How will they rule ??!

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Sounds like some stupid shit fuzz or copkilla would say

Couple things and I'll shut my mouth and finish drinking a few more beers.

I'm not gonna rag on Fuzz, ever. I see where he's coming from. On the other hand, I love taking humorous, obtuse shots at Cardkilla. All in good fun, of course.

Back on topic: CNN panders to their viewers. The CNN commentator is a f*cking idiot. While we may not agree with what one says, he or she has a right to say it in this country. I cannot agree with Richard Spencer or Matt Heimbach; however, they have a legal right to say it. Many folks died to ensure this right.

Trust me, failure to respect this fundamental right will come back to bite certain individuals/movements in the ass big-time.
Couple things and I'll shut my mouth and finish drinking a few more beers.

I'm not gonna rag on Fuzz, ever. I see where he's coming from. On the other hand, I love taking humorous, obtuse shots at Cardkilla. All in good fun, of course.

Back on topic: CNN panders to their viewers. The CNN commentator is a f*cking idiot. While we may not agree with what one says, he or she has a right to say it in this country. I cannot agree with Richard Spencer or Matt Heimbach; however, they have a legal right to say it. Many folks died to ensure this right.

Trust me, failure to respect this fundamental right will come back to bite certain individuals/movements in the ass big-time.
Couldn't agree more.
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Wife and I watched 20/20 earlier today. Richard Spencer (far-right) met up with Lacy MacAuley (ANTIFA) face-to-face. What really struck me about MacAuley is her refusal to shake hands with Spencer. At least Spencer came off as articulate and professional, whereas MacAuley played little Miss Revolutionary. More here.

Not the Onion (via Instapundit):

"Excruciatingly Woke
In today’s competitive grievance culture, unearthing new sorrows, or reheating old sorrows, can require prodigious, indeed bewildering, feats of contortion. And so, in the pages of The Atlantic, we find one Alice Ristroph railing at the heavens. First, a little context:

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. The moon’s shadow will be about 70 miles wide, and it will race across the country faster than the speed of sound, exiting the eastern seaboard shortly before 3pm local time.

Clouds permitting, it should be quite a thing to witness.

It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people.

There we go. If that one caught you off guard, here’s another:

As the eclipse approaches, the temperature will fall and birds will roost, and then, suddenly, the lights will go out. For each place within the path of totality, the darkness will last a minute, maybe two, and then daylight will return. Oregon, where this begins, is almost entirely white. The 10 percent or so of state residents who do not identify as white are predominantly Latino, American Indian, Alaskan, or Asian.

This goes on for some time. It’s an attempt at symbolism, I think. A beverage may be useful.

From Oregon, the eclipse will travel through Idaho and Wyoming… Percentage-wise, Idaho and Wyoming are even whiter than Oregon… The few non-white residents of Idaho and Wyoming are not black — they are mostly Latino, American Indian, and Alaskan.

Perhaps this demographic information is all building to some kind of point, a moment of profundity. Any minute now.

From Kansas, the eclipse goes to Missouri, still mostly bypassing black people.

Surely a contender for The Most Woke Sentence Yet Uttered.

Moving east, the eclipse will pass part of St. Louis, whose overall population is nearly half black. But the black residents are concentrated in the northern half of the metropolitan area, and the total eclipse crosses only the southern half.

If you laughed at that, tittered even, you’re a terrible, terrible person....

Professor Ristroph is of course an educator, a graduate of Harvard."
Not the Onion (via Instapundit):

"Excruciatingly Woke
In today’s competitive grievance culture, unearthing new sorrows, or reheating old sorrows, can require prodigious, indeed bewildering, feats of contortion. And so, in the pages of The Atlantic, we find one Alice Ristroph railing at the heavens. First, a little context:

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. The moon’s shadow will be about 70 miles wide, and it will race across the country faster than the speed of sound, exiting the eastern seaboard shortly before 3pm local time.

Clouds permitting, it should be quite a thing to witness.

It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people.

