How will they rule ??!

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Until the anti-fa murder someone, you're off base. They are scum too, but neo-nazi's are absolutely a bigger threat.
I don't know whether they have murdered anyone or not. It's certainly possible that individual members have murdered people over drugs or personal vendettas. But I am not aware of any actual political murders that this particular offshoot of the Hard Left has committed in recent American history. I am aware of what happened last year to police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge and New York last year, and of what happened to a police officer in New York this year. I am aware of a murder in New York state just a few days from a hard left radical who murdered a Republican neighbor, who was a local political figure. I am aware of a Hard Left radical who nearly murdered Steve Scalise, and intended to take down the whole Congress. But, then again, technically, they weren't Antifa. Let's ignore the other horrific acts on Antifa, which number in the dozens just over the last few months, because they haven't killed anyone yet, because that was the OTHER leftist maniacs who did. Of course, under that guideline, we'll start having to pay attention at some point. It's only a matter of time before they do kill someone.
Okay? Lets ignore Nazis because Muslims exist too! Are you 12?
Nazis are a very tiny group, yet there are over a billion muslims and ISIS is a much bigger threat than a few nutjob nazis are.

You should waste your effort on something that is an actual threat. No one cares about nazis.
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I don't think Nazi is the right term.......realistically since trump's deplorables are Russians I'd assume the irony of us also being Nazi's would be to obvious for the media to run with.

But the MSM isn't accused of genius too often
I wonder which washed up retread is Global Havoc.

Being paid by Soros to promote a boogeyman that doesn't exist. Effing nazis. Jesus christ the stupidity
Yeah, my 13 year old account is a retread. Good god you are of shallow depth. I'm also not liberal sense you apparently are unable to read full conversations.

For the record: Being anti-Nazi is NOT a liberal point of view. Being anti-Nazi is an American point of view. If you support Nazis and are part of the republican party, kindly GTFO of my party. Thanks.
Nazis are a very tiny group, yet there are over a billion muslims and ISIS is a much bigger threat than a few nutjob nazis are.

You should waste your effort on something that is an actual threat. No one cares about nazis.
I know tons (okay a handful, but I digress) of peaceful Muslims, and have actually never met a mean spirited Muslim. I'm pretty sure literally 100% of Nazis are hate-filled douche bags. Comparing all Muslims to Nazis makes you a giant turd, fyi.
Yeah, my 13 year old account is a retread. Good god you are of shallow depth. I'm also not liberal sense you apparently are unable to read full conversations.

For the record: Being anti-Nazi is NOT a liberal point of view. Being anti-Nazi is an American point of view. If you support Nazis and are part of the republican party, kindly GTFO of my party. Thanks.

You sure about this man? History will not be kind to this argument what so ever.

Study up real quick with:


Did America help Germany in WW2

Then come back with a different tune please!
Yeah, my 13 year old account is a retread. Good god you are of shallow depth. I'm also not liberal sense you apparently are unable to read full conversations.

For the record: Being anti-Nazi is NOT a liberal point of view. Being anti-Nazi is an American point of view. If you support Nazis and are part of the republican party, kindly GTFO of my party. Thanks.

[laughing] this must be your troll account
You sure about this man? History will not be kind to this argument what so ever.

Study up real quick with:


Did America help Germany in WW2

Then come back with a different tune please!
Am I sure that being anti-Nazi is un-American? Yes I am 1000% sure of that. What is wrong with some of you? Are you really that scared of Muslims that you think Nazis are cool? The people that the greatest generation of our country went to war with are okay people to you guys now? I don't get it at all.
Neither were legally wrong. One set of people were sure as hell morally wrong. (Hint: Nazis. It is always the Nazis who are morally reprehensible.)
When Nazis clash with Communists, it's always both sides that are morally reprehensible. It just so happened that this weekend, the vast majority of the right wing extremists were either actual Nazis or at least Nazi advocates. It's hard to say how many of the counterprotesters were actual Communist (Antifa or otherwise) and how many were just ordinary Leftists. I'll even grant that some were probably moderate or even conservative protestors who detest Nazis. In the Berkeley brawls, it was largely the reverse; a largely pro-free speech, patriotic crowd that did include some extremists and white supremacists vs. a crowd that was almost exclusively Antifa and Communist scum.
Are we really gonna go 20-30 pages on the theme nazis are bad in the political thread?

Yes. We know nazis are bad. You libs are giving them the attention they want. Can we please STFU about them already?

Literally no one gives a f*ck about Nazis or the KKK. Completely irrelevant groups.
Never said that. Simply stating you are in for a world of surprise when you find out the truth about America financing Germany in WW2 and having several of our richest sending military equipment and other resources to the nazi cause.

