How will they rule ??!

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I'm done with being complacent and acting like I'm doing something that ranting on the internet. Kentucky has a horrible reputation. Golden opportunity to present the opposite image.

Not a joke. I know protests are considered for extremists or weirdos. Pretty much dead set on going. Girlfriend is in.

The American Nazi party has not had a well spoken, respectable looking, triple digit IQ, leader since George Lincoln Rockwell. They are insignificant. The KKK has not had one since Duke and he would stand alone since the 20's. These groups are fringe elements and have no bearing on your life. (Your goal should be to have a long and happy of a life as possible.). If you show up at a chaotic rally, all it takes is one moron to end your goal.

If they were a true threat, many of us would protest them. They are not. Protesting them gives them a significance they do not deserve.

It is your life. Only experience can teach you.
We can't call the left out for not condemning hate groups in their party when we don't do the same to those in our party. White supremacists and neo-Nazis tend to vote Republican. The right, particularly Republican leaders, have to clearly say we don't want them in our party.
We do call them out though. The dems never do, and have a media that doesn't press them to do it.
The American Nazi party has not had a well spoken, respectable looking, triple digit IQ, leader since George Lincoln Rockwell. They are insignificant. The KKK has not had one since Duke and he would stand alone since the 20's. These groups are fringe elements and have no bearing on your life. (Your goal should be to have a long and happy of a life as possible.). If you show up at a chaotic rally, all it takes is one moron to end your goal.

If they were a true threat, many of us would protest them. They are not. Protesting them gives them a significance they do not deserve.

It is your life. Only experience can teach you.
Are we just pretending that this weekend didnt happen? There wasn't a Nazi March on American soil? A nazi punk didnt ram his car into a crowd of people? Nazis are not insignificant anymore.
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We can't call the left out for not condemning hate groups in their party when we don't do the same to those in our party. White supremacists and neo-Nazis tend to vote Republican. The right, particularly Republican leaders, have to clearly say we don't want them in our party.
Is there any actual data showing that Nazis vote Republican? Certainly, it's a stretch to think that they vote Democrat but I would not assume that they even vote at all. Many can't vote, because they are often incarcerated.

I agree that it's somewhat disingenuous to call out the Left for not condemning their hate groups if conservatives fail to do the same. Nevertheless, you can be assured that the Left will still fail to do so, regardless of what conservatives do. As they refuse to denounce their freaks at all, and increasingly, begin to become as one with them, they will condemn the Right for not denouncing their freaks often enough.
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One thing about leftists, they'll lie their asses off it they think the end justifies the means.
Taqiyya. Muslim law according to the Quran makes it legal in Allah's eyes to lie to justify the means.Sound familiar? Now you know why the lying left wants to silence people like me.
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Are we just pretending that this weekend didnt happen? There wasn't a Nazi March on American soil? A nazi punk didnt ram his car into a crowd of people? Nazis are not insignificant anymore.

What is the bigger overall threat to the nation, the neo nazis that have been called out continuously since then by politicians and people alike, or the antifa crowd that is using violence and intimidation while no one in MSM calls them out?

The neo nazis are terrible, the antifa crowd is a bigger threat to the nation.
Is there any actual data showing that Nazis vote Republican? Certainly, it's a stretch to think that they vote Democrat but I would not assume that they even vote at all. Many can't vote, because they are often incarcerated.

I agree that it's somewhat disingenuous to call out the Left for not condemning their hate groups if conservatives fail to do the same. Nevertheless, you can be assured that the Left will still fail to do so, regardless of what conservatives do. As they refuse to denounce their freaks at all, and increasingly, begin to become increasingly aligned with them, they will condemn the Right for not denouncing their freaks often enough.
They just organized a "Unite the Right" march with other right leaning political organizations. What more proof do you need that we have an element in our party that does not belong. Nazis aren't a problem you ignore and hope they go away. You speak out against them early and often.
What is the bigger overall threat to the nation, the neo nazis that have been called out continuously since then by politicians and people alike, or the antifa crowd that is using violence and intimidation while no one in MSM calls them out?

The neo nazis are terrible, the antifa crowd is a bigger threat to the nation.
Until the anti-fa murder someone, you're off base. They are scum too, but neo-nazi's are absolutely a bigger threat.
Is there any actual data showing that Nazis vote Republican? Certainly, it's a stretch to think that they vote Democrat but I would not assume that they even vote at all. Many can't vote, because they are often incarcerated.

I agree that it's somewhat disingenuous to call out the Left for not condemning their hate groups if conservatives fail to do the same. Nevertheless, you can be assured that the Left will still fail to do so, regardless of what conservatives do. As they refuse to denounce their freaks at all, and increasingly, begin to become as one with them, they will condemn the Right for not denouncing their freaks often enough.
I haven't seen the data so perhaps it's a bad assumption. I've seen some of them say that Trump's comments have been good to them. Trump did condemn them he's just an awful communicator so it hasn't been effective.
You can't be serious.

