How will they rule ??!

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So Fareed Zakaria has a panel to discuss liberal identity politics and bashing liberal ways as a loser.

Nice! Now it isn't just a bashing but a somewhat logical panel discussing like adults!

Link that if it gets put online at some point.

So quick few minutes of fake news showed Bannon is now on their team and going to crush Trump. Lol. Still don't get it do they?

Btw, I think at this point Bannon (and even Kushner) are just blank canvases to just paint whatever they want. What exactly are the awful kkk stuff SB has said? Will someone please link them?

For the life of me I don't think I've ever heard either of those guys ever speak. Haven't seen their words (not the Breitbart sites, SBs)......are there actual links to these folks being monsters or nah

Tired of this shit and generally don't pay much attention anymore. Give me some hard facts or stfu already.

Oh and calling the rust belt a bunch of racists by proxy......wonder who will be in Trumps cabinet in '20?
MSM won't report it because they were probably part of the set up. They probably knew exactly how that day was going to go down. They were pushing the Nazi crap the second it began. They already knew the narritive to push.

I dont think theres any doubt it was all in concert.

Charlottesville is not a popular destination. Yet immediately when the small demonstration started friday, msm was all over it. Narratives locked and ready.

Then the next morning antifa roll in en masse, obviously coordinated, to this out of the way place. They start raising hell. The police are told to stand down. It all goes to pieces feom there.

Now the next layer is even more interesting. How many of the "nazis" were even that at all? No tattoos, shaved heads, or other identifying marks. True white supremicists arent ashamed of their disgusting views at all.

Then we find out their organizer has ties to obama.

Not a coincidence. It was basically social cock fighting. They knew if they put those groups together, let antifa fire off, and backed the police out, it would go down. And it did.

It would be funny is some right wing group took down a random statue of something that offended them to see what the MSM would say about it.

I still remember many, if not most, msm defending the naked trump statue as art.
This entire thread is filled with ignorance. I love how all these right wingers think that no republican ever does anything illegal. It's like Trump taking credit for the stock market the last 8 months. The Dow Jones has increased pretty much each quarter since early 2009. Does that mean the POTUS at that time gets credit for those gains? Yea I thought so. Look at all the ignorance last week in Charlottesvile followed by even more ignorance from Trump. If this is taking things in the right direction for our Country, then I'm an astronaut. Make America Great Again? More like make Amercians ashamed again. Get this clown out of office, he's as qualified for that job as a nun in a whorehouse.
Damn, wish that nazi thread didn't get closed. @IdaCat was nailing it. Trump is the last and only chance America has. If the deep state, GOP and dems oust him, America is finished forever and we will turn into basically a bigger version of Venezuela. America itself will be in a constant state of civil war and unrest, it would be ugly. The unrest you see today is nothing compared to what we would see then.
This entire thread is filled with ignorance. I love how all these right wingers think that no republican ever does anything illegal. It's like Trump taking credit for the stock market the last 8 months. The Dow Jones has increased pretty much each quarter since early 2009. Does that mean the POTUS at that time gets credit for those gains? Yea I thought so. Look at all the ignorance last week in Charlottesvile followed by even more ignorance from Trump. If this is taking things in the right direction for our Country, then I'm an astronaut. Make America Great Again? More like make Amercians ashamed again. Get this clown out of office, he's as qualified for that job as a nun in a whorehouse.
The market went up 5000 points in Obama's last term. It went up 4000 points since Trump was elected. It is you who is ignorant if you think that has nothing to do with Trump and him wanting corporate tax reform and a tax holiday. Along with the thought that he will be better for business.
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The market went up 5000 points in Obama's last term. It went up 4000 points since Trump was elected. It is you who is ignorant if you think that has nothing to do with Trump and him wanting corporate tax reform and a tax holiday. Along with the thought that he will be better for business.
Also, more conservative republicans in congress in Obamas 2nd term helped him.
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This entire thread is filled with ignorance. I love how all these right wingers think that no republican ever does anything illegal. It's like Trump taking credit for the stock market the last 8 months. The Dow Jones has increased pretty much each quarter since early 2009. Does that mean the POTUS at that time gets credit for those gains? Yea I thought so. Look at all the ignorance last week in Charlottesvile followed by even more ignorance from Trump. If this is taking things in the right direction for our Country, then I'm an astronaut. Make America Great Again? More like make Amercians ashamed again. Get this clown out of office, he's as qualified for that job as a nun in a whorehouse.
Most of us think that the establishment GOP is as bad as demorats. Very crooked too, but I'm sure you already knew that.