Maybe research that....
I'm ate up with the idea of Hitler in a Stalin uniform and that's what Global see's in a Trump supporter.

Quite confusing.
You can also be anti - Nazi without fear mongering like Hitler, the SS and the Gestapo were just resurrected from the grave.
When Nazis clash with Communists, it's always both sides that are morally reprehensible. It just so happened that this weekend, the vast majority of the right wing extremists were either actual Nazis or at least Nazi advocates. It's hard to say how many of the counterprotesters were actual Communist (Antifa or otherwise) and how many were just ordinary Leftists. I'll even grant that some were probably moderate or even conservative protestors who detest Nazis. In the Berkeley brawls, it was largely the reverse; a largely pro-free speech, patriotic crowd that did include some extremists and white supremacists vs. a crowd that was almost exclusively Antifa and Communist scum.
The lady that got run over was definitely not a bussed in commy (once again I don't know why you guys keep bringin up anti-fa like I support them). Anti-fa douchebags (who from all film I saw were in the vast minority of counter protestors) who get violent should have the damn book thrown at them too. There is no excuse for any sort of violence at protests from either side.

But trying to deflect everything to how bad anti-fa looks makes us look like hypocrites if we refuse to speak out. And literally everyone in this thread is arguing about how we shouldn't have to speak out against Nazis but the left should all condemn the anti-fa losers. No, we should not ignore them.
I hope a group of nazis move next door to Global. Then i hope they play their nazi music while circle jerking it to a statue of Hitler at their nazi party.
You're so edgy. Please tell me you're an angsty teenager. Otherwise I feel so bad for you.
33. When was the last Nazi march of that size in the middle of an American town?
Skokie, Illinois, probably was. I can't say for sure how many were there, but there were many. If you are 33, you would have been a few years from being born. I was too young to remember it, but I do remember hearing about it when I was older. Basically, the ACLU intervened on behalf on the Nazis to protect their 1st Amendment rights, and the Nazis were permitted to march. Instead of going out to engage in combat with them, the Left (along with the rest of the nation) turned their backs on them. They ended up slinking back under whichever rocks from which they came. Skokie is remembered now for how the ACLU correctly and ethically advocated for the right to march than for anything that happened during the march. Charlottesville will be remembered for something much uglier. But for Antifa pouring gas on the flames, it wouldn't be remembered at all. Even without the murder, it was still a horror show that would have been avoided had the fools been ignored.
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No one is deflecting. We spoke out against them for pages before you decided to grace us. We're over it.

It's also possible to speak out against both. For such an educated bro, you sure do have a simple, one track mind. I take it you're not multitasker?
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Until the anti-fa murder someone, you're off base. They are scum too, but neo-nazi's are absolutely a bigger threat.

The neo nazis have no sympathy from anyone, we know what they are.
The antifa and similar groups are against freedoms they don't agree with. They burn, riot and use physical force and no one dares call them out. Has anyone from the left called them out, disavowed them? All the while they grow, rooted on by dem politicians telling them to resist.
Have you heard one rep politician tell the neo nazis to March? No

It doesn't matter, you're full of shit, not the first and not the last on here pretending to be something you aren't.
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You're so edgy. Please tell me you're an angsty teenager. Otherwise I feel so bad for you.

I wonder which washed up retread is Global Havoc.

Being paid by Soros to promote a boogeyman that doesn't exist. Effing nazis. Jesus christ the stupidity

Now if I said that I would be banned

In fact my original username is banned till 2020, that's no joke. USSLair will hopefully be back in October.

Funny how mods work.

Kiss my #$$ you know who.
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Skokie, Illinois, probably was. I can't say for sure how many were there, but there were many. If you are 33, you would have been a few years from being born. I was too young to remember it, but I do remember hearing about it when I was older. Basically, the ACLU intervened on behalf on the Nazis to protect their 1st Amendment rights, and the Nazis were permitted to march. Instead of going out to engage in combat with them, the Left (along with the rest of the nation) turned their backs on them. They ended up slinking back under whichever rocks from which they came. Skokie is remembered now for how the ACLU correctly and ethically advocated for the right to march than for anything that happened during the march. Charlottesville will be remembered for something much uglier. But for Antifa pouring gas on the flames, it wouldn't be remembered at all. Even without the murder, it was still a horror show that would have been avoided had the fools been ignored.
I knew the ACLU had backed them (as they should). In general I think you have a very good point. Ideally they wouldn't have gotten any attention at all. Its too late for that now though, and I'd like to be damn sure I'm not tied to them in any fashion. I'm just surprised that the "conservatives" on this site aren't as quick to denounce it as I am. I work in a very conservative office (in the Air Force), and literally everyone at work this week has felt the same way I felt about these douche-bags trying to attach to our party. Weird to get such a different reaction here.