How will they rule ??!

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The biggest problem I see with the antifa movement is that they are not really fighting for a good cause. They are being manipulated by anti American factions who are using the racial angle but, including every facet of the American ideal as bad. Nationalism is not a white, black, brown, or any other color issue. Nationalism is a pride in country thing. Pride in being American. Name me one country in the world where they identify as anything other than who they are.
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The biggest problem I see with the antifa movement is that they are not really fighting for a good cause. They are being manipulated by anti American factions who are using the racial angle but, including every facet of the American ideal as bad. Nationalism is not a white, black, brown, or any other color issue. Nationalism is a pride in country thing. Pride in being American. Name me one country in the world where they identify as anything other than who they are.
ANTIFA wants to destroy America. They are a much bigger threat than some tiny group of nutjob nazis.
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Mojocat, well, after all, the MOON is WHITE, of course it's racist and avoiding densely packed black areas.


These people are absolute lunatics

It's like they're watching documentaries on world history but think they're current... hmm... maybe that IS what's going on.
If liberals want to prove they aren't racist, they should look up at the solar eclipse Monday.
Mojocat, well, after all, the MOON is WHITE, of course it's racist and avoiding densely packed black areas.


These people are absolute lunatics

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! The moon can't be racist... even if it wanted to. It's surrounded by black.
A few questions about Antifa...

1) If they are peaceful protesters and are standing up for a good cause...then why the need for masks and bandannas covering their faces? Shouldn't they be proud of fighting "the good fight"?

2) If they were to go maskless...would we maybe see a lot of the same faces at every event all across the country?

3) Some of the literature and signs with the antifa name on it have very violent messages. Why aren't authorities looking into this more closely? And putting a stop to it? The right to free speech ends when that speech instigates/straight up calls for violence. No?
Oh good grief. Just give them vagina hats too

Major league umpires wear wristbands to protest ‘escalating verbal attacks’ from players

Apparently not only the umpires have become pussified, the players and league officials have too. One of the umpires was suspended for calling a player the biggest complainer in the league. Need to install a portable safe space for these crybabies near home plate.
If there are any newcomers to this thread, here are some tips winning favor:
  • Post bad satirical meme created by some lonely dude who can barely use Paint Shop Pro about "liberals"
  • If something can be perceived as negative to the right wing, it's because of "Fake News"
  • If something can be perceived as negative to the left wing, it's real news
  • If you someone points out that you're blatantly wrong, call them: liberal, fascist, abortionist, pedophile or transexual
  • If it makes you feel uncomfortable, it's liberal

You support people who want to kill cops. Don't leave that out of your introduction. Amirite or not?
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Couple things and I'll shut my mouth and finish drinking a few more beers.

I'm not gonna rag on Fuzz, ever. I see where he's coming from. On the other hand, I love taking humorous, obtuse shots at Cardkilla. All in good fun, of course.

Back on topic: CNN panders to their viewers. The CNN commentator is a f*cking idiot. While we may not agree with what one says, he or she has a right to say it in this country. I cannot agree with Richard Spencer or Matt Heimbach; however, they have a legal right to say it. Many folks died to ensure this right.

Trust me, failure to respect this fundamental right will come back to bite certain individuals/movements in the ass big-time.

I can't understand seeing where fuzz is coming from. But to each their own. I'm sure you'll still blast him for being a welching ass welcher.

You support people who want to kill cops. Don't leave that out of your introduction. Amirite or not?

He also hopes the president is assasinated. That describes the character of ol @bkingUK

No matter how much I thought obama was terrible, that would be the LAST thing I would ever hope for. Then we would hve a real race war. Same with if it happens to trump. Though it might be the white race against the translucent pale race.
The original thought belongs to


The term fascism gets thrown around a lot lately - I don't know all the distinctions but I believe what you're seeing from the highjacked liberal movement is Marxism and not Fascism

Marxism specifically teaches that there's no right/wrong/morality/guilt or God
History is a struggle between those who have and those who do not
A lot of the teaching is rooted in 19th century Europe and is no longer relevant IMO so they've had to change

But important distinctions are:

Marxists will purposely use conflict and WORK HARD to make people bitter, envious and ready to march and kill for "equality" and "justice" for the workers/peasants etc

They legitimize using terror tactics in order to seize public property and Marx himself postulated that it's perfectly reasonable to inflict conditions of inequality upon as to prevent inequality in the future

Marx's coauthor - F Engels taught that the family was an outmoded institution and basically constituted salavery for the women
He and others within the movement openly taught that the FAMILY must be destroyed because it is "the molecule" on which society is built

But NO RIGHT/WRONG OR MORALITY -- they change masks when it suits them but their goals are related to capital and the means of production as opposed to anything you or I would call "equality"

A FASCIST believes there IS a right and wrong and has no problem using the full power of the State in order to enforce their worldview

It's a really fine distinction -- and BOTH systems came from Germany (to be fair they also gave us the world's finest composers and a hell of a flair for science etc etc)

So the hard left will use the term FASCIST for their dire enemies because they're following a historical teaching that tells them THATS their arch enemy

Hell -- how many kids out there even know what the hell they're talking about when they use the word?

