How will they rule ??!

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A black guy on wlex gave a very compelling argument for moving the ststues in Lexington.

That square was one of the largest slave markets in the south. But the only monuments there celebrate men who fought for keeping slavery. No monument for the slaves, the victims.

Made me kinda change my mind. At least move them away from that square. And replace them with a statue for the slaves.

I'm not for removing all statues but I can see moving those two to another spot.
A black guy on wlex gave a very compelling argument for moving the ststues in Lexington.

That square was one of the largest slave markets in the south. But the only monuments there celebrate men who fought for keeping slavery. No monument for the slaves, the victims.

Made me kinda change my mind. At least move them away from that square. And replace them with a statue for the slaves.

I'm not for removing all statues but I can see moving those two to another spot.

That's logical and well said, tbh.
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One would think if the media is so concerned about people with racist actions in the 1800s, theyd certainly be concerned with racist actions in the past few decades.

Mind-boggling, isn't it?

"Who cares about racism from 40 years ago? That's in the past. That person is dead and gone. Get over it. Now, racism from 200 years ago? That shit is horrible. Anyone and everything associated with it needs to be eradicated."
A black guy on wlex gave a very compelling argument for moving the ststues in Lexington.

That square was one of the largest slave markets in the south. But the only monuments there celebrate men who fought for keeping slavery. No monument for the slaves, the victims.

Made me kinda change my mind. At least move them away from that square. And replace them with a statue for the slaves.

I'm not for removing all statues but I can see moving those two to another spot.

Those are very good points made, and understandable. However, the statues weren't an issue until the Mayor decided to make them an issue for personal gain.
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This from a Trump rally in Ashville a year ago. Aside from it being the dumbest protest chant ever, look how close the protesters are to rally attendees. There is room for one person to get by an open door and then they are face to face with a protester. There is no room to get by without confrontation.

They have been ginning this up for awhile.

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If we want to get rid of racism, we should be removing the democrat party, not statues.

Democrats: Were pro segregationists, mostly pro confederacy, created the KKK and pretty much every single racist and hate group there is.

Democrats think black people are too stupid to get voter IDs for f*ck sake.
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This from a Trump rally in Ashville a year ago. Aside from it being the dumbest protest chant ever, look how close the protesters are to rally attendees. There is room for one person to get by an open door and then they are face to face with a protester. There is no room to get by without confrontation.

They have been ginning this up for awhile.

I go to Ashville multiple times a year for to visit friends. I love the bar, food sence downtown, and always have a great time.

But there are so many homeless, liberals, and hippys I could absolutely never live there. I was there before the election and have been back since. Only thing that has changed is all the "I'm with her" stuff is gone.
If we want to get rid of racism, we should be removing the democrat party, not statues.

Democrats: Were pro segregationists, mostly pro confederacy, created the KKK and pretty much every single racist and hate group there is.

Democrats think black people are too stupid to get voter IDs for f*ck sake.

Not voter id's

Just plain ol standard government issued ID. same id needed to get colt 45.
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Bet those rascals would still be tending to their goats if the vegetation had not been kilt off by global confusion.

Also, no pre-k.
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I'm sure before the week is out MSNBC and CNN will run stories how Muslims in Barcelona don't have enough jobs and are suffering from hopelessness i.e.--blame the victim...But remember folks where as Charlottesville was an example of the awfulness of white America, Barcelona had absolutely nothing to do with Islam. Also before the weekend is over, stories from WaPo and NY Times about how Muslims in Barcelona fear for their safety/rising Islamophobia. Its the same damn dance after every one of these attacks.
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Damn! Just saw 13 dead, 15 critical, and 65 injured/hospitalized. Not trying to be funny, were they driving a semi?
The media all week has placed a microscope on every dead confederate.

So yes the dead can still get LOTS of media scrutiny. Unless youre a dem.

One would think if the media is so concerned about people with racist actions in the 1800s, theyd certainly be concerned with racist actions in the past few decades.
Microscope on every dead confederate? [eyeroll] I've seen discussions about monuments. Most of them erected long after most former Confederate soldiers were dead. But hey, I thought all confederates were "dems"? As a kid growing up if I heard the phrase..."No self-respectin' Southerner would ever be caught dead voting for a Republican"...once, I heard it 1000 times. Sure weren't too many Republicans elected in Dixie in the 100 years that followed the Civil War. Were there?

1964 was more than "a few decades" ago.
Byrd and George Wallace were both widely criticized when they were fighting for racist causes. Both men came to see the errors of their ways and asked for forgiveness and fought against the racism they had once supported. Their actions matched their words and both were forgiven. It seems to bother you that people in a Christian nation would actually forgive someone. Funny how that works.
Damn! Just saw 13 dead, 15 critical, and 65 injured/hospitalized. Not trying to be funny, were they driving a semi?

I nearly posted a pic of an Amish horse/buggy, but thought such response might work better in something like the N.O.B. thread.

Seriously, crazy stuff. Horrifying, actually. Heart goes out to all affected by this senseless tragedy.