How will they rule ??!

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Yes. And that's why it's important rebuild and maintain the position of strength we have enjoyed since WW2 ended.

Exactly. Dropping those bombs killed thousands of the enemy citizens, sadly. But how many thousands of our lived did it save that war?

How many lives total, as a deterrent for decades to come?
Why are many of these cowards allowed to wear masks hiding their faces at these protests?
I think the main thing here is that "news" has simply become opinion.

None of the major news networks are unbiased. The only real "news" I see on TV anymore is local news reporting on local issues.

"Three vehicle pileup on I75 leaves 3 dead" is news.

"Confidence in Trump waning with White House Staff" is opinion.

Sadly, most people can't make the distinction. The left thinks MSNBC is feeding them news and the right thinks Fox News is. Neither comes close.

Narrative Networks
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They;re being geared to generate chaos and use terror tactics

I believe if their external funding and organizational impetus were removed
They'd dissolve into disorganized splinter cells like Occupy Wall St did

Same people. They will change their name and use same tactics just like ISIS. Grassroots movements will be infiltrated by these people sooner or later to cause the disruptions to discredit their movement with violence. Stand down orders or riot police will be unleashed depending on the political leaders of the venue to push their narrative. Political theatre.

Report: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter Involved With Occupy Movement
Same people. They will change their name and use same tactics just like ISIS. Grassroots movements will be infiltrated by these people sooner or later to cause the disruptions to discredit their movement with violence. Stand down orders or riot police will be unleashed depending on the political leaders of the venue to push their narrative. Political theatre.

Report: ‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler Was Obama Supporter Involved With Occupy Movement
MSM won't report this. If they do, the left won't care.
You're now dealing with -- what I believe is --- a significant portion of our population that doesn't even know about the mass exterminations, torture and systematic slave labor / political oppression that the Marxists / Socialists / Communists unleashed in the USSR

6 million human lives purposely starved to death in the Ukraine in the mid/late 1930's
Entire towns turned to graveyards
People digging up corpses to sell the meat and hopefully live off it

All because they tried to stand up to the newly minted Stalinist State and keep their private property / farms

It's as if it never happened at all
but not only that --- we seem to have a large chunk of the populations that's very nearly primed with apathy, fear, ignorance and propaganda to the point that they would support ANOTHER Socialist Revolution in this country

Even as yet another Marxist disaster unfolds in our hemisphere

Lives are cheap to these people, that's for certain

And - I feel this has to be said as well - to SOME extent .... the chickens are coming home to roost for a United States that's been tampering/meddling/destabilizing and outright murdering when and wherever it's expedient

I really think this is "IT"

This is the final turn of the wheel that Marx (et al) talked about when they noted that Capitalism will eventually collapse and never come back

If the US goes down the road to economic ruin and/or collapses into violent unrest / turmoil

Then the world is going to need a replacement for the dollar
New leaders are going to have to step up with a new plan

And I think they already have it in place

PS: Kudos to honest courageous leadership from the nation of POLAND -- right now they're the only ones I see telling what's left of EURO that they have to change or die
If you are a military veteran or former police officer / fireman - it's time to find out where your local chapter of Oath Keepers is

Go join

Consider neighborhood patrol or watch if you are in certain urban areas where you may be more likely to face the brunt of "PROTESTS"

Start thinking ahead a little if you haven't already done so
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that is Confederate Brig Gen Albert Pike

His statue is in Washington DC and NO ONE IS PROTESTING IT

nor will they
(cause the temporary masters who are running this kabuki theater-shit-show WONT LET THEM)

want to know another dirty secret we're not supposed to talk about?

the theory of "racialism" asserts that humanity is divided into separate groups - SOME OF WHICH ARE INHERENTLY SUPERIOR while others are inherently and naturally inferior

Both PLATO and ARISTOTLE openly distinguished between superior and inferior people.

Aristotle specifically believed that the differences between free men and slaves was ORDAINED BY NATURE and that racial prejudice was "a fundamental human instinct"

(source is "Backgrounds of Conflict" written by Kurt London in 1946 - one of the best books in my collection)

Charles Darwin taught that the civilized races would REPLACE the savages around the world
He 'ranked' the primary races from most developed to least (Asians got the prize, whitey came in second....)

Here's an easy access source on some of his assertions in his book "Descent of Man"

As he got older, especially in his famous, The Descent of Man, Darwin fell in line with much of the racist thinking of his day and even developed an early version the perspective later called “social Darwinism”: At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes . . . will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.


