How will they rule ??!

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So the statement will be on Afghan AND "South Asia" (South China Sea & the Spratleys possibly? More likely Korea I think)

Could be a "pivot" since it's a policy release regarding two regions

Pull resources outta Afghan and join the current war games in SK?

Watch for movement of USAF assets to Guam / Anderson AFB and/or Thailand or Japan as well --

Anyone here live near a major Air Force Airlift wing?
C5's C17's etc?

New Jersey / California / Delaware have big un's
This entire thread is filled with ignorance. I love how all these right wingers think that no republican ever does anything illegal. It's like Trump taking credit for the stock market the last 8 months. The Dow Jones has increased pretty much each quarter since early 2009. Does that mean the POTUS at that time gets credit for those gains? Yea I thought so. Look at all the ignorance last week in Charlottesvile followed by even more ignorance from Trump. If this is taking things in the right direction for our Country, then I'm an astronaut. Make America Great Again? More like make Amercians ashamed again. Get this clown out of office, he's as qualified for that job as a nun in a whorehouse.

You're definitely not astronaut material.
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The goal.

Children raised by the state.

Takes away advantages.

I listened to a testimony of a woman who was a child during Hitler's rise and it was powerful as hell. She mentioned this too. Under socialism, they got the women out of the home and the state controlled their children.

Communism/socialism always tackles the church and the family. The state must be your god.
My country is turning into bizarroworld.
A small group of rich people are controlling all of the left and portions of the right. They rail against oppression and hate yet the left is pushing for slavery of an entire nation. Trust me, if they ever got control we would all be working much harder for a lot less pay with someones boot on our neck. The left is so stupid its scary.
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If i was rich i would erect the biggest trump statue that i could afford, in the most prominent location that the law allows and just sit back and drink cold ones and enjoy the show.

I would have a Trump statue and create a trap door where when they try to vandalize it, they fall to their death through a trap door with a bunch of red, white and blue spikes underneath it.

And as they lay dying, I'd have an Apprentice cardboard cutout of Trump say, "You're fired."
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A small group of rich people are controlling all of the left and portions of the right. They rail against oppression and hate yet the left is pushing for slavery of an entire nation. Trust me, if they ever got control we would all be working much harder for a lot less pay with someones boot on our neck. The left is so stupid its scary.

I feel with the election of president the donald we at least got a reprieve, and hopefully, he can hang tough and eventually we will see the the things he campaigned for come to fruition.

Side note, he's going to arizona tuesday and reportedly will grant sheriff joe arpaio a pardon of his bs sentence handed down by a liberal woman judge who denied him a jury trial, and proceeded to try and convict him herself.
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Just for those who complain about white people being more socially and racially aware nowadays, you can look no further than this stuff.

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This may be the part that enrages me most. Your kids are kids. Let them be kids. My 3 year old has no idea who Donald Trump is, nor should she. She is 3.

These sick parents, teachers and media members who try to indoctrinate a child under age 6 and as young as 2 to think left wing hate is justified and groups like ANTIFA are the good guys is vomit inducing. Let them enjoy childhood before they grow up and become "woke" to how messed up not only our country is, but the world.
holy shitski, Ivan

the Trump statue posts are pure gold

I think we should aim to confuse. Build a Trump statue. Have him sitting on a chair with one minority child on one knee and Harriet Tubman on the other. He'll be receiving a back rub from Michael Sam. They won't know where to go from there.
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This was a comment on a YouTube video I just watched.

by adding a gap on the limit someone can make lets say $500,000 year ,which is far more then anyone who watched this video makes equality can finally be a reality, and by having the socialist/ communism government control all of the biggest companies the needs of the people will finally be met and if the billionaires have a problem with that the for there crimes against humanity all billionaires would hand over all of there money to the communist government to be used for fixing the damage that the republicans have caused.also as i will be a great leader of this country someday lets not forget that this country was founded on hatred and slavery, almost 250 years of fighting and ignorance has left us hopeless and divided if we are ever going to change that we need and will forget our past and move on. our "forefathers" dont deserve to be placed on bills and treated like heroes they were just as bad as the racists that killed that girlto all you racist republican conservatives.........theres no place in the world for you anymore
If you are interested - here's one of the sources I used during a 5 year period where I read / studied nothing but Russian Literature, dissident writings, Marx-Engels Communist philosophy and 19 months of Russian language instruction

This one is written from a pro-Marxist POV and is an easy read
It's a great way to better see / communicate the direct links between Communist Founding Fathers and their ideological pedigree ....

