How will they rule ??!

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Top of the hour news on the radio pushing the white supremacist movement.

The reporter says, "A free speech rally was supposed to take place and be concluding now... but some protesters had other ideas"

They then play a short clip of a man yelling "WHITE POWER!" over and over. Media is out of control with their narratives.
Top of the hour news on the radio pushing the white supremacist movement.

The reporter says, "A free speech rally was supposed to take place and be concluding now... but some protesters had other ideas"

They then play a short clip of a man yelling "WHITE POWER!" over and over. Media is out of control with their narratives.

That's bullshit. There were literally 50 conservatives there, at most, just trying to hold a free speech rally. In no way was any of it associated with white supremacists.
Sad day for America when a group of conservatives can't even hold a legal free speech rally without the left illegally showing up to shut it down, threatening violence, assaulting people, to the point that the police had to literally escort the conservatives out in paddy wagons to keep them safe.
This can't be allowed to continue. Either Sessions and the FBI stop this madness, or we the people who are entirely fed up with this bullshit will.

The MSM, democrats, and even some GOPers like Romney and Rubio are giving these people a free pass and helped give them a victory today. A disgrace. This is only going to get worse. Think of how emboldened these scumbags are after this week and after today. I'm so sick of this crap.

Btw where were the jackasses flooding this thread over nazis? Nowhere to be found. So predictable.
This can't be allowed to continue. Either Sessions and the FBI stop this madness, or we the people who are entirely fed up with this bullshit will.

The MSM, democrats, and even some GOPers like Romney and Rubio are giving these people a free pass and helped give them a victory today. A disgrace. This is only going to get worse. Think of how emboldened these scumbags are after this week and after today. I'm so sick of this crap.
The problem is our beliefs. As conservatives, we believe in the rule of law. And therefore, we are not likely to take up arms. Even if they were somehow able to remove Trump, I don't believe enough of us would rise up.

The left on the other hand, will break any law necessary to achieve their goals.
So - let's briefly talk about "The Nazis" that are popping up everywhere

What resources do they have?

Do they own and manipulate the media?
Do they have control of the schools and universities and the upper hand on indoctrinating children?

Do they have a large, well organized political machine that's putting their Nazi rep's into office ,..... ANYwhere?

Do they have a diversified organization that plays 'good cop / bad cop' with the public via street rabble (ANTIFA or Brown Shirts / Bad Cop) and also legal organizations SUING states and other people so that their influence expands and they obtain public finding (La Raza etc)

No -- they don't have ANY of that shit do they?

You know why?
Because no one is going to elect or support a damn Nazi

You know what else --- American's aren't disciplined enough to be fascists
That comes from Prussian thought and drilling in a very homogenous type of culture --- we ARENT THAT

Hell - it would be too damn HARD to be a Nazi --- and you don't even get your own STUFF --- your "hitler salute" was used by both the Americans AND the Romand well before you.....annnnnd your Swastika is an eastern mystical symbol.....

You get to wear red and black though and that's kinda neat


But MARXISTS have an even worse legacy and they have ALLLLLLLL that stuff I mentioned earlier

Also -- they are bending over BACKWARD not to talk about the Islamic attacks in Europe and Russia right now aren't they?
Might actually make our social problems seem kinda small

Don't fall for this stuff

Talk logic 101 with people in good candor and make it A GOAL to ask someone this week about the points I listed above.....

What Nazis?
Who's supporting them?

Know anyone that votes for them?

Who F'ing Cares -- American Nazi's -- such that they are -- are kind of in the same level of threat as people that believe the earth is flat or the queen of England is a reptilian alien


I"d bet my next paycheck that there's Soros type money behind some of this agitation......just toooooooo f'ing predictable isn't it??

PS Screw Mohammed -- nothing but a pirate from the beginning and his teachings aren't WORTH remembering.......
The problem is our beliefs. As conservatives, we believe in the rule of law. And therefore, we are not likely to take up arms. Even if they were somehow able to remove Trump, I don't believe enough of us would rise up.

The left on the other hand, will break any law necessary to achieve their goals.
Agree and you're probably right, but we may have to get dirty to beat them. They get to sling all kinds of mud at us as we stand there taking it. There will be a time when we either jump in the mud and fight back or lose the country forever.
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Top of the hour news on the radio pushing the white supremacist movement.

The reporter says, "A free speech rally was supposed to take place and be concluding now... but some protesters had other ideas"

They then play a short clip of a man yelling "WHITE POWER!" over and over. Media is out of control with their narratives.

That one man might end us ALLLLL huh?
What a bunch of cowards and ideological whores (not you -- the radio ppl you mentioned)

Start being your OWN media voice -- millions of us -- speaking truth about the utter BULLLSHIT we're seeing from the neo Communists

Make them play the logic game

Make them talk about where their ideas come from

What's going to happen when you destroy ALL the statues?