Margaret Sanger preached forced sterilization and referred to poor people and immigrants as "human weeds"
she talked about manipulating Black people by using their own people against them -- espycially in medicine because of their "superstitious nature'

Aldous Huxley was an English intellectual from a LONG line of famous English Intellectual Aristocrats......he wrote fiction and non- fiction works that centered on concepts for controlling masses of people -- among other things he supported EUGENICS like Sanger

So -- think it over

Do you see how badly we're being LIED to?

IMO -- the biggest racists on the planet aren't rural / southern people

They're intellectual elites who have talked and openly planned about ELIMINATING 'the inferior'

Why would someone like Soros back BLM so thoroughly?
That man turned his fellow jews over to Nazi authorities during WW2

You think he CARES about "black lives"?????

and on down the whole damn line of SICK ASS LYING ASS KISSING MURDEROUS FILTH

Emma going to have to take a damn walk after that one....I'm ready to punch myself in the junk right about now
People are still sending a bunch more money to the mostly inept GOP than to the democrats. That says quite a bit about what America thinks of the democrats.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) expanded its massive fundraising lead over the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in July as the Democrats posted their worst July haul in a decade.

The DNC raised just $3.8 million in July, compared to the $10.2 million raised by the RNC in the same month. While the GOP has no debt, the DNC added slightly to its debt in July, which now sits at $3.4 million.
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MSM won't report it because they were probably part of the set up. They probably knew exactly how that day was going to go down. They were pushing the Nazi crap the second it began. They already knew the narritive to push.

I never get tired of listening to people make sense like that
well said sir

later this afternoon I need to make time to put a sock in my yap and actually last you guys some questions

there are some areas where I need a little contest and education -- I know I can get at least some of that on here

(and at a pretty good rate too)

health care related ideas
and macro-economics
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In summary neither the Swastika, nor the "Hitler Salute", nor the racial superiority / eugenic concepts were original to the Nazi's

The National Socialist German Workers’ Party,

somehow sounds different when you call them by their real name doesn't it?

kinda like Darwin's work entitled:

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

You just don'e hear it called THAT much anymore

looks like there are A LOT more statues to be burnt
@CastleRubric your assertion of people acting like Marines on Shore Leave always cracks me up...sometimes it's good to act like a Marine on Shore Leave. (I would know)

Man -- my first duty station was the 374th Airlift Wing at Yokota AB, Japan
The marines had "Camp Fuki"

We had the highest paid COLA base and best NCO club in the USAF
Jr Enlisted never having to tolerate any more than one roommate and at least 3 separate food lines at the chow hall with some nice options

E1's calling E'3 by their first name and what not

.....and the Marines......bless their hearts.....

they were given coal, an extra lighter and maybe some colored rocks or something

they would come to our base and just........lose their damn minds in the club on the weekends

only time I've seen a whole damn bus full of people get arrested (USAF SP's had had enough one particular weekend) brother was a marine too and he got into the USAF- ANG as fast as he could

Marines are like having a big mean ol' junkyard dog that keeps the riff raft outta the yard --- make no mistake about it -- they're GOOD at that

But you don't generally want that same dog in your house

or in your NCO club[laughing]

So Fareed Zakaria has a panel to discuss liberal identity politics and bashing liberal ways as a loser.

Nice! Now it isn't just a bashing but a somewhat logical panel discussing like adults!

Man -- my first duty station was the 374th Airlift Wing at Yokota AB, Japan
The marines had "Camp Fuki"

We had the highest paid COLA base and best NCO club in the USAF
Jr Enlisted never having to tolerate any more than one roommate and at least 3 separate food lines at the chow hall with some nice options

E1's calling E'3 by their first name and what not

.....and the Marines......bless their hearts.....

they were given coal, an extra lighter and maybe some colored rocks or something

they would come to our base and just........lose their damn minds in the club on the weekends

only time I've seen a whole damn bus full of people get arrested (USAF SP's had had enough one particular weekend) brother was a marine too and he got into the USAF- ANG as fast as he could

Marines are like having a big mean ol' junkyard dog that keeps the riff raft outta the yard --- make no mistake about it -- they're GOOD at that

But you don't generally want that same dog in your house

or in your NCO club[laughing]


They don't call it chair force for nothing.
It would be funny is some right wing group took down a random statue of something that offended them to see what the MSM would say about it.

-it's art!!!! How dare they?!
- they did that out of hate!!!
- alt rights commit vandalism on cultural icon!!!
- Trump!!!!1!!1 he caused this!
- Russia and Nazis
- Russian Nazis
- Nazi Russians
If you are a military veteran or former police officer / fireman - it's time to find out where your local chapter of Oath Keepers is

Go join

Consider neighborhood patrol or watch if you are in certain urban areas where you may be more likely to face the brunt of "PROTESTS"

Start thinking ahead a little if you haven't already done so
Need to look this up. Never heard of it.
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