I've added a few bullets below - hopefully it helps illustrate the link to contemporary events / activities in the US (etc)

The older version I have (cover shown below) runs about $25 on Amazon but there are sometimes newer versions that are closer to $10

  • "society is a mass composed solely of individual families as its molecules...the modern family is open or disguised form of slavery" (Engels)
  • "the first step in the to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class - to win the battle of democracy. The proletariat will ...wrest by degrees all capital from the bourgeois to centralize all means of production into the hands of the State."
  • these ends cannot be achieved without "despotic inroads on the rights of property"...which we are then told will "necessitate FURTHER inroads upon the old social order"
  • You reproach us with [accusations] that we intend to do away with your private property...that is exactly what we intend. ...the middle class owner of property must swept out of the way
  • The "dangerous class" - the social scum- ... may be swept into the movement by a proletarian revolution ...their conditions of life prepare them to be A BRIBED TOOL OF REACTIONARY INTRIGUE [emphasis mine]
  • "Property is theft" (Prodhoun)

  • "From each according to his ability, TO each according to his needs" - Blanc (this quote is commonly attributed to Marx but Blanc was a non-violent Socialist who advocated election based, legislative Socialism)
  • History is made by man - not by "destiny" or the "so called hand of God"
  • NOTING is produced in isolation - human labor always has a social character (i.e. YOU didn't build that?)
  • The recipe for transforming capitalist society into a socialist one ... EXPROPRIATING the private means of production...REPLACING the government.....SEIZING Power
  • Sooner or later (Marx said) the confrontation has got to turn deadly and the working class will arrive at revolution....

The market went up 5000 points in Obama's last term. It went up 4000 points since Trump was elected. It is you who is ignorant if you think that has nothing to do with Trump and him wanting corporate tax reform and a tax holiday. Along with the thought that he will be better for business.

Nice Slant of the facts there. Fair and balanced I'd say. It went from under 8000 to over 21000 from 2008-2016. At my school that's 13000 there Ace. It is you who is naive if you think any type of real tax reform will ever happen. Especially in what's going to be the second shortest term for a POTUS in U S History. Fact
Nice Slant of the facts there. Fair and balanced I'd say. It went from under 8000 to over 21000 from 2008-2016. At my school that's 13000 there Ace. It is you who is naive if you think any type of real tax reform will ever happen. Especially in what's going to be the second shortest term for a POTUS in U S History. Fact
Your fact not reality. MAGA, winning is contagious.
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Nice Slant of the facts there. Fair and balanced I'd say. It went from under 8000 to over 21000 from 2008-2016. At my school that's 13000 there Ace. It is you who is naive if you think any type of real tax reform will ever happen. Especially in what's going to be the second shortest term for a POTUS in U S History. Fact
You serious Clark?
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[laughing]In the newest twist of politically correct culture run amok, breaking the law is no longer illegal, it's irregular.

"But let me be clear. We are also a country of laws. Entering Canada irregularly is not an advantage."

You've obviously never conversed with Canadians.

"Regular" would be the normal, legal process of immigrating. "Irregularly" would be circumventing that process.

Now I'm going to sit on the chesterfield and watch the tellie.
They need to start calling it what it is. It's not about hate speech. It's about speech they hate.
Its time for rich people on our side to start making competition for Google, Facebook etc... I hate them but you are damn near forced to use em. I'll drop em like a hammer though if they get real competition.
Nice Slant of the facts there. Fair and balanced I'd say. It went from under 8000 to over 21000 from 2008-2016. At my school that's 13000 there Ace. It is you who is naive if you think any type of real tax reform will ever happen. Especially in what's going to be the second shortest term for a POTUS in U S History. Fact
So you really think Obama had something to do with the market bouncing back after the crash? It always has and usually to newer highs. I'll give him a little credit but not much. At the rate Trump is going it will add 40k+ if he is there for 2 full terms. Big if but you never know.
There was what, 8 billion dollars a day being pumped into the stock market during the Obama years? Of course it went up.

The difference between the stock market under Obama and Trump is that there is confidence the economy is improving under Trump. It doesn't need artificial money to rise.
Its time for rich people on our side to start making competition for Google, Facebook etc... I hate them but you are damn near forced to use em. I'll drop em like a hammer though if they get real competition.

Google is the only one I use regularly. I got rid of Facebook 3 years ago. Best thing I ever did. I have a twitter account that I mainly check for UK related issues. I've noticed I'm following CNN, MSNBC, and celebs I can't stand. Thinking about dropping it as well.

But yes, it'd be great to have alternatives to the trash we have now.