Who's that lady cop tho? We need way more lady cops, imo.

Then the world is going to need a replacement for the dollar
New leaders are going to have to step up with a new plan

Not gonna happen I'm afraid.

I sense you're probably right

second best option would be to de-militarize and make it as close to a win/win economically as you can between the Chinese, the Afghan "Govt" and the teams contracted to help mine.......

hell........that may be even more of a faster cluck now that I think about it......
This entire thread is filled with ignorance. I love how all these right wingers think that no republican ever does anything illegal. It's like Trump taking credit for the stock market the last 8 months. The Dow Jones has increased pretty much each quarter since early 2009. Does that mean the POTUS at that time gets credit for those gains? Yea I thought so. Look at all the ignorance last week in Charlottesvile followed by even more ignorance from Trump. If this is taking things in the right direction for our Country, then I'm an astronaut. Make America Great Again? More like make Amercians ashamed again. Get this clown out of office, he's as qualified for that job as a nun in a whorehouse.
Another idiot climbs out of the box of rocks they keep you guys in to spout what you have bee told to spout. Congrats lemming, you joined the bad guys and just confirmed to us why. No independent thought process.
former servicemen / public defenders who still take the oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies -- foreign and domestic --- very seriously

no better time than now to take a look at your local group -- or form something of your own etc
Looked it up after posting last. Interesting group.
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If trump would end the stupid Afghan war the left would be forced to like him a little bit.
Troop surge I believe is what he'll announce. We will see. One area where Trump has been absolutely crushing it is in foreign policy, so I'm sure whatever Trump does will work out.

We need to either go full boar and win the war, or just get out. What we've been doing there for years is not working. Another Obama foreign policy disaster.
I think he's going to announce a slow withdrawal of ground troops, and provide air support for the Afghan Army for X amount of years, at least that's what I hope.
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Is there a President in US history who was worse on foreign policy than Obama? Disaster after disaster after disaster.

Ha, I remember the MSM hyping up Joe Biden as a foreign policy expert when Obama picked him as VP. Yeah, some expert those two clowns were.
This entire thread is filled with ignorance. I love how all these right wingers think that no republican ever does anything illegal. It's like Trump taking credit for the stock market the last 8 months. The Dow Jones has increased pretty much each quarter since early 2009. Does that mean the POTUS at that time gets credit for those gains? Yea I thought so. Look at all the ignorance last week in Charlottesvile followed by even more ignorance from Trump. If this is taking things in the right direction for our Country, then I'm an astronaut. Make America Great Again? More like make Amercians ashamed again. Get this clown out of office, he's as qualified for that job as a nun in a whorehouse.

I appreciate your vast open minded brilliance. Wished I was smart. Just not in the cards. I was born in KY.
This entire thread is filled with ignorance. I love how all these right wingers think that no republican ever does anything illegal. It's like Trump taking credit for the stock market the last 8 months. The Dow Jones has increased pretty much each quarter since early 2009. Does that mean the POTUS at that time gets credit for those gains? Yea I thought so. Look at all the ignorance last week in Charlottesvile followed by even more ignorance from Trump. If this is taking things in the right direction for our Country, then I'm an astronaut. Make America Great Again? More like make Amercians ashamed again. Get this clown out of office, he's as qualified for that job as a nun in a whorehouse.
Apparently Trump is taking it the right direction because, you are obviously spaced out.
-it's art!!!! How dare they?!
- they did that out of hate!!!
- alt rights commit vandalism on cultural icon!!!
- Trump!!!!1!!1 he caused this!
- Russia and Nazis
- Russian Nazis
- Nazi Russians

If i was rich i would erect the biggest trump statue that i could afford, in the most prominent location that the law allows and just sit back and drink cold ones and enjoy the show.
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