in front of the General Dowling Monument, according to investigators. They say he was holding two small boxes that contained a timer, duct tape, wires and other items. ....

Maybe it doesn't get through to him through the thick Washington bubble, but he sure as shit isn't going to have a shot at the White House when he's a direct cause of an unsuccessful Trump administration.

Establishment Rs are going to get clobbered come 2018. If not in the primaries, there'll be Ds standing by and no R voters will come out.

If there is a decent Democrat running, I will vote for them over any Repub that is not supporting Trump.
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