There we go. If that one caught you off guard, here’s another:

As the eclipse approaches, the temperature will fall and birds will roost, and then, suddenly, the lights will go out. For each place within the path of totality, the darkness will last a minute, maybe two, and then daylight will return. Oregon, where this begins, is almost entirely white. The 10 percent or so of state residents who do not identify as white are predominantly Latino, American Indian, Alaskan, or Asian.

This goes on for some time. It’s an attempt at symbolism, I think. A beverage may be useful.

From Oregon, the eclipse will travel through Idaho and Wyoming… Percentage-wise, Idaho and Wyoming are even whiter than Oregon… The few non-white residents of Idaho and Wyoming are not black — they are mostly Latino, American Indian, and Alaskan.

Perhaps this demographic information is all building to some kind of point, a moment of profundity. Any minute now.

From Kansas, the eclipse goes to Missouri, still mostly bypassing black people.

Surely a contender for The Most Woke Sentence Yet Uttered.

Moving east, the eclipse will pass part of St. Louis, whose overall population is nearly half black. But the black residents are concentrated in the northern half of the metropolitan area, and the total eclipse crosses only the southern half.

If you laughed at that, tittered even, you’re a terrible, terrible person....

Professor Ristroph is of course an educator, a graduate of Harvard."
Is he insinuating that the universe is against black people?. If so, then when do they try to start knocking down the moon, sun, and the stars. They might want to talk to God about that, he owns them. Even Satan who controls the left won't try that.
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Not that i advocate violence, but maybe the police will remember that next time they think about taking the wrong side.
Rocks are deadly weapons, I say shoot back with bean bags at first and if they persist, real bullets. That will stop the rocks for the time being and warn them if you try to use deadly force again we will retaliate.
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If there are any newcomers to this thread, here are some tips winning favor:
  • Post bad satirical meme created by some lonely dude who can barely use Paint Shop Pro about "liberals"
  • If something can be perceived as negative to the right wing, it's because of "Fake News"
  • If something can be perceived as negative to the left wing, it's real news
  • If you someone points out that you're blatantly wrong, call them: liberal, fascist, abortionist, pedophile or transexual
  • If it makes you feel uncomfortable, it's liberal
If there are any newcomers to this thread, here are some tips winning favor:
  • Post bad satirical meme created by some lonely dude who can barely use Paint Shop Pro about "liberals"
  • If something can be perceived as negative to the right wing, it's because of "Fake News"
  • If something can be perceived as negative to the left wing, it's real news
  • If you someone points out that you're blatantly wrong, call them: liberal, fascist, abortionist, pedophile or transexual
  • If it makes you feel uncomfortable, it's liberal
Adding one to the list: If you are corrupt and socialist in nature liberals in this forum will like you.
Adding another one: If your degree is in basket weaving you will agree with bkingUK
One more Factual point: If you are for fascism you will get likes from bkingUK
Well, the list is endless: If you hate America you will get likes from bkingUK and other liberals
If you repeat or agree with bkingUK you will show everyone your education level AKA, dropout.
If you are a racist and hate white people you will have an ally in bkingUK.
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Adding one to the list: If you are corrupt and socialist in nature liberals in this forum will like you.
Adding another one: If your degree is in basket weaving you will agree with bkingUK
One more Factual point: If you are for fascism you will get likes from bkingUK
Well, the list is endless: If you hate America you will get likes from bkingUK and other liberals
If you repeat or agree with bkingUK you will show everyone your education level AKA, dropout.
If you are a racist and hate white people you will have an ally in bkingUK.

....and ... point proven.

The most delusional group ever. Straight up delusion on all parts.

1) This crap isn't happening.
2) The GOP is insane if they think we would be for that group. In actuality, it would be the end of the Republican Party ever winning another election. You think Trump voters would forget what Republicans did? No GD way. They'd be seen just like Dems.

3) Explain what they're going to find in this Russian investigation and if there was even a chance then why wouldn't Trump end it? Lol

But the left is great at predictions.
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