What next?

Maybe - certainly won't be synagogues or mosques will it?

Maybe we quickly start to move to prisons or separating those with 'dangerous thoughts"

the Communists did that in Russia
They didn't believe there was any worthwhile "Humanity" in a person
a person IS a "carrier of ideas"

So some have to be quarantined for the safety of the greater society

You go ahead and write that shit down -- that's coming soon

The more the Muslims blow up women and children -- the angler the Marxists are going to be with libertarians, luke warm liberals and GOD HELP US ALL --- "conservatives"

and --- as for you white, male, southern, military vet's ......they have a special hatred for you

You know why?

You have the ability to constitute the greatest threat to their movement

Not because of any kind of superiority

But because of NUMBERS --- and you are generally ARMED

and getting PISSED OFF

Think it over

Extend your hand to all people who are willing to work this out
Show NO TOLERANCE for those who are trying to instigate insurrection and open treason

You're either willing to fight for this nation and it's constitution
or you aren't


brothers and sisters

now..........more coffee
Left: let's remove statues because rac...traitors uh yeah traitors.

Also left: let's overthrow the duly elected POTUS because we don't like him

they can take down ALLLL the damn statues

It doesn't change the fact that the experiment of combining the Roman concept of a Republic and the Athenian notion of Democracy -- has produced more collective liberty and individual wealth than anything they can propose

We DONT NEED the DAMN statues

I think conservatives should flip it on them
If Right wingers give up their historic statues --
then Left wingers have to stop promoting any ideas from Sanger, Marx, Engels, Lenin and others who clearly produced such gutter-filth and destructive systems of totalitarianism

And we ALL go back to pledging to the Constitution where (along with other instruments of course) there are limitations on the govt that represents us


Can't agree to pledge loyalty to the basic notion of what this country is?

Well then you're Forfeiting aren't you?
You're trying to take over

and -- unfortunately -- be ready to fight

because almost all the hatred / intolerance and narrow mindedness you're always hearing about --- it's residing in the hearts and dim-minds of people who you;d ever march with groups like Antifa


we can't go down like THIS

not to soft ass - feminized marxists in their damn pajamas

if we're going to lose the country it ought to at least be to someone like......the Mongols......
and it should

plain as that
It seems that we are on that course. With all the chaos and carnage ANTIFA/BLM is causing, fake scandals and fake outrage pushed 24/7 about Trump and his supporters, with a complicit MSM cheering it all on, how does this not end up bloody at some point?

It would be awful of course, a civil war would be horrific for the country. But it is obvious Soros and some deep staters are up to something very bad. Its plain as day to see it.

Some people are making a ton of money pushing for this division and violence.
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It seems that we are on that course. With all the chaos and carnage ANTIFA/BLM is causing, fake scandals and fake outrage pushed 24/7 about Trump and his supporters, with a complicit MSM cheering it all on, how does this not end up bloody at some point?

It would be awful of course, a civil war would be horrific for the country. But it is obvious Soros and some deep staters are up to something very bad. Its plain as day to see it.

Some people are making a ton of money pushing for this division and violence.

NO ONE wants that type of civil unrest
But if we are forced to fight - then we fight
History will be the judge and ---- there are a LOT more ppl that aren't communists than there are committed coo-coo for cocoa puffs Marxists.......they just have a bigger voice because of the prostitutes in the media

But wait -- did I say that NO ONE wants conflict..... hmmmm....that's not really true is it?

No normal person wants a civil war......

EXCEPT -- those whose political manifesto PREACHES conflict as the only way to move the wheel of history

So -- there is ONE very SPECIFIC political group that would welcome this type of chaos ---- so they can "not let that crisis go to waste" -- and make something new out of it .... a new synthesis from the thesis and antithesis......that's Hegel (he invented the terms we use for "left" and "Right" and was influential to Marx)

Funny how the hard left suddenly has very specific sense of morals and right/wrong isn't it?

By the way -- here's a Newsweek article saying that YOU DONT HAVBE TO COMMIT A CRIME TO BE IMPEACHED.....

Apple is committing themselves to removing "hate music" from Spotify and wherever else they can purge it .... if they used books I"m pretty sure they'd be ready to burn them in a public square somewhere tonight

it's all as Ghoulish as it is predictable
It seems that we are on that course. With all the chaos and carnage ANTIFA/BLM is causing, fake scandals and fake outrage pushed 24/7 about Trump and his supporters, with a complicit MSM cheering it all on, how does this not end up bloody at some point?