There's a lot more to it than that -- but I think that distinction is important

We have to call them what they are in order to move forward in good candor and hopefully defuse this
Well the old people better diffuse this before the millenials become the "leaders" because it's world war 3 at that point. So we got what? 20+ years, maybe less. Jmho.
Wont be a war. Millenials will hand over the keys seeking "acceptance"

The world's economy has become so global, war doesn't serve much purpose anymore. You've got psycho North Korea and factions of Muslims that have interest in being troublemakers but any country with the military power to make a world impact has no interest in a major international conflict.
The world's economy has become so global, war doesn't serve much purpose anymore. You've got psycho North Korea and factions of Muslims that have interest in being troublemakers but any country with the military power to make a world impact has no interest in a major international conflict.

define major?

and this is where your Canadian comes out again There are several countries that would have an interest in changing their global place and resource allocation as it currently sits, but they know making a move means dealing with the U.S. military, so they don't. There has been no "major" international conflict because of "peace through strength" that we, not Canada, brings to the table.
define major?

and this is where your Canadian comes out again There are several countries that would have an interest in changing their global place and resource allocation as it currently sits, but they know making a move means dealing with the U.S. military, so they don't. There has been no "major" international conflict because of "peace through strength" that we, not Canada, brings to the table.

Major = nuclear winter. Any sane state knows this and as such it's highly unlikely to happen.

Insult Canada all you want. Message board musings don't bother me.

I think the main thing here is that "news" has simply become opinion.

None of the major news networks are unbiased. The only real "news" I see on TV anymore is local news reporting on local issues.

"Three vehicle pileup on I75 leaves 3 dead" is news.

"Confidence in Trump waning with White House Staff" is opinion.

Sadly, most people can't make the distinction. The left thinks MSNBC is feeding them news and the right thinks Fox News is. Neither comes close.
ANTIFA wants to destroy America. They are a much bigger threat than some tiny group of nutjob nazis.

They;re being geared to generate chaos and use terror tactics

I believe if their external funding and organizational impetus were removed
They'd dissolve into disorganized splinter cells like Occupy Wall St did

That's just my opinion - I can't PROVE external funding and assistance is coming to them -- but I believe it 100%

Since Marxists preach the concept of causing chaos/conflict in order to bring about change --- it only makes sense that those who are orchestrating this revolution want BIG BIG CHANGE

So it stands to reason that they EXPECT the "conservative" backlash that's coming

Hell -- they NEED it to happen

Cause that's when the BIG BIG changes will start to roll in

Again - that's my opinion but it's based on a fair amount of research and study (academic as well as "getting around")
The world's economy has become so global, war doesn't serve much purpose anymore. You've got psycho North Korea and factions of Muslims that have interest in being troublemakers but any country with the military power to make a world impact has no interest in a major international conflict.

For any reasonable people, war has always been a last resort to protect a nations safety and security. Its been that way for awhile, and hopefully will remain forever.

Its a necessary evil because there always have and always will be nations who want to harm others.

If millenials have their way when its their turn, theyll just hand over the keys to any hostile nation; in an attempt to show how accepting they are.
For any reasonable people, war has always been a last resort to protect a nations safety and security. Its been that way for awhile, and hopefully will remain forever.

Its a necessary evil because there always have and always will be nations who want to harm others.

If millenials have their way when its their turn, theyll just hand over the keys to any hostile nation; in an attempt to show how accepting they are.

That's a fair point BBI. I agree.

And there is no doubt that the strength of the US Military is a massive deterrent to other nations. Canada has enjoyed protection for a long time and it's a valid observation.
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That's a fair point BBI. I agree.

And there is no doubt that the strength of the US Military is a massive deterrent to other nations. Canada has enjoyed protection for a long time and it's a valid observation.

I think youre right. Strength is often the best deterrent. The best wars are those we never have to fight.
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