One nut kills someone and we are under threat.
It was more than one nut killing someone. It was a bunch of young white Americans marching and chanting Nazi slogans. That is straight up scary. Our youth is being brainwashed. WWII vets have got to be shaking their heads at you idiots who think Nazi ideology is of no threat.
If you are not watching CNN tonight you are missing excellent shit show TV.

I have my issues with Trump, but today's presser is far from it. He has made for excellent TV so I assume somethingbig is happening behind the scenes we will catch up on next week.

That said, if the nazi's, lol, were in the wrong for exercising their right to protest then how is it people that showed up to protest them are in the right?

It can't be only the nazi's were wrong. I'm against BLM but seriously I don't show up to their rallies ready for war!
Haha, i have never met a "nazi"

More fakenews. Nazis, jesus christ. The left are truly moronic
You could take every nazi and put them into a school gym and it wouldn't even be full. They are probably the tiniest hate group there is in the world.

Some people acting like they are a bigger threat than Islam lol. People wouldn't even know the nazis exist if it wasn't for the MSM constantly bringing them up.
It was more than one nut killing someone. It was a bunch of young white Americans marching and chanting Nazi slogans. That is straight up scary. Our youth is being brainwashed. WWII vets have got to be shaking their heads at you idiots who think Nazi ideology is of no threat.

You do realize there have been Nazis in the US for more than 80 years? No threat since maybe WW2.
If you are not watching CNN tonight you are missing excellent shit show TV.

I have my issues with Trump, but today's presser is far from it. He has made for excellent TV so I assume somethingbig is happening behind the scenes we will catch up on next week.

That said, if the nazi's, lol, were in the wrong for exercising their right to protest then how is it people that showed up to protest them are in the right?

It can't be only the nazi's were wrong. I'm against BLM but seriously I don't show up to their rallies ready for war!
Because Nazis are evil? Sure they have every right to speak and express their opinions. They should also be condemned and ridiculed for being crappy human beings.
You could take every nazi and put them into a school gym and it wouldn't even be full. They are probably the tiniest hate group there is in the world.

Some people acting like they are a bigger threat than Islam lol. People wouldn't even know the nazis exist if it wasn't for the MSM constantly bringing them up.

Exactly. People making up fake narratives. Nazis are about as much of a problem as Mongolians
Could you be more un-American? Theres nothing funny about kids across the country being pulled into Nazi ideology. Its straight up sad.

As is the anti white beliefs you are falling for without realizing where the end you know where the end of anti white is?
There is no literal uprising of Nazis in America. They are fringe scum. Trash crawling from their holes because the media has given them attention since Trump was elected.

If they were as serious of a threat as the fear mongering suggest, plotting some some genocidal nonsense, they would be crushed in mere hours, if that. Take a chill pill, fella.
You could take every nazi and put them into a school gym and it wouldn't even be full. They are probably the tiniest hate group there is in the world.

Some people acting like they are a bigger threat than Islam lol. People wouldn't even know the nazis exist if it wasn't for the MSM constantly bringing them up.

He is apparently confusing all white supremacists, despicable enough in their own right, with actual neo-Nazis, of which there are probably only hundreds (at least in America).
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Because Nazis are evil? Sure they have every right to speak and express their opinions. They should also be condemned and ridiculed for being crappy human beings.

They have a right to why aren't we calling out the protestors that came to challenge their freedom to protest? Why are they right in this case?
He is apparently confusing all white supremacists, despicable enough in their own right, with actual neo-Nazis, of which there are probably only hundreds (at least in America).
There were more than hundreds this weekend in a single city chanting Nazi slogans. Are you not living in reality? I'm not saying the country is overrun with Nazi's. But its not a negligible number. Open your damn eyes.
They have a right to why aren't we calling out the protestors that came to challenge their freedom to protest? Why are they right in this case?
Because counter protesting is also exercising your 1st amendment rights? Or should only people that you agree with be allowed to voice their opinions? But sure lets condemn people who protested Nazis coming into their home town. (The lady who got run over was local, the Nazis not so much.)
Just curious as to what separates your targeted agenda from the ones you seem to hate and despise vs the ones your willing to deal with and accept?

Seems your willing to overlook those who showed up to protest a protest which would absolutely put 2 pools of people 100% against each other at the same place and same time which is volital.
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I disagree.

They are a fringe group of losers.

When they had leaders like Rockwell, they may have had some chance to matter.
Uhh dude, they just had the biggest Nazi march in public that I can remember. I don't remember the last time I saw a crowd of people carrying torches, doing the Nazi salute and chanting "Blood and soil" like it was a normal thing to do.