It would be awful of course, a civil war would be horrific for the country. But it is obvious Soros and some deep staters are up to something very bad. Its plain as day to see it.

Some people are making a ton of money pushing for this division and violence.

and real crimes are going overlooked

meanwhile -- just like the peasants, workers and even socialists in Russia all TOOK IT UP THE KEISTER......these noble representatives of Civility and Racial justice --- are starting a fire that will also partially consume THEM

but -- I truly believe that's by design

at the highest levels -- and I can't PROVE this (yet) there are ultra wealthy people pulling strings and using narrow minded people like Antifa and BLM for a temporary purpose

those groups aren't going to be RUNNING ANYTHING if we do lose the country to Socialist revolution.....
they may remain in favor for a while to spread terror

but they will outlive their usefulness --- and they'll find out real quick how Socialism can PROGRESS when you're not really paying attention

it's all KINDA FUNNY in a way

\eventually the Pope will weigh in and tell us all to come to the center and love our fellow compares -- voices will emerge saying that this is the time for HUMAN KIND to chart a new direction.....

They're planting to liquidate entire elements of society as you know it

I'm convinced of that because I believe history is just repeating itself
I'm looking back at the Soviet model and throwing in some Aldous Huxley concepts

and whAAALAH!!
You have a New World Order rising

full of love and charity too --- for sure
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BTW - can I quote you on that or cite you somehow on my blog later?
that's a great line and I'd like to use it -- but I don't wanna steal it

think about it
email me here if you like :

castlerubric@gmail dot com

I think ScrewDuke or Fuster or one of the others started the thought. I refined it. (It was thabigblenation)

Anything I say you can make fun of or support. Have at it.

Someone else had original post.
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The problem is our beliefs. As conservatives, we believe in the rule of law. And therefore, we are not likely to take up arms. Even if they were somehow able to remove Trump, I don't believe enough of us would rise up.

The left on the other hand, will break any law necessary to achieve their goals.
I would seem so but, I have a feeling the antifa's will go somewhere where the push back will turn real bloody and they will take a beating. It is just a matter of time. Those that have been organized by Soro's and the Clinton's will not venture to these places but, the movement itself will breed idiots who will join the cause, go out on their own not understanding the dangers involved and bang!, crap will hit the fan.
on a serious note, it's time for the Colosseum in Italy to come down! it's literally where slaves where forced to fight slaves to the death. can't leave that thing up.

but wait? do European slaves lives matter?

BTW - can I quote you on that or cite you somehow on my blog later?
that's a great line and I'd like to use it -- but I don't wanna steal it

think about it
email me here if you like :

castlerubric@gmail dot com

The original thought belongs to

That one man might end us ALLLLL huh?
What a bunch of cowards and ideological whores (not you -- the radio ppl you mentioned)

Start being your OWN media voice -- millions of us -- speaking truth about the utter BULLLSHIT we're seeing from the neo Communists

Make them play the logic game

Make them talk about where their ideas come from

What's going to happen when you destroy ALL the statues?

What next?

Maybe - certainly won't be synagogues or mosques will it?

Maybe we quickly start to move to prisons or separating those with 'dangerous thoughts"

the Communists did that in Russia
They didn't believe there was any worthwhile "Humanity" in a person
a person IS a "carrier of ideas"

So some have to be quarantined for the safety of the greater society

You go ahead and write that shit down -- that's coming soon

The more the Muslims blow up women and children -- the angler the Marxists are going to be with libertarians, luke warm liberals and GOD HELP US ALL --- "conservatives"

and --- as for you white, male, southern, military vet's ......they have a special hatred for you

You know why?

You have the ability to constitute the greatest threat to their movement

Not because of any kind of superiority

But because of NUMBERS --- and you are generally ARMED

and getting PISSED OFF

Think it over

Extend your hand to all people who are willing to work this out
Show NO TOLERANCE for those who are trying to instigate insurrection and open treason

You're either willing to fight for this nation and it's constitution
or you aren't


brothers and sisters

now..........more coffee
I think ScrewDuke or Fuster or one of the others started the thought. I refined it. (It was thabigblenation)

Anything I say you can make fun of or support. Have at it.

Someone else had original post.

appreciate the shout out! i come up with something good once in a while. But if I have to be honest, I saw a post somewhere with a caption of the Pyramids and it said something like monuments to the Original Slave Owners or some shit like that.So the pyramids have to come down as well. It made me think of the Romans. Big fan of the series Spartacus.
appreciate the shout out! i come up with something good once in a while. But if I have to be honest, I saw a post somewhere with a caption of the Pyramids and it said something like monuments to the Original Slave Owners or some shit like that.So the pyramids have to come down as well. It made me think of the Romans. Big fan of the series Spartacus.

I did not see other.