How will they rule ??!

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I did not say that.

You are a troll.

Oh you didn't say "Our Democracy has flourished allowing Nazis to exist for 50 years before you were born. Skokie was huge. Allowing a Nazi to speak does not equal supporting Nazis." While directly quoting my message?

So you didn't say it out right, but you most certainly implied that I was saying allowing a Nazi to speak equals supporting Nazis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. I think you should be able to share your stupid opinions with whoever you like. I just think we have a duty to call out stupid ideologies for what they are. That includes both white supremacists and anti-fa. Ignoring either will just embolden them. Its so easy to find echo chambers on the internet. Theres no other explanation for the surge of SJWs and Nazi both at the same time. 20 years ago a neo-nazi or SJW would have just had the shit slapped out of them in their local communities, problem solved.
Oh you didn't say "Our Democracy has flourished allowing Nazis to exist for 50 years before you were born. Skokie was huge. Allowing a Nazi to speak does not equal supporting Nazis." While directly quoting my message?

So you didn't say it out right, but you most certainly implied that I was saying allowing a Nazi to speak equals supporting Nazis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. I think you should be able to share your stupid opinions with whoever you like.

Look troll, you have no knowledge. I have been kind. Go away.
Oh you didn't say "Our Democracy has flourished allowing Nazis to exist for 50 years before you were born. Skokie was huge. Allowing a Nazi to speak does not equal supporting Nazis." While directly quoting my message?

So you didn't say it out right, but you most certainly implied that I was saying allowing a Nazi to speak equals supporting Nazis. And that couldn't be further from the truth. I think you should be able to share your stupid opinions with whoever you like. I just think we have a duty to call out stupid ideologies for what they are. That includes both white supremacists and anti-fa. Ignoring either will just embolden them. Its so easy to find echo chambers on the internet. Theres no other explanation for the surge of SJWs and Nazi both at the same time. 20 years ago a neo-nazi or SJW would have just had the shit slapped out of them in their local communities, problem solved.

@Global Havok
It doesn't matter if it was legal or illegal for the South to secede. It doesn't matter if they were fighting for state's rights, or to prolong slavery. What matters is that in April of 1861 the South Opened fire on an American Fort. On May 6th they declared war on this country.

360,000 US soldiers died to ensure that the confederate flag did not fly in this nation, and anyone who chooses to fly one of those flags is spitting on that sacrifice. People who attack this nation and kill Americans do not deserve statues in this nation We also don't celebrate and reward those who attack our nation and who kill our soldiers. Anyone who believes otherwise can get out.
It doesn't matter if it was legal or illegal for the South to secede. It doesn't matter if they were fighting for state's rights, or to prolong slavery. What matters is that in April of 1861 the South Opened fire on an American Fort. On May 6th they declared war on this country.

360,000 US soldiers died to ensure that the confederate flag did not fly in this nation, and anyone who chooses to fly one of those flags is spitting on that sacrifice. People who attack this nation and kill Americans do not deserve statues in this nation We also don't celebrate and reward those who attack our nation and who kill our soldiers. Anyone who believes otherwise can get out.

You missed the better angels of our nature speech.
Why just last week alone 32,000 nazis surrounded my office and stuck a bunch swastika flags in the ground while yelling "heil Hitler".

I called the police, and I'll be damned. The police were nazis too.
It doesn't matter if it was legal or illegal for the South to secede. It doesn't matter if they were fighting for state's rights, or to prolong slavery. What matters is that in April of 1861 the South Opened fire on an American Fort. On May 6th they declared war on this country.

360,000 US soldiers died to ensure that the confederate flag did not fly in this nation, and anyone who chooses to fly one of those flags is spitting on that sacrifice. People who attack this nation and kill Americans do not deserve statues in this nation We also don't celebrate and reward those who attack our nation and who kill our soldiers. Anyone who believes otherwise can get out.
I don't care for the Confederacy. Take the statues down, leave them up, makes no difference to me. I have no quarrel with your position, until your last sentence in your post. The Constitution gives who SPEAK differently than you the right to stay in this country- and you would not only take that right away, you would expand it to expelling those with different BELIEFS?
Skokie, Illinois, probably was. I can't say for sure how many were there, but there were many. If you are 33, you would have been a few years from being born. I was too young to remember it, but I do remember hearing about it when I was older. Basically, the ACLU intervened on behalf on the Nazis to protect their 1st Amendment rights, and the Nazis were permitted to march. Instead of going out to engage in combat with them, the Left (along with the rest of the nation) turned their backs on them. They ended up slinking back under whichever rocks from which they came. Skokie is remembered now for how the ACLU correctly and ethically advocated for the right to march than for anything that happened during the march. Charlottesville will be remembered for something much uglier. But for Antifa pouring gas on the flames, it wouldn't be remembered at all. Even without the murder, it was still a horror show that would have been avoided had the fools been ignored.

I have thought of Skokie a lot. You could not
draw a more stark difference in that world where the right to protest was understood, versus our time when a frightening number of people believe that you can attack anybody if their beliefs are wrong. And they call Trump the fascist.
Skokie, Illinois, probably was. I can't say for sure how many were there, but there were many. If you are 33, you would have been a few years from being born. I was too young to remember it, but I do remember hearing about it when I was older. Basically, the ACLU intervened on behalf on the Nazis to protect their 1st Amendment rights, and the Nazis were permitted to march. Instead of going out to engage in combat with them, the Left (along with the rest of the nation) turned their backs on them. They ended up slinking back under whichever rocks from which they came. Skokie is remembered now for how the ACLU correctly and ethically advocated for the right to march than for anything that happened during the march. Charlottesville will be remembered for something much uglier. But for Antifa pouring gas on the flames, it wouldn't be remembered at all. Even without the murder, it was still a horror show that would have been avoided had the fools been ignored.


Gil Scott-Heron was wrong. The low-hanging, low-IQ fruit of the lunatic fringes are going to dance the dance of the pointless revolution like marionette puppets before they die the death of a thousand fools over nothing more than trumped up narratives being bartered in shitposts on the interwebz... and it's going to brought to us, live, by the YouTubes.

If not for the fallout, promises to be damned entertaining.

BK and Havoc, be sure to wear conspicuous clothing to the protest so we can watch you on TV and see the exact moment reality and priorities set in. TIA.

Romney is such a cuck. This is why I no longer identify myself as Republican. The McCains, Ryans and Romney types are such huge pieces of crap. They're the epitome of cowards. You can't tell any difference between them and a Democrat.

It is mind blowing to me to watch people be so clueless to the insanity that Antifa and BLM have caused over the years (Antifa since the election cycle). It's like they've never bothered to see the videos, to see the aftermath of destruction they do, to see these people mace you, have weapons (check the Portland police confiscation picture), attack you like brownshirts.

There has not been a more violent group than the left over the years.
Hold it here. Was the American Revolution legal or illegal since the British wouldn't recognize our right to secession except through force?

You can't have it both ways.

It was an illegal insurrection under the laws governing us in the 18th Century. And, yes, we technically committed treason under those laws as well.

And that's why there are no friggin statues of American revolutionary figures sitting in the London's public squares today. Why do these distinctions seem so hard for some of you to grasp?

Nowhere else in the world, other than the American South, are leaders of a traitorous insurrection venerated this way, it's really one of the odder things about American culture, and one that roundly perplexes foreign visitors to our country--"wait, so these guys led a traitorous insurrection against your country, for the purpose of trying to maintain the evil institution of slavery, and yet you erect statues to honor them because ...wait, why again?
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It was an illegal insurrection under the laws governing us in the 18th Century. And, yes, we technically committed treason under those laws as well.

And that's why there are no friggin statues of American revolutionary figures sitting in the London's public squares today. Why do these distinctions seem so hard for some of you to grasp?

Nowhere else in the world, other than the American South, are leaders of a traitorous insurrection venerated this way, it's really one of the odder things about American culture, and one that roundly perplexes foreign visitors to our country--"wait, so these guys led a traitorous insurrection against your country, for the purpose of trying to maintain the evil institution of slavery, and yet you erect statues to honor them because ...wait, why again?


George Washington's statue in Trafalgar Square, London.


Statue of Thomas Paine in Thetford